### Gde, game design engine This is a new cross platform implementation of previous [gdmarp](https://github.com/Simhyeon/gdmarp/) program. ### Install Refer [release page](https://github.com/Simhyeon/gdengine/releases/new) for installation. ### Dependencies - **Git** for --git flag - flowchartgvz(static flowchart) : [graphviz](https://graphviz.org/) - gdlogue(Dialogue) : [graphviz](https://graphviz.org/) ### Renderers **Document renderer** - marp (slide as html,pdf,pptx) - mediawiki (web served wiki page) - pandoc (docx, or say ooxml compatible file) **Component renderer** - flowchartjs (flowchart, html) - flowchartgvz (flowchart, png, pdf) - gdlogue (Dialgoue, html, png, pdf) - webuibts (web based ui with bootstrap) ### Usage ``` gde render -m marp -p -c ../build ``` ### Yet to come * [ ] Proper documentation to use gdengine * [ ] Detailed documentation for macro usages * [ ] Docx renderer with docx-rs with markdown-pulldown-parser - With possibly domain specific language designed for docx generation * [ ] Create a separate crate for converting markdown into pptx file * [ ] Compile static binary of dot renderer rather than using system path ### Goal - Easy documentation - Cross platform without hassel and (possibly) without nodejs - Intuitive macro definitions - Useful document forms (pdf,pptx,html,docx) - Various component renderings (dialogue, flowchart, webui)