# mod
# Environment variables
# Macros
# Set font family
# Substitue class name with marp compatible class form
# white space between _class: and $1 is necessary
# Subsitue with markdown compatible image form
# Convert contents into single lined html
# This was intended for multi line support in csv table
# This is a crude conversion, not real conversion
# ==========
# User interface macros
# Basic syntax macros
# Headers
$define(h1,a_content=# $a_content())
$define(h2,a_content=## $a_content())
$define(h3,a_content=### $a_content())
$define(h4,a_content=#### $a_content())
$define(h5,a_content=##### $a_content())
# Bold
# Italic
# ItalicBold
# Strike through
# Underline
# Indentation
# WARNING : Single spaces between if else bracket end and macro define bracket end
# is necessary, do not erase it.
$define(idt,a_count=$forloop(2,$a_count(), ))
# Lists
# Unordered List
# Emtpry ul is same with level 1
$define(ul,a_count=$forloop(2,$a_count(), )*)
# Ordered list
$define(ol,a_count=$forloop(2,$a_count(), )1.)
# Paragraph
) # New page $define(newpage= --- ) # MACRO >>> Get style files' name and paste the content # Usage : # styles(image,layout) $define(styles,a_styles= ) # Multiline support csv table related macros # Refer macro.md for general usage # Start table $define(tstart=$: | ) ) # Set table row $define(trow,a_content=
$: | )*\)