use gdnative_bindings_generator as gen; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{BufWriter, Write as _}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; fn main() { let just_generated_api = gen::generate_json_if_needed(); let api_data = std::fs::read_to_string("api.json").expect("Unable to read api.json"); let out_path = PathBuf::from(std::env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); let generated_rs = out_path.join(""); let icalls_rs = out_path.join(""); let api = gen::Api::new(&api_data); let docs = gen::GodotXmlDocs::new("docs"); let binding_res = gen::generate_bindings(&api, Some(&docs)); { let mut output = BufWriter::new(File::create(&generated_rs).unwrap()); generate(&out_path, &mut output, &binding_res); } { let mut output = BufWriter::new(File::create(&icalls_rs).unwrap()); write!(output, "{}", binding_res.icalls).unwrap(); } format_file_if_needed(&generated_rs); format_file_if_needed(&icalls_rs); // will automatically be recompiled and run if its dependencies are updated. // Ignoring everything but will avoid needless rebuilds. // Manually rebuilding the crate does not affect this. println!(""); // Avoid endless recompiling, if this script generates api.json and docs if !just_generated_api { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=docs/"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=api.json"); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Feature 'one-class-one-file' /// Output all the class bindings into the `` file. #[cfg(not(feature = "one-class-one-file"))] fn generate( _out_path: &std::path::Path, generated_file: &mut BufWriter, binding_res: &gen::BindingResult, ) { // Note: 'use super::*;' needs to be after content, as the latter may contain #![doc] attributes, // which need to be at the beginning of the module for (class, code) in &binding_res.class_bindings { let modifier = if class.has_related_module() { "pub" } else { "pub(crate)" }; write!( generated_file, r#" {modifier} mod {mod_name} {{ {content} use super::*; }} pub use crate::generated::{mod_name}::private::{class_name}; "#, modifier = modifier, mod_name = gen::module_name_from_class_name(&, class_name =, content = code, ) .unwrap(); } } /// Output one file for each class and add `mod` and `use` declarations in /// the `` file. #[cfg(feature = "one-class-one-file")] fn generate( out_path: &std::path::Path, generated_file: &mut BufWriter, binding_res: &gen::BindingResult, ) { for (class, code) in &binding_res.class_bindings { let mod_name = gen::module_name_from_class_name(&; let mod_path = out_path.join(format!("{mod_name}.rs")); let mut mod_output = BufWriter::new(File::create(&mod_path).unwrap()); write!( &mut mod_output, r#" {code} use super::*; "#, ) .unwrap(); drop(mod_output); format_file_if_needed(&mod_path); let modifier = if class.has_related_module() { "pub" } else { "pub(crate)" }; writeln!( generated_file, r#" #[path = {:?}] {modifier} mod {mod_name}; pub use crate::generated::{mod_name}::private::{class_name}; "#, mod_path.display(), modifier = modifier, mod_name = mod_name, class_name =, ) .unwrap(); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Feature 'formatted' #[cfg(feature = "formatted")] fn format_file_if_needed(output_rs: &Path) { print!( "Formatting generated file: {}... ", output_rs.file_name().and_then(|s| s.to_str()).unwrap() ); let output = std::process::Command::new("rustup") .arg("run") .arg("stable") .arg("rustfmt") .arg("--edition=2021") .arg(output_rs) .output(); match output { Ok(_) => println!("Done."), Err(err) => { println!("Failed."); println!("Error: {err}"); } } } #[cfg(not(feature = "formatted"))] fn format_file_if_needed(_output_rs: &Path) {}