use std::env; fn main() { let manifest_dir = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap(); let api_json_file = format!("{manifest_dir}/godot_headers/gdnative_api.json"); let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); header_binding::generate(&manifest_dir, &out_dir); api_wrapper::generate(&api_json_file, &out_dir, ""); // Only re-run if the gdnative_api.json file has been updated. // Manually rebuilding the crate will ignore this. println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={api_json_file}"); } mod header_binding { use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; fn apple_include_path() -> Result { use std::process::Command; let target = std::env::var("TARGET").unwrap(); let platform = if target.contains("apple-darwin") { "macosx" } else if target == "x86_64-apple-ios" || target == "aarch64-apple-ios-sim" { "iphonesimulator" } else if target == "aarch64-apple-ios" { "iphoneos" } else { panic!("not building for macOS or iOS"); }; // run `xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-path` let output = Command::new("xcrun") .args(["--sdk", platform, "--show-sdk-path"]) .output()? .stdout; let prefix = std::str::from_utf8(&output) .expect("invalid output from `xcrun`") .trim_end(); let suffix = "usr/include"; let directory = format!("{prefix}/{suffix}"); Ok(directory) } fn add_android_include_paths(mut builder: bindgen::Builder) -> bindgen::Builder { let target_os = std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS").unwrap(); let target_triple = std::env::var("TARGET").unwrap(); assert_eq!("android", &target_os); let android_sdk_root = std::env::var("ANDROID_SDK_ROOT").expect("ANDROID_SDK_ROOT must be set"); let android_sdk_root = Path::new(&android_sdk_root).to_path_buf(); // Note: cfg!(target_os) and cfg!(target_arch) refer to the target of the build script: // in other words, the host machine instead of the target of gdnative-sys. They are confusing // and have been erroneously used for target platforms in this library in the past. Make sure // to double-check them wherever they occur. assert!( cfg!(target_os = "macos") || // All macOS architectures are supported cfg!(target_arch = "x86_64"), "unsupported host architecture: build from x86_64 instead" ); let mut android_ndk_root: Option = None; let android_ndk_folder = Path::join(&android_sdk_root, "ndk"); if android_ndk_folder.exists() { // New NDK let available_ndk_versions: Vec<_> = std::fs::read_dir(android_ndk_folder.clone()) .unwrap() .map(|dir| dir.unwrap().path()) .collect(); if !available_ndk_versions.is_empty() { let ndk_version = std::env::var("ANDROID_NDK_VERSION"); if let Ok(ndk_version) = ndk_version { if available_ndk_versions .iter() .map(|p| p.file_name()) .any(|p| { p.is_some() && p.unwrap().to_string_lossy().eq(ndk_version.as_str()) }) { // Asked version is available android_ndk_root = Some(Path::join(&android_ndk_folder, ndk_version)) } else { panic!( "no available android ndk versions matches {ndk_version}. Available versions: {available_ndk_versions:?}" ) } } else { // No NDK version chosen, chose the most recent one and issue a warning println!("cargo:warning=Multiple android ndk versions have been detected."); println!("cargo:warning=You should chose one using ANDROID_NDK_VERSION environment variable to have reproducible builds."); println!("cargo:warning=Available versions: {available_ndk_versions:?}"); let ndk_version = available_ndk_versions .iter() .filter_map(|p| p.file_name()) .filter_map(|v| semver::Version::parse(v.to_string_lossy().as_ref()).ok()) .max() .unwrap(); println!("cargo:warning=Automatically chosen version: {ndk_version} (latest)"); android_ndk_root = Some(Path::join(&android_ndk_folder, ndk_version.to_string())); } } } let android_ndk_bundle_folder = Path::join(&android_sdk_root, "ndk-bundle"); if android_ndk_root.is_none() && android_ndk_bundle_folder.exists() { // Old NDK android_ndk_root = Some(android_ndk_bundle_folder); } let android_ndk_root = android_ndk_root.expect("Android ndk needs to be installed"); builder = builder .clang_arg("-I") .clang_arg(Path::join(&android_ndk_root, "sysroot/usr/include").to_string_lossy()); builder = builder.clang_arg("-I").clang_arg( Path::join(&android_ndk_root, "sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/include").to_string_lossy(), ); builder = builder.clang_arg("-I").clang_arg( Path::join(&android_ndk_root, "sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++abi/include") .to_string_lossy(), ); builder = builder.clang_arg("-I").clang_arg( Path::join(&android_ndk_root, "sources/android/support/include").to_string_lossy(), ); let host_tag = { if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { "windows-x86_64" } else if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { "darwin-x86_64" } else if cfg!(target_os = "linux") { "linux-x86_64" } else { panic!("unsupported host OS: build from Windows, MacOS, or Linux instead"); } }; builder = builder.clang_arg("-I").clang_arg( Path::join( &android_ndk_root, format!("toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/{}/sysroot/usr/include", &host_tag), ) .to_string_lossy(), ); builder = builder.clang_arg("-I").clang_arg( Path::join( &android_ndk_root, format!( "toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/{host}/sysroot/usr/include/{target_triple}", host = &host_tag, target_triple = &target_triple, ), ) .to_string_lossy(), ); builder } #[allow(clippy::single_match)] pub(crate) fn generate(manifest_dir: &str, out_dir: &str) { // on mac/iOS this will be modified, so it is marked as mutable. // on all other targets, this `mut` will be unused and the complainer compiles.t s #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut builder = bindgen::Builder::default() .header("godot_headers/gdnative_api_struct.gen.h") .allowlist_type("godot.*") .allowlist_function("godot.*") .allowlist_var("godot.*") .allowlist_type("GDNATIVE.*") .derive_default(true) .ignore_functions() .size_t_is_usize(true) .ctypes_prefix("libc") .clang_arg(format!("-I{manifest_dir}/godot_headers")); let target_os = std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS").unwrap(); let target_arch = std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH").unwrap(); let target_vendor = std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_VENDOR").unwrap(); let target_env = std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENV").unwrap(); if target_vendor == "apple" { match apple_include_path() { Ok(osx_include_path) => { builder = builder.clang_arg("-I").clang_arg(osx_include_path); } _ => {} } } // Workaround for manually set // target triple to `arm64-apple-ios` in place of `aarch64-apple-ios`. if target_arch == "aarch64" && target_os == "ios" { if target_env == "sim" { builder = builder.clang_arg("--target=arm64-apple-ios-sim"); } else { builder = builder.clang_arg("--target=arm64-apple-ios"); } } // Workaround: Microsoft extensions aren't enabled by default for the `gnu` toolchain // on Windows. We need to enable it manually, or MSVC headers will fail to parse. We // also need to manually define architecture macros, or the build will fail with an // "Unsupported architecture" error. // // This does not happen when the `msvc` toolchain is used. if target_os == "windows" && target_env == "gnu" { let arch_macro = match target_arch.as_str() { "x86" => "_M_IX86", "x86_64" => "_M_X64", "arm" => "_M_ARM", "aarch64" => "_M_ARM64", _ => panic!("architecture {target_arch} not supported on Windows"), }; builder = builder .clang_arg("-fms-extensions") .clang_arg("-fmsc-version=1300") .clang_arg(format!("-D{arch_macro}=100")); } if target_os == "android" { builder = add_android_include_paths(builder); } let bindings = builder.generate().expect("Unable to generate bindings"); let out_path = PathBuf::from(out_dir); bindings .write_to_file(out_path.join("")) .expect("Couldn't write bindings!"); } } mod api_wrapper { use proc_macro2::{Ident, TokenStream}; use quote::{format_ident, quote, ToTokens}; use std::convert::AsRef; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write as _; use std::path; use miniserde::{de, Deserialize}; miniserde::make_place!(Place); #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct ApiRoot { core: Api, extensions: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct Api { //name: Option, // currently not used #[serde(rename = "type")] type_: String, version: Version, next: Option>, #[serde(rename = "api")] functions: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct Version { major: u32, minor: u32, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct Function { name: String, return_type: String, arguments: Vec, } #[derive(Debug)] struct Argument { type_: String, name: String, } impl ApiRoot { fn all_apis(&self) -> Vec<&Api> { let mut result = Vec::new(); result.extend(self.core.nexts()); for extension in &self.extensions { // Workaround: Interface for the ANDROID extension is broken in Godot 3.2, // making it impossible to support the extension in a forward compatible manner. // The extension is disabled until the compatibility policy is figured out in // upstream. // // Related issue: #296 if extension.type_ == "ANDROID" { continue; } result.extend(extension.nexts()); } result } } impl Api { fn nexts(&self) -> Vec<&Api> { let mut api = self; let mut result = vec![api]; while let Some(next) = { result.push(next); api = next; } result } fn macro_ident(&self) -> Ident { format_ident!( "{}_{}_{}", self.type_.to_lowercase(), self.version.major, self.version.minor ) } fn godot_api_type(&self) -> Ident { godot_api_type_ident(&self.type_) } fn godot_api_struct(&self) -> Ident { godot_api_struct_ident(&self.type_, self.version.major, self.version.minor) } } impl Function { fn rust_name(&self) -> Ident { format_ident!("{}", } fn rust_args(&self) -> TokenStream { let arg = &self.arguments; quote!(#(#arg),*) } fn rust_return_type(&self) -> TokenStream { c_type_to_rust_type(&self.return_type) } } impl ToTokens for Function { fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) { let args = self.rust_args(); let return_type = self.rust_return_type(); tokens.extend(quote!(unsafe extern "C" fn(#args) -> #return_type)); } } impl Argument { fn rust_name(&self) -> Ident { match"p_") { "self" => format_ident!("{}", "self_"), arg_name => format_ident!("{}", arg_name), } } fn rust_type(&self) -> TokenStream { c_type_to_rust_type(&self.type_) } } impl ToTokens for Argument { fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) { let name = self.rust_name(); let type_ = self.rust_type(); tokens.extend(quote!(#name: #type_)); } } // Used to convert [String, String] in JSON into the Argument struct. impl Deserialize for Argument { fn begin(out: &mut Option) -> &mut dyn de::Visitor { impl de::Visitor for Place { fn seq(&mut self) -> miniserde::Result> { Ok(Box::new(ArgumentBuilder { out: &mut self.out, tuple: (None, None), })) } } struct ArgumentBuilder<'a> { out: &'a mut Option, tuple: (Option, Option), } impl<'a> de::Seq for ArgumentBuilder<'a> { fn element(&mut self) -> miniserde::Result<&mut dyn de::Visitor> { if self.tuple.0.is_none() { Ok(Deserialize::begin(&mut self.tuple.0)) } else if self.tuple.1.is_none() { Ok(Deserialize::begin(&mut self.tuple.1)) } else { Err(miniserde::Error) } } fn finish(&mut self) -> miniserde::Result<()> { if let (Some(a), Some(b)) = (self.tuple.0.take(), self.tuple.1.take()) { *self.out = Some(Argument { type_: a, name: b }); Ok(()) } else { Err(miniserde::Error) } } } Place::new(out) } } fn godot_api_struct_ident(type_: &str, version_major: u32, version_minor: u32) -> Ident { match (type_, version_major, version_minor) { ("CORE", 1, 0) => format_ident!("godot_gdnative_core_api_struct"), ("CORE", maj, min) => format_ident!("godot_gdnative_core_{}_{}_api_struct", maj, min), ("NATIVESCRIPT", 1, 0) => format_ident!("godot_gdnative_ext_nativescript_api_struct"), ("NATIVESCRIPT", maj, min) => { format_ident!("godot_gdnative_ext_nativescript_{}_{}_api_struct", maj, min) } ("PLUGINSCRIPT", 1, 0) => format_ident!("godot_gdnative_ext_pluginscript_api_struct"), // The Android 1.0 API in Godot 3.1 was "reversioned" to be the Android 1.1 API in Godot 3.2. // Godot 3.2 does not have an Android 1.0 API. // Both Android 1.0, and Android 1.1 refer to the same struct in either case. ("ANDROID", 1, 0) => format_ident!("godot_gdnative_ext_android_api_struct"), ("ANDROID", 1, 1) => format_ident!("godot_gdnative_ext_android_api_struct"), ("ARVR", 1, 1) => format_ident!("godot_gdnative_ext_arvr_api_struct"), ("VIDEODECODER", 0, 1) => format_ident!("godot_gdnative_ext_videodecoder_api_struct"), ("NET", 3, 1) => format_ident!("godot_gdnative_ext_net_api_struct"), ("NET", maj, min) => format_ident!("godot_gdnative_ext_net_{}_{}_api_struct", maj, min), api => panic!("Unknown API type and version: {api:?}"), } } fn godot_api_type_ident(type_: &str) -> Ident { match type_ { "CORE" => format_ident!("GDNATIVE_API_TYPES_GDNATIVE_CORE"), "NATIVESCRIPT" => format_ident!("GDNATIVE_API_TYPES_GDNATIVE_EXT_NATIVESCRIPT"), "PLUGINSCRIPT" => format_ident!("GDNATIVE_API_TYPES_GDNATIVE_EXT_PLUGINSCRIPT"), "ANDROID" => format_ident!("GDNATIVE_API_TYPES_GDNATIVE_EXT_ANDROID"), "ARVR" => format_ident!("GDNATIVE_API_TYPES_GDNATIVE_EXT_ARVR"), "VIDEODECODER" => format_ident!("GDNATIVE_API_TYPES_GDNATIVE_EXT_VIDEODECODER"), "NET" => format_ident!("GDNATIVE_API_TYPES_GDNATIVE_EXT_NET"), other => panic!("Unknown API type: {other:?}"), } } pub fn generate( from_json: &dyn AsRef, to: &dyn AsRef, file_name: &str, ) { let from_json = from_json.as_ref(); let to = to.as_ref(); let api_json_file = std::fs::read_to_string(from_json) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("No such file: {from_json:?}")); eprintln!("{}", &api_json_file); let api_root: ApiRoot = miniserde::json::from_str(&api_json_file) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Could not parse ({from_json:?}) into ApiRoot")); // Note: this code ensured that Godot 4 (which was back then GDNative 1.3) wasn't actually used. // Godot uses now GDExtension, so this no longer applies. In fact, different module APIs all have different versions. // See also: // Listed versions for Godot 3.5 RC: // * CORE 1.0 // * CORE 1.1 // * CORE 1.2 // * NATIVESCRIPT 1.0 // * NATIVESCRIPT 1.1 // * PLUGINSCRIPT 1.0 // * ARVR 1.1 // * VIDEODECODER 0.1 // * NET 3.1 // * NET 3.2 let struct_fields = godot_api_functions(&api_root); let impl_constructor = api_constructor(&api_root); let wrapper = quote! { pub struct GodotApi{ #struct_fields } impl GodotApi { #impl_constructor } }; let mut wrapper_file = File::create(to.join(file_name)) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Couldn't create output file: {:?}", to.join(file_name))); write!(wrapper_file, "{wrapper}").unwrap(); } fn godot_api_functions(api: &ApiRoot) -> TokenStream { let mut result = TokenStream::new(); for api in api.all_apis() { for function in &api.functions { let function_name = function.rust_name(); result.extend(quote!(pub #function_name: #function,)); } } result } fn api_constructor(api: &ApiRoot) -> TokenStream { let mut godot_apis = TokenStream::new(); let mut struct_field_bindings = TokenStream::new(); let mut constructed_struct_fields = TokenStream::new(); for api in api.all_apis() { let i = api.macro_ident(); let gd_api_type = api.godot_api_type(); let v_maj = api.version.major; let v_min = api.version.minor; let gd_api_struct = api.godot_api_struct(); godot_apis.extend(quote! { let #i = find_api_ptr(core_api_struct, #gd_api_type, #v_maj, #v_min)? as *const #gd_api_struct; }); for function in &api.functions { let function_name = function.rust_name(); let message = format!( "API function missing: {}.{}", api.godot_api_struct(), function_name ); // Workaround: rustc has trouble dealing with a large amount of returns within the // same expression when optimization is enabled, causing the build to appear to halt. // Separating the try expressions into let bindings resolved this problem. struct_field_bindings.extend(quote! { let #function_name = map_option_to_init_error((*#i).#function_name, #message)?; }); constructed_struct_fields.extend(quote! { #function_name, }); } } quote! { pub unsafe fn from_raw(core_api_struct: *const godot_gdnative_core_api_struct) -> std::result::Result { #godot_apis #struct_field_bindings std::result::Result::Ok(GodotApi{ #constructed_struct_fields }) } } } fn parse_c_type(mut c_type: &str) -> (bool, i8, &str) { c_type = c_type.trim(); let is_const = c_type.starts_with("const "); if is_const { c_type = c_type.trim_start_matches("const "); } c_type = c_type.trim(); let mut ptr_count = 0; while c_type.ends_with('*') { ptr_count += 1; c_type = c_type[..c_type.len() - 1].trim(); } (is_const, ptr_count, c_type) } fn c_type_to_rust_type(c_type: &str) -> TokenStream { let (is_const, ptr_count, base_c_type) = parse_c_type(c_type); let rust_ptrs = match (ptr_count, is_const) { (0, _) => quote!(), (1, true) => quote!(*const ), (1, false) => quote!(*mut ), (2, true) => quote!(*mut *const ), _ => panic!("Unknown C type (Too many pointers?): {c_type:?}"), }; let rust_type = match base_c_type { "void" => { if ptr_count == 0 { quote!(()) } else { quote!(std::ffi::c_void) } } "bool" => quote!(bool), "uint8_t" => quote!(u8), "uint32_t" => quote!(u32), "uint64_t" => quote!(u64), "int64_t" => quote!(i64), "int" => quote!(std::os::raw::c_int), "double" => quote!(std::os::raw::c_double), "char" => quote!(std::os::raw::c_char), "signed char" => quote!(std::os::raw::c_schar), "size_t" => quote!(usize), "JNIEnv" => quote!(std::ffi::c_void), "jobject" => quote!(*mut std::ffi::c_void), godot_type => { let i = format_ident!("{}", godot_type); quote!(#i) } }; quote!(#rust_ptrs #rust_type) } }