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Runners are wholly external-- if you want to do stuff back in \ngrafana, use your API key.\n" }, { "type": "text", "version": 291, "versionNonce": 593150211, "isDeleted": false, "id": "mpmIT93PmifuIGlZdeEPv", "fillStyle": "hachure", "strokeWidth": 1, "strokeStyle": "solid", "roughness": 1, "opacity": 100, "angle": 0, "x": 1760, "y": 898, "strokeColor": "#c92a2a", "backgroundColor": "transparent", "width": 691, "height": 104, "seed": 1817594371, "groupIds": [], "strokeSharpness": "sharp", "boundElements": [], "updated": 1660326361568, "link": null, "locked": false, "fontSize": 20, "fontFamily": 1, "text": "Two Secret Types:\n1. As Grafana, I need to auth who I am sending events and code to.\n2. As a script, I need to use the Grafana API. \n", "baseline": 96, "textAlign": "left", "verticalAlign": "top", "containerId": null, "originalText": "Two Secret Types:\n1. As Grafana, I need to auth who I am sending events and code to.\n2. 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