The following are valid GEDCOM files: 1. complete.ged - 'complete tag file', notes in the file. 2. sample555-utf8.ged - GEDCOM 5.5.5 sample (UTF-8). 3. sample555-utf16le.ged - GEDCOM 5.5.5 sample (UTF-16 Big Endian). 4. sample555-utf16be.ged - GEDCOM 5.5.5 sample (UTF-16 Big Endian). 5. remarr.ged - Remarriage example GEDCOM file. 6. ssmarr.ged - Same-sex marriage example GEDCOM file. 7. minimal555.ged - The minimal GEDCOM 5.5.5 file. 8. married1200.ged - One man with 1200 wives. 9. children1200.ged - One woman with 1200 children. 10. siblings1200.ged - One man with 1200 wives, one child with each. 11. long26cc.ged - 26 individuals with increasingly longer names.