use std::{error::Error, fs, path::Path, process::Command}; use assert_cmd::{crate_name, prelude::*}; use assert_fs::prelude::*; use predicates::prelude::*; #[test] fn help() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin(crate_name!())?; cmd.arg("-h"); cmd.assert().success().stdout(predicate::str::contains( "Format code blocks inside the docs", )); Ok(()) } #[test] fn missing_lang() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin(crate_name!())?; let path = Path::new("tests").join("doesnt").join("exist"); cmd.arg(path); cmd.assert().failure().stderr(predicate::str::contains( "required arguments were not provided", )); Ok(()) } #[test] fn file_not_found() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin(crate_name!())?; let path = Path::new("tests").join("doesnt").join("exist"); cmd.arg(path).arg("--language").arg("lua"); cmd.assert() .failure() .stderr(predicate::str::contains("File is not found")) .stderr(predicate::str::contains("1 file failed to format")) .code(1); Ok(()) } #[test] fn format_multiple_file() -> Result<(), Box> { let content = r#""" # Document Title first line ```lua local foo = require("bar") return{foo} ``` second line """#; let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin(crate_name!())?; let temp_dir = assert_fs::TempDir::new()?; let md1 = temp_dir.child(""); md1.write_str(content)?; let md2 = temp_dir.child(""); md2.write_str(content)?; // Can't use glob here. It doesn't expand automatically // such in termninal invocation. cmd.arg(md1.to_path_buf()) .arg(md2.to_path_buf()) .arg("--language") .arg("lua"); cmd.assert() .success() .stdout(predicate::str::contains("2 files formatted")) .code(0); let content1 = fs::read_to_string(md1)?; assert!(content1.contains(r#"return { foo }"#)); let content2 = fs::read_to_string(md2)?; assert!(content2.contains(r#"return { foo }"#)); temp_dir.close()?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn format_nocode_file() -> Result<(), Box> { let content = r#""" # Document Title first line second line """#; let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin(crate_name!())?; let temp_dir = assert_fs::TempDir::new()?; let input = temp_dir.child(""); input.write_str(content)?; cmd.arg(input.to_path_buf()).arg("--language").arg("lua"); cmd.assert() .success() .stdout(predicate::str::contains("1 file unchanged")) .code(0); temp_dir.close()?; Ok(()) } /// Expect the status to be non-zero if any files had errors or were not formatted #[test] fn check_file() -> Result<(), Box> { let content = r#""" # Document Title first line ```lua local foo=require("bar") return {foo} ``` second line """#; let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin(crate_name!())?; let temp_dir = assert_fs::TempDir::new()?; let input = temp_dir.child(""); input.write_str(content)?; cmd.arg(input.to_path_buf()) .arg("--language") .arg("lua") .arg("--check"); cmd.assert() .failure() .stderr(predicate::str::contains("is unformatted")) .stderr(predicate::str::contains("1 file would be formatted")) .code(1); temp_dir.close()?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn format_from_list_file() -> Result<(), Box> { let content = r#""" ```lua local foo = require("bar") return {foo} ``` """#; let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin(crate_name!())?; let temp_dir = assert_fs::TempDir::new()?; let md1 = temp_dir.child(""); md1.write_str(content)?; let md2 = temp_dir.child(""); md2.write_str(content)?; let file_list = temp_dir.child("list.txt"); file_list.write_str(&format!( "{}\n{}", md1.to_path_buf().display(), md2.to_path_buf().display() ))?; cmd.arg("--file-list") .arg(file_list.to_path_buf()) .arg("--language") .arg("lua"); cmd.assert() .success() .stdout(predicate::str::contains("2 files formatted")) .code(0); let content1 = fs::read_to_string(md1)?; assert!(content1.contains(r#"return { foo }"#)); let content2 = fs::read_to_string(md2)?; assert!(content2.contains(r#"return { foo }"#)); temp_dir.close()?; Ok(()) }