/*jshint esversion: 6 */ var gemguiAddress = window.location.hostname + ':' + window.location.port; var httpUrl = "http://" + gemguiAddress; var uri = "ws://" + gemguiAddress + "/gemgui/ui"; //var uri = "ws://"; var socket = new WebSocket(uri); socket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; var logging = false; var sys_log = console.log; var sys_warn = console.warn; var sys_info = console.info; var sys_error = console.error; const event_notifiers = new Set(); // For non-JS nottifiers var last_msg_id = -1; function g_log(msg) { const logged = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join(', '); socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'log', 'level': 'log', 'msg': logged})); sys_log(msg); } function g_warn(msg) { const logged = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join(', '); socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'log', 'level': 'warn', 'msg': logged})); sys_warn(msg); } function g_info(msg) { const logged = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join(', '); socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'log', 'level': 'info', 'msg': logged})); sys_info(msg); } function g_error(msg) { const getTrace = function() { if (Error.captureStackTrace !== undefined) { const obj = {}; Error.captureStackTrace(obj, getTrace); return obj.stack; } else { return "Stack trace is not supported!"; } }; const logged = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join(', '); socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'log', 'level': 'error', 'msg': logged, 'trace': getTrace()})); sys_error(msg); } function log(...logStr) { if(logging) { console.log(...logStr); } } function errlog(source, text) { source = source || "Unknown"; const getTrace = function() { if (Error.captureStackTrace !== undefined) { const obj = {}; Error.captureStackTrace(obj, getTrace); return obj.stack; } else { return "Stack trace is not supported!"; } }; console.error("error:" + source + " --> " + text); socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'error', 'element': String(source), 'error': text, 'trace': getTrace()})); } function catchLog(error) { source = error.name || "Unknown"; console.error("error:" + source + " --> " + error.message); socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'error', 'element': String(source), 'error': error.message , 'trace': error.stack})); } function assert(condition, msg) { if (!condition) { throw Error('assert: ' + condition + " " + (msg || '""')); } } function createElement(parent, tag, id) { if(document.getElementById(id) == null) { const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationList, observer) => { for (const mutation of mutationList) { if (mutation.type === "childList") { socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'event', 'element': id, 'event': 'created', 'properties': {}})); observer.disconnect(); } } }); observer.observe(parent, {childList: true }) const el = document.createElement(tag); if(!el) { errlog("createElement", "Cannot create " + id); return; } el.setAttribute('id', id); if(parent) parent.appendChild(el); else document.body.appendChild(el); log("created", tag, id, parent, el.id); } else { errlog("createElement", "Element exists " + id); } } function removeElement(el, id) { if(el.id !== id) { const element = document.getElementById(id); if(!element) { errlog("removeElement", "Cannot find " + id); return; } if(element.parentNone === el) el.removeChild(element); else { errlog("removeElement", el.id + " is not a parent of " + id); return; } } else { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } } function throttled(delay, fn) { let lastCall = null; const lastFunction = fn; return function (...args) { const now = (new Date).getTime(); if (lastCall && now - lastCall < delay) { return; } lastCall = now; const rvalue = lastFunction(...args); // lastFunction = null; return rvalue; } } function addEvent(el, source, eventname, properties, throttle) { handler = (event) => { if(socket.readyState !== 1) return; if(socket.bufferedAmount > 0) { if(eventname === "mousemove") { return; } } event.stopPropagation(); const values = {}; for(const key of properties) { if(key in event) { values[key] = event[key]; } else if(event.currentTarget && key in event.currentTarget) { values[key] = event.currentTarget[key]; } else if(event.target && key in event.target) { values[key] = event.target[key]; } } log("do event", el, source, eventname, values, event); socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'event', 'element': source, 'event': eventname, 'properties':values})); }; const usedHandler = throttle && throttle > 0 ? throttled(throttle, handler) : handler; if(eventname === 'resize') { //Only window supports the resize event log("addEventing", "window", source, eventname, throttle); window.addEventListener(eventname, usedHandler); } else if(el === document.body && eventname === 'scroll' ) { //root == document.body, document listens scroll log("addEventing", "document", source, eventname, throttle); document.addEventListener(eventname, usedHandler); } else if(eventname === 'load') { let on_complete = function() { if(properties.includes('complete') && (!el.complete || (0 == el.width && 0 == el.height))) { log("Element ", el.id, "is not ready....wait"); setTimeout(on_complete, 500); } else { log("Element ", el.id, "is ready...send", el.complete, el.width, el.height); socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'event', 'element': el.id, 'event': 'load', 'properties': { 'complete': el.complete, 'width': el.width, 'height': el.height }})); } }; if (el.complete) { on_complete(); } else { log("addEventing", el, source, eventname, throttle); // addEventListener(eventname, usedHandler); works only with window el.onload = on_complete; } } else { log("addEventing", el, source, eventname, throttle); el.addEventListener(eventname, usedHandler); } } function sendGemGuiEvent(source, eventname, values) { if(typeof source !== "string" || typeof eventname !== "string" || typeof values !== "object") { assert(typeof source === "string", "source should be string"); assert(typeof eventname === "string", "eventname should be string"); assert(typeof values === "object", "values should be object"); return false; } if(!socket) { console.error("No socket"); return false; } log("do gemgui event", source, eventname, values); socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'event', 'element': source, 'event': eventname, 'properties':values})); return true; } id_inc = 0; function id(el) { assert(el.nodeType === 1, "Shall not get id of non element"); if(!el.id) { el.id = 'gemgui_' + Math.random().toString(32).substring(2, 2 + 16) + '_' + (++id_inc).toString(32); } return el.id; } function serveQuery(element, query_id, query, query_params) { const el = element.length > 0 ? document.getElementById(element) : document.body; if(!el) { errlog(element, 'not found:', element, '" for query"'); socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'query', 'query_id': query_id, 'query_value':'query_error', 'query_error':'query_error'})); return; } log("query", el, query_id, query); switch(query) { case 'attributes': const attributes = new Object(); for(const a of el.attributes) //attributes is NamedNodeMap not on list of pairs attributes[a.name] = a.value; socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'query', 'query_id': query_id, 'query_value': 'attributes', 'attributes': attributes})); break; case 'children': const children = []; for(const c of el.childNodes) { if(c.nodeType === 1) //only elements children.push(id(c)); //just ids } socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'query', 'query_id': query_id, 'query_value': 'children', 'children': children})); break; case 'value': socket.send(JSON.stringify({ 'type': 'query', 'query_id': query_id, 'query_value': 'value', 'value': {value: el.value, checked: el.checked, 'name': el.name, 'named':el[el.name]}})); break; case 'styles': const styles = new Object(); const computedStyles = window.getComputedStyle(el); for(const s of query_params) styles[s] = computedStyles[s] // if(s in computedStyles) // styles[s.name] = s.value; socket.send(JSON.stringify({ 'type': 'query', 'query_id': query_id, 'query_value': 'styles', 'styles': styles // 'styles': {'obj':'styles', 'type': typeof(computedStyles), 'sz':Object.keys(computedStyles)} })); break case 'innerHTML': socket.send(JSON.stringify({ 'type': 'query', 'query_id': query_id, 'query_value': 'innerHTML', 'innerHTML': el.innerHTML})); break; case 'element_type': socket.send(JSON.stringify({ 'type': 'query', 'query_id': query_id, 'query_value': 'element_type', 'element_type': el.nodeName.toLowerCase()})); break; case 'bounding_rect': const r = el.getBoundingClientRect(); // const r = (el != document.root) ? el.getBoundingClientRect() : function() { // return {'left':0,'top':0,'right': window.outterWidth,'bottom': window.outterHeight + 400}; // }(); socket.send(JSON.stringify({ 'type': 'query', 'query_id': query_id, 'query_value': 'bounding_rect', 'bounding_rect': {'x':r.left, 'y':r.top, 'width': r.right - r.left, 'height': r.bottom - r.top}})); break; case 'devicePixelRatio': socket.send(JSON.stringify({ 'type': 'query', 'query_id': query_id, 'query_value': 'devicePixelRatio', 'devicePixelRatio': window.devicePixelRatio })); break; default: errlog(query_id, "Unknown query " + query); } } function sendCollection(name, query_id, query, collectionFunction) { const children = []; const collection = collectionFunction(name); for(const c of collection) { if(c.nodeType === 1) children.push(id(c)); } socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'query', 'query_id': query_id, 'query_value': 'children', 'children': children})); } function handleBinary(buffer) { const bytes = new Uint32Array(buffer); if(!bytes || bytes.length === 0) { errlog("Binary", "Invalid buffer", buffer); return; } const type = bytes[0]; if(type === 0xAAA) { const datalen = bytes[1] * 4; const idLen = bytes[2]; const headerLen = bytes[3]; let dataOffset = 4 * 4; //id, datalen, idlen, headerlen, data, header, id const data = new Uint8ClampedArray(buffer, dataOffset, datalen); const headerOffset = bytes[1] + 4; const x = bytes[headerOffset]; const y = bytes[headerOffset + 1]; const w = bytes[headerOffset + 2]; const h = bytes[headerOffset + 3]; const as_draw = bytes[headerOffset + 4]; const idOffset = (5 * 4) + dataOffset + datalen; const words = new Uint16Array(buffer, idOffset, idLen); let id = ""; for(let i = 0 ; i < words.length && words[i] > 0; i++) id += String.fromCharCode(words[i]); const element = document.getElementById(id); if(!element) { errlog(id, "Canvas not found '" + id + "'" + " at: ", idOffset, " len: ", idLen); return; } if (datalen > 0) { // otherwise this is just a tail const ctx = element.getContext("2d", {alpha:false}); if(ctx) { if(w > 0 && h > 0) { const bytesLen = w * h * 4; const imageData = data.length === bytesLen ? new ImageData(data, w, h) : new ImageData(data.slice(0, bytesLen), w, h); ctx.putImageData(imageData, x, y); } } else { errlog(id, "has no graphics context"); return; } } // if as_draw AND there is a notification request - send a notify if ((as_draw != 0) && event_notifiers.has("canvas_draw")) { log("notify canvas draw"); socket.send(JSON.stringify({ 'type': 'event', 'element': id, 'event': 'event_notify', 'properties':{ 'name': "canvas_draw", 'msgid': 0 } })); } } else { errlog("Unknown", "Unknown binary message type: " + type.toString(16), bytes); } } function paintImage(element, imageName, pos, rect, clip) { const image = document.getElementById(imageName); if(!image) { errlog(imageName, "not found on paint"); return; } const ctx = element.getContext("2d"); if(!ctx) { errlog(id, "has no graphics context"); return; } if(pos) { if(clip) ctx.drawImage(image, clip[0], clip[1], clip[2], clip[3], pos[0], pos[1], image.width, image.height); else ctx.drawImage(image, pos[0], pos[1]); } else if(rect) { if(clip) ctx.drawImage(image, clip[0], clip[1], clip[2], clip[3], rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]); else ctx.drawImage(image, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]); } else { errlog(id, "image has not position"); return; } } function canvasDraw(element, commands) { const ctx = element.getContext("2d"); if(!ctx) { errlog(id, "has no graphics context"); return; } let cmdpos = 0; while(cmdpos < commands.length) { const cmd = commands[cmdpos++]; switch(cmd) { case 'strokeRect': ctx.strokeRect(commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'clearRect': ctx.clearRect(commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'fillRect': ctx.fillRect(commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'fillText': ctx.fillText(commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'strokeText': ctx.strokeText(commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'arc': ctx.arc(commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'ellipse': ctx.ellipse(commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'beginPath': ctx.beginPath(); break; case 'closePath': ctx.closePath(); break; case 'lineTo': ctx.lineTo(commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'moveTo': ctx.moveTo(commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'bezierCurveTo': ctx.bezierCurveTo(commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'quadraticCurveTo': ctx.quadraticCurveTo(commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'arcTo': ctx.arcTo(commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'rect': ctx.rect(commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'stroke': ctx.stroke(); break; case 'fill': ctx.fill(); break; case 'fillStyle': ctx.fillStyle = commands[cmdpos++]; break; case 'strokeStyle': ctx.strokeStyle = commands[cmdpos++]; break; case 'lineWidth': ctx.lineWidth = commands[cmdpos++]; break; case 'font': ctx.font = commands[cmdpos++]; break; case 'textAlign': ctx.textAlign = commands[cmdpos++]; break; case 'save': ctx.save(); break; case 'restore': ctx.restore(); break; case 'rotate': ctx.rotate(commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'translate': ctx.translate(commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'scale': ctx.scale(commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'drawImage': const image = document.getElementById(commands[cmdpos++]); if(!image) { errlog("drawImage", commands[cmdpos - 1] + " image not found"); return; } ctx.drawImage(image, commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'drawImageRect': const image1 = document.getElementById(commands[cmdpos++]); if(!image1) { errlog("drawImageRect", commands[cmdpos - 1] + " image not found"); return; } ctx.drawImage(image1, commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'drawImageClip': const image2 = document.getElementById(commands[cmdpos++]); if(!image2) { errlog("drawImageClip", commands[cmdpos - 1] + " image not found"); return; } ctx.drawImage(image2, commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++], commands[cmdpos++]); break; case 'textBaseline': ctx.textBaseline = commands[cmdpos++]; break; default: errlog(cmd, "is not supported command:" + cmdpos + ", in commands:" + commands); return; } } } function httpGetBin(msg) { const pull_id = msg['id']; fetch(httpUrl + '/data/' + pull_id) .then(response => response.arrayBuffer()) .then(arrayBuffer => handleBinary(arrayBuffer)) } function httpGetJson(msg) { const pull_id = msg['id']; fetch(httpUrl + '/data/' + pull_id) .then(response => response.json()) .then(json => handleJson(json)) } function handleJson(msg) { if('msgid' in msg) { msgid = parseInt(msg.msgid); if(msgid <= last_msg_id) return; last_msg_id = msgid; } handleJsonCommand(msg); if(event_notifiers.has(msg.type)) { socket.send(JSON.stringify({ 'type': 'event', 'element': msg.element.length ? msg.element : "", 'event': 'event_notify', 'properties':{ 'name': msg.type, 'msgid': 'msgid' in msg ? msg.msgid : 0 }})); } } function handleJsonCommand(msg) { switch(msg.type) { case 'batch': msg.batches.forEach(item => handleJson(item)); return; case 'extension': return; case 'nil': return; case 'exit_request': socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'exit_request'})); log("Bye bye"); socket.close(); return; case 'close_request': log("Good bye"); socket.close(); return; case 'logging': logging = msg.logging === "true" ? true : false; if(logging) { console.log = g_log; console.info = g_info; console.warn = g_warn; console.error = g_error; } else { console.log = sys_log; console.info = sys_info; console.warn = sys_warn; console.error = sys_error; } return; case 'debug': console.log(msg.debug); return; case 'alert': alert(msg.alert); return; case 'eval': try { eval(msg.eval); } catch(ex) { errlog(msg.eval, ex.toString()); } return; case 'open': window.open(msg.url, msg.view && msg.view.length > 0 ? msg.view : '_blank'); return; case 'create': if(msg.element == undefined || msg.element.length == 0) { createElement(null, msg.html_element, msg.new_id); return; } break; case 'query': switch(msg.query) { case 'exists': socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'query', 'query_id': msg.query_id, 'query_value': 'exists', 'exists': msg.element == "" || document.getElementById(msg.element) != null})); return; case 'classes': sendCollection(msg.element, msg.query_id, msg.query, function(name) {return document.getElementsByClassName(name);}); return; case 'names': sendCollection(msg.element, msg.query_id, msg.query, function(name){return document.getElementsByName(name);}); return; case 'ping': socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'query', 'query_id': msg.query_id, 'query_value': 'pong', 'pong': String(Date.now()) })); return; } break; case 'pull_binary': httpGetBin(msg); return; case 'pull_json': httpGetJson(msg); return; case 'event_notify': if(msg.add) event_notifiers.add(msg.name); else event_notifiers.delete(msg.name); return; } if(msg.type === 'query') { serveQuery(msg.element, msg.query_id, msg.query, msg.query_params); return; } const el = msg.element.length > 0 ? document.getElementById(msg.element) : document.body; if(!el) { errlog(msg.element, 'element not found:"' + msg.element + '"'); return; } switch(msg.type) { case 'html': el.innerHTML = msg.html; break; case 'set_attribute': let val = 0 try { val = JSON.parse(msg.value); // In case of number or boolean this works, but string gives Syntax error, } catch(ex) { // There can be funny side effects with this.... val = msg.value } el.setAttribute(msg.attribute, val); //This works in some cases el[msg.attribute] = val; //...and this in some :-D break; case 'create': log("create", el, msg.html_element, msg.new_id); createElement(el, msg.html_element, msg.new_id); break; case 'remove': removeElement(el, msg.remove); break; case 'event': addEvent(el, msg.element, msg.event, msg.properties, msg.throttle); break; case 'paint_image': paintImage(el, msg.image, msg.pos, msg.rect, msg.clip); break; case 'canvas_draw': canvasDraw(el, msg.commands); break; case 'remove_attribute': el.removeAttribute(msg.attribute) break; case 'set_style': el.style[msg.style] = msg.value; break; case 'remove_style': el.style.removeProperty(msg.style); break; case 'tag_name': sendCollection(msg.element, msg.query_id, msg.query, function(name){return el.getElementsByTagName(name);}); return; default: errlog(msg.type, "Unknown type"); } }; socket.onopen = function(event) { log("onopen", uri, event); setInterval(function() { if(socket.readyState === 1) socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'keepalive'})); }, 15 * 1000); //decreased to help more intensive cal app messages (read mandelbrot) get passed socket.send(JSON.stringify({'type': 'uiready'})); }; socket.onmessage = function(event) { try { if(event.data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { handleBinary(event.data); return; } const msg = JSON.parse(event.data); handleJson(msg); } catch(error) { catchLog(error); } } socket.onerror = function(event) { console.error(event); window.open('','_self').close(); //we may close }; socket.onclose = function(event) { log(event); window.open('','_self').close(); //we may close };