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Genere is, however, primarily a [Rust](https://rust-lang.org) library, so it can be used in programs written in Rust: you only have to add ```toml genere = "0.1" ``` In the `dependencies` section of your `Cargo.toml` file. ### Text generation Genere is inspired by [Tracery](http://tracery.io/) and thus has a similar syntax to allow you to easily generate randonized text: ```rust let json = r#" { "name": ["John", "Johana", "Vivienne", "Eric"], "last_name": ["StrongArm", "Slayer", "The Red"], "class": ["mage", "warrior", "thief", "rogue", "barbarian"], "race": ["human", "dwarvish", "elvish", "vampire"], "text": ["{name} {last_name} is a {race} {class}.", "Meet {name} {last_name}, A proud {class}!"] } "#; ``` might display "Johana Slayer is a vampire warrior." Basically, you define a list of symbols which will be replaced (randomly) by one version of the string in the corresponding array when you "call" them using the `{symbol`} syntax. Not that once a symbol has been "instantiated", ils value is fixed. So if you had: ```json "text": ["Meet {name} {last_name}. {name} is a proud {class}."] ``` it is guaranteed that both replacements for `{name}` will be identical. If you want to get a (possibly) different instantiation, you need to use `{{symbol}}`: ```json "text": ["Meet {name} {last_name}. {name} is a proud {class}. There is also {{name}}, a {{class}}."] ``` ### Capitalization When declared, symbols are case-insensitive. When they are referred to in content replacements, the capitalization of the symbol will impact the capitalization of the replacement: if thhe symbol is in lowercase, the content is not touched; if only the first letter of the symbol is in uppercase, the first letter of the replacement content will be changed to uppercase; and if the symbol is all in uppercase, the same will be applied for the replacement content. ```rust let json = r#" { "dog": ["a good dog"], "text1": ["This is {dog}"], "text2": ["This is {DOG}"], "text3": ["{Dog}"] } "#; ``` will display "This is a good dog", "This is A GOOD DOG" and "A good dog" for "text1", "text2" and "text3" respectively. ### Gender adaptation Genere seeks to allow easy generation of sentences that are grammaticaly gender accurate: ```rust let json = r#" { "name": ["John[m]", "Johana[f]", "Vivienne[f]", "Eric[m]"], "class": ["mage", "warrior", "thief", "rogue", "barbarian"], "text[name]": ["Meet {name}. He/She is a proud {class}!"] } "#; ``` will make sure to display "He" or She" according to the gender specified in the symbol `name`. You can set a gender to these values using the `[m]`, `[f]` or `[n]`. Similarly, you can tell genere that a symbol depends on another's symbol gender by using `[symbol]` in the symbol name. E.g., `text[main]` means that the gender in `main`'s replacement strings will be determined by `name`'s gender. It is also possible to specify a neutral gender, by using `[n]` in the definition and by adding a `/` in the replacement string (e.g. `He/She/They`). If it isn't specified in the replacement string, both male and female version will be outputted (e.g. `He/She` instead of `Them`). Sometimes a sentence might use various gendered elements and not just depend on only one symbol's gender. For each gender variation, it is possible to specify a "dependency": ```json "text[hero]": ["He/She is called {hero}. His/Her son/daughter[child] is named {child}."] ``` Here, the gender of `hero` will be used to determine between `He/She` and `His/Her`, but the gender of `child` will be used to pick between `son/daughter`. #### Spaces in gender adaptation When you use this gender syntax, the '/' will only consider the word before and the word after, not allowing to have spaces in your expressions. If you want to insert a space in a gender adaptation expression, you must escape it with `~`, e.g.: "du/de~ la" ### Additional gender syntax It is also possible to use the "median point" syntax used e.g. in french: "C'est un·e sorci·er·ère." is equivalent to "C'est un/une sorcier/sorcière". ### Escaping If you want to use the '[', ']', '{', '}', '/' and '·' characters in your text, you can use the escape character '\~'. E.g., "\~{foo}" will display "{foo}" instead of trying to find the symbol `foo` and replace it with its content. You can also use "~~" if you want to display the tilde symbol. ### License Genere is published under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. For more information, see the [License](LICENSE). ### ChangeLog See [ChangeLog](ChangeLog.md).