# Change Log All user visible changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/), as described for Rust libraries in [RFC #1105](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1105-api-evolution.md) ## 0.7.1 : 2022-03-13 ### Fixed Issues: * fix issue #23 Future compile error on Rust beta 1.60 in types/tests.rs ## 0.7.0 : 2021-11-07 * add support for wasm32 targets ## 0.6.0 : 2021-11-07 * bump `fixedbitset` optional dependency to version 0.4 * bump `rand` crate dependency to version 0.8 * bump `rand_xoshiro` crate dependency to version 0.6 * bump `proptest` crate dependency to version 1 ### Fixed issues: * fix index out of bounds exception in `OrderOneCrossover` and `PartiallyMappedCrossover` operations. * fix typos in docs. ### Internal: * replace deprecated method with new one in Criterion benchmark tests ## 0.5.0 : 2019-11-10 * bump `rand` crate dependency to version 0.7 * bump `rand_xoshiro` crate dependency to version 0.3 ## 0.4.0 : 2019-06-25 ### Breaking changes: * remove method `step_with_seed` from `Simulation` trait. * remove field `seed` from `State` struct of the simulation. * the `SimulationBuilder` trait requires an additional method `build_with_seed`. * remove variant `Unexpected` from `SimError` enum. * method `processing_time` on `TrackProcessingTime` trait now returns owned `ProcessingTime` instead of a reference to `ProcessingTime`. ### Fixed issues: * accumulate processing time for final simulation result ## 0.3.0 : 2019-06-25 ### Breaking changes: * make support for `FixedBitSet` an optional crate feature * replace `DiscreteCrossBreeder` by integrating it into `UniformCrossBreeder` ### New features: * add support for `SmallVec` as optional crate feature * implement std `Error` trait for `SimError` and `GeneticAlgorithmError`. This implicitly provides support for the `failure` crate. * minor internal changes to ease development ### Fixed issues: * make support for `Vec` consistent through all building blocks * tracking of accumulated processing time not correct ## 0.2.0 : 2019-06-24 * implement `RandomValueMutation` for `bool` * use `rand_xoshiro` crate for pseudo random number generation * migrate `rand` crate to version 0.6.x * do not use references to primitive types in function parameters or return types * migrate to Rust 2018 edition * use `criterion` for benchmarking on stable Rust ## 0.1.2 : 2017-11-07 * fix some mistakes in the documentation ## 0.1.1 : 2017-11-06 : First words * Describe the basic building blocks (traits) defined in this crate.
(documentation only, no code changes) ## 0.1.0 : 2017-10-26 : Newborn First release