const WINDOW = 15; const GENE_WIDTH = 20; const GENE_HEIGHT = 15; const GENE_SPACING = 5; MAIN_GENE = "?"; function drawGenes(it, landscape) { MAIN_GENE =; var xoffset = WINDOW - landscape.lefts.length; for (const [i, g] of landscape.lefts.entries()) { it.rect(GENE_WIDTH, GENE_HEIGHT) .fill(g.color) .attr({class: "iam-" + + " gene"}) .move((i + xoffset)*(GENE_WIDTH + GENE_SPACING), 2) ; } it.rect(GENE_WIDTH, GENE_HEIGHT) .fill( .attr({class: "main-gene"}) .move((WINDOW)*(GENE_WIDTH + GENE_SPACING), 2) ; for (const [i, g] of landscape.rights.entries()) { it.rect(GENE_WIDTH, GENE_HEIGHT) .fill(g.color) .attr({class: "iam-" + + " gene"}) .move((i + WINDOW + 1)*(GENE_WIDTH + GENE_SPACING), 2); } } function drawCluster(it, cluster) { var x = 0 for (const [i, poly] of cluster.entries()) { var y = 0; // let width = poly.genes.reduce((ax, g) => ax + g[1], 0); let width = 1; let none_ratio = poly.genes.reduce((ax, g) => g[0].name == "-" ? g[1] : ax, 0); if (none_ratio < 0.5) { for (const g of poly.genes) { let thickness = g[1]*GENE_HEIGHT; if (g[0].name == MAIN_GENE) { it.rect(width*GENE_WIDTH, thickness) .fill(g[0].color) .attr({class: "main-gene"}) .move(x, 2 + GENE_HEIGHT-y-thickness); } else { it.rect(width*GENE_WIDTH, thickness) .fill(g[0].color) .attr({"stroke": "#323232", "stroke-width": 0.5, class: "gene iam-" + g[0].name}) .move(x, 2 + GENE_HEIGHT-y-thickness); } y += thickness; } x += GENE_WIDTH + GENE_SPACING } else { it.rect(0.3, GENE_HEIGHT) .fill("#666") .attr({"stroke-width": 0.0 }) .move(x, 2 + GENE_HEIGHT-y-GENE_HEIGHT); x += width * (0.3 + GENE_SPACING) } } return x; } function insertAt(it, root, depth, borderColor="") { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.classList.add("node") if (borderColor !== "") { == borderColor } var content = document.createElement("div"); var links = document.createElement("div"); content.classList.add("intrinsic"); div.appendChild(content); content.appendChild(links); if (it.gene != "") { var geneName = document.createElement("a"); geneName.classList.add("nametag"); = it.color; geneName.appendChild(document.createTextNode(it.gene)) geneName.href = ""+it.gene+";site=ensembl" links.appendChild(geneName); var locus = document.createElement("a"); locus.classList.add("nametag"); = it.color; locus.appendChild(document.createTextNode(it.species + "/" + it.chr)) locus.href = ""+it.gene+"&view=default&nocache=$random" links.appendChild(locus); } if (it.clustered) { div.classList.add("node-container") var cluster = document.createElement("div"); cluster.classList.add("cluster"); var l = SVG().addTo(cluster); let width = drawCluster(l, it.clustered); l.size(width, GENE_HEIGHT + 4); content.appendChild(cluster); } else { var l = SVG().addTo(content).size(2*WINDOW*(GENE_WIDTH + GENE_SPACING) + GENE_WIDTH + 2*GENE_SPACING, GENE_HEIGHT + 4); drawGenes(l, it.repr); } if (it.children.length > 0) { div.addEventListener("click", function(e) { this.classList.toggle("condensed"); e.stopPropagation(); }); = "pointer"; if (it.isDuplication) { let p = it.confidence; let color = `rgb(${(1 - p)*256}, ${p*256}, 0)` div.classList.add("D");"10px"; = color; it.children.forEach((i) => insertAt(i, div, depth-1, borderColor=color)); } else { it.children.forEach((i) => insertAt(i, div, depth-1)); } } root.appendChild(div); } window.onload = () => { let root = document.getElementById("root") data.children.forEach((i) => insertAt(i, root, 10));"gene"), function(el) { el.classList.forEach(className => { if (className.startsWith("iam-")) { el.addEventListener('mouseenter', e => { document.getElementsByClassName(className), (ee) => ee.classList.toggle("highlight-gene") ); }); el.addEventListener('mouseleave', e => { document.getElementsByClassName(className), (ee) => ee.classList.toggle("highlight-gene") ); }); } }) }); }