# Assigned Changes that are already assigned to specific versions. # Backlog Will do, but yet unassigned. - It's always more docs - Quantum points - More engines (?) - A simple equation solver, crucial for handling distance literals well. - Label support for circles, lines, etc. including smart label assignment for distances. - Distance and angle equality support (for the presentation layer, the rules have always supported it) - More expressions: transforms, trigonometry, working with complex numbers - More language sugars: Triangles, polygons, etc. - More rules: lying inside a shape, rules regarding areas, lying "on the other side" to another point. - Math stage should detect repetition and contradiction, along with some basic automatic theorem checking. # Ideas Maybe some day... - Stereometry (3d) - Colors on figures - Web interface - Statement to script translator - Couple the above with OCR - Browser plugin for problem detection - Working with pdfs - Marketing, I guess (blog?)