# Changelog All notable changes to `geo302` will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] ### Added -- ### Changed -- ### Deprecated -- ### Removed -- ### Fixed -- ### Security -- ## [0.2.2] 2023-06-01 ### Changed - Minimum supported Rust version 1.60 -> 1.64 ### Security - `openssl` 0.10.48 -> 0.10.55 in `Cargo.lock` for [RUSTSEC-2023-0044](https://rustsec.org/advisories/RUSTSEC-2023-0044.html) ## [0.2.1] 2023-01-23 ### Security - `tokio` 0.23.0 -> 0.24.2 in `Cargo.lock` for [RUSTSEC-2023-0001](https://rustsec.org/advisories/RUSTSEC-2023-0001) ## [0.2.0] 2022-12-23 ### Added - [`ripe-geo`](https://github.com/cbuijs/ripe-geo) Geo-IP database support with auto-updates, embedding and more - [`ripe-geo`] Git submodule for database embedding and tests - Cargo features for detailed compile-time configuration - Optional multi-threading support, it is primary needed by `ripe-geo` autoupdating feature - `enum_dispatch` v0.3 dependency - `flate2` v1 optional dependency - `http-serde` v1.1 dependency - `include_dir` v0.7 optional dependency - `lazy-static` v1 optional dependency - `tar` v0.4 optional dependency ### Changed - **breaking** Configuration schema: mandatory `geoip` entry is added, `geolite2` entry is replaced with `geoip.path` - **breaking** Configuration schema: `healthcheck_interval` integer is replaced with `healthcheck = {interval = , timeout = }` dictionary - `maxminddb` dependency is optional now ## [0.1.4] 2022-12-02 ### Added - Minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) is introduced, we support build with Rust toolchain 1.59+ ### Changed - `simple_logger` 2.3 -> 4.0 ### Fixed - Healthcheck could freeze waiting HTTP response infinitely ## [0.1.3] 2022-10-20 ### Changed - Reimplementation with pure `hyper` with no `wasp` and `reqwest` dependencies. - `geo302` is now a single-thread: I see no reason to run it in multiple threads. - Reduce allocations - Binary size reduced a lot by removing unused dependencies and features (from 5.8MB to 1.2MB on aarch64 Linux). Also release build is stripped now. ## [0.1.2] 2022-09-05 ### Changed - `clap` 3.1.10 -> 3.1.14 - `thiserror` 1.0.30 -> 1.0.33 - `maxminddb` 0.22.0 -> 0.23.0 - `anyhow` 1.0.56 -> 1.0.63 - `tokio` 1.17.0 -> 1.20.1 - `reqwest` 0.11.10 -> 0.11.11 - `clap` 3.1.18 -> 3.2.2 - `smallvec` 1.8.0 -> 1.9.0 - `serde` 1.0.137 -> 1.0.144 - `simple_logger` 2.1.0 -> 2.3.0 ## [0.1.1] 2022-04-21 ### Added - `response_headers` config option ### Fixed - Query is attached to the location ## [0.1.0] 2022-04-20 Initial version