use std::fs::File; use std::path::PathBuf; use clap::Parser; use geo_filters::config::VariableConfig; use itertools::Itertools; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use regex::{Captures, Regex}; use std::sync::Arc; use geo_filters::diff_count::{GeoDiffCount, GeoDiffCount13, GeoDiffCount7}; use geo_filters::distinct_count::{GeoDistinctCount, GeoDistinctCount13, GeoDistinctCount7}; use geo_filters::evaluation::hll::{Hll, Hll14, Hll8, VariableHllConfig}; use geo_filters::evaluation::simulation::{ geo_set_sizes, run_simulations, write_simulation_results, SimulationConfig, SimulationCountFactory, }; const NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES: usize = 500; const SET_SIZE_RATIO: f64 = 1.1; const SET_SIZE_MAX: usize = 1_000_000; fn main() { let accuracy = Accuracy::parse();; } #[derive(Parser)] #[clap(after_help = "\x1b[1;4;37mConfigurations:\x1b[0;37m geo_diff/BUCKET_TYPE/b=N/bytes=N/msb=N geo_diff_7 geo_diff_13 geo_distinct/BUCKET_TYPE/b=N/bytes=N/msb=N geo_distinct_7 geo_distinct_13 hll/p=N hll_8 hll_14 \x1b[1;4;37mBucket types:\x1b[0;37m u8, u16, u32, u64 ")] #[clap(after_long_help = "\x1b[1;4;37mConfigurations:\x1b[0;37m geo_diff/BUCKET_TYPE/b=N/bytes=N/msb=N Diff count with the given parameters geo_diff_7 Predefined configuration for b=7 geo_diff_13 Predefined configuration for b=13 geo_distinct/BUCKET_TYPE/b=N/bytes=N/msb=N Distinct count with the given parameters geo_distinct_7 Predefined configuration for b=7 geo_distinct_13 Predefined configuration for b=13 hll/p=N HyperLogLog count with the given precision hll_8 Predefined configuration for p=8 hll_14 Predefined configuration for p=14 Note that the predefined configurations are much faster than configurations with explicitly specified parameters! \x1b[1;4;37mBucket types:\x1b[0;37m u8, u16, u32, u64 \x1b[1;4;37mExample usage:\x1b[0;37m Compare different precisions for diff count: accuracy geo_diff/u16/b=7/bytes={16,32,64,128}/msb=10 Compare predefined configurations of geo distinct count and HyperLogLog: accuracy geo_distinct_{7,13} hll_{8,14} \x1b[1;4;37mPlotting results:\x1b[0;37m Results can be plotted using an R script. Ensure R and the `tidyverse` package are installed and run the following: evaluation/plot-accuracy.r accuracy.csv The plots will be saved to `accuracy.pdf`. ")] struct Accuracy { #[clap(long, short = 'o', value_name = "FILE", default_value = "accuracy.csv")] output: PathBuf, #[clap(long, short = 'n', value_name = "COUNT", default_value_t = NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES)] samples: usize, #[clap(long, short = 'r', value_name = "RATIO", default_value_t = SET_SIZE_RATIO)] set_size_ratio: f64, #[clap(long, short = 'm', value_name = "SIZE", default_value_t = SET_SIZE_MAX)] set_size_max: usize, #[clap(long, short = 'S', value_name = "SIZE", conflicts_with_all = ["set_size_ratio", "set_size_max"])] set_size: Vec, #[clap(value_name = "CONFIG", required = true)] config: Vec, } impl Accuracy { fn run(self) { if self.set_size_ratio <= 1.0 { panic!("set size ration must be > 1.0"); } let configs = self .config .iter() .map(|c| { simulation_config_from_str(c).expect(&format!("not a valid configuration: {}", c)) }) .collect_vec(); let set_sizes = if self.set_size.is_empty() { geo_set_sizes(self.set_size_ratio, self.set_size_max) } else { self.set_size.into_iter().sorted().collect_vec() }; let n = self.samples; let results = run_simulations(&configs, n, &set_sizes); let mut output = self.output; output.set_extension("csv"); let f = File::create(&output).expect(&format!("cannot create file: {}", output.display())); write_simulation_results(&configs, &set_sizes, results, f) .expect(&format!("cannot write file: {}", output.display())); println!(" csv file = {}", output.display()); println!(); } } struct SimulationConfigParser( Regex, Arc Box + Send + Sync>, ); impl SimulationConfigParser { fn new Box + Sync + Send + 'static>( re: &str, f: F, ) -> Self { Self(Regex::new(re).expect(""), Arc::new(f)) } fn parse<'a>(&self, name: &str) -> Option { self.0 .captures(&name) .map(self.1.as_ref()) .map(|p| (name.to_string(), p)) } } static SIMULATION_CONFIG_FROM_STR: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { vec![ SimulationConfigParser::new(r#"geo_diff/(\w+)/b=(\d+)/bytes=(\d+)/msb=(\d+)"#, |c| { let t = capture_bucket_type(&c, 1); let [b, bytes, msb] = capture_usizes(&c, [2, 3, 4]); match t { BucketType::U8 => { let c = VariableConfig::<_, u8>::new(b, bytes, msb); Box::new(move || Box::new(GeoDiffCount::new(c.clone()))) } BucketType::U16 => { let c = VariableConfig::<_, u16>::new(b, bytes, msb); Box::new(move || Box::new(GeoDiffCount::new(c.clone()))) } BucketType::U32 => { let c = VariableConfig::<_, u32>::new(b, bytes, msb); Box::new(move || Box::new(GeoDiffCount::new(c.clone()))) } BucketType::U64 => { let c = VariableConfig::<_, u64>::new(b, bytes, msb); Box::new(move || Box::new(GeoDiffCount::new(c.clone()))) } } }), SimulationConfigParser::new(r#"geo_diff_7"#, |_| { Box::new(|| Box::new(GeoDiffCount7::default())) }), SimulationConfigParser::new(r#"geo_diff_13"#, |_| { Box::new(|| Box::new(GeoDiffCount13::default())) }), SimulationConfigParser::new(r#"geo_distinct/(\w+)/b=(\d+)/bytes=(\d+)/msb=(\d+)"#, |c| { let t = capture_bucket_type(&c, 1); let [b, bytes, msb] = capture_usizes(&c, [2, 3, 4]); match t { BucketType::U8 => { let c = VariableConfig::<_, u8>::new(b, bytes, msb); Box::new(move || Box::new(GeoDistinctCount::new(c.clone()))) } BucketType::U16 => { let c = VariableConfig::<_, u16>::new(b, bytes, msb); Box::new(move || Box::new(GeoDistinctCount::new(c.clone()))) } BucketType::U32 => { let c = VariableConfig::<_, u32>::new(b, bytes, msb); Box::new(move || Box::new(GeoDistinctCount::new(c.clone()))) } BucketType::U64 => { let c = VariableConfig::<_, u64>::new(b, bytes, msb); Box::new(move || Box::new(GeoDistinctCount::new(c.clone()))) } } }), SimulationConfigParser::new(r#"geo_distinct_7"#, |_| { Box::new(|| Box::new(GeoDistinctCount7::default())) }), SimulationConfigParser::new(r#"geo_distinct_13"#, |_| { Box::new(|| Box::new(GeoDistinctCount13::default())) }), SimulationConfigParser::new(r#"hll/p=(\d+)"#, |c| { let [p] = capture_usizes(&c, [1]); Box::new(move || Box::new(Hll::new(VariableHllConfig::new(p)))) }), SimulationConfigParser::new(r#"hll_8"#, |_| Box::new(|| Box::new(Hll8::default()))), SimulationConfigParser::new(r#"hll_14"#, |_| Box::new(|| Box::new(Hll14::default()))), ] }); fn simulation_config_from_str(name: &str) -> Result { SIMULATION_CONFIG_FROM_STR .iter() .find_map(|p| p.parse(name)) .ok_or("invalid config".to_string()) } fn capture_usizes(c: &Captures, is: [usize; N]) -> [usize; N] { let mut values = [0; N]; for i in { values[i] = usize::from_str_radix(c.get(is[i]).expect("capture to exist").as_str(), 10) .expect("number string"); } values } enum BucketType { U8, U16, U32, U64, } fn capture_bucket_type(c: &Captures, i: usize) -> BucketType { match c.get(i).expect("capture to exist").as_str() { "u8" => BucketType::U8, "u16" => BucketType::U16, "u32" => BucketType::U32, "u64" => BucketType::U64, t => panic!("bucket type must be one of u8, u16, u32, u64, got: {}", t), } }