# `geoarrow-rs`
A Rust implementation and Python and JavaScript (WebAssembly) bindings of the [GeoArrow](https://geoarrow.org) memory specification for efficiently storing geospatial vector geometries, connected to geospatial algorithms implemented by the [GeoRust community](https://georust.org/).
## Motivation
GeoArrow provides a way to share geospatial vector data between programs _at no cost_ and without copies, so that an ecosystem of libraries can share data without serialization overhead. Removing this overhead enables faster code in high-level, interpreted languages such as Python and JavaScript.
- :material-language-rust:{ .lg .middle } **Rust core library**
Create your own Rust library or application on top of the `geoarrow` Rust crate.
[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Documentation](https://docs.rs/geoarrow/latest/geoarrow/)
- :material-language-python:{ .lg .middle } **Python bindings**
Performant, easy-to-use Python bindings to the Rust core.
[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Documentation](python/latest/)
- :material-language-javascript:{ .lg .middle } **JavaScript bindings**
Use GeoArrow from JavaScript in Web applications or in Node.
[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Documentation](js)
- :material-book-open-variant:{ .lg .middle } **GeoArrow specification**
Read the GeoArrow specification.
[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Specification](https://geoarrow.org)