# geoarrow-data This repository is a collection of recipies to make a few large-ish data sets available in [GeoParquet](https://github.com/opengeospatial/geoparquet)/[GeoArrow](https://github.com/geoarrow/geoarrow) format to facilitate testing, prototyping, and benchmarking implementations. ## [Examples](example#readme) Toy example files covering the grid of geometry types (point, linestring, polygon, multipoint, multilinestring, multipolygon, geometrycollection), dimensions (xy, xyz, xym, xyzm), and encodings (wkt, wkb, struct coordinates, interleaved coordinates). ## [Nova Scotia Water](ns-water#readme) A geoarrow port of the Nova Scotia Hydrometric Network. This is useful as an example of a projected and aligned set of layers with realisitc attributes. ## [Microsoft U.S. Buliding Footprints](microsoft-buildings#readme) A geoarrow port of a large (130 million features) point data set.