# CHANGELOG ## Emoji Cheatsheet - :pencil2: doc updates - :bug: when fixing a bug - :rocket: when making general improvements - :white_check_mark: when adding tests - :arrow_up: when upgrading dependencies - :tada: when adding new features # Version History ## 4.6.8 - :rocket: Token additions for Greece(EL), Croatia (HR), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) and Cyprus (CY). ## 4.6.6 - :rocket: Token additions for Bulgaria(BG). ## 4.6.5 - :rocket: Token additions for Latvia(LV). ## 4.6.4 - :rocket: Add elison support for Canada. ## 4.6.3 - :bug: Fix a regex bug in Romania(RO). ## 4.6.2 - :rocket: Token additions for Hungary(HU) and Romania(RO). ## 4.6.1 - :rocket: Token additions for Slovak(SK), Slovania(SI), Serbia(RS), Lithuania(LT), Hungary(HU). ## 4.6.0 - :rocket: Token additions for Portuguese. ## 4.5.0 - :rocket: Token additions for Polish. ## 4.4.0 - :rocket: Token additions for Italian, Spanish, and French. ## 4.3.1 - :bug: Restricted one Czech replacement, `"sev" => "s"`, to only apply to addresses, because applying it to all feature types and then combining it with other languages' tokens leads to weird conflations. ## 4.3.0 - :tada: Expand testing of token replacements, and update existing replacements to conform to more-comprehensive tests. Also make some further updates to German abbreviations. ## v4.2.0 - :rocket: Add German variations of `on the`, `at the`, and `in the`, along with variations of popular street names ending in `str` or `straße`. Add in regex to convert street names ending in `strasse` or `str` to end in `straße` to match OSM network street names. ## v4.1.8 - :rocket: Add add `type: determiner` to signify meaning 'of' & update tokens for Spanish, French, and Italian. ## v4.1.7 - :tada: Add Czech tokens ## v4.1.6 - :rocket: Add numbers, ordinals, `type: way` property to Russian tokens ## v4.1.5 - :rocket: Add optional reduceRelevance property ## v4.1.4 - :rocket: Add `Farm-To-Market` & `Ranch-To-Market` ## v4.1.3 - :rocket: Add `type: way` property to `place` token in English ## v4.1.2 - :rocket: Add `type: way` property to `road` token in English ## v4.1.1 - :rocket: Add `Clone`, `Serialize`, and `Deserialize` traits to `TokenType` enum ## v4.1.0 - :rocket: Make fields in `Token` struct public, add `TokenType` enum ## v4.0.0 - :tada: Add support for importing abbreviations as Rust structs ## v3.1.0 - Add several new replacements focused on and scoped to US addresses, designed to strip unit numbers from address strings. ## v3.0.0 - Change format of geocoder-abbrevations contents, and add mechanisms for querying data in new format; see current README.md for details ## v2.4.0 - :tada: Add Russian tokens ## v2.3.2 - Add CHANGELOG.md