module.exports = config; const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const UnionFind = require('union-find'); /** * config() Return a Language's tokens or if not specified all tokens available * * @param {String} lang [optional] ISO 639-1 Code - If not specified return object of all codes * @param {Boolean} singletons [optional] whether to include single-entry abbreviation list items. These are not used for substitution but can be useful for string comparison. Defaults to false. * @param {Boolean} advanced [optional] whether to opt into a more complex representation of the tokens than a list of lists, which can represent per-replacement configuration, etc. * * @return {Array|Object} Return an array for a single lang tokens or an object map of all tokens by ISO code */ function config(lang, singletons, advanced) { singletons = !!singletons; advanced = !!advanced; if (lang && (typeof lang !== 'string' || lang.length != 2)) throw Error('optional lang param must be string containing 2 letter ISO 639-1 Code'); if (lang) { if (!fs.statSync(path.resolve(__dirname, `./tokens/${lang}.json`))) { if (!fs.statSync(path.resolve(__dirname, `./tokens/${lang}.json`))) { return []; } else { let tokenjs = require(`./tokens/${lang}`); return prepare(tokenjs(), singletons, advanced); } } else { let tokenjson = require(`./tokens/${lang}.json`); return prepare(tokenjson, singletons, advanced); } } const tokens = {}; fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './tokens/')).forEach((token) => { if (token.match(/\.json$/)) { let json = require(`./tokens/${token}`); tokens[token.replace(/\.json/, '')] = prepare(json, singletons, advanced); } else if (token.match(/\.js$/)) { let js = require(`./tokens/${token.replace('\.js$', '')}`); tokens[token.replace(/\.js/, '')] = prepare(js(), singletons, advanced); } else { return; } }); return tokens; } function prepare(data, singletons, advanced) { if (!singletons) data = removeSingletons(data); if (!advanced) data = simplify(data); return data; } function simplify(data) { // the advanced representation differs from the old-school list of lists in a couple of ways: // * the same token may occur in more than one group // * groups contain additional configuration options // to get the old-style form, we want to extract just the tokens, and also merge the groups // only bother if the data is shaped the way we expect: if (!data.length || !data[0].tokens) return data; let tokens = new Set(); let props = new Map(); let positions = new Map(); for (let group of data) { const groupProps = {}; for (const toKeep of ['skipBoundaries', 'skipDiacriticStripping', 'regex']) { if (group[toKeep]) groupProps[toKeep] = group[toKeep]; } const keepCount = Object.keys(groupProps).length; for (let token of group.tokens) { tokens.add(token); if (keepCount > 0) props.set(token, groupProps); positions.set(token, positions.size); } } tokens = Array.from(tokens).sort(); let invTokens = new Map(); tokens.forEach((v, i) => { invTokens.set(v, i); }); let uf = new UnionFind(tokens.length); for (let group of data) { let idx1 = invTokens.get(group.tokens[0]); for (let token of group.tokens.slice(1)) { let idx2 = invTokens.get(token);, idx2); } } let out = []; let groups = Array.from(new Set(uf.roots)).sort((a, b) => a - b); let invGroups = new Map(); groups.forEach((v, i) => { invGroups.set(v, i); }); for (let g = 0; g < groups.length; g++) out[g] = []; for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { out[invGroups.get(uf.roots[i])].push(tokens[i]); } out.forEach((arr) => { arr.sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length); // the output format we expect for the ones with special characteristics // is for the first thing to be a plain string and subsequent ones to // have properties, so skip the first one for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { let tokenProps = props.get(arr[i]); if (tokenProps) { // clone tokenProps = Object.assign({}, tokenProps); tokenProps.text = arr[i]; arr[i] = tokenProps; } } }); out.sort((a, b) => (positions.get(a[0]) || 0) - (positions.get(b[0]) || 0)) return out; } function removeSingletons(tokens) { if (!(tokens instanceof Array)) return tokens; return tokens.filter((token) => { return (token instanceof Array && token.length > 1) || (token.tokens instanceof Array && token.tokens.length > 1); }); }