const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const tape = require('tape'); const config = require('..'); const tokenize = require('./util').tokenize; tape((t) => { t.throws(() => { config([]); }, /optional lang param must be string/); t.throws(() => { config('adsg'); }, /optional lang param must be string/); t.throws(() => { config(2355); }, /optional lang param must be string/); t.throws(() => { config({}); }, /optional lang param must be string/); t.end(); }, 'invalid lang input'); tape((t) => { fs.readdir(__dirname + '/../tokens/', (err, files) => { t.error(err); files.forEach((file) => { if (!file.match(/\.json/) || file.match(/global/)) return; let lang = path.basename(file, '.json'); let tokens = config(lang); if (!Array.isArray(tokens))`${lang} tokens must be an array`); if (!tokens.length > 0)`${lang} tokens must have at least 1 token`); }); t.end(); }); }, 'each simple-form lang can be accessed'); tape((t) => { fs.readdir(__dirname + '/../tokens/', (err, files) => { t.error(err); files.forEach((file) => { if (!file.match(/\.json/) || file.match(/global/)) return; let lang = path.basename(file, '.json'); let tokens = config(lang, true, true); if (!Array.isArray(tokens))`${lang} tokens must be an array`); if (!tokens.length > 0)`${lang} tokens must have at least 1 token`); const props = { tokens: { type: 'array', required: true }, full: { type: 'string', required: true }, canonical: { type: 'string', required: true }, note: { type: 'string', required: false }, onlyCountries: { type: 'array', required: false }, onlyLayers: { type: 'array', required: false, allowed: [ 'address' ] }, onlyUseWhile: { type: 'array', required: false, allowed: [ 'processing', 'indexing', 'querying' ] }, preferFull: { type: 'boolean', required: false }, regex: { type: 'boolean', required: false }, reduceRelevance: { type: 'boolean', required: false }, skipBoundaries: { type: 'boolean', required: false }, skipDiacriticStripping: { type: 'boolean', required: false }, spanBoundaries: { type: 'number', required: false }, type: { type: 'string', required: false, allowed: [ 'box', 'cardinal', 'number', 'ordinal', 'unit', 'way', 'determiner' ] } } for (const group of tokens) { for (const key of Object.keys(props)) { const attributes = props[key]; const actualType = typeof group[key]; if (actualType === 'undefined') { if (attributes.required)`${lang} group ${JSON.stringify(group)} is missing property ${key}`); continue; } const typeMatch = attributes.type === 'array' ? Array.isArray(group[key]) : actualType === attributes.type; if (!typeMatch)`${lang} group ${JSON.stringify(group)} property ${key} should be type ${attributes.type}; found ${actualType}`); if (attributes.allowed) { const toCheck = attributes.type === 'array' ? group[key] : [group[key]]; for (const item of toCheck) { if (attributes.allowed.indexOf(item) === -1) {`${lang} group ${JSON.stringify(group)} property ${key} should be one of ${JSON.stringify(attributes.allowed)}; found ${item}`); } } } } for (const key of Object.keys(group)) { if (typeof props[key] !== 'object') {`${lang} group ${JSON.stringify(group)} has unexpected property ${key}`); } } const boundariesLengths = new Set(); for (const phrase of group.tokens) { // carmen does a very naive split if we don't specify how to split (just splits on spaces) // so make sure that if we don't specify, it comes out right const boundaries = tokenize(phrase).tokens.length - 1; const splitOnSpaces = phrase.split(' ').length - 1; if (phrase != group.canonical) { if (boundaries > 0 && !group.regex) { if (group.spanBoundaries) { // all phrases except the canonical one must have the same number of tokens as the group's spanBoundaries property t.equals(boundaries, group.spanBoundaries, `correct token count in ${phrase}`); } else { // if no spanBoundaries property is specific, Carmen does a simple space-split, but that needs to produce a sane number of tokens t.equals(boundaries, splitOnSpaces, `real tokenization and simple space split must match for phrase ${phrase}`); } } boundariesLengths.add(boundaries); } } if (group.tokens.length > 1 && boundariesLengths.size !== 1) {`all phrases except the canonical one must span the same number of boundaries: ${JSON.stringify(group.tokens)}`); } } }); t.end(); }); }, 'each complex-form lang can be accessed'); tape((t) => { let tokens = config(); t.equals(typeof, 'object'); for (let token in { t.ok(new RegExp(token)) } Object.keys(tokens).forEach((token) => { if (token === 'global') return; t.equals(token.length, 2, 'token is length 2'); t.ok(Array.isArray(tokens[token]), 'token refs array'); t.ok(tokens[token].length > 0, 'array has length'); }); t.end(); }, 'return all countries') tape((t) => { if (process.env.UPDATE) { fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/et-no-singletons.json', JSON.stringify(config('et'))); fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/et-singletons.json', JSON.stringify(config('et', true))); fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/de-simple.json', JSON.stringify(config('de', false))); fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/de-advanced.json', JSON.stringify(config('de', false, true)));'updated fixtures'); } else { t.deepEquals(config('et'), require(__dirname + '/fixtures/et-no-singletons.json', 'singletons off')); t.deepEquals(config('et', true), require(__dirname + '/fixtures/et-singletons.json', 'singletons on')); t.deepEquals(config('de', false), require(__dirname + '/fixtures/de-simple.json', 'de simple (tests combining)')); t.deepEquals(config('de', false, true), require(__dirname + '/fixtures/de-advanced.json', 'de advanced')); } t.end(); }, 'singletons');