# DRAFT: How to release - manually check that all [issues](https://github.com/busstoptaktik/geodesy/issues/) assigned to the [milestone for the upcomming release](https://github.com/busstoptaktik/geodesy/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A0.12.0) are resolved - update `Cargo.toml` with new version id, i.e. `"0.13.0"` - `just clean-check` - `just changes` (to preview a new `CHANGELOG`) - update `CHANGELOG.md` - `just changelog` (to generate a new `CHANGELOG`) - `git commit -a -m "CHANGELOG.md for v0.13.0"` - `git push` - `git tag v0.13.0` - `git push --tags` - `git branch 0.13` - `git switch 0.13` - `git push --set-upstream origin 0.13` - `git switch main` - `cargo publish` - update `HOWTO-RELEASE.md` to say 0.14 - `git commit -a -m "Start of work towards 0.14.0` - `git push ...`