@echo off rem Runs CMake to configure GEOS for Visual Studio 2017. rem Runs MSBuild to build the generated solution. rem rem Usage: rem 1. Copy build.bat to build.local.bat (git ignored file) rem 2. Make your adjustments in the CONFIGURATION section below rem 3. Run build.local.bat 32|64 rem 4. Optionally, run devenv.exe {project}{32|64}.sln from command line rem ### CONFIGURATION ##################################### rem ####################################################### if [%1]==[] goto :Usage if [%1]==[32] goto :32 if [%1]==[64] goto :64 goto :Usage :32 set GEOSP=32 set MSBUILDP=Win32 set GENERATOR="Visual Studio 15 2017" goto :Build :64 set GEOSP=64 set MSBUILDP=x64 set GENERATOR="Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" goto :Build :Build set BUILDDIR=_build.vs2017x%GEOSP% mkdir %BUILDDIR% pushd %BUILDDIR% "C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" ^ -G %GENERATOR% ^ .. move geos.sln geos%GEOSP%.sln REM msbuild.exe geos%GEOSP%.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%MSBUILDP% popd goto :EOF :Usage @echo build.bat @echo Usage: build.bat [32 or 64] exit /B 1