use geozero::error::Result as GeozeroResult; use geozero::wkt::Wkt; use geozero::{CoordDimensions, GeomProcessor, GeozeroGeometry}; struct VertexCounter(u64); type Result = std::result::Result>; impl GeomProcessor for VertexCounter { fn xy(&mut self, _x: f64, _y: f64, _idx: usize) -> GeozeroResult<()> { self.0 += 1; Ok(()) } } #[test] fn vertex_counter() -> Result<()> { let wkt = Wkt("MULTIPOLYGON (((40 40, 20 45, 45 30, 40 40)), ((35 10, 45 45, 15 40, 10 20, 35 10), (20 30, 35 35, 30 20, 20 30)))"); let mut vertex_counter = VertexCounter(0); wkt.process_geom(&mut vertex_counter)?; assert_eq!(vertex_counter.0, 13); Ok(()) } struct MaxHeightFinder(f64); impl GeomProcessor for MaxHeightFinder { fn dimensions(&self) -> CoordDimensions { CoordDimensions { z: true, m: false, t: false, tm: false, } } fn coordinate( &mut self, _x: f64, _y: f64, z: Option, _m: Option, _t: Option, _tm: Option, _idx: usize, ) -> GeozeroResult<()> { if let Some(z) = z { if z > self.0 { self.0 = z } } Ok(()) } } #[test] fn max_height_finder() -> Result<()> { let points = Wkt("MULTIPOINTZ (10 40 200.0, 40 30 150.0, 20 20 457.1, 30 10 0.0)"); let mut max_finder = MaxHeightFinder(0.0); points.process_geom(&mut max_finder)?; assert_eq!(max_finder.0, 457.1); Ok(()) } /* // Broken: this example does work with Flatgeobuf, but not GeoJson // Disabled, since we don't want to have a circular dependency between flatgeobuf and geozero struct FeatureFinder; impl PropertyProcessor for FeatureFinder { fn property(&mut self, i: usize, _name: &str, v: &ColumnValue) -> GeozeroResult { Ok(i == 0 && v == &ColumnValue::String("DNK")) } } #[test] fn feature_finder() -> Result<()> { let mut filein = BufReader::new(File::open("tests/data/countries.geojson")?); let mut json = GeoJsonLineReader::new(&mut filein); let mut finder = FeatureFinder {}; // process_properties is not public. We should have feature iterators for all `GeozeroDatasource`s! // json.process_properties(&mut finder); // // Using FgbReader: // while let Some(feature) = { // let found = feature.process_properties(&mut finder); // if found.is_err() || found.unwrap() { // break; // } // } // let feature = fgb.cur_feature(); // let props =; // assert_eq!(props["id"], "DNK".to_string()); // assert_eq!(props["name"], "Denmark".to_string()); Ok(()) } */