= get-capec(1) Tioben Neenot v0.1.0 :doctype: manpage :manmanual: GET-CAPEC :mansource: GET-CAPEC :man-linkstyle: pass:[blue R < >] == Name *get-capec* - list of capec from the mitre nvd sources. == Usage *get-capec* [options] == Options *--check*:: Control if the capec database is existing or not. If the capec's database is existing, return the `Valid` as status, otherwise `Invalid`. *--cwe *:: Search the list of capec that are corresponding to the CWE id. The parameter `` is the form of `CWE-` where `` is a positive numeric value greater than 0. *--refresh*:: Refresh the list of capec publication from the official mitre nvd source to the local SQLite database. *--id *:: Search the capec rule that is corresponding to the CAPEC id. The parameter `` is the form of `CAPEC-` where `` is a positive numeric value greater than 0. If the capec is found, its id and its name are showing. With this parameter other options can be added to get more detailed about this capec. These options are describing below. *--all*:: Shows all details for this capec. *--cons*:: Shows the capec's consequences. *--desc*:: Shows the capec's description. *--flow*:: Shows the capec's flow. *--likelihood*:: Shows the capec's likelihood. *--mitigation*:: Shows the list of mitigations for this capec. *--prereq*:: Shows the list of prerequisities for this capec. *--resources*:: Shows the list of resources for this capec. *--severity*:: Shows the capec's severity. *--weaknesses*:: Shows the list of weaknesses for this capec. == Example Shows the capec's name for a specific id: # get-capec --id capec-15 Id: CAPEC-15. L Name: Command Delimiters Shows the list of capec for a specific cwe id: # get-capec --cwe cwe-120 Id: CAPEC-9. L Name: Buffer Overflow in Local Command-Line Utilities Id: CAPEC-46. L Name: Overflow Variables and Tags Id: CAPEC-47. L Name: Buffer Overflow via Parameter Expansion ... == Exit *0*:: Exit with success *1*:: An error was occurred. == Copying Copyright (C) 2024 Tioben Neenot Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the MIT License. == See also get-cve(1), get-cwe(1), hey-nvd(1)