# get_local_info [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/get_local_info.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/get_local_info) ![License](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/get_local_info.svg) [![Documentation](https://docs.rs/get_local_info/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/get_local_info/) # Project Introduction * get_local_info is a Rust crate that obtains linux local information,Its goal is to solve the difficulty of obtaining Linux local information.Support Chinese operating systems such as KyLin, UOS, HarmonyOS, etc * Project maintenance: long-term # Current features: 1.Network function 1.1 Obtain network interface information 1.2 Obtain activity network card information: * Netcard name * IPv4 * IPv6 * mac * Obtain external IPv4 address * Domain name resolution 2.Get system version * Kylin10 supports 2017 and above * Ubuntu supports 18.04 and above * UOS20 supports 1020 and above 3.System function * Process detection * Virtual Machine Detection * Dual system detection 4.Security information detection * topsec Antivirus Database Date Detection 5.File Info * Traverse all files in the specified directory extra features * find_peak_element # How to use 1.cargo add get_local_info 2.Import into your project ``` extern crate get_local_info; fn main() { println!("{}", get_local_info::get_pc_net_card_name()); println!("{}", get_local_info::get_pc_ipv4()); println!("{}", get_local_info::get_pc_ipv6()); println!("{}", get_local_info::get_pc_mac()); println!("{:?}", get_local_info::get_pc_net_card_info()); // osname: ubuntu or uos or kylin let osname = "uos"; println!("{}", get_local_info::get_pc_system_ver(osname)); //check proccess name let pname = "gnome"; println!("{}", get_local_info::get_pc_system_check_pname(pname)); // flase is Real machine, true is vm println!("Running in VM:{}", get_local_info::get_pc_system_is_vm()); // true is multi os println!("multi os:{}", get_local_info::get_pc_system_is_d_sys()); // Obtain the update time of the antivirus database let antiname = "topsec"; println!("virus lib time:{}", get_local_info::get_pc_check_antiviruslib(antiname)); //find_peak_element let nums = [1]; println!("{}", get_local_info::alg::find_peak_element(nums.to_vec())); //Traverse all files in the specified directory let idir = "/opt"; println!("files:{:?}", get_local_info::get_dir_filename(idir)); let uri = "https://api.ipify.org/?format=text"; println!("wai wang ip:{}", get_local_info::network::get_ww_ipv4(uri)); let hostname = "www.baidu.com"; let parse_ip = get_local_info::network::get_domain_ip(hostname); println!("domain parse_ip:{:?}",parse_ip); } ``` # About the Author * Liu Qiang in Wuhan, China * crates: * github: * mail: * Created on 2023.12.28