use std::collections::HashMap; use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; mod parse_mak; extern crate bindgen; extern crate cc; pub fn run_command(which: &str, cmd: &mut Command) { let msg = format!("Failed to execute {:?}", cmd); let status = cmd.status().expect(&msg); assert!(status.success(), "{}", which); } const GASNET_THREADING_ENV: &str = "seq"; const GASNET_CONDUIT_LIST: [&str; 6] = ["ibv", "mpi", "udp", "smp", "ucx", "aries"]; const GASNET_WRAPPER: &str = "gasnet_wrapper"; const REBUILD_IF_ENVS_CHANGE: [&str; 17] = [ // mpi flags "MPI_CC", "MPI_CFLAGS", "MPI_LIBS", // ibv flags "IBV_HOME", "IBV_CFLAGS", "IBV_LIBS", "IBV_LDFLAGS", "FH_CFLAGS", // common C/CXX flags "CC", "CFLAGS", "LDFLAGS", "LIBS", "CPPFLAGS", "CPP", "CXX", "CXXFLAGS", "CXXCPP", ]; #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Ord, PartialOrd, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)] enum GasnetConduit { Ibv = 0, Mpi = 1, Udp = 2, } impl AsRef for GasnetConduit { fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { GASNET_CONDUIT_LIST[*self as usize] } } impl TryFrom for GasnetConduit { type Error = (); fn try_from(v: usize) -> Result { match v { x if x == GasnetConduit::Ibv as usize => Ok(GasnetConduit::Ibv), x if x == GasnetConduit::Mpi as usize => Ok(GasnetConduit::Mpi), x if x == GasnetConduit::Udp as usize => Ok(GasnetConduit::Udp), _ => Err(()), } } } fn udp_conduit_flags() { if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib=c++"); } else if cfg!(target_os = "linux") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib=stdc++"); } else { panic!("platform unsupported") } } fn mpi_conduit_flags(ctx: &BuildContext) { mpi_probe::set_mpi_link_flags(ctx); } fn ibv_conduit_flags(ctx: &BuildContext) { // check mpi spawner enabled or not match ctx.make_vars["GASNET_SPAWNER_MPI"].as_str(){ "1" => mpi_probe::set_mpi_link_flags(ctx), "0" => (), _ => panic!("bad GASNET_SPAWNER_MPI") } } mod mpi_probe { use super::*; pub(super) fn set_mpi_link_flags(ctx: &BuildContext) { let mpicc_path = &Path::new(&ctx.make_vars["GASNET_LD_OVERRIDE"]); // set libs from mpicc --show probe_mpicc_command(mpicc_path); } fn probe_mpicc_command(mpicc: &Path) { let lib = match rsmpi_probe::probe(mpicc) { Ok(lib) => lib, Err(errs) => { println!("Could not find MPI library for various reasons:\n"); for (i, err) in errs.iter().enumerate() { println!("Reason #{}:\n{}\n", i, err); } panic!(); } }; let mut ld_flags = vec![]; // some mpicc output -L"/this", we need to remove \" let real_path = |p: &str| { p.trim_matches('\"').to_owned() }; for dir in &lib.lib_paths { ld_flags.push(format!("-L{}", real_path(dir.to_str().unwrap()))); } for lib in &lib.libs { ld_flags.push(format!("-l{}", real_path(&lib))); } println!("cargo:rustc-flags={}", ld_flags.join(" ")); } mod rsmpi_probe { // code from #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Library { /// Names of the native MPI libraries that need to be linked pub libs: Vec, /// Search path for native MPI libraries pub lib_paths: Vec, /// Search path for C header files pub include_paths: Vec, /// The version of the MPI library pub version: String, _priv: (), } use super::*; use pkg_config::Config; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::{self, error::Error, path::PathBuf, process::Command}; impl From for Library { fn from(lib: pkg_config::Library) -> Self { Library { libs: lib.libs, lib_paths: lib.link_paths, include_paths: lib.include_paths, version: lib.version, _priv: (), } } } fn probe_via_mpicc(mpicc: &OsStr) -> std::io::Result { // Capture the output of `mpicc -show`. This usually gives the actual compiler command line // invoked by the `mpicc` compiler wrapper. Command::new(mpicc).arg("-show").output().map(|cmd| { let output = String::from_utf8(cmd.stdout).expect("mpicc output is not valid UTF-8"); // Collect the libraries that an MPI C program should be linked to... let libs = collect_args_with_prefix(output.as_ref(), "-l"); // ... and the library search directories... let libdirs = collect_args_with_prefix(output.as_ref(), "-L") .into_iter() .map(PathBuf::from) .collect(); // ... and the header search directories. let headerdirs = collect_args_with_prefix(output.as_ref(), "-I") .into_iter() .map(PathBuf::from) .collect(); Library { libs, lib_paths: libdirs, include_paths: headerdirs, version: String::from("unknown"), _priv: (), } }) } /// splits a command line by space and collects all arguments that start with `prefix` fn collect_args_with_prefix(cmd: &str, prefix: &str) -> Vec { cmd.split_whitespace() .filter_map(|arg| { if arg.starts_with(prefix) { Some(arg[2..].to_owned()) } else { None } }) .collect() } /// Probe the environment for an installed MPI library pub fn probe(mpicc: &Path) -> Result>> { let mut errs = vec![]; match probe_via_mpicc(mpicc.as_ref()) { Ok(lib) => return Ok(lib), Err(err) => { let err: Box = Box::new(err); errs.push(err) } } match Config::new().cargo_metadata(false).probe("mpich") { Ok(lib) => return Ok(Library::from(lib)), Err(err) => { let err: Box = Box::new(err); errs.push(err) } } match Config::new().cargo_metadata(false).probe("openmpi") { Ok(lib) => return Ok(Library::from(lib)), Err(err) => { let err: Box = Box::new(err); errs.push(err) } } Err(errs) } } } struct BuildContext { out_dir: PathBuf, working_dir: PathBuf, // buildpath/out/gasnet gasnet_src_dir: PathBuf, // .src/gasnet gasnet_lib_dir: PathBuf, // buildpath/out/lib gasnet_include_dir: PathBuf, // buildpath/out/include conduit_include_dir: PathBuf, // buildpath/out/include/udp-conduit conduit: GasnetConduit, make_vars: HashMap, } impl BuildContext { fn new(conduit: GasnetConduit) -> Self { let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let out_dir = fs::canonicalize(&out_dir).unwrap(); let gasnet_lib_dir = out_dir.join("lib"); let gasnet_include_dir = out_dir.join("include"); let conduit_include_dir = gasnet_include_dir.join(format!("{}-conduit", conduit.as_ref())); let gasnet_src_dir = fs::canonicalize("gasnet").unwrap(); let working_dir = out_dir.join("gasnet"); // create working directory if !working_dir.exists() { fs::create_dir(&working_dir).unwrap(); } BuildContext { out_dir, working_dir, gasnet_lib_dir, gasnet_include_dir, gasnet_src_dir, conduit_include_dir, conduit, make_vars: HashMap::new(), } } fn build_script_path(&self, script_name: impl AsRef) -> PathBuf { self.gasnet_src_dir.join(script_name) } fn parse_gasnet_makefile(&mut self) { let mk_file = self.conduit_include_dir.join(format!( "{}-{}.mak", self.conduit.as_ref(), GASNET_THREADING_ENV )); self.make_vars = parse_mak::parse_makefile(mk_file.as_path()); } } pub fn main() { // TODO: cleanup everythin before install let mut conduit_enabled = vec![]; #[cfg(feature = "udp")] conduit_enabled.push(GasnetConduit::Udp); #[cfg(feature = "mpi")] conduit_enabled.push(GasnetConduit::Mpi); #[cfg(feature = "ibv")] conduit_enabled.push(GasnetConduit::Ibv); conduit_enabled.sort(); // order by precedence let mut ctx = BuildContext::new(conduit_enabled[0]); // use the first // config contains version info println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/gasnet_wrapper.h"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/gasnet_wrapper.c"); // NOTE: comment this line since autoconf crate "configure" in the directory // println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=gasnet"); for env in REBUILD_IF_ENVS_CHANGE.iter() { println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={}", env); } // bootstrap let mut bt = Command::new("/bin/sh"); bt.arg(ctx.build_script_path("Bootstrap")) .current_dir(&ctx.working_dir); if !ctx.build_script_path("configure").exists() { // no re-bootstrap if !ctx.build_script_path("Bootstrap").exists() { panic!("Can not find the Bootstrap script for GASNET. Did your forget \"git clone --recursive\"?") } run_command("bootstrap", &mut bt); } // configure let mut cfg = Command::new("/bin/sh"); cfg.arg(ctx.build_script_path("configure")) .arg(format!("--prefix={}", &ctx.out_dir.display())) .arg("--enable-seq") .arg("--disable-parsync") .arg("--disable-par"); #[cfg(debug_assertions)] cfg.arg("--enable-debug"); for c in GASNET_CONDUIT_LIST.iter() { // only enable one if &ctx.conduit.as_ref() == c { cfg.arg(format!("--enable-{}", c)); } else { cfg.arg(format!("--disable-{}", c)); } } cfg.current_dir(&ctx.working_dir); run_command("configure", &mut cfg); // make let mut mk = Command::new("make"); // rust enables PIC by default on linux mk.arg("MANUAL_CFLAGS=-fPIE") .arg("MANUAL_CXXFLAGS=-fPIE") .arg("MANUAL_MPICFLAGS=-fPIE") .arg(GASNET_THREADING_ENV) .current_dir(&ctx.working_dir); run_command("make", &mut mk); // install let mut is = Command::new("make"); is.arg("install"); is.current_dir(&ctx.working_dir); run_command("install", &mut is); // common flags for crayfish linking ctx.parse_gasnet_makefile(); println!( "cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", ctx.gasnet_lib_dir.display() ); let ld_flags = ctx.make_vars["GASNET_LIBS"].clone() + &ctx.make_vars["GASNET_LDFLAGS"]; // filter non ld flags let ld_flags = parse_mak::filter_ld_flags(&ld_flags).join(" "); println!("cargo:rustc-flags={}", ld_flags); // conduit flags match ctx.conduit { GasnetConduit::Udp => udp_conduit_flags(), GasnetConduit::Mpi => mpi_conduit_flags(&ctx), GasnetConduit::Ibv => ibv_conduit_flags(&ctx), } // compile wrapper let mut builder = cc::Build::new(); builder .file(format!("src/{}.c", GASNET_WRAPPER)) .include("src"); let headers = [&ctx.gasnet_include_dir, &ctx.conduit_include_dir]; for h in headers.iter() { builder.include(h); } builder.static_flag(true).compile(GASNET_WRAPPER); // ask rustc to link against the wrapper println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static={}", GASNET_WRAPPER); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", ctx.out_dir.display()); // bindgen let mut clang_args = vec![]; for h in headers.iter() { clang_args.push("-I"); clang_args.push(h.to_str().unwrap()); } let bindings = bindgen::Builder::default() .header(format!("src/{}.h", GASNET_WRAPPER)) .clang_args(clang_args.iter()) .allowlist_function("gex_.*") .allowlist_function("gasnet_.*") .allowlist_var("GEX_.*") .allowlist_var("GASNET_.*") .generate() .expect("Unable to generate bindings"); bindings .write_to_file(ctx.out_dir.join("")) .unwrap(); }