============================ README file for GASNet tools ============================ GASNet tools specification version: 1.17 Authors: Dan Bonachea Paul H. Hargrove The GASNet tools are a set of communication-independent utilities that are used to implement GASNet, and constitute a useful portability tool for GASNet clients and even for other portable software that might not require the GASNet communication services. The GASNet tools are available to all regular GASNet clients, and are also available in a stripped-down "tools-only" software distribution which is intended for bundling with third-party software that does not require communication services. This file documents both. ============================================ Tools-Only Distribution Install Instructions ============================================ The GASNet_Tools distribution contains just the sources required to build and use the GASNet tools, without any GASNet conduit support. It can only be used in executables which do not link a GASNet conduit (which already provide the tools). * Step 1: Configure Unpack the distribution and run: configure (options) A few of the more important options available: --help : display all available configure options --prefix=/install/path : set the directory where GASNet Tools will be installed --enable-debug : Enables hundreds of system-wide sanity checks, at a cost in performance. Highly recommended during software development. --disable-pthreads: Can be used to disable the thread-safe version of the tools. * Step 2: Build Use make to build the tools library: make make check (optional, but recommended - builds and runs a correctness test) * Step 3: Install Use make to install the tools library: make install * Step 4: Use the library Once installed, client code should #include from $prefix/include and link the appropriate library in $prefix/lib. Clients which use multiple pthreads should link the thread-safe library, and define GASNETT_THREAD_SAFE before including gasnet_tools.h, eg: cc -o myprogram myprogram.c -I$prefix/include -DGASNETT_THREAD_SAFE=1 \ -L$prefix/lib -lgasnet_tools-par -lpthreads Where $prefix is the prefix passed during Step 1. Clients which never use pthreads may link the single-threaded version of the tools using -lgasnet_tools-seq and the GASNETT_THREAD_SINGLE define. Additionally, client code used to build shared libraries (compiled with -fPIC, -KPIC or a similar compiler-dependent flag) should pass -DGASNETI_FORCE_PIC=1 to ensure use of PIC-safe code in gasnet_tools.h. On a few platforms, additional system libraries or compiler flags may be required for gasnet_tools to work correctly. Clients seeking maximum portability are recommended to get their compiler and linker flags by including the generated Makefile fragments $prefix/include/gasnet_tools-{seq,par}.mak in their Makefile and using the provided make variables they provide. See the comments at the top of those files for exact usage documentation. Alternatively, pkg-config files for the gasnet_tools-{seq,par} packages are installed in $prefix/lib/pkgconfig and provide the same build information. See README for pkg-config usage instructions. =============================== GASNet Tools User Documentation =============================== The remainder of this file documents the usage of GASNet tools, regardless of which distribution is in use. ------------- General Usage ------------- * All clients of GASNet tools should #include before any other header. The only exception is source files that use both a GASNet conduit and GASNet tools, which must include gasnetex.h before gasnet_tools.h. * All of the supported public interfaces in GASNet tools are named using the 'gasnett_' or 'GASNETT_' prefix. Clients of GASNet tools should *ONLY* invoke names with this prefix. Use of names with any other prefix (notably including 'gasneti_') is totally unsupported and subject to change and breakage without notice. * Many of the 'functions' provided by GASNet tools are actually implemented as macros or inline functions for performance reasons. This distinction is explicitly undocumented and open to change without notice, and may even differ across platforms in a given release. To ensure correctness, clients should never attempt to take the address of a GASNet tool 'function' or #undef its name. * The GASNet tools have been ported to all the platforms listed in the main GASNet README. They may work on others as well. Please contact us if you have a new platform you'd like to see supported. * For questions on using the GASNet tools, contact gasnet-users@lbl.gov. It's especially recommended to contact us before bundling the tools in your software package. ------ Timers ------ GASNet tools provides high-granularity, low-overhead wall-clock timers using system-specific support, where available. gasnett_tick_t - timer datatype representing an integer number of "ticks" where a "tick" has a system-specific interpretation safe to be handled using integer operations (+,-,<,>,==) gasnett_tick_t gasnett_ticks_now() - returns the current tick count note that tick values are THREAD-specific, and do NOT represent a globally-synchronized timer. In specific, tick values are very likely to have a different base value across nodes, and might even advance at substantially different rates on different nodes. Therefore tick values and tick intervals from different threads should never be directly compared or arithmetically combined, without first converting the relevant tick intervals to wall time intervals. uint64_t gasnett_ticks_to_ns(gasnett_tick_t ticks) - convert ticks to nanoseconds as a uint64_t GASNETT_TICK_MIN - a value representing the minimum value storable in a gasnett_tick_t GASNETT_TICK_MAX - a value representing the maximum value storable in a gasnett_tick_t Environment: For Linux on x86, x86-64 or MIC processors, the default timer is the TSC which requires choosing a mechanism for calibration. This can be controlled via environment variables: * GASNET_TSC_RATE GASNET_TSC_RATE=walltime Measures the TSC tick rate against the OS-provided wallclock time. This is the default. GASNET_TSC_RATE=cpuinfo Obtains the TSC tick rate from information in /proc/cpuinfo This is known to be incorrect for certain recent CPU models. GASNET_TSC_RATE=[Hz] If given an integer in the range 1 Million to 100 Billon, this will be taken as the TSC tick rate in Hz (cycles per second). To avoid the ambiguity between binary (M=2^20) and decimal (M=10^6), no suffixes are accepted. * GASNET_TSC_RATE_TOLERANCE This is a floating-point value (read by gasnett_getenv_dbl_withdefault()) which indicates the relative error permitted in the calibration of the TSC. For instance the value 0.001 would permit a relative error as large as 1 part in 1000, or 0.1%. Exceeding this level of permitted relative error will result in a warning message. * GASNET_TSC_RATE_HARD_TOLERANCE This environment variable functions like GASNET_TSC_RATE_TOLERANCE, except that exceeeding this value results in a fatal error. ----- Sleep ----- int gasnett_nsleep(uint64_t ns_delay) - nanosecond resolution sleep Sleep for at least the indicated number of nanoseconds. If interrupted by a signal, may terminate the sleep early returnining non-zero with errno = EINTR. If ns_delay is zero, this function returns without sleeping. --------------- Memory barriers --------------- Memory barriers are used to implement lock-free synchronization and data sharing across the threads of a process. gasnett_local_wmb: A local memory write barrier - ensure all stores to local mem from this thread are globally completed across this SMP before issuing any subsequent loads or stores. (i.e. all loads issued from any CPU subsequent to this call returning will see the new value for any previously issued stores from this proc, and any subsequent stores from this CPU are guaranteed to become globally visible after all previously issued stores from this CPU) This must also include whatever is needed to prevent the compiler from reordering loads and stores across this point. gasnett_local_rmb: A local memory read barrier - ensure all subsequent loads from local mem from this thread will observe previously issued stores from any CPU which have globally completed. For instance, on the Alpha this ensures that queued cache invalidations are processed and on the PPC this discards any loads that were executed speculatively. This must also include whatever is needed to prevent the compiler from reordering loads and stores across this point. gasnett_local_mb: A "full" local memory barrer. This is equivalent to both a wmb() and rmb(). All oustanding loads and stores must be completed before any subsequent ones may begin. gasnett_weak_wmb: gasnett_weak_rmb: gasnett_weak_mb: These are equivalent to the corresponding gasnett_local_* except that in a build without threads these compile away to nothing. gasnett_compiler_fence: A barrier to compiler optimizations that would reorder any memory references across this point in the code. Note that for all of the memory barriers, we require only that a given architecture's "normal" loads and stores are ordered as required. "Extended" instructions such as MMX, SSE, SSE2, Altivec and vector ISAs on various other machines often bypass some or all of the machine's memory hierarchy and therefore may not be ordered by the same instructions. Authors of MMX-based memcpy and similar code must therefore take care to add appropriate flushes to their code. For more info on memory barriers: http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/jmm/cookbook.html ----------------- Atomic operations ----------------- GASNet tools provides portable atomic memory operations for efficient inter-thread coordination. Note the default atomic operations exposed by GASNet tools only expand to architecturally atomic instructions in GASNETT_THREAD_SAFE mode. In single-threaded mode, they all expand to appropriate regular (non-atomic) operations, which are often more efficient than their atomic equivalents and should be indistinguishable in behavior for programs with no concurrency. The default atomics exposed by GASNet tools are *not* guaranteed to be atomic with respect to signal handlers, and therefore should not be used for synchronizing with signal handlers. If you need signal-safe atomics or atomic memory access in single-threaded codes, see the section on strong atomics below. * gasnett_atomic_t This interface provides a special datatype (gasnett_atomic_t) representing an atomically updated unsigned integer value and a set of atomic ops Atomicity is guaranteed only if ALL accesses to the gasnett_atomic_t data happen through the provided operations (i.e. it is an error to directly access the contents of a gasnett_atomic_t), and if the gasnett_atomic_t data is only addressable by the current process (e.g. not in a System V shared memory segment) It is also an error to access an uninitialized gasnett_atomic_t with any operation other than gasnett_atomic_set(). We define an unsigned type (gasnett_atomic_val_t) and a signed type (gasnett_atomic_sval_t) and provide the following operations on all platforms: gasnett_atomic_init(gasnett_atomic_val_t v) Static initializer (macro) for an gasnett_atomic_t to value v. void gasnett_atomic_set(gasnett_atomic_t *p, gasnett_atomic_val_t v, int flags); Atomically sets *p to value v. gasnett_atomic_val_t gasnett_atomic_read(gasnett_atomic_t *p, int flags); Atomically read and return the value of *p. void gasnett_atomic_increment(gasnett_atomic_t *p, int flags); Atomically increment *p (no return value). void gasnett_atomic_decrement(gasnett_atomic_t *p, int flags); Atomically decrement *p (no return value). int gasnett_atomic_decrement_and_test(gasnett_atomic_t *p, int flags); Atomically decrement *p, return non-zero iff the new value is 0. * Semi-portable atomic operations The following two groups of useful atomic operations are available on most platforms, but not all. Preprocessor definitions indicate what is available. + Group 1: add and subtract gasnett_atomic_val_t gasnett_atomic_add(gasnett_atomic_t *p, gasnett_atomic_val_t op, int flags); gasnett_atomic_val_t gasnett_atomic_subtract(gasnett_atomic_t *p, gasnett_atomic_val_t op, int flags); These implement atomic (unsigned) addition and subtraction. If the result would lie outside the range of gasnett_atomic_val_t, then the excess high-order bits of the exact result are truncated. Both return the value after the addition or subtraction. GASNETT_HAVE_ATOMIC_ADD_SUB will be defined to 1 when these operations are available. They are always either both available, or neither is available. + Group 2: conditional and unconditional swap int gasnett_atomic_compare_and_swap(gasnett_atomic_t *p, gasnett_atomic_val_t oldval, gasnett_atomic_val_t newval, int flags); This operation is the atomic equivalent of: if (*p == oldval) { *p = newval; return NONZERO; } else { return 0; } gasnett_atomic_val_t gasnett_atomic_swap(gasnett_atomic_t *p, gasnett_atomic_val_t newval, int flags); This operation is the atomic equivalent of: gasnett_atomic_val_t oldval = *p; *p = newval; return oldval; GASNETT_HAVE_ATOMIC_CAS will be defined to 1 when these operations are available. They are always either both available, or neither is available. * Range of atomic type Internally a gasnett_atomic_t is an unsigned type of at least 24-bits. No special action is needed to store signed values via gasnett_atomic_set(), however because the type may use less than a full word, gasnett_atomic_signed() is provided to perform any required sign extension if a value read from a gasnett_atomic_t is to be used as a signed type. gasnett_atomic_signed(v) Converts a gasnett_atomic_val_t returned by gasnett_atomic_{read,add,subtract} to a signed gasnett_atomic_sval_t. GASNETT_ATOMIC_MAX The largest representable unsigned value (the smallest representable unsigned value is always 0). GASNETT_ATOMIC_SIGNED_MIN The smallest (most negative) representable signed value. GASNETT_ATOMIC_SIGNED_MAX The largest (most positive) representable signed value. The atomic type is guaranteed to wrap around at its minimum and maximum values in the normal manner expected of two's-complement integers. This includes the 'oldval' and 'newval' arguments to gasnett_atomic_compare_and_swap(), and the 'v' arguments to gasnett_atomic_init() and gasnett_atomic_set() which are wrapped (not clipped) to the proper range prior to assignment (for 'newval' and 'v') or comparison (for 'oldval'). * Memory fence properties of atomic operations NOTE: Atomic operations have no default memory fence properties, as this varies by platform. Every atomic operation except _init() includes a 'flags' argument to indicate the caller's minimum fence requirements. Depending on the platform, the implementation may use fences stronger than those requested, but never weaker. Most cases where atomics are used to implement thread synchronization (eg where the atomic operation indicates the availability or consumption of other data) will need to include some fences to ensure consistency of other data (this includes both non-atomic data, and other atomic variables). Specifying the necessary fence properties as arguments to the atomic operation helps to reduce duplication of fences on some platforms (relative to issuing explicit fences before/after the atomic op), because it allows the data fence to be combined with whatever fences are used to implement the atomic operation. The following fence flags are recognized and may be OR'd together for the flags argument of any atomic operation: GASNETT_ATOMIC_NONE - no fence (equivalent to passing 0) GASNETT_ATOMIC_RMB_PRE - enforce a read/write/full fence before the atomic operation GASNETT_ATOMIC_WMB_PRE GASNETT_ATOMIC_MB_PRE GASNETT_ATOMIC_RMB_POST - enforce a read/write/full fence after the atomic operation GASNETT_ATOMIC_WMB_POST GASNETT_ATOMIC_MB_POST GASNETT_ATOMIC_RMB_POST_IF_TRUE GASNETT_ATOMIC_RMB_POST_IF_FALSE - These enforce a read fence after a boolean atomic operation that succeeds (true) or fails (false). - The boolean atomic operations are compare-and-swap and decrement-and-test. Convenience names for specifying acquire/release semantics in critical sections built from atomics: GASNETT_ATOMIC_REL equivalent to: GASNETT_ATOMIC_WMB_PRE GASNETT_ATOMIC_ACQ equivalent to: GASNETT_ATOMIC_RMB_POST GASNETT_ATOMIC_ACQ_IF_TRUE equivalent to: GASNETT_ATOMIC_RMB_POST_IF_TRUE GASNETT_ATOMIC_ACQ_IF_FALSE equivalent to: GASNETT_ATOMIC_RMB_POST_IF_FALSE * Storage of atomic type Internally an atomic type may use storage significantly larger than the number of significant bits. This additional space may be needed, for instance, to meet platform-specific alignment constraints, or to hold a mutex on platforms lacking any other means of ensuring atomicity. * Fixed-width atomic types The following fixed-width (32- and 64-bit) types/operations are available on all platforms. These are guaranteed to consume exactly the "natural" storage, without padding or any extra alignment. However, one or both may use mutexes or lack signal-safety, even where gasnett_atomic_t does not. Additionally, unlike gasnett_atomic_t, the same set of operations is present on all platforms, even if that requires a mutex-based approach to support the full range of operations. Therefore, there are no GASNETT_HAVE_ defines for the fixed-width atomic operations. gasnett_atomic32_t gasnett_atomic64_t Typedef gasnett_atomic32_init(uint32_t v) gasnett_atomic64_init(uint64_t v) Static initializer (macro). void gasnett_atomic32_set(gasnett_atomic32_t *p, uint32_t v, int flags); void gasnett_atomic64_set(gasnett_atomic64_t *p, uint64_t v, int flags); Atomically set *p to value v. uint32_t gasnett_atomic32_read(gasnett_atomic32_t *p, int flags); uint64_t gasnett_atomic64_read(gasnett_atomic64_t *p, int flags); Atomically read and return the value of *p. int gasnett_atomic32_compare_and_swap(gasnett_atomic32_t *p, uint32_t oldval, uint32_t newval, int flags); int gasnett_atomic64_compare_and_swap(gasnett_atomic64_t *p, uint64_t oldval, uint64_t newval, int flags); Atomic compare-and-swap of *p from oldval to newval. uint32_t gasnett_atomic32_swap(gasnett_atomic32_t *p, uint32_t v, int flags); uint64_t gasnett_atomic64_swap(gasnett_atomic64_t *p, uint64_t v, int flags); Atomically set *p to value v, returning the previous value. uint32_t gasnett_atomic32_add(gasnett_atomic32_t *p, uint32_t v, int flags); uint64_t gasnett_atomic64_add(gasnett_atomic64_t *p, uint64_t v, int flags); Atomically add value v to *p, returning the new value. uint32_t gasnett_atomic32_subtract(gasnett_atomic32_t *p, uint32_t v, int flags); uint64_t gasnett_atomic64_subtract(gasnett_atomic64_t *p, uint64_t v, int flags); Atomically subtract value v from *p, returning the new value. void gasnett_atomic32_increment(gasnett_atomic32_t *p, int flags); void gasnett_atomic64_increment(gasnett_atomic64_t *p, int flags); Atomically add 1 to *p. void gasnett_atomic32_decrement(gasnett_atomic32_t *p, int flags); void gasnett_atomic64_decrement(gasnett_atomic64_t *p, int flags); Atomically subtract 1 from *p. int gasnett_atomic32_decrement_and_test(gasnett_atomic32_t *p, int flags); int gasnett_atomic64_decrement_and_test(gasnett_atomic64_t *p, int flags); Atomically subtract 1 from *p, returning non-zero if *p becomes zero. While some platforms do not enforce the same alignment constraints for all types of a given width, the implementation of the fixed-width atomics guarantee correct atomic operations on storage declared as any of the 4-byte and 8-byte integer or floating point scalar types on a given platform. So, assuming 4-byte float and 8-byte double, fixed-width atomic operations via pointers generated by the following casts are correct: (int32_t *) or (float *) cast to (gasnett_atomic32_t *) (int64_t *) or (double *) cast to (gasnett_atomic64_t *) where any signed or unsigned integral type of the same width may be used in place of int32_t and int64_t. However, the fixed-width atomic operations do NOT guarantee correct operation on arbitrarily aligned blocks of data. For instance the following two examples are NOT permitted EX1: struct { int16_t a, b; } X; gasnett_atomic32_set((gasnett_atomic32_t *)&X, 0, 0); EX2: struct { float Real, Img; } Y; gasnett_atomic64_set((gasnett_atomic64_t *)&Y, 0, 0); because some platforms might align these structures less strictly than the integral and floating point types of equal size. However, since in C unions are always aligned by their most-restrictive constituent type, the following two examples ARE legal: EX3: union { float f; struct { int16_t a, b; } u16s; } X2; gasnett_atomic32_set((gasnett_atomic32_t *)&X2, 0, 0); EX4: union { uint64_t u64; struct { float Real, Img; } cplx32; } Y2; gasnett_atomic64_set((gasnett_atomic64_t *)&Y2, 0, 0); Additionally, casts from (gasnett_atomic32_t *) or (gasnett_atomic64_t *) to pointers to other types are NOT safe in general, because the alignment of the atomic type might be less than required for the other type. When this under-alignment occurs such casts could result in a fatal SIGBUS when the pointer is dereferenced. To avoid this problem apply this rule-of-thumb: Storage to be accessed via both a pointer to a fixed-width atomic type and another pointer type must be declared as the non-atomic type, or as a union of both types. This will ensure the storage is suitably aligned for accesses via pointers to both the atomic and non-atomic types (assuming, of course, that the non-atomic type is one allowed by the previous paragraph.) Note that as a general rule, use of union types may be preferable because they avoid running afowl of pointer-aliasing rules in C/C++ that might otherwise lead to incorrect behavior at high optimization levels. It is not safe to concurrently access the same memory location as both an atomic type and a non-atomic type. For the purpose of this distinction only references using the gasnett_atomic32_ or gasnett_atomic64_ prefixes are atomic. All non-GASNet references and any other GASNet references are non-atomic (including all gets and puts, Active Message calls, etc.). The client code is responsible for providing sufficient synchronization (such as barriers or mutexes) to prevent the concurrent use of any given memory location as both atomic and non-atomic. Use of non-atomic "flag" variables is not sufficient synchronization (even when volatile) in the presence of certain compiler optimizations. Additionally, use of an atomic variable as a "flag" is only sufficient when memory fences are used correctly. When practical, one possible mechanism to have the client code separate the atomic and non-atomic treatment of memory into distinct phases of the computation, separated by a barrier. * Strong atomics GASNet tools offers a "strong" atomics interface, which expands to the strongest available atomic operations on a given platform, even in single threaded-codes. The syntax and semantics for these operations is identical to those described above, with all name prefixes changed as follows: gasnett_atomic_X to gasnett_strongatomic_X gasnett_atomic32_X to gasnett_strongatomic32_X gasnett_atomic64_X to gasnett_strongatomic64_X On most, but not all, platforms, operations on gasnett_strongatomic_t are signal safe. On the few platforms where this is not the case GASNETT_STRONGATOMIC_NOT_SIGNALSAFE will be defined to 1. Similarly, GASNETT_STRONGATOMIC32_NOT_SIGNALSAFE and GASNETT_STRONGATOMIC64_NOT_SIGNALSAFE are defined to 1 IFF the implementation of the fixed-width atomics is not signal-safe. Note that these two are set independently. GASNETT_HAVE_STRONGATOMIC_ADD_SUB will be defined to 1 when gasnett_strongatomic_add() and gasnett_strongatomic_subtract() are available. GASNETT_HAVE_STRONGATOMIC_CAS will be defined to 1 when gasnett_strongatomic_compare_and_swap() and gasnett_strongatomic_swap() are available. As with the non-strong case, these operations are always available for the fixed-width types and thus there are no GASNETT_HAVE_ defines for the fixed-width strong atomic operations. ------------------------- Portable platform defines ------------------------- Most systems have predefined preprocessor tokens for identifying the compiler, OS and architecture in use. However, there is no uniform naming convention for such platform features, and often a given feature (such as CPU family) will be indicated using a different name under different combinations of OS and compiler. GASNet tools provides a uniform naming scheme for detecting these preprocessor-provided platform features, so that #if tests can be written concisely with expressions like: #if PLATFORM_COMPILER_GNU && PLATFORM_OS_SOLARIS && PLATFORM_ARCH_X86 See the comments in gasnet_portable_platform.h for the details of the provided defines. ---------------------------------- Portable fixed-width integer types ---------------------------------- inttypes.h is part of the POSIX and C99 specs, but in practice support for it varies wildly across systems. GASNet tools portably provides the fixed-bit-width integral types via the following typedefs: int8_t, uint8_t signed/unsigned 8-bit integral types int16_t, uint16_t signed/unsigned 16-bit integral types int32_t, uint32_t signed/unsigned 32-bit integral types int64_t, uint64_t signed/unsigned 64-bit integral types intptr_t, uintptr_t signed/unsigned types big enough to hold any pointer offset -------------------- Compiler annotations -------------------- Many compilers have pragmas, attributes or other compiler-specific mechanisms for annotating declarations and code in useful ways which are not standardized by the C specification. The following macros expand to appropriate annotations when available, or to safe, unannotated versions when the given annotation is unavailable. See also "Feature control", below. GASNETT_INLINE(fnname) definition Most forceful inlining demand available. Might generate errors in cases where inlining is semantically impossible (eg recursive functions, varargs fns) fnname should be the name of the function, and definition should be the actual definition of the function (declaration and body) GASNETT_NEVER_INLINE(fnname,definition) Most forceful demand available to disable inlining for function. GASNETT_RESTRICT The C99 'restrict' keyword, if supported by the compiler, or empty otherwise. GASNETT_FORMAT_PRINTF(fnname,fmtarg,firstvararg,declarator) GASNETT_FORMAT_PRINTF_FUNCPTR(fnname,fmtarg,firstvararg,declarator) Annotate function fnname (defined by definition) as a printf-like function, whose arguments should be checked for type compatilibility with a format string whenever possible. fmtarg is the 1-based index of the argument providing the format character string, firstvararg is the 1-based index of the first ... argument which corresponds to arguments to the format string. declaration GASNETT_NORETURN; GASNETT_NORETURNP(fnname) Declare the given function as one that will never return (ie program will exit before return) GASNETT_MALLOC declarator GASNETT_MALLOCP(fnname) Declare the given function as one that returns new, unaliased memory (as with malloc) GASNETT_PURE declarator GASNETT_PUREP(fnname) Declare as pure function: one with no effects except the return value, and return value depends only on the parameters and/or global variables. prohibited from performing volatile accesses, compiler fences, I/O, changing any global variables (including statically scoped ones), or calling any functions that do so GASNETT_CONST declarator GASNETT_CONSTP(fnname) Declare as const function: a more restricted form of pure function, with all the same restrictions, except additionally the return value must NOT depend on global variables or anything pointed to by the arguments GASNETT_HOT declarator Declare a function as frequently called. Compilers may do many different things with this information. GASNETT_COLD declarator Declare a function as infrequently called. Compilers may do many different things with this information. GASNETT_DEPRECATED declarator Declare a function as deprecated (subject to future removal). Attempts to generate a warning if the function is called. GASNETT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT declarator Attempt to generate a warning if the return value of the declared function is ignored by caller. GASNETT_USED declarator Declare the given function as one that must not be omitted, even if the compiler believes the function cannot ever be called. GASNETT_PREDICT_TRUE(expr) GASNETT_PREDICT_FALSE(expr) These macros yield a non-zero value if and only if expr has non-zero value. Additionally, they pass a hint to the compiler that one expects the value to be non-zero or zero, respectively. Use them to wrap a branch-controlling expression when you have strong reason to believe the branch will frequently go in one direction and that the branch is a bottleneck. The macros if_pf() and if_pf() are implemented in terms of these macros. Examples: do { S; } while(GASNETT_PREDICT_FALSE(expr)); // single-trip is common case V = GASNETT_PREDICT_TRUE(expr) ? (val1) : (val2); // val1 is common case if_pf(cond) S; if_pt(cond) S; Drop-in replacements for the standard C 'if' keyword with branch-prediction hints. if_pf and if_pt behave just like 'if' except they give the C compiler a hint that the condition is predicted to be false (if_pf) and the branch not taken, or predicted to be true (pt) and the branch taken. These are equivalent to if(GASNETT_PREDICT_TRUE(expr)) S; and if(GASNETT_PREDICT_FALSE(expr)) S; respectively. gasnett_constant_p(expr) This expands to use of __builtin_constant_p() on compilers with the necessary support, or to the constant 0 otherwise. gasnett_unreachable() This annotation marks the current code location as unreachable (using compiler-specific mechanisms), to assist optimization of surrounding code. GASNETT_FALLTHROUGH This annotation is used to annotate a deliberate/explicit fallthrough of control from one case statement to another, suppressing warnings about implicit fallthrough (the absence of a break statement), such as those generated by GCC's -Wimplicit-fallthrough (also -Wextra). Example: switch (whatever) { case 1: do_something(); GASNETT_FALLTHROUGH case 2: something_else(); } Note it should be placed after the last statement in the case that falls-through and should NOT be followed by a semi-colon. ----------------------------------------------------- Error-checking System Mutexes and Condition Variables ----------------------------------------------------- GASNet tools provides convenience wrappers around the system's pthread mutexes and condition variables. In debug mode, these wrappers add error checking capabilities to detect common usage violations (such as attempts to recursively acquire a mutex, or release a mutex that has not been acquired). The wrappers also implement workarounds for known bugs in the pthread implementations of several systems. In non-threaded builds, these wrappers still compile and expand to appropriate no-ops, unless compiled with -DGASNETT_USE_TRUE_MUTEXES=1 which will force gasnett_mutex_t to always use true locking (even without -DGASNETT_THREAD_SAFE=1). Unlike pthread_mutex_t, these locks may NEVER be obtained recursively, and in debug builds this is detected as a usage violation. Similarly, they are not safe to use for inter-process synchronization in shared memory segments. * Otherwise, the following function similarly to the pthread_mutex symbols of the same name: gasnett_mutex_t GASNETT_MUTEX_INITIALIZER void gasnett_mutex_init(gasnett_mutex_t *) void gasnett_mutex_destroy(gasnett_mutex_t *) int gasnett_mutex_destroy_ignoreerr(gasnett_mutex_t *) mutex creation and destruction, as with pthread_mutex_t gasnett_mutex_destroy_ignoreerr performs no error checking and silently returns any errors (eg as may occur when attempting to destroy a locked mutex) void gasnett_mutex_lock(gasnett_mutex_t *) void gasnett_mutex_unlock(gasnett_mutex_t *) lock and unlock (checks for recursive locking errors) int gasnett_mutex_trylock(gasnett_mutex_t *) non-blocking trylock - returns EBUSY on failure, 0 on success * Additional mutex utilities: void gasnett_mutex_assertlocked(gasnett_mutex_t *) void gasnett_mutex_assertunlocked(gasnett_mutex_t *) In debug builds, these functions respectively assert that the given mutex is currently locked or not locked by the calling thread, generating a fatal error if the assertion is violated. Has no effect in non-debug builds. * The following function identically to the pthread_cond symbols of the same name: gasnett_cond_t GASNETT_COND_INITIALIZER void gasnett_cond_init(gasnett_cond_t *pc) void gasnett_cond_destroy(gasnett_cond_t *pc) condition variable creation and destruction, as with pthread_cond_t void gasnett_cond_signal(gasnett_cond_t *pc) void gasnett_cond_broadcast(gasnett_cond_t *pc) signal at least one / all current waiters on a gasnet_cond_t, while holding the associated mutex void gasnett_cond_wait(gasnett_cond_t *pc, gasnett_mutex_t *pl) release gasnett_mutex_t pl (which must be held) and block WITHOUT POLLING until gasnett_cond_t pc is signalled by another thread, or until the system decides to wake this thread for no good reason (which it may or may not do). Upon wakeup for any reason, the mutex will be reacquired before returning. It's an error to wait if there is only one thread, and can easily lead to deadlock if the last thread goes to sleep. No thread may call wait unless it can guarantee that (A) some other thread will eventually signal it to wake up and (B) some other thread is still polling (except in tools-only mode, where there is no polling). The system may or may not also randomly signal threads to wake up for no good reason, so upon awaking the thread MUST verify using its own means that the condition it was waiting for has actually been signalled (ie that the client-level "outer" condition has been set). In order to prevent races leading to missed signals and deadlock, signaling threads must always hold the associated mutex while signaling, and ensure the outer condition is set *before* releasing the mutex. Additionally, all waiters must check the outer condition *after* acquiring the same mutex and *before* calling wait (which atomically releases the lock and puts the thread to sleep). ------------------- Reader/Writer locks ------------------- As with the gasnett_mutex_t wrappers in the previous section, we also provide wrappers around POSIX reader/writer locks (pthread_rwlock_t). In a nutshell, these allow multiple threads to concurrently acquire a "read" lock (for concurrent read-only access to the protected data structures), but provide mutual exclusion when a thread obtains a "write" lock to update the shared data. CAUTION: The additional opportunities for concurrency provided by reader/writer locks come at a SIGNIFICANT cost in additional serial overhead, relative to simple mutexes. The overhead for obtaining and releasing a read lock on an uncontended pthread_rwlock_t is commonly 50%-300% more expensive than the corresponding operation on simple mutex. Also, write locks still need to enforce mutual exclusion, thus frequent write locks can sharply degrade achieved concurrency. Consequently, rwlock's are only expected to provide a net performance win relative to mutexes when there is a high-degree of concurrency for long-running reader critical sections, and writers are VERY infrequent. In all other cases, one should probably be using a mutex instead. On systems lacking reader/writer locks (or when configured with --disable-rwlock), these compile down to regular gasnett_mutex_t operations - with full serialization and no read concurrency. Some implementations also have a limit on the number of threads that can concurrently obtain a reader lock. For these reasons, client code should be designed to remain deadlock-free when some or all read locks are serialized, even lacking writers. Unlike pthread_rwlock_t, these locks may NOT be obtained recursively, and in debug builds this is detected as a usage violation. Similarly, they are not safe to use for inter-process synchronization in shared memory segments. * Otherwise, the following function similarly to the pthread_rwlock symbols of the same name: gasnett_rwlock_t GASNETT_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER void gasnett_rwlock_init(gasnett_rwlock_t *) void gasnett_rwlock_destroy(gasnett_rwlock_t *) rwlock creation and destruction, as with pthread_rwlock_t void gasnett_rwlock_rdlock(gasnett_rwlock_t *) void gasnett_rwlock_wrlock(gasnett_rwlock_t *) void gasnett_rwlock_unlock(gasnett_rwlock_t *) blocking read lock, blocking write lock and unlock POSIX errors due to reader concurrency limits are masked as blocking int gasnett_rwlock_tryrdlock(gasnett_rwlock_t *) int gasnett_rwlock_trywrlock(gasnett_rwlock_t *) non-blocking trylock - returns EBUSY or EAGAIN on failure, 0 on success * Additional rwlock utilities: void gasnett_rwlock_assertrdlocked(gasnett_rwlock_t *) void gasnett_rwlock_assertwrlocked(gasnett_rwlock_t *) void gasnett_rwlock_assertlocked(gasnett_rwlock_t *) void gasnett_rwlock_assertunlocked(gasnett_rwlock_t *) In debug builds, these functions respectively assert that the given rwlock is currently locked (for read, write or either) or not locked by the calling thread, generating a fatal error if the assertion is violated. Has no effect in non-debug builds. -------------------- Thread-specific data -------------------- GASNet tools provides wrappers to define and access pointers to thread-specific data, using an interface that expands to the fastest available mechanism provided by the current platform for thread-specific data on threaded configurations (eg __thread or pthread_getspecific()), and expands to simple dereference of process-global storage for non-threaded configurations. Automatically handles the hassle of pthread key creation if required. A thread-specific data pointer (mykey) must be declared as: GASNETT_THREADKEY_DEFINE(mykey); - must be defined in exactly one C file at global scope GASNETT_THREADKEY_DECLARE(mykey); - optional, use in headers to reference externally-defined key and then can be used as: void *val = gasnett_threadkey_get(mykey); gasnett_threadkey_set(mykey,val); no initialization is required (happens automatically on first access). Initialization can optionally be performed using: gasnett_threadkey_init(mykey); which then allows subsequent calls to: void *val = gasnett_threadkey_get_noinit(mykey); gasnett_threadkey_set_noinit(mykey,val); these save a branch by avoiding the initialization check. gasnett_threadkey_init is permitted to be called multiple times and from multiple threads - calls after the first one will be ignored. --------------------- Environment utilities --------------------- Following utilities support querying the environment and manipulating the result. Most of the query functions will report their actions to the console when the user selects verbose reporting mode, to support self-documenting environment settings. char *gasnett_format_number(int64_t val, char *buf, size_t bufsz, int is_mem_size); format a integer value as a human-friendly string, with appropriate mem suffix int64_t gasnett_parse_int(const char *str, uint64_t mem_size_multiplier); parse an integer value back out again if mem_size_multiplier==0, it's a unitless quantity otherwise, it's a memory size quantity, and mem_size_multiplier provides the default memory unit (ie 1024=1KB) if the string provides none void gasnett_setenv(const char *key, const char *value); void gasnett_unsetenv(const char *key); set/unset an environment variable, for the local process ONLY char *gasnett_getenv(const char *keyname); raw environment query function, bypasses reporting uses the gasnet conduit-provided global environment if available or regular getenv otherwise legal to call before gasnet_init, but may malfunction if the conduit has not yet established the contents of the environment char *gasnett_getenv_withdefault(const char *keyname, const char *defaultval); environment query for a string parameter if user has set value the return value indicates their selection if value is not set, the provided default value is returned call is reported to the console in verbose-environment mode, (only the first call with a given key is reported) legal to call before gasnet_init, but may malfunction if the conduit has not yet established the contents of the environment int gasnett_getenv_yesno_withdefault(const char *keyname, int defaultval); environment query for a yes/no parameter if user has set value to 'Y|YES|y|yes|1' or 'N|n|NO|no|0', the return value indicates their selection if value is not set, the provided default value is returned int64_t gasnett_getenv_int_withdefault(const char *keyname, int64_t defaultval, uint64_t mem_size_multiplier); environment query for an integral parameter if mem_size_multiplier non-zero, expect a (possibly fractional) memory size with suffix (B|KB|MB|GB|TB) and the default multiplier is mem_size_multiplier (eg 1024 for KB) otherwise, expect a positive or negative integer in decimal or hex ("0x" prefix) the return value indicates their selection if value is not set, the provided default value is returned double gasnett_getenv_dbl_withdefault(const char *keyname, double defaultval); environment query for a floating-point parameter if user has set value the return value indicates their selection which must be a valid floating-point value or a fraction (e.g "1.5", "-1e4", or "3/8") if value is not set, the provided default value is returned call is reported to the console in verbose-environment mode, (only the first call with a given key is reported) legal to call before gasnet_init, but may malfunction if the conduit has not yet established the contents of the environment int gasnett_verboseenv(); returns true iff GASNET_VERBOSEENV reporting is enabled on this node note the answer may change during initialization void gasnett_envint_display(const char *key, int64_t val, int is_dflt, int is_mem_size); void gasnett_envstr_display(const char *key, const char *val, int is_dflt); void gasnett_envdbl_display(const char *key, double val, int is_dflt); display an integral/string/double environment setting iff gasnett_verboseenv() ------------------------------- Backtracing and debugger attach ------------------------------- GASNet tools provides some utilities to automatically freeze your process and wait for a debugger attach when errors occur, and generate automatic backtraces during a crash. void gasnett_freezeForDebuggerNow(volatile int *flag, const char *flagsymname); freeze immediately for debugger attach, and prompt the user to unfreeze by changing flag void gasnett_freezeForDebuggerErr(); freeze for debugger attach iff user enabled error freezing (GASNET_FREEZE_ON_ERROR=1) void gasnett_backtrace_init(const char *exename); should be called early at startup with argv[0] in programs that intend to use the automatic backtrace functionality int gasnett_print_backtrace(int fd); print a human-readable backtrace immediately to the provided file descriptor. The mechanism used for generating the backtrace is system specific - on some systems several mechanisms are available and can be prioritized using GASNET_BACKTRACE_TYPE (see GASNet README for details). int (*gasnett_print_backtrace_ifenabled)(int fd); This version is called by all internal GASNet errors, and is a pointer to a function that invokes gasnett_print_backtrace iff GASNET_BACKTRACE is enabled. The pointer can be changed to modify the default backtracing mechanism used for errors (eg to wrap gasnett_print_backtrace with a language-specific symbol demangler). GASNETT_CURRENT_FUNCTION Expands to const char * indicating the current function name, if available. gasnett_current_loc Macro that evaluates to a dynamically-allocated char * describing the current location (file, line number and function) for use in error messages. Backtrace extensibility The GASNet tools auto-backtrace mechanisms can be extended by the client, by defining a variable called gasnett_backtrace_user in the client code, as follows: extern int myapp_do_backtrace(int fd) { /* write backtrace for calling thread to file descriptor fd */ ... return 0; /* indicate success */ } #if GASNETT_SPEC_VERSION_MAJOR > 1 || \ (GASNETT_SPEC_VERSION_MAJOR == 1 && GASNETT_SPEC_VERSION_MINOR >= 1) gasnett_backtrace_type_t gasnett_backtrace_user = { "MYAPP", /* name of backtrace mechanism to be added */ &myapp_do_backtrace, /* pointer to user-provided function that writes backtrace */ 1 /* supports backtracing of multi-threaded executables? */ }; #endif This code will cause MYAPP to be added to the default GASNET_BACKTRACE_TYPE list, and when GASNET_BACKTRACE_TYPE=MYAPP your function will be called to produce backtraces. The function should return non-zero if backtrace generation fails for whatever reason (eg if the call occurs too early), so that other backtrace mechanisms can be attempted. ----------------- System properties ----------------- GASNETT_SYSTEM_TUPLE Configure-detected human-readable target tuple of this system. Intended for informational display purposes. GASNETT_CACHE_LINE_BYTES Compile-time constant positive int which estimates byte width of cache lines shared between CPUs in an SMP. Set to a conservative value if unknown. GASNETT_PAGESIZE Compile-time constant positive int which provides the size in bytes of the system's virtual memory pages. Set to a conservative value for systems lacking VM or a fixed page size. GASNETT_PAGESHIFT Compile-time constant positive int which is log_2(GASNETT_PAGESIZE) const char *gasnett_gethostname(); Returns the current system hostname, as reported by gethostname(). int gasnett_cpu_count(); Returns the count of physical CPU's on this node (ie sharing a virtual memory), or zero if that cannot be determined. Multiple cores may or may not be counted as separate CPUs, depending on the system. uint64_t gasnett_getPhysMemSz(int failureIsFatal); Return the size of the physical memory (in bytes) which is directly addressable on this node. If that cannot be determined, issue a fatal error if failureIsFatal, or return zero otherwise. int gasnett_isLittleEndian(); Return true iff this architecture stores multi-word integral types in memory with the least-significant-byte in the lowest-numbered byte address. const char *gasnett_performance_warning_str(void); Returns a string containing a human-readable warning summarizing attributes of the current configuration that may negatively affect performance (e.g. as a result of settings determined at configure time). If there are no such warnings, the resulting string is empty. const char *gasnett_release_version_str(void); Returns a human-readable string containing the package release version number. Also see GASNETT_RELEASE_VERSION_* below. uint64_t gasnett_release_version(void); Return an monotonically advancing integral representation of the compiled library's package version. Also see GASNETT_RELEASE_VERSION_* below. ------------------- Trace/Stats support ------------------- This section documents interfaces used to control the implementation-defined (non-normative) tracing and statistical collection features of the GASNet library implementation. These features are conditionally available based on configure-time settings, and are currently only active for a "appropriately configured" conduit-mode GASNet library, meaning one configured with the --enable-trace/--enable-stats arguments (or the --enable-debug argument that implies these). The interfaces specified in this section are ONLY functional in translation units meeting ALL of the following conditions: 1. Must `#include ` before `#include ` 2. The included headers must reference an appropriately configured GASNet library. 3. Must eventually link an appropriately configured conduit-mode GASNet library. In all other cases, the macros described in this section may compile away to nothing, or appropriate constant values indicating lack-of-support. See "GASNet tracing & statistical collection" in the GASNet README for more details on the command-line user interface to generate and control trace and stats output. In a nutshell, each process can generate an output stream of trace and stats output (which is usually sent to a file). The trace stream outputs event records as they occur, and the stats stream is used to output statistics that are aggregated in memory before output (usually at process exit). Both streams are optionally filtered by category via user-controllable masks. Note that depending on library build settings, all stats output may additionally be echoed into the trace log (if any). const char *GASNETT_TRACE_GETMASK() const char *GASNETT_STATS_GETMASK() GASNETT_TRACE_SETMASK(const char *newmask) GASNETT_STATS_SETMASK(const char *newmask) Get and set the trace and stats masks for the current process at runtime. The mask is represented as a character string of categories, as defined in the GASNet README. The environment variables described there are used to initialize the mask of active categories at job start, and these calls modify the mask programmatically. Note that envvars GASNET_{TRACE,STATS}FILE (and optionally GASNET_{TRACE,STATS}NODES) must still be set appropriately to enable output, otherwise the mask has no effect. bool GASNETT_TRACE_ENABLED Expands to a non-zero value iff tracing for the `H` category is currently enabled and active (i.e. not filtered by the trace-mask) on the calling process. In general this is NOT a compile-time constant value. GASNETT_TRACE_PRINTF(const char *format, ...) GASNETT_TRACE_PRINTF_FORCE(const char *format, ...) Print a message into the trace log using the 'H' or 'U' categories, respectively, when such tracing is enabled and active. The 'U' category is not subject to trace-mask filtering, thus the _FORCE variant should be used sparingly for low-frequency messages. Argument syntax follows C99 printf conventions (format string followed by arguments). GASNETT_STATS_PRINTF(const char *format, ...) GASNETT_STATS_PRINTF_FORCE(const char *format, ...) Print a message into the stats log using the 'H' or 'U' categories, respectively, when the stats log is enabled and active. The 'U' category is not subject to stats-mask filtering, thus the _FORCE variant should be used sparingly for low-frequency messages. Argument syntax follows C99 printf conventions (format string followed by arguments). GASNETT_STATS_DUMP(bool reset) This call directs the statistical collection system on this process to immediately dump a report of all active statistical counters to the stats output stream (appending to any earlier stats output). If the `reset` argument is non-zero, then statistical counters are additionally reset to their initial values after they are output. This output-then-reset is performed with "best effort" atomicity on a counter-by-counter basis, but atomicity is not strongly guaranteed, especially across separate counters or in the presence of concurrent activity by other threads. If the stats output stream is inactive on this process, this call has no effect. ------------------- Miscellaneous tools ------------------- GASNETT_SPEC_VERSION_MAJOR GASNETT_SPEC_VERSION_MINOR Integral values corresponding to the major and minor version numbers of the GASNet tools specification version adhered to by a particular implementation. The minor version is incremented whenever new functionality is added without breaking backward compatibility. The major version is incremented whenever changes require breaking backward compatibility. The specification version is provided at the top of this document. GASNETT_RELEASE_VERSION_MAJOR GASNETT_RELEASE_VERSION_MINOR GASNETT_RELEASE_VERSION_PATCH Integral values corresponding to the major, minor and patch version numbers of the public release identifiers corresponding the packaging on this implementation of GASNet/GASNet tools. GASNETT_IDENT(identName, identText); Macro that should appear at global scope which takes a globally-unique identifier and a textual string and embeds the textual string in the executable file. The text to be embedded is arbitrary, but if you intend to extract it using the RCS 'ident' utility, it will need to match the pattern: "$[A-Za-z]+: [A-Za-z0-9_()<>.,|-]+ $" Note ident is particularly picky about the part before the initial colon and the final " $". int gasnett_set_affinity(int rank); THIS CALL IS DEPRECATED. Users are encouraged to use hwloc instead. On systems where GASNet Tools lacks cpu-binding support, the preprocessor identifier GASNETT_SET_AFFINITY_SUPPORT will be undefined and this function always returns non-zero. On systems where GASNet Tools supports cpu-binding, GASNETT_SET_AFFINITY_SUPPORT will be defined to 1 and the following description applies. Attempt to "pin" the calling thread to the processor indicated by rank, so that this thread will run only on the named processor (does not guarantee exclusive use of the processor, only tries to ensure the thread will not migrate to other processors). The definition and numbering of "processors" follow those of the system-specific underlying API, but typically treat each thread of an HT/SMT/HMT CPU as a distinct processor. Rank is interpreted mod the number of processors in the system. This call returns 0 on success and non-zero otherwise. void gasnett_sched_yield(); Cause the calling thread to yield (as in sched_yield()), if supported by the system. void gasnett_flush_streams(); Make the best effort possible to flush the stdout/stderr streams to their destinations. Errors are ignored, for instance if one or both streams have been closed. void gasnett_close_streams(); Close the stdin/stdout/stderr streams, usually in preparation for shutdown. Errors are ignored, for instance if any of the streams have been previously closed. void gasnett_fatalerror(const char *msg, ...); void gasnett_fatalerror_nopos(const char *msg, ...); Issue an fatal error message to the console, as specified by the arguments (which follow a printf format convention). Then freeze for debugger and/or print a backtrace (depending on current settings) and issue an abort(). The first form includes information about call site (i.e. function name, source file and line number), whereas the second omits this information. void gasnett_killmyprocess(int exitcode); Terminate the calling process as quickly as possible with the given exitcode, including killing any sibling threads. Bypass any atexit handlers. typedef void (*gasnett_sighandlerfn_t)(int); extern gasnett_sighandlerfn_t gasnett_reghandler(int sigtocatch, gasnett_sighandlerfn_t fp); Register the provided signal handler function to service the specified signal. Return the previous handler function for that signal. Valid fp values include SIG_DFL (system default handler for selected signal) and SIG_IGN (ignore the selected signal). uint64_t gasnett_checksum(const void *p, int numbytes); Compute a very simplistic (insecure) but relatively efficient 64-bit checksum from an untyped block of data [*p...*(p+numbytes-1)]. int gasnett_count0s_uint32_t(uint32_t x); int gasnett_count0s_uint64_t(uint64_t x); int gasnett_count0s_uintptr_t(uintptr_t x); Efficiently count the number of bytes with value 0 in the machine representation of a value of type uint32_t, uint64_t or uintptr_t, respectively. size_t gasnett_count0s(const void *p, size_t numbytes); Efficiently count the number of bytes with value 0 in an untyped block of data [*p...*(p+numbytes-1)]. size_t gasnett_count0s_copy(void * restrict dst, const void * restrict src, size_t numbytes); Efficiently count the number of bytes with value 0 in an untyped block of data [*src...*(src+numbytes-1)], while also copying from src to dst. This function is equivalent (excluding any side-effects of evaluating numbytes) to the following expression: gasnett_count0s(memcpy(dst, src, numbytes), numbytes) but is generally more efficient. gasnett_spinloop_hint() Some processors get measurably better performance when a special instruction is inserted in spin-loops (eg to avoid a memory hazard stall on spin loop exit and reduce power consumption). This macro issues such an instruction, if an appropriate instruction exists for this architecture. int gasnett_maximize_rlimits(); int gasnett_maximize_rlimit(int res, const char *lim_desc); Maximize an rlimit indicated by res (an RLIMIT_* constant from sys/resource.h), with associated limit description. gasnett_maximize_rlimits() maximizes cpu time and all the in-memory execution rlimits associated with the current process (does not affect file system related limits). These functions return non-zero on success. If the environment variable GASNET_MAXIMIZE_[desc] is set to a false value (as defined by gasnett_getenv_yesno_withdefault()) then the corresponding limit will NOT be maximized, though the result will still indicate success. For instance, setting GASNET_MAXIMIZE_RLIMIT_CPU=0 will suppress maximizing the limit on cpu time, but will not (by itself) cause a zero (failure) return value. ------------------------- Macro argument evaluation ------------------------- When implementing function-like macros that (perhaps conditionally) ignore one or more of their arguments, it is usually desirable to ensure every argument is evaluated exactly once (for side-effects). Unfortunately, the simple idiom `((void)(arg1),whatever(arg2))` will yield warnings from some compilers. The following combine exactly-once evaluation and compile-specific warning suppression (when needed): GASNETT_UNUSED_ARGS1(a1) GASNETT_UNUSED_ARGS2(a1,a2) GASNETT_UNUSED_ARGS3(a1,a2,a3) GASNETT_UNUSED_ARGS4(a1,a2,a3,a4) GASNETT_UNUSED_ARGS5(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) GASNETT_UNUSED_ARGS6(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) GASNETT_UNUSED_ARGS7(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7) GASNETT_UNUSED_ARGS8(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8) Contrived example: #define OPTION_1_OF_3(x,y,z) (GASNETT_UNUSED_ARGS2(y,z),(x)) #define OPTION_2_OF_3(x,y,z) (GASNETT_UNUSED_ARGS2(x,z),(y)) #define OPTION_3_OF_3(x,y,z) (GASNETT_UNUSED_ARGS2(x,y),(z)) --------------- Feature control --------------- There are many features of the compilation and execution environment which are probed by GASNet at configure-time. The results of these configure probes are used to determine if/how to implement certain of the macros or functions listed above. In some cases there may be a reasonable need to override the results of the configure probes. This section describes a family of pre-processor symbols that the GASNet client may define in order to control the use of certain features, overriding the default behavior based on the configure-time probes. Use of these preprocessor symbols takes precedence over any information GASNet may have probed from the compiler(s) and libraries at configure-time. THESE SHOULD BE USED WITH CARE, SINCE SYNTAX ERRORS CAN RESULT IF ONE ENABLES A FEATURE NOT SUPPORTED BY THE CURRENT COMPILER. * Feature control for compiler annotations The "Compiler annotations" section above describes a family of macros provided to the client for portably applying certain useful annotations. However, these annotations are implemented based on configure-time tests of the compilers ($CC for GASNet-tools, and optionally $CXX and $MPI_CC for full GASNet). In the event that a GASNet header is processed by a compiler different from the one(s) probed at configure-time, these annotation macros are reduced to their "safe" (usually empty) implementations, since GASNet cannot know that the "new" compiler will accept the same __attribute__(()) or #pragma syntax as the compiler(s) it probed. The client may define any of the following preprocessor symbols, prior to inclusion of gasnetex.h or gasnet_tools.h, to inform GASNet's headers that the current compiler does (#define to 1) or does NOT (#define to 0) support the corresponding syntax. When using a configure-recognized compiler, these default to their configure-detected values. GASNETT_USE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYSINLINE Compiler supports __attribute__((__always_inline__)) GASNETT_USE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE Compiler supports __attribute__((__noinline__)) GASNETT_USE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE_MALLOC Compiler supports __attribute__((__malloc__)) GASNETT_USE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE_WARNUNUSEDRESULT Compiler supports __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__)) GASNETT_USE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE_USED Compiler supports __attribute__((__used__)) GASNETT_USE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE_MAYALIAS Compiler supports __attribute__((__may_alias__)) GASNETT_USE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN Compiler supports __attribute__((__noreturn__)) GASNETT_USE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE_PURE Compiler supports __attribute__((__pure__)) GASNETT_USE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE_CONST Compiler supports __attribute__((__const__)) GASNETT_USE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE_DEPRECATED Compiler supports __attribute__((__deprecated__)) GASNETT_USE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT Compiler supports __attribute__((__format__ (...))) GASNETT_USE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_FUNCPTR Compiler supports __attribute__((__format__ (...))) applied to a function pointer GASNETT_USE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_FUNCPTR_ARG Compiler supports __attribute__((__format__ (...))) applied to a function pointer as an argument to a function (in its declaration and/or definition). GASNETT_USE_BUILTIN_CONSTANT_P Compiler supports __builtin_constant_p() GASNETT_USE_BUILTIN_PREFETCH Compiler supports __builtin_prefetch() GASNETT_USE_BUILTIN_EXPECT Compiler supports __builtin_expect() GASNETT_USE_BUILTIN_UNREACHABLE Compiler supports __builtin_unreachable() GASNETT_USE_BUILTIN_ASSUME Compiler supports __builtin_assume() GASNETT_USE_ASSUME Compiler supports __assume() The following can be defined to control use of C++ attributes: GASNETT_USE_CXX11_ATTRIBUTE_FALLTHROUGH C++ compiler supports [[fallthrough]] GASNETT_USE_CXX11_ATTRIBUTE_CLANG__FALLTHROUGH C++ compiler supports [[clang::fallthrough]] The following can be defined to control use of "restrict" GASNETT_USE_RESTRICT Set to the (possibly empty) keyword to use for GASNETT_RESTRICT Might be, for instance, "restrict", "__restrict" or "__restrict__". GASNETT_USE_RESTRICT_ON_TYPEDEFS Set to "1" to allow use in GASNet's headers of GASNETT_RESTRICT to qualify aguments declared via typedefs (and thus don't look like pointers until the typedef has been expanded). Setting to "0" will disable such use. One may not set GASNETT_USE_RESTRICT_ON_TYPEDEFS without setting GASNETT_USE_RESTRICT. * Feature control for ctype.h wrappers There are systems on which ctype.h is implemented in such a way that passing char-typed arguments (for instance to isalpha() or tolower()) results in compiler warnings. The GASNet configure script attempts to detect such systems and if found will replace the ctype.h interfaces with wrappers that promote the argument to an int prior to calling the system-provided implementation. One can force (#define to 1) or prohibit (#define to 0) use of these wrappers by defining GASNETT_USE_CTYPE_WRAPPERS. * Feature control for mutexes and condition variables In non-threaded builds, the debugging wrappers around pthreads functions expand to appropriate no-ops, unless compiled with GASNETT_USE_TRUE_MUTEXES=1 which will force unconditional use of true locking (even without GASNETT_THREAD_SAFE=1). NOTE: For proper operation this must be defined BOTH when the GASNet(-tools) library is built, and when compiling client code that includes gasnetex.h or gasnet_tools.h. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The canonical version of this document is located here: https://bitbucket.org/berkeleylab/gasnet/src/master/README-tools For more information, please email: gasnet-users@lbl.gov or visit the GASNet home page at: https://gasnet.lbl.gov --------------------------------------------------------------------------