/* $Source: bitbucket.org:berkeleylab/gasnet.git/extended-ref/coll/gasnet_putget.c $ * Description: Reference implemetation of GASNet Collectives team * Copyright 2009, Rajesh Nishtala , Paul H. Hargrove , Dan Bonachea * Terms of use are as specified in license.txt */ #include #include #include #include #include #define USE_CONSENSUS_BARRIER 1 typedef struct {int num_handles; gex_Event_t *handles;} gasnete_coll_handle_vec_t; /*for the segmented algorithms limit the maximum number of subcollectives to 2048*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* gasnete_coll_broadcast_nb() */ /* bcast TreePutScratch */ /* Requires GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_P2P on non-root nodes */ /* Naturally IN_MYSYNC, OUT_MYSYNC and should only be used when IN_MYSYNC is needed*/ /* Goes through the scratch space */ /* max size is MaxLongRequest */ static int gasnete_coll_pf_bcast_TreePutScratch(gasnete_coll_op_t *op GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnete_coll_generic_data_t *data = op->data; gasnete_coll_local_tree_geom_t *geom = data->tree_geom; const gasnete_coll_broadcast_args_t *args = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_ARGS(data, broadcast); gex_Rank_t * const children = GASNETE_COLL_TREE_GEOM_CHILDREN(geom); const int child_count = GASNETE_COLL_TREE_GEOM_CHILD_COUNT(geom); int result = 0; int child; switch (data->state) { case 0: /*scratch alloc*/ if(op->scratch_req) { if(!gasnete_coll_scratch_alloc_nb(op GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)) break; } data->state = 1; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 1: /*thread barrier*/ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_all_threads(data)) { break; } data->state = 2; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 2: /* Optional IN barrier over the SAME tree */ if ((op->flags & GASNET_COLL_IN_ALLSYNC) && !gasnete_coll_generic_upsync_acq(op, args->srcrank, 0, child_count GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)) { break; } data->state = 3; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 3: if (op->team->myrank == args->srcrank) { for (child = 0; child < child_count; child++) { gasnete_tm_p2p_signalling_put(op, children[child], gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, children[child], child, 0), args->src, args->nbytes, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, 0, 1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } GASNETI_MEMCPY_SAFE_IDENTICAL(args->dst, args->src, args->nbytes); } else if (data->p2p->state[0]) { gasneti_sync_reads(); void *myscratch = gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, 0); for (child = 0; child < child_count; child++) { gasnete_tm_p2p_signalling_put/*Async*/(op, children[child], gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, children[child], child, 0), myscratch, args->nbytes, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, 0, 1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(args->dst, myscratch, args->nbytes); } else { break; /* Waiting for parent to push data and signal */ } data->state = 4; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 4: /* Optional OUT barrier */ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_outsync(op->team, data)) { break; } /*free up the scratch space used by this op*/ gasnete_coll_free_scratch(op); gasnete_coll_generic_free(op->team, data GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); result = (GASNETE_COLL_OP_COMPLETE | GASNETE_COLL_OP_INACTIVE); } return result; } extern gex_Event_t gasnete_coll_bcast_TreePutScratch(gasnet_team_handle_t team, void *dst, gasnet_image_t srcimage, void *src, size_t nbytes, int flags, gasnete_coll_implementation_t coll_params, uint32_t sequence GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { /*never allocated an insync barrier since it is folded in with the collective*/ int options = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_OUTSYNC_IF (flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_ALLSYNC) | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_P2P | GASNETE_COLL_USE_SCRATCH; gasneti_assert(nbytes <= gex_AM_LUBRequestLong()); return gasnete_coll_generic_broadcast_nb(team, dst, srcimage, src, nbytes, flags, &gasnete_coll_pf_bcast_TreePutScratch, options, gasnete_coll_local_tree_geom_fetch(coll_params->tree_type, srcimage, team), sequence, coll_params->num_params, coll_params->param_list GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } static int gasnete_coll_pf_bcast_TreePutSeg(gasnete_coll_op_t *op GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnete_coll_generic_data_t *data = op->data; const gasnete_coll_broadcast_args_t *args = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_ARGS(data, broadcast); int result =0; switch (data->state) { case 0: /* Optional IN barrier */ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_all_threads(data) || !gasnete_coll_generic_insync(op->team, data)) { break; } data->state = 1; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 1: /* Initiate data movement */ { gasnete_coll_handle_vec_t *handle_vec; size_t seg_size; int num_segs; int flags = GASNETE_COLL_FORWARD_FLAGS(op->flags); gasnete_coll_implementation_t impl = gasnete_coll_get_implementation(); gex_Rank_t srcproc = args->srcrank; size_t sent_bytes=0; int i; impl->fn_ptr = NULL; /*strip the last argument off which contains the pipeline segment size*/ impl->num_params = op->num_coll_params; GASNETI_MEMCPY_SAFE_IDENTICAL(impl->param_list, op->param_list, sizeof(uint32_t)*op->num_coll_params); impl->tree_type = data->tree_geom->tree_type; seg_size = (size_t) op->param_list[0]; num_segs = ((args->nbytes % seg_size) == 0 ? args->nbytes/seg_size : (args->nbytes/seg_size)+1); data->private_data = gasneti_malloc(sizeof(gasnete_coll_handle_vec_t)); handle_vec = data->private_data; handle_vec->num_handles = num_segs; handle_vec->handles = gasneti_malloc(sizeof(gex_Event_t)*num_segs); { for(i=0; ihandles[i] = gasnete_coll_bcast_TreePutScratch(op->team, gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->dst, sent_bytes, 1), srcproc, gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->src, sent_bytes, 1), seg_size, flags, impl, op->sequence+i+1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasnete_coll_save_event(&handle_vec->handles[i]); sent_bytes+=seg_size; } handle_vec->handles[i] = gasnete_coll_bcast_TreePutScratch(op->team, gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->dst, sent_bytes, 1), srcproc, gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->src, sent_bytes, 1), args->nbytes-sent_bytes, flags, impl, op->sequence+i+1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasnete_coll_save_event(&handle_vec->handles[i]); } gasnete_coll_free_implementation(impl); } data->state = 2; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 2: /* Sync data movement */ { gasnete_coll_handle_vec_t *handle_vec = (gasnete_coll_handle_vec_t*) data->private_data; if (!gasnete_coll_generic_coll_sync(handle_vec->handles, handle_vec->num_handles GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)) { break; } gasneti_free(handle_vec->handles); } data->state = 3; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 3: /* Optional OUT barrier */ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_outsync(op->team, data)) { break; } gasneti_free(data->private_data); gasnete_coll_generic_free(op->team, data GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); result = (GASNETE_COLL_OP_COMPLETE | GASNETE_COLL_OP_INACTIVE); } return result; } extern gex_Event_t gasnete_coll_bcast_TreePutSeg(gasnet_team_handle_t team, void * dst, gasnet_image_t srcimage, void *src, size_t nbytes, int flags, gasnete_coll_implementation_t coll_params, uint32_t sequence GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { int options = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_INSYNC_IF(!(flags & GASNETE_COLL_SUBORDINATE)) | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_OUTSYNC_IF(!(flags & GASNETE_COLL_SUBORDINATE)); size_t seg_size; uint32_t num_segs; gasneti_assert(coll_params->num_params >= 1); seg_size = (size_t)coll_params->param_list[0]; gasneti_assert(seg_size); num_segs = ((nbytes % seg_size) == 0 ? nbytes/seg_size : (nbytes/seg_size)+1); gasneti_assert_int(num_segs ,<=, GASNETE_COLL_MAX_NUM_SEGS); return gasnete_coll_generic_broadcast_nb(team, dst, srcimage, src, nbytes, flags, &gasnete_coll_pf_bcast_TreePutSeg, options, gasnete_coll_local_tree_geom_fetch(coll_params->tree_type, srcimage, team), (flags & GASNETE_COLL_SUBORDINATE ? sequence : num_segs), coll_params->num_params, coll_params->param_list GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } static int gasnete_coll_pf_bcast_ScatterAllgather(gasnete_coll_op_t *op GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnete_coll_generic_data_t *data = op->data; const gasnete_coll_broadcast_args_t *args = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_ARGS(data, broadcast); int result =0; switch (data->state) { case 0: /* Optional IN barrier */ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_all_threads(data) || !gasnete_coll_generic_insync(op->team, data)) { break; } data->state = 1; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 1: /* Initiate Scatter */ { gex_Event_t *handle; uint8_t *tempspace; size_t seg_size = (args->nbytes)/op->team->total_ranks; size_t remainder = (args->nbytes) % op->team->total_ranks; int flags = GASNETE_COLL_FORWARD_FLAGS(op->flags); gex_Rank_t srcproc = args->srcrank; data->private_data = gasneti_malloc(sizeof(gex_Event_t)*2+seg_size); handle = (gex_Event_t*) data->private_data; tempspace = ((uint8_t*) data->private_data) + sizeof(gex_Event_t)*2; handle[0] = gasnete_coll_scatter_nb_default(op->team, tempspace, srcproc, args->src, seg_size, flags, op->sequence+1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasnete_coll_save_event(&handle[0]); if(remainder > 0) { handle[1] = gasnete_coll_broadcast_nb_default(op->team, gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->dst,op->team->total_ranks,seg_size), srcproc, gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->src,op->team->total_ranks,seg_size), remainder, flags, op->sequence+2 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } else { handle[1] = GEX_EVENT_INVALID; } gasnete_coll_save_event(&handle[1]); } data->state = 2; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 2: /* Initiate all gather*/ /*we only need the scatter to be done before we initiate the allgather*/ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_coll_sync((gex_Event_t*) data->private_data, 1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)) { break; } else { gex_Event_t *handle; uint8_t *tempspace; size_t seg_size = (args->nbytes)/op->team->total_ranks; int flags = GASNETE_COLL_FORWARD_FLAGS(op->flags); handle = (gex_Event_t*) data->private_data; tempspace = ((uint8_t*) data->private_data) + sizeof(gex_Event_t)*2; if(seg_size) { handle[0] = gasnete_coll_gather_all_nb_default(op->team, args->dst, tempspace, seg_size, flags, op->sequence+3 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } else { handle[0] = GEX_EVENT_INVALID; } gasnete_coll_save_event(&handle[0]); } data->state = 3; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 3: /*sync both the allgather and broadcast*/ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_coll_sync((gex_Event_t*) data->private_data, 2 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)) { break; } data->state = 4; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 4: /* Optional OUT barrier */ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_outsync(op->team, data)) { break; } gasneti_free(data->private_data); gasnete_coll_generic_free(op->team, data GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); result = (GASNETE_COLL_OP_COMPLETE | GASNETE_COLL_OP_INACTIVE); } return result; } extern gex_Event_t gasnete_coll_bcast_ScatterAllgather(gasnet_team_handle_t team, void * dst, gasnet_image_t srcimage, void *src, size_t nbytes, int flags, gasnete_coll_implementation_t coll_params, uint32_t sequence GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { int options = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_INSYNC | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_OUTSYNC; gasneti_assert(!(flags & GASNETE_COLL_SUBORDINATE)); return gasnete_coll_generic_broadcast_nb(team, dst, srcimage, src, nbytes, flags, &gasnete_coll_pf_bcast_ScatterAllgather, options, NULL, 3 + 2*GASNETE_COLL_MAX_NUM_SEGS +team->total_ranks, /*scatter and broadcast can initiate upto GASNETE_COLL_MAX_NUM_SEGS sub scatters, broadcasts and all gather can initiate upto total ranks sub collectives*/ coll_params->num_params, coll_params->param_list GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* gasnete_coll_scatter_nb() */ /* scat Put: root node performs carefully ordered puts */ /* Valid for SINGLE and LOCAL, any size < scratch size ... since we write into the scratch space we need not worry about whether the sender knows the dest address */ static int gasnete_coll_pf_scat_TreePut(gasnete_coll_op_t *op GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnete_coll_generic_data_t *data = op->data; gasnete_coll_local_tree_geom_t *geom = data->tree_geom; const gasnete_coll_scatter_args_t *args = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_ARGS(data, scatter); gex_Rank_t * const children = GASNETE_COLL_TREE_GEOM_CHILDREN(geom); const gex_Rank_t child_count = GASNETE_COLL_TREE_GEOM_CHILD_COUNT(geom); int result = 0,p=1,i,j; size_t sent_bytes=0; switch (data->state) { case 0: /*scratch alloc*/ if(op->scratch_req) { if(!gasnete_coll_scratch_alloc_nb(op GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)) break; } data->state = 1; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 1: /* Optional IN barrier */ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_all_threads(data)){ break; } data->state = 2; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 2: /* Optional IN barrier over the SAME tree */ if ((op->flags & GASNET_COLL_IN_ALLSYNC) && !gasnete_coll_generic_upsync_acq(op, args->srcrank, 0, child_count GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)) { break; } data->state = 3; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 3: if (op->team->myrank == args->srcrank) { if(args->dist!=args->nbytes) { int8_t *myscratchpos = gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, 0); int8_t *send_arr; gasnete_begin_nbi_accessregion(0,1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); /*compress the data and send it*/ for(i=0,p=0; inbytes; for(j=0; jsubtree_sizes[i]; j++,p++) { size_t src_pos = geom->child_offset[i]+j+1; src_pos=(src_pos+args->srcrank)%op->team->total_ranks; GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(myscratchpos+p*args->nbytes, gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->src, args->dist, src_pos), args->nbytes); } if(op->flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_MYSYNC) { /* use AMLong*/ gasnete_tm_p2p_signalling_put(op, children[i], gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, child, i, 0), send_arr, args->nbytes*geom->subtree_sizes[i], GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, 0, 1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } else { { /* else if i am sending to internal node AM long into scratch space*/ gasnete_tm_p2p_signalling_put(op, children[i], gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, child, i, 0), send_arr, args->nbytes*geom->subtree_sizes[i], GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, 0, 1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } } } GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(args->dst, gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->src,args->dist,(op->team->myrank)), args->nbytes); data->handle = gasnete_end_nbi_accessregion(0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasnete_coll_save_event(&data->handle); } else { int8_t* src_arr; int8_t* scratch_space = gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, 0); gasnete_begin_nbi_accessregion(0,1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); sent_bytes+=args->nbytes; if(args->srcrank == 0) { /*if 0 is the source node then there's no need to shift the array around we can do it direclty from the source*/ src_arr = args->src; } else { /*perform the rotations*/ src_arr = scratch_space; gasneti_assert(geom->num_rotations==1); /*for now only works w/ one level trees*/ gasnete_coll_local_rotate_left(scratch_space, args->src, args->nbytes, op->team->total_ranks, geom->rotation_points[0]); } for(i=0; ichild_offset[i]+1),args->nbytes); if(op->flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_MYSYNC) { /* use AMLong*/ gasnete_tm_p2p_signalling_put(op, children[i], gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, child, i, 0), send_arr, args->nbytes*geom->subtree_sizes[i], GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, 0, 1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } else { { /* else if i am sending to internal node AM long into scratch space*/ gasnete_tm_p2p_signalling_put(op, children[i], gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, child, i, 0), send_arr, args->nbytes*geom->subtree_sizes[i], GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, 0, 1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } } } GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(args->dst, src_arr, args->nbytes); data->handle = gasnete_end_nbi_accessregion(0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasnete_coll_save_event(&data->handle); } } else if(data->p2p->state[0]){ int8_t *scratchspace = gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, 0); /*read memory barrier to ensure that the reading of the data doesn't preceed the flag*/ gasneti_sync_reads(); gasnete_begin_nbi_accessregion(0,1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); /*skip the first slot of the input array since it is destined for me*/ for(i=0; ichild_offset[i]+1),args->nbytes), args->nbytes*geom->subtree_sizes[i], GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, 0, 1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } sent_bytes+=geom->subtree_sizes[i]*args->nbytes; } data->handle = gasnete_end_nbi_accessregion(0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasnete_coll_save_event(&data->handle); /* In the case of Mysync the data is always sent to the scratch space so copy it out*/ GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(args->dst, scratchspace, args->nbytes); } else { break; /* data not yet arrived*/ } data->state = 4; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 4: /* wait for all puts to finish*/ if (data->handle != GEX_EVENT_INVALID) { break; } data->state = 5; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 5: /* Final Out Barrier */ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_outsync(op->team, data)) { break; } data->state = 6; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 6: /*done*/ gasnete_coll_free_scratch(op); gasnete_coll_generic_free(op->team, data GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); result = (GASNETE_COLL_OP_COMPLETE | GASNETE_COLL_OP_INACTIVE); } return result; } extern gex_Event_t gasnete_coll_scat_TreePut(gasnet_team_handle_t team, void *dst, gasnet_image_t srcimage, void *src, size_t nbytes, size_t dist, int flags, gasnete_coll_implementation_t coll_params, uint32_t sequence GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { int options = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_OUTSYNC_IF((flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_ALLSYNC)) | GASNETE_COLL_USE_SCRATCH | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_P2P_IF(1); return gasnete_coll_generic_scatter_nb(team, dst, srcimage, src, nbytes, dist, flags, &gasnete_coll_pf_scat_TreePut, options, gasnete_coll_local_tree_geom_fetch(coll_params->tree_type, srcimage, team), sequence, coll_params->num_params, coll_params->param_list GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } /*like the scatter treePut but data is not resuffled, instead it is sent from directly where it is*/ static int gasnete_coll_pf_scat_TreePutNoCopy(gasnete_coll_op_t *op GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnete_coll_generic_data_t *data = op->data; gasnete_coll_local_tree_geom_t *geom = data->tree_geom; const gasnete_coll_scatter_args_t *args = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_ARGS(data, scatter); gex_Rank_t * const children = GASNETE_COLL_TREE_GEOM_CHILDREN(geom); const gex_Rank_t child_count = GASNETE_COLL_TREE_GEOM_CHILD_COUNT(geom); int result = 0,i; size_t sent_bytes=0; switch (data->state) { case 0: /*scratch alloc*/ if(op->scratch_req) { if(!gasnete_coll_scratch_alloc_nb(op GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)) break; } data->state = 1; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 1: /* Optional IN barrier */ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_all_threads(data)){ break; } data->state = 2; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 2: /* Optional IN barrier over the SAME tree */ if ((op->flags & GASNET_COLL_IN_ALLSYNC) && !gasnete_coll_generic_upsync_acq(op, args->srcrank, 0, child_count GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)) { break; } data->state = 3; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 3: if (op->team->myrank == args->srcrank) { if(args->dist!=args->nbytes) { gasneti_fatalerror("not yet supported!"); } else { gasneti_assert(geom->num_rotations == 1); gasnete_begin_nbi_accessregion(0,1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); for(i=0; isubtree_sizes[i] <= op->team->total_ranks) { /*can do one put since data is already contiguous*/ int8_t *send_arr = gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->src,(geom->child_offset[i]+1+op->team->myrank)%op->team->total_ranks,args->nbytes); { gasnete_tm_p2p_signalling_put(op, children[i], gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, child, i, 0), send_arr, args->nbytes*geom->subtree_sizes[i], GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, 0, 1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } } else { int8_t *send_arr = gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->src,(geom->child_offset[i]+1+op->team->myrank),args->nbytes); int8_t *send_arr2 = args->src; size_t first_part = op->team->total_ranks - children[i]; size_t second_part = geom->subtree_sizes[i]-first_part; /*we dont' need the case for a direct put here because if there is exactly one node in the subtree then the top condition will always be true*/ /*need to do two puts w/ the wrap*/ gasnete_tm_p2p_counting_put(op, children[i], gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, child, i, 0), send_arr, args->nbytes*first_part,0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasnete_tm_p2p_counting_put(op, children[i], gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, child, i, first_part*args->nbytes), send_arr2, args->nbytes*second_part,0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } } data->handle = gasnete_end_nbi_accessregion(0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasnete_coll_save_event(&data->handle); } GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(args->dst, gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->src,args->dist,(op->team->myrank)), args->nbytes); } else if (data->p2p->state[0] || (op->team->myrank+geom->mysubtree_size > op->team->total_ranks && gasneti_weakatomic_read(&(data->p2p->counter[0]),0)==(op->flags& GASNET_COLL_IN_ALLSYNC ? child_count:0)+2)){ int8_t *scratchspace = gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, 0); /*read memory barrier to ensure that the reading of the data doesn't preceed the flag*/ gasneti_sync_reads(); gasnete_begin_nbi_accessregion(0,1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); /*skip the first slot of the input array since it is destined for me*/ for(i=0; ichild_offset[i]+1),args->nbytes), args->nbytes*geom->subtree_sizes[i], GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, 0, 1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } sent_bytes+=geom->subtree_sizes[i]*args->nbytes; } data->handle = gasnete_end_nbi_accessregion(0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasnete_coll_save_event(&data->handle); /* In the case of Mysync or being an intermediate node the data is always sent to the scratch space so copy it out*/ GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(args->dst, scratchspace, args->nbytes); } else { break; /* data not yet arrived*/ } data->state = 4; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 4: /* wait for all puts to finish*/ if (data->handle != GEX_EVENT_INVALID) { break; } data->state = 5; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 5: /* Final Out Barrier */ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_outsync(op->team, data)) { break; } data->state = 6; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 6: /*done*/ gasnete_coll_free_scratch(op); gasnete_coll_generic_free(op->team, data GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); result = (GASNETE_COLL_OP_COMPLETE | GASNETE_COLL_OP_INACTIVE); } return result; } extern gex_Event_t gasnete_coll_scat_TreePutNoCopy(gasnet_team_handle_t team, void *dst, gasnet_image_t srcimage, void *src, size_t nbytes, size_t dist, int flags, gasnete_coll_implementation_t coll_params, uint32_t sequence GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { if(srcimage!=0) { return gasnete_coll_scat_TreePut(team, dst, srcimage, src, nbytes, dist, flags, coll_params, sequence GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } else { int options = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_OUTSYNC_IF((flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_ALLSYNC)) | GASNETE_COLL_USE_SCRATCH | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_P2P_IF(1); return gasnete_coll_generic_scatter_nb(team, dst, srcimage, src, nbytes, dist, flags, &gasnete_coll_pf_scat_TreePutNoCopy, options, gasnete_coll_local_tree_geom_fetch(coll_params->tree_type, srcimage, team), sequence,coll_params->num_params, coll_params->param_list GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } } static int gasnete_coll_pf_scat_TreePutSeg(gasnete_coll_op_t *op GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnete_coll_generic_data_t *data = op->data; const gasnete_coll_scatter_args_t *args = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_ARGS(data, scatter); int result =0; switch (data->state) { case 0: /* Optional IN barrier */ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_all_threads(data) || !gasnete_coll_generic_insync(op->team, data)) { break; } data->state = 1; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 1: /* Initiate data movement */ { gasnete_coll_handle_vec_t *handle_vec; size_t seg_size = gasnete_coll_get_pipe_seg_size(op->team->autotune_info, GASNET_COLL_SCATTER_OP, op->flags); int num_segs = ((args->nbytes % seg_size) == 0 ? args->nbytes/seg_size : (args->nbytes/seg_size)+1); int flags = GASNETE_COLL_FORWARD_FLAGS(op->flags); gasnete_coll_implementation_t impl; gex_Rank_t srcproc = args->srcrank; size_t sent_bytes=0; int i; impl = gasnete_coll_get_implementation(); data->private_data = gasneti_malloc(sizeof(gasnete_coll_handle_vec_t)); handle_vec = data->private_data; handle_vec->num_handles = num_segs; handle_vec->handles = gasneti_malloc(sizeof(gex_Event_t)*num_segs); impl->fn_ptr = NULL; /*strip the last argument off which contains the pipeline segment size*/ impl->num_params = op->num_coll_params; GASNETI_MEMCPY_SAFE_IDENTICAL(impl->param_list, op->param_list, sizeof(uint32_t)*op->num_coll_params); impl->tree_type = data->tree_geom->tree_type; for(i=0; ihandles[i] = gasnete_coll_scat_TreePut(op->team, gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->dst,1,sent_bytes) , srcproc, gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->src,1,sent_bytes), seg_size, args->nbytes, flags, impl, op->sequence+i+1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasnete_coll_save_event(&handle_vec->handles[i]); sent_bytes += seg_size; } handle_vec->handles[i] = gasnete_coll_scat_TreePut(op->team, gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->dst,1,sent_bytes) , srcproc, gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->src,1,sent_bytes), args->nbytes-sent_bytes, args->nbytes, flags, impl, op->sequence+i+1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasnete_coll_save_event(&handle_vec->handles[i]); gasnete_coll_free_implementation(impl); } data->state = 2; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 2: /* Sync data movement */ { gasnete_coll_handle_vec_t *handle_vec = (gasnete_coll_handle_vec_t*) data->private_data; if (!gasnete_coll_generic_coll_sync(handle_vec->handles, handle_vec->num_handles GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)) { break; } gasneti_free(handle_vec->handles); } data->state = 3; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 3: /* Optional OUT barrier */ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_outsync(op->team, data)) { break; } gasneti_free(data->private_data); gasnete_coll_generic_free(op->team, data GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); result = (GASNETE_COLL_OP_COMPLETE | GASNETE_COLL_OP_INACTIVE); } return result; } extern gex_Event_t gasnete_coll_scat_TreePutSeg(gasnet_team_handle_t team, void *dst, gasnet_image_t srcimage, void *src, size_t nbytes, size_t dist, int flags, gasnete_coll_implementation_t coll_params, uint32_t sequence GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { int options = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_INSYNC_IF(!(flags & GASNETE_COLL_SUBORDINATE)) | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_OUTSYNC_IF(!(flags & GASNETE_COLL_SUBORDINATE)); int num_segs; size_t seg_size; gasneti_assert(coll_params->num_params >= 1); seg_size = coll_params->param_list[0]; gasneti_assert(seg_size); num_segs = ((nbytes % seg_size) == 0 ? nbytes/seg_size : (nbytes/seg_size)+1); gasneti_assert_int(num_segs ,<=, GASNETE_COLL_MAX_NUM_SEGS); return gasnete_coll_generic_scatter_nb(team, dst, srcimage, src, nbytes, dist, flags, &gasnete_coll_pf_scat_TreePutSeg, options, gasnete_coll_local_tree_geom_fetch(coll_params->tree_type, srcimage, team), (flags & GASNETE_COLL_SUBORDINATE ? sequence : num_segs), coll_params->num_params, coll_params->param_list GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* gasnete_coll_gather_nb() */ /* gath Put: all nodes perform uncoordinated puts */ /* Valid for SINGLE and LOCAL, any size < scratch size ... remote threads will not touch user buffers*/ /* XXX Note that an optimization can be made here where the data can be put into the user buffer at the root*/ /* XXX However this will make this implementation only valid for SINGLE and not LOCAL*/ static int gasnete_coll_pf_gath_TreePut(gasnete_coll_op_t *op GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnete_coll_generic_data_t *data = op->data; gasnete_coll_local_tree_geom_t *geom = data->tree_geom; const gasnete_coll_gather_args_t *args = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_ARGS(data, gather); gex_Rank_t * const children = GASNETE_COLL_TREE_GEOM_CHILDREN(geom); gex_Rank_t parent = GASNETE_COLL_TREE_GEOM_PARENT(geom); const gex_Rank_t child_count = GASNETE_COLL_TREE_GEOM_CHILD_COUNT(geom); gex_Rank_t expected_count; gex_Rank_t child; int result = 0; int i=0; switch (data->state) { case 0: if(!gasnete_coll_scratch_alloc_nb(op GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)) break; data->state = 1; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 1: /* Optional IN barrier */ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_all_threads(data)|| !gasnete_coll_generic_insync(op->team, data)) { break; } data->state = 2; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 2: /* Local Data Movement */ /* go up the tree with the data */ /* copy my data into the start of the scratch space */ if(child_count > 0) { { GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, 0), (int8_t*)args->src, args->nbytes); } } else if_pf(op->team->total_ranks == 1) { GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(args->dst, args->src, args->nbytes); data->state = 4; break; } data->state = 3; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 3: if(op->team->myrank == args->dstrank) { { int8_t* scratchspace = gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, 0); if(gasneti_weakatomic_read(&(data->p2p->counter[0]),0) < child_count) { /* all children have not yet reported*/ break; } gasneti_sync_reads(); /*all children have reported so now need to reshuffle the data into the correct place*/ if(args->nbytes == args->dist) { gasneti_assert(geom->num_rotations==1); gasnete_coll_local_rotate_right(args->dst,scratchspace, args->nbytes, op->team->total_ranks, geom->rotation_points[0]); } else { for(i=0; iteam->total_ranks; i++) { GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->dst, (i+geom->rotation_points[0])%op->team->total_ranks, args->dist), gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(scratchspace, i,args->nbytes), args->nbytes); } } } } else { int8_t* src_addr; if(child_count > 0) { if(gasneti_weakatomic_read(&(data->p2p->counter[0]),0) < child_count) { /* all children have not yet reported*/ break; } src_addr = gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, 0); } else { src_addr = (int8_t*) args->src; } /*all children have reported*/ gasneti_sync_reads(); { /*data is going into the scratch space*/ if(op->flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_ALLSYNC) { /*since the parent will signal us anyway with a barrier when the data is complete we can safely send w/o local completion*/ gasnete_tm_p2p_counting_putAsync(op, parent, gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, parent, 0, (geom->sibling_offset+1)*args->nbytes), src_addr, args->nbytes*geom->mysubtree_size,0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } else { /*in the case of an out NOSYNC the parent will not be waiting to signal so the first level of children will be the last in the tree to leave*/ /*in the case of an out mysync there will be no signal when the scratch space nor the src data is safe to reuse so we must wait*/ /*in either case we need local completion semantics*/ gasnete_tm_p2p_counting_put/*Async*/(op, parent, gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, parent, 0, (geom->sibling_offset+1)*args->nbytes), src_addr, args->nbytes*geom->mysubtree_size,0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } } } data->state = 4; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 4: /*sync data movement*/ if(data->handle !=GEX_EVENT_INVALID) { break; } data->state = 5; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 5: /*node level barrier*/ /* go down the tree with the barrier again*/ if(op->flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_ALLSYNC) { if(op->team->myrank!=args->dstrank) { /*wait for clear signal from parent*/ expected_count = child_count + 1; if (gasneti_weakatomic_read(&(data->p2p->counter[0]), 0) < expected_count) { break; } } /*send clear signal to all the other nodes*/ for(child=0; childstate = 6; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 6: /* done*/ gasnete_coll_generic_free(op->team, data GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); result = (GASNETE_COLL_OP_COMPLETE | GASNETE_COLL_OP_INACTIVE); gasnete_coll_free_scratch(op); } return result; } GASNETE_COLL_DECLARE_GATHER_ALG(TreePut) { int options = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_INSYNC_IF ((flags & GASNET_COLL_IN_ALLSYNC)) | GASNETE_COLL_USE_SCRATCH | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_P2P_IF(1); return gasnete_coll_generic_gather_nb(team, dstimage, dst, src, nbytes, dist, flags, &gasnete_coll_pf_gath_TreePut, options, gasnete_coll_local_tree_geom_fetch(coll_params->tree_type, dstimage, team), sequence, coll_params->num_params, coll_params->param_list GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } static int gasnete_coll_pf_gath_TreePutNoCopy(gasnete_coll_op_t *op GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnete_coll_generic_data_t *data = op->data; gasnete_coll_local_tree_geom_t *geom = data->tree_geom; const gasnete_coll_gather_args_t *args = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_ARGS(data, gather); gex_Rank_t * const children = GASNETE_COLL_TREE_GEOM_CHILDREN(geom); gex_Rank_t parent = GASNETE_COLL_TREE_GEOM_PARENT(geom); const gex_Rank_t child_count = GASNETE_COLL_TREE_GEOM_CHILD_COUNT(geom); gex_Rank_t child; int result = 0; switch (data->state) { case 0: if(!gasnete_coll_scratch_alloc_nb(op GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)) break; data->state = 1; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 1: /* Optional IN barrier */ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_all_threads(data)|| !gasnete_coll_generic_insync(op->team, data)) { break; } data->state = 2; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 2: /* no need for local datamovement since all data movement is done through the network*/ /*since i am here, my data is ready to be shipped up the tree*/ if(op->team->myrank!=args->dstrank) { { /*data is going into the scratch space*/ if(op->flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_ALLSYNC) { /*since the parent will signal us anyway with a barrier when the data is complete we can safely send w/o local completion*/ gasnete_tm_p2p_counting_putAsync(op, parent, gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, parent, 0, (geom->sibling_offset)*args->nbytes), args->src, args->nbytes,0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } else { /*in the case of an out NOSYNC the parent will not be waiting to signal so the first level of children will be the last in the tree to leave*/ /*in the case of an out mysync there will be no signal when the scratch space nor the src data is safe to reuse so we must wait*/ /*in either case we need local completion semantics*/ gasnete_tm_p2p_counting_put/*Async*/(op, parent, gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, parent, 0, (geom->sibling_offset)*args->nbytes), args->src, args->nbytes,0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } } } else { GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->dst,op->team->myrank,args->nbytes), (int8_t*)args->src, args->nbytes); } data->state = 3; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 3: if(op->team->myrank == args->dstrank) { gasneti_assert(geom->num_rotations==1); { int8_t* scratchspace = gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, 0); /*leaf children will singal once while non-leaf children will signal twice times*/ if(gasneti_weakatomic_read(&(data->p2p->counter[0]),0) < (geom->num_leaf_children + geom->num_non_leaf_children*2)) { /* all children have not yet reported*/ break; } gasneti_sync_reads(); /*all children have reported so now need to reshuffle the data into the correct place*/ #if 0 if(args->nbytes == args->dist) { gasneti_assert(geom->num_rotations==1); gasnete_coll_local_rotate_right(args->dst,scratchspace, args->nbytes, op->team->total_ranks, geom->rotation_points[0]); } else { int i; for(i=0; iteam->total_ranks; i++) { GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->dst, (i+geom->rotation_points[0])%op->team->total_ranks, args->dist), gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(scratchspace, i,args->nbytes), args->nbytes); } } #else GASNETI_MEMCPY_SAFE_EMPTY( gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->dst,1,args->nbytes), scratchspace, args->nbytes*(op->team->total_ranks-1)); #endif } } else if(child_count>0){ int8_t* src_addr; if(gasneti_weakatomic_read(&(data->p2p->counter[0]),0) < (geom->num_leaf_children+geom->num_non_leaf_children*2)) { /* all children have not yet reported*/ break; } gasneti_sync_reads(); src_addr = gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, 0); /*all children have reported*/ { /*data is going into the scratch space*/ if(op->flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_ALLSYNC) { /*since the parent will signal us anyway with a barrier when the data is complete we can safely send w/o local completion*/ gasnete_tm_p2p_counting_putAsync(op, parent, gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, parent, 0, (1+geom->sibling_offset)*args->nbytes), src_addr, args->nbytes*(geom->mysubtree_size-1),0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } else { /*in the case of an out NOSYNC the parent will not be waiting to signal so the first level of children will be the last in the tree to leave*/ /*in the case of an out mysync there will be no signal when the scratch space nor the src data is safe to reuse so we must wait*/ /*in either case we need local completion semantics*/ gasnete_tm_p2p_counting_put/*Async*/(op, parent, gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, parent, 0, (1+geom->sibling_offset)*args->nbytes), src_addr, args->nbytes*(geom->mysubtree_size-1),0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } } } else { /*no children data movement already hadled in state 2*/ } data->state = 4; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 4: /*sync data movement*/ /*since we have initiated possibly more than one put we need to sync all of them*/ if(data->handle !=GEX_EVENT_INVALID || data->handle2 !=GEX_EVENT_INVALID) { break; } data->state = 5; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 5: /*node level barrier*/ /* go down the tree with the barrier again*/ if(op->flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_ALLSYNC) { if(op->team->myrank!=args->dstrank) { /*wait for clear signal from parent*/ if (gasneti_weakatomic_read(&(data->p2p->counter[1]), 0) == 0) { break; } } /*send clear signal to all the other nodes*/ for(child=0; childstate = 6; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 6: /* done*/ gasnete_coll_generic_free(op->team, data GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); result = (GASNETE_COLL_OP_COMPLETE | GASNETE_COLL_OP_INACTIVE); gasnete_coll_free_scratch(op); } return result; } GASNETE_COLL_DECLARE_GATHER_ALG(TreePutNoCopy) { if(dstimage != 0) { /*tree put copy as written doesn't work when the root is not 0*/ return gasnete_coll_gath_TreePut(team, dstimage, dst, src, nbytes, dist, flags, coll_params, sequence GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } else { int options = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_INSYNC_IF ((flags & GASNET_COLL_IN_ALLSYNC)) | GASNETE_COLL_USE_SCRATCH | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_P2P_IF(1); return gasnete_coll_generic_gather_nb(team, dstimage, dst, src, nbytes, dist, flags, &gasnete_coll_pf_gath_TreePutNoCopy, options, gasnete_coll_local_tree_geom_fetch(coll_params->tree_type, dstimage, team), sequence, coll_params->num_params, coll_params->param_list GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } } static int gasnete_coll_pf_gath_TreePutSeg(gasnete_coll_op_t *op GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnete_coll_generic_data_t *data = op->data; const gasnete_coll_gather_args_t *args = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_ARGS(data, gather); int result =0; switch (data->state) { case 0: /* Optional IN barrier */ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_all_threads(data) || !gasnete_coll_generic_insync(op->team, data)) { break; } data->state = 1; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 1: /* Initiate data movement */ { gasnete_coll_handle_vec_t *handle_vec; size_t seg_size = gasnete_coll_get_pipe_seg_size(op->team->autotune_info, GASNET_COLL_GATHER_OP, op->flags); int num_segs = ((args->nbytes % seg_size) == 0 ? args->nbytes/seg_size : (args->nbytes/seg_size)+1); int flags = GASNETE_COLL_FORWARD_FLAGS(op->flags); gex_Rank_t dstproc = args->dstrank; size_t sent_bytes=0; int i; gasnete_coll_implementation_t impl = gasnete_coll_get_implementation(); impl->fn_ptr = NULL; /*strip the last argument off which contains the pipeline segment size*/ impl->num_params = op->num_coll_params; GASNETI_MEMCPY_SAFE_IDENTICAL(impl->param_list, op->param_list, sizeof(uint32_t)*op->num_coll_params); impl->tree_type = data->tree_geom->tree_type; data->private_data = gasneti_malloc(sizeof(gasnete_coll_handle_vec_t)); handle_vec = data->private_data; handle_vec->num_handles = num_segs; handle_vec->handles = gasneti_malloc(sizeof(gex_Event_t)*num_segs); for(i=0; ihandles[i] = gasnete_coll_gath_TreePut(op->team, dstproc, gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->dst,1,sent_bytes), gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->src,1,sent_bytes), seg_size, args->nbytes, flags, impl, op->sequence+i+1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasnete_coll_save_event(&handle_vec->handles[i]); sent_bytes += seg_size; } handle_vec->handles[i] = gasnete_coll_gath_TreePut(op->team, dstproc, gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->dst,1,sent_bytes), gasnete_coll_scale_ptr(args->src,1,sent_bytes), args->nbytes-sent_bytes, args->nbytes, flags, impl, op->sequence+i+1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasnete_coll_save_event(&handle_vec->handles[i]); gasnete_coll_free_implementation(impl); } data->state = 2; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 2: /* Sync data movement */ { gasnete_coll_handle_vec_t *handle_vec = (gasnete_coll_handle_vec_t*) data->private_data; if (!gasnete_coll_generic_coll_sync(handle_vec->handles, handle_vec->num_handles GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)) { break; } gasneti_free(handle_vec->handles); } data->state = 3; GASNETI_FALLTHROUGH case 3: /* Optional OUT barrier */ if (!gasnete_coll_generic_outsync(op->team, data)) { break; } gasneti_free(data->private_data); gasnete_coll_generic_free(op->team, data GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); result = (GASNETE_COLL_OP_COMPLETE | GASNETE_COLL_OP_INACTIVE); } return result; } GASNETE_COLL_DECLARE_GATHER_ALG(TreePutSeg) { int options = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_INSYNC_IF(!(flags & GASNETE_COLL_SUBORDINATE)) | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_OUTSYNC_IF(!(flags & GASNETE_COLL_SUBORDINATE)); size_t seg_size; int num_segs; gasneti_assert(coll_params->num_params >= 1); seg_size = (size_t)coll_params->param_list[0]; gasneti_assert(seg_size); num_segs = (nbytes + seg_size - 1)/seg_size; gasneti_assert_int(num_segs ,<=, GASNETE_COLL_MAX_NUM_SEGS); return gasnete_coll_generic_gather_nb(team, dstimage, dst, src, nbytes, nbytes, flags, &gasnete_coll_pf_gath_TreePutSeg, options, gasnete_coll_local_tree_geom_fetch(coll_params->tree_type, dstimage, team), (flags & GASNETE_COLL_SUBORDINATE ? sequence : num_segs), coll_params->num_params, coll_params->param_list GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* gasnete_coll_gather_all_nb() */ static int gasnete_coll_pf_gall_Dissem(gasnete_coll_op_t *op GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnete_coll_generic_data_t *data = op->data; gasnete_coll_dissem_info_t *dissem = data->dissem_info; const gasnete_coll_gather_all_args_t *args = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_ARGS(data, gather_all); int result = 0; /* State 0: In barrier (if needed)*/ if(data->state == 0) { if(op->scratch_req) if(!gasnete_coll_scratch_alloc_nb(op GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)) return 0; gasneti_assert(dissem->dissemination_radix==2); /* this function only works for radix 2*/ data->state++; } if(data->state == 1) { if (!gasnete_coll_generic_all_threads(data) || !gasnete_coll_generic_insync(op->team, data)) { return 0; } if(op->team->total_ranks == 1) { GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(args->dst, args->src, args->nbytes); data->state = dissem->dissemination_phases*2+2; } else { /*memcpy the data into the start of the scratch space*/ GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, 0), args->src, args->nbytes); data->state++; } } if(data->state >= 2 && data->state <= (dissem->dissemination_phases-1)*2+1) { uint32_t phase = (data->state-2)/2; size_t curr_len = args->nbytes*(1<state % 2 == 0) { /* send in this phase */ gasnete_tm_p2p_signalling_put(op, dstrank, gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, dstrank, 0, curr_len), gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, 0), curr_len, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, phase, 1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); data->state++; } if(data->state % 2 == 1){ if(data->p2p->state[phase] == 1) { data->state++; } else { return 0; } } } if(data->state == (dissem->dissemination_phases)*2) { uint32_t phase = (data->state-2)/2; size_t nblk = op->team->total_ranks - (1<nbytes*(nblk); gex_Rank_t dstrank = (GASNETE_COLL_DISSEM_GET_BEHIND_PEERS_PHASE(dissem, phase))[0]; gasnete_tm_p2p_signalling_put(op, dstrank, gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, dstrank, 0, (1<nbytes), gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, 0), curr_len, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, phase, 1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); data->state++; } if(data->state == (dissem->dissemination_phases)*2+1) { uint32_t phase = (data->state-2)/2; if(data->p2p->state[phase] !=1) return 0; /*wait for the last transfer to finish*/ /*rotate the data around*/ GASNETI_MEMCPY_SAFE_IDENTICAL((int8_t*)args->dst+args->nbytes*op->team->myrank, gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, 0), args->nbytes*(op->team->total_ranks-op->team->myrank)); GASNETI_MEMCPY_SAFE_IDENTICAL(args->dst, gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, args->nbytes*(op->team->total_ranks-op->team->myrank)), args->nbytes*op->team->myrank); data->state++; } if(data->state == (dissem->dissemination_phases)*2+2) { if (!gasnete_coll_generic_outsync(op->team, data)) { return 0; } /*free up the scratch space used by this op*/ if(op->scratch_req) gasnete_coll_free_scratch(op); gasnete_coll_generic_free(op->team, data GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); result = (GASNETE_COLL_OP_COMPLETE | GASNETE_COLL_OP_INACTIVE); } return result; } extern gex_Event_t gasnete_coll_gall_Dissem(gasnet_team_handle_t team, void *dst, void *src, size_t nbytes, int flags, gasnete_coll_implementation_t coll_params, uint32_t sequence GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { /*Since the algorithm is naturally in_no / out_no use in-barrier if anything besides IN NOSYNC. Use out barrier only if out_ALLSYNC since algorithm does not need a full barrier for OUT_MYSYNC*/ int options = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_INSYNC_IF ((flags & GASNET_COLL_IN_ALLSYNC)) | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_OUTSYNC_IF((flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_ALLSYNC)) | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_P2P | ((team->total_ranks > 1) ? GASNETE_COLL_USE_SCRATCH : 0); return gasnete_coll_generic_gather_all_nb(team, dst, src, nbytes, flags, &gasnete_coll_pf_gall_Dissem, options, NULL, sequence, coll_params->num_params, coll_params->param_list GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* gasnete_coll_exchange_nb() */ /* exchg Brucks: Implemented using Dissemination based exchange algorithm */ /* Based on Bruck et al. algorithm (from IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Computiing Vol. 8 No. 11 Nov. 1997) */ GASNETI_INLINE(gasnete_coll_mypow) int gasnete_coll_mypow(int base, int pow) { int ret = 1; while(pow!=0) { ret *=base; pow--; } return ret; } GASNETI_INLINE(gasnete_coll_pack_all_to_all_msg) int gasnete_coll_pack_all_to_all_msg(void *src, void *dest, size_t nbytes, int digit, int radix, int j, int total_ranks) { int i_idx; int ret=0; /*pack if the digit_th digit of the radix-r representation of block_id is j*/ for(i_idx=0; i_idxdata; gasnete_coll_dissem_info_t *dissem = data->dissem_info; const gasnete_coll_exchange_args_t *args = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_ARGS(data, exchange); int result = 0; size_t offset; void *scratch2; void *scratch1; /*this will be a slightly different poll function than the other ones*/ /*the state will be used to describe the dissemination phase*/ /*reserving state 0 and dissem_phase*2+2+1 for the in/out barrier stages*/ /*state 1 will be used for local memory copies*/ /*state dissem_phases*2+2 will represent memory copies on the output side*/ /*states 2 through dissem_phases*2+1 represent intermediary steps*/ /*each dissem phase will get two steps, one for sending and one for recieiving*/ if(data->state == 0) { if_pt(op->scratch_req) if(!gasnete_coll_scratch_alloc_nb(op GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)) return 0; data->state = 1; } scratch1 = gasnete_coll_scratch_myaddr(op, 0); scratch2 = (int8_t*)scratch1 + ((args->nbytes)*dissem->max_dissem_blocks)*((2)*(dissem->dissemination_radix-1)); if(data->state == 1) { if (!gasnete_coll_generic_all_threads(data) || !gasnete_coll_generic_insync(op->team, data)) { return result; } if(op->team->total_ranks == 1) { GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(args->dst, args->src, args->nbytes); data->state = dissem->dissemination_phases*3+3; return 0; } /* perform local rotation right by total_ranks - myrank elements*/ gasnete_coll_local_rotate_right((int8_t*) scratch2, args->src, args->nbytes, op->team->total_ranks, op->team->total_ranks - op->team->myrank); data->state = 2; } if(data->state>=2 && data->state<=dissem->dissemination_phases*3+1) { /*data transfer stages*/ /*global phase id */ int destnode,nblocks; gex_Rank_t* out_nodes, *in_nodes; int phase = (data->state - 2)/3; int h,j; offset = GASNETE_COLL_DISSEM_MAX_BLOCKS(dissem)*args->nbytes; h = GASNETE_COLL_DISSEM_GET_PEER_COUNT_PHASE(dissem, phase); out_nodes = GASNETE_COLL_DISSEM_GET_FRONT_PEERS_PHASE(dissem, phase); in_nodes =GASNETE_COLL_DISSEM_GET_BEHIND_PEERS_PHASE(dissem, phase); #define IDX_EXPR (((phase%2)*(dissem->dissemination_radix-1) + (j))*offset) #define IDXP1_EXPR ((((phase+1)%2)*(dissem->dissemination_radix-1) + (j))*offset) if((data->state-2) % 3 == 0) { /*send the ok to send signal*/ gasneti_sync_writes(); for(j=0; jstate++; } if((data->state-2) % 3 == 1) { /*XXX: Need atomic counter read for higher radices*/ /* if(data->p2p->state[phase*2] != h) return 0;*/ if_pf(gasneti_weakatomic_read(&(data->p2p->counter[phase*2]),0)!=h) return 0; gasneti_sync_reads(); for(j=0; jnbytes, phase, dissem->dissemination_radix, j+1, op->team->total_ranks); gasnete_tm_p2p_counting_put(op, destnode, gasnete_coll_scratch_addr(op, destnode, 0, IDXP1_EXPR), (int8_t*)scratch1+IDX_EXPR, nblocks*args->nbytes, phase*2+1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } /*once all the change the state and return 0*/ /*let the poll function bring us back here*/ data->state++; return 0; } if((data->state-2) % 3 == 2) { /*receive in odd sub phases*/ /*wait for all the states to trip*/ /*need to change this to an atomic state increment to do this properly for radix>2*/ if(gasneti_weakatomic_read(&(data->p2p->counter[phase*2+1]),0) == h) { gasneti_sync_reads(); for(j=0; jnbytes, phase, dissem->dissemination_radix, j+1, op->team->total_ranks); } data->state++; return 0; } else { return 0; } } #undef IDX_EXPR #undef IDXP1_EXPR } if(data->state == dissem->dissemination_phases*3+2) { int i; int srcrank; for(i=0; iteam->total_ranks; i++) { srcrank = (op->team->myrank - i); if(srcrank < 0) { srcrank = op->team->total_ranks+srcrank; } GASNETE_FAST_UNALIGNED_MEMCPY((int8_t*)args->dst+i*args->nbytes, (int8_t*)scratch2+srcrank*args->nbytes, args->nbytes); } data->state ++; } if(data->state == dissem->dissemination_phases*3+3) { if (!gasnete_coll_generic_outsync(op->team, data)) { return 0; } /*free up the scratch space used by this op*/ if(op->scratch_req) gasnete_coll_free_scratch(op); gasnete_coll_generic_free(op->team, data GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); result = (GASNETE_COLL_OP_COMPLETE | GASNETE_COLL_OP_INACTIVE); } return result; } extern gex_Event_t gasnete_coll_exchg_Dissem2(gasnet_team_handle_t team, void *dst, void *src, size_t nbytes, int flags, gasnete_coll_implementation_t coll_params, uint32_t sequence GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { int options = GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_P2P | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_INSYNC_IF (!(flags & GASNET_COLL_IN_NOSYNC)) | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_OUTSYNC_IF(!(flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_NOSYNC)) | ((team->total_ranks > 1) ? GASNETE_COLL_USE_SCRATCH : 0); int radix; radix = 2; return gasnete_coll_generic_exchange_nb(team, dst, src, nbytes, flags, &gasnete_coll_pf_exchg_Dissem, options, NULL, gasnete_coll_fetch_dissemination(radix ,team), sequence, coll_params->num_params, coll_params->param_list GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } extern gex_Event_t gasnete_coll_exchg_Dissem3(gasnet_team_handle_t team, void *dst, void *src, size_t nbytes, int flags, gasnete_coll_implementation_t coll_params, uint32_t sequence GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { int options = GASNETE_COLL_USE_SCRATCH | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_P2P | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_INSYNC_IF (!(flags & GASNET_COLL_IN_NOSYNC)) | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_OUTSYNC_IF(!(flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_NOSYNC)); int radix; radix = 3; return gasnete_coll_generic_exchange_nb(team, dst, src, nbytes, flags, &gasnete_coll_pf_exchg_Dissem, options, NULL, gasnete_coll_fetch_dissemination(radix ,team), sequence, coll_params->num_params, coll_params->param_list GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } extern gex_Event_t gasnete_coll_exchg_Dissem4(gasnet_team_handle_t team, void *dst, void *src, size_t nbytes, int flags, gasnete_coll_implementation_t coll_params, uint32_t sequence GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { int options = GASNETE_COLL_USE_SCRATCH | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_P2P | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_INSYNC_IF (!(flags & GASNET_COLL_IN_NOSYNC)) | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_OUTSYNC_IF(!(flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_NOSYNC)); int radix; radix = 4; return gasnete_coll_generic_exchange_nb(team, dst, src, nbytes, flags, &gasnete_coll_pf_exchg_Dissem, options, NULL, gasnete_coll_fetch_dissemination(radix ,team), sequence, coll_params->num_params, coll_params->param_list GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } extern gex_Event_t gasnete_coll_exchg_Dissem8(gasnet_team_handle_t team, void *dst, void *src, size_t nbytes, int flags, gasnete_coll_implementation_t coll_params, uint32_t sequence GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { int options = GASNETE_COLL_USE_SCRATCH | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_P2P | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_INSYNC_IF (!(flags & GASNET_COLL_IN_NOSYNC)) | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_OUTSYNC_IF(!(flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_NOSYNC)); int radix; radix = 8; return gasnete_coll_generic_exchange_nb(team, dst, src, nbytes, flags, &gasnete_coll_pf_exchg_Dissem, options, NULL, gasnete_coll_fetch_dissemination(radix ,team), sequence, coll_params->num_params, coll_params->param_list GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } extern gex_Event_t gasnete_coll_exchg_FlatScratch(gasnet_team_handle_t team, void *dst, void *src, size_t nbytes, int flags, gasnete_coll_implementation_t coll_params, uint32_t sequence GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { int options = GASNETE_COLL_USE_SCRATCH | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_P2P | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_INSYNC_IF (!(flags & GASNET_COLL_IN_NOSYNC)) | GASNETE_COLL_GENERIC_OPT_OUTSYNC_IF(!(flags & GASNET_COLL_OUT_NOSYNC)); int radix; radix = team->total_ranks; return gasnete_coll_generic_exchange_nb(team, dst, src, nbytes, flags, &gasnete_coll_pf_exchg_Dissem, options, NULL, gasnete_coll_fetch_dissemination(radix ,team), sequence, coll_params->num_params, coll_params->param_list GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/