/* $Source: bitbucket.org:berkeleylab/gasnet.git/extended-ref/coll/gasnet_team.c $ * * Description: GASNet generic team implementation for collectives * Copyright 2009, The Regents of the University of California * Terms of use are as specified in license.txt */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef GASNETE_COLL_TEAM_CONDUIT_DECLS GASNETE_COLL_TEAM_CONDUIT_DECLS #endif static gasnete_hashtable_t *team_dir = NULL; #define GASNETE_COLL_TEAM_ID_BITS 12 #define GASNETE_COLL_TEAM_ID_COUNT (1<> GASNETE_COLL_TEAM_ID_BITS)) return; id &= GASNETE_COLL_TEAM_ID_MASK; unsigned int word = id / 32; unsigned int bit = id % 32; gasneti_weakatomic32_t *p = &team_id.map[word]; uint32_t readval, newval; do { // Atomic clear readval = gasneti_weakatomic32_read(p, 0); gasneti_assert(readval & (1 << bit)); newval = readval ^ (1 << bit); } while (!gasneti_weakatomic32_compare_and_swap(p, readval, newval, 0)); // If allocation hint is word we've written, advance to increase distance to reuse if (team_id.hint == word) team_id.hint = word + 1; // mod done when read } extern size_t gasnete_coll_auxseg_size; extern size_t gasnete_coll_auxseg_offset; /*called by only one thread*/ static void initialize_team_fields( gasnete_coll_team_t team, size_t scratch_size, // Single-valued gex_Addr_t *scratch_addrs, gex_Flags_t flags GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { team->sequence = 0xfffffff8; // Intentionally near to wrap-around if (team->team_id) { // Detect and optimize for storage in symmetric offset case uintptr_t symmetric_offset = 0; int is_symmetric = 0; if (scratch_size && (team->total_ranks > 1)) { const gasnet_seginfo_t *si = gasneti_seginfo + team->rel2act_map[0]; symmetric_offset = (uintptr_t)scratch_addrs[0] - (uintptr_t)(si->addr); if (symmetric_offset < si->size) { is_symmetric = 1; for (gex_Rank_t r = 1; r < team->total_ranks; ++r) { si = gasneti_seginfo + team->rel2act_map[r]; if (symmetric_offset != (uintptr_t)scratch_addrs[r] - (uintptr_t)(si->addr)) { is_symmetric = 0; break; } } } } team->scratch_size = scratch_size; if (is_symmetric) { team->scratch_segs = gasneti_seginfo; team->symmetric_scratch_offset = symmetric_offset; gasneti_assert(! team->scratch_addrs); gasneti_free(scratch_addrs); GASNETI_TRACE_PRINTF(W,("Team TM%x:%i scratch: size=%"PRIuSZ" symmetric_offset=%"PRIuPTR, team->team_id, team->myrank, scratch_size, symmetric_offset)); } else { team->scratch_addrs = scratch_addrs; gasneti_assert(! team->scratch_segs); gasneti_assert(! team->symmetric_scratch_offset); GASNETI_TRACE_PRINTF(W,("Team TM%x:%i scratch: size=%"PRIuSZ" non-symmetric", team->team_id, team->myrank, scratch_size)); } } else { gasneti_assert(team == GASNET_TEAM_ALL); gasneti_assert(gasnete_coll_auxseg_size); team->scratch_size = gasnete_coll_auxseg_size; gasneti_assert(! team->scratch_addrs); team->scratch_segs = gasneti_seginfo_aux; team->symmetric_scratch_offset = gasnete_coll_auxseg_offset; gasneti_assert(! team->rel2act_map); GASNETI_TRACE_PRINTF(W,("Team TM0:%i scratch: size=%"PRIuSZ" symmetric_offset=%"PRIuPTR" (auxseg)", gasneti_mynode, scratch_size, gasnete_coll_auxseg_offset)); } team->myscratch = team->scratch_size ? (void *)gasnete_coll_scratch_base(team, team->myrank) : NULL; #if GASNET_PAR && GASNET_DEBUG gasneti_mutex_init(&team->threads_mutex); #endif #if GASNET_DEBUG gasneti_mutex_init(&team->barrier_lock); #endif team->tree_geom_cache_head = NULL; team->tree_geom_cache_tail = NULL; gasneti_mutex_init(&team->tree_geom_cache_lock); team->tree_construction_scratch = NULL; team->dissem_cache_head = NULL; team->dissem_cache_tail = NULL; gasneti_mutex_init(&team->dissem_cache_lock); team->autotune_info = gasnete_coll_autotune_init(team GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); team->consensus_id = team->consensus_issued_id = 0xfffffff8; // Intentionally near to wrap-around gasnete_coll_alloc_new_scratch_status(team); team->scratch_free_list = NULL; gex_HSL_Init(&team->child.lock); gex_HSL_Init(&team->rexchgv.lock); #ifndef GASNETE_COLL_P2P_OVERRIDE gex_HSL_Init(&team->p2p_lock); team->p2p_freelist = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < GASNETE_COLL_P2P_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { team->p2p_table[i] = NULL; } team->p2p_eager_buffersz = MAX(gasnete_coll_p2p_eager_min, team->total_ranks * gasnete_coll_p2p_eager_scale); #endif } /* Helper for gasnete_coll_team_alloc() */ static int gasnete_node_pair_sort_fn(const void *a_p, const void *b_p) { const int a0 = ((const gex_Rank_t *)a_p)[0]; const int b0 = ((const gex_Rank_t *)b_p)[0]; const int d0 = (a0 - b0); /* sort first by supernode */ if (d0) return d0; else { const int a1 = ((const gex_Rank_t *)a_p)[1]; const int b1 = ((const gex_Rank_t *)b_p)[1]; /* break ties by node - must be increasing order because * we use local rank to determine the active node */ return (a1 - b1); } } void gasnete_coll_team_init(gasnet_team_handle_t team, size_t scratch_size, gex_Addr_t *scratch_addrs, gex_Flags_t flags GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { initialize_team_fields(team, scratch_size, scratch_addrs, flags GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); /* lock the team directory (team_dir) */ /* add the new team to the directory */ if (team_dir == NULL) { team_dir = gasnete_hashtable_create(TEAM_DIR_SIZE); gasneti_assert(team_dir != NULL); } gasnete_hashtable_insert(team_dir, team->team_id, team); #ifdef gasnete_coll_team_init_conduit /* conduit specific initialization for gasnet teams */ gasnete_coll_team_init_conduit(team); #endif /* unlock */ if (team->team_id) { gasnete_coll_barrier_init(team, GASNETE_COLL_BARRIER_ENVDEFAULT); } } void gasnete_coll_team_fini(gasnet_team_handle_t team) { gasneti_assert(team != NULL); team_id_free(team->team_id); /* free data members of the team, such as scratch space and etc. */ gasneti_free(team->rel2act_map); gasneti_free(team->peers.fwd); #if GASNET_PSHM gasneti_free(team->supernode_peers.fwd); #endif gasneti_free(team->scratch_addrs); gasnete_coll_autotune_free(team); gasnete_coll_free_scratch_status(team); gasnete_coll_local_tree_geom_purge(team); gasnete_coll_scratch_req_purge(team); gasnete_coll_p2p_purge(team); if (team->barrier_fini) team->barrier_fini(team); gasneti_assert(team_dir != NULL); gasnete_hashtable_remove(team_dir, team->team_id, NULL); #if !defined(GASNETE_COLL_P2P_OVERRIDE) && GASNET_DEBUG for (int i = 0; i < GASNETE_COLL_P2P_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { /* Check that table is actually empty */ gasneti_assert(team->p2p_table[i] == NULL); } #endif #ifdef gasnete_coll_team_fini_conduit /* conduit specific initialization for gasnet teams */ gasnete_coll_team_fini_conduit(team); #endif } // Non-collective call to allocate local data and initialize some key fields gasnet_team_handle_t gasnete_coll_team_alloc( gex_Rank_t total_ranks, gex_Rank_t myrank, gex_Rank_t *rank_map) { gasnet_team_handle_t team = gasneti_calloc(1,sizeof(struct gasnete_coll_team_t_)); team->myrank = myrank; team->total_ranks = total_ranks; team->rel2act_map = rank_map; // Build peer lists if (total_ranks > 1) { unsigned int count = 0; for (gex_Rank_t i=1; ipeers.num = count; team->peers.fwd = gasneti_malloc(sizeof(gex_Rank_t) * count * 2); team->peers.bwd = team->peers.fwd + count; for (gex_Rank_t i=0; ipeers.fwd[i] = rank_map[(myrank + dist) % total_ranks]; team->peers.bwd[i] = rank_map[(myrank + total_ranks - dist) % total_ranks]; } } #if GASNET_PSHM // Build supernode stats { gex_Rank_t *node_vector, *supernodes; int count, rank; // A list with a representative for each supernode (for hierarchical comms) supernodes = gasneti_malloc(gasneti_nodemap_global_count * sizeof(gex_Rank_t)); /* Created a sorted vector of (supernode,node) for members of this team * while finding size of and rank in local supernode in the same pass */ count = 0; rank = -1; node_vector = gasneti_malloc(2 * total_ranks * sizeof(gex_Rank_t)); for (gex_Rank_t i = 0; i < total_ranks; ++i) { gex_Rank_t n = rank_map[i]; if (gasneti_pshm_jobrank_in_supernode(n)) { if (n == gasneti_mynode) rank = count; ++count; } node_vector[2*i+0] = gasneti_node2supernode(n); node_vector[2*i+1] = n; } qsort(node_vector, total_ranks, 2*sizeof(gex_Rank_t), &gasnete_node_pair_sort_fn); gasneti_assert((count > 0) && (count <= gasneti_nodemap_local_count)); gasneti_assert((rank >= 0) && (rank < gasneti_nodemap_local_count)); team->supernode.node_count = count; team->supernode.node_rank = rank; /* Count and enumerate unique supernodes and find my supernode's rank */ count = 1; rank = 0; supernodes[0] = node_vector[1]; for (gex_Rank_t i = 1; i < total_ranks; ++i) { if (node_vector[2*i] != node_vector[2*(i-1)]) { if (node_vector[2*i] == gasneti_nodemap_global_rank) rank = count; supernodes[count] = node_vector[2*i+1]; ++count; } } gasneti_free(node_vector); gasneti_assert((count > 0) && (count <= gasneti_nodemap_global_count)); gasneti_assert((rank >= 0) && (rank < gasneti_nodemap_global_count)); team->supernode.grp_count = count; team->supernode.grp_rank = rank; /* Construct a list of log(P) representatives at distance +2^i */ /* NOTE: 'count' and 'rank' are in the supernode space */ { unsigned int len = 0; for (gex_Rank_t i=1; isupernode_peers.num = len; team->supernode_peers.fwd = gasneti_malloc(sizeof(gex_Rank_t) * len); for (gex_Rank_t i=0; isupernode_peers.fwd[i] = supernodes[(rank + dist) % count]; } } gasneti_free(supernodes); } #endif return team; } // collective function that should be called by all ranks in the output team // Consumes the rank_map // Provides synchronization sufficient for use of output team // Requires a parent-scoped entry barrier due to use of "subteam" collectives gasnet_team_handle_t gasnete_coll_team_create( gasnet_team_handle_t parent, gex_Rank_t total_ranks, gex_Rank_t myrank, gex_Rank_t *rank_map, size_t scratch_size, gex_Addr_t *scratch_addrs, gex_Flags_t flags GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnet_team_handle_t team = gasnete_coll_team_alloc(total_ranks, myrank, rank_map); gasnete_subteam_Init(parent, team GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); // Allocatate/communicate the new team's ID gasnete_subteam_ID(team GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); // Construct global scratch_addrs[] array gex_Addr_t *global_scratch_addrs = NULL; gex_Flags_t scratch_mask = GEX_FLAG_TM_GLOBAL_SCRATCH | GEX_FLAG_TM_LOCAL_SCRATCH | GEX_FLAG_TM_SYMMETRIC_SCRATCH | GEX_FLAG_TM_NO_SCRATCH; switch (flags & scratch_mask) { case GEX_FLAG_TM_GLOBAL_SCRATCH: global_scratch_addrs = gasneti_malloc(total_ranks * sizeof(gex_Addr_t)); memcpy(global_scratch_addrs, scratch_addrs, total_ranks * sizeof(gex_Addr_t)); break; case GEX_FLAG_TM_LOCAL_SCRATCH: global_scratch_addrs = gasneti_malloc(total_ranks * sizeof(gex_Addr_t)); gasnete_subteam_Exchange(team, scratch_addrs, sizeof(gex_Addr_t), global_scratch_addrs GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); break; case GEX_FLAG_TM_SYMMETRIC_SCRATCH: // TODO-EX: when implementing GEX_FLAG_SCRATCH_SEG_OFFSET, do not instatate an array global_scratch_addrs = gasneti_malloc(total_ranks * sizeof(gex_Addr_t)); for (gex_Rank_t r = 0; r < total_ranks; ++r) { global_scratch_addrs[r] = scratch_addrs[0]; } break; case GEX_FLAG_TM_NO_SCRATCH: scratch_size = 0; break; case 0: gasneti_fatalerror("No GEX_FLAG_TM_*_SCRATCH flags provided"); break; default: gasneti_fatalerror("Multiple GEX_FLAG_TM_*_SCRATCH flags provided"); break; } #if GASNET_DEBUG // Verify single-valued scratch_size size_t leader_scratch_size = myrank ? 0xcafef00d : scratch_size; gasnete_subteam_Broadcast(team, &leader_scratch_size, sizeof(leader_scratch_size) GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasneti_assert_uint(scratch_size ,==, leader_scratch_size); #endif gasnete_coll_team_init(team, scratch_size, global_scratch_addrs, flags GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasnete_subteam_Fini(team, 1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); return team; } int gasnete_coll_team_free(gasnet_team_handle_t team, gex_Memvec_t *scratch_p) { int result = 0; gasneti_assert(team != NULL); if (scratch_p && team->scratch_size) { // TODO: distinguish scratch allocated by GASNet result = 1; scratch_p->gex_addr = team->myscratch; scratch_p->gex_len = team->scratch_size; } gasnete_coll_team_fini(team); gasneti_free(team); return result; } typedef struct { int relrank; gex_Rank_t parent_rank; } gasnete_coll_split_sort_t; int gasnete_coll_split_sort_fn(const void *x, const void *y) { const gasnete_coll_split_sort_t *a = x; const gasnete_coll_split_sort_t *b = y; // Note that parent_ranks are distinct (never equal) if (a->relrank == b->relrank) return (a->parent_rank < b->parent_rank) ? -1 : 1; else return (a->relrank < b->relrank) ? -1 : 1; } gasnet_team_handle_t gasnete_coll_team_split(gasnet_team_handle_t parent, int mycolor, int myrelrank, size_t scratch_size, gex_Addr_t scratch_addr, gex_Flags_t flags GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnet_team_handle_t newteam; gex_Rank_t new_total_ranks; gex_Rank_t new_myrank = GEX_RANK_INVALID; gex_Rank_t i, j; /* collect the arguments */ struct { gex_Rank_t color; gex_Rank_t relrank; } my_args, *all_args; my_args.color = mycolor; my_args.relrank = myrelrank; all_args = gasneti_malloc(sizeof(my_args) * parent->total_ranks); gasnet_coll_gather_all(parent, all_args, &my_args, sizeof(my_args), GASNET_COLL_LOCAL|GASNET_COLL_IN_MYSYNC | GASNET_COLL_OUT_MYSYNC); /* short-circuit if excluded */ if (mycolor == -1) { gasneti_free(all_args); return NULL; } /* pass 1: just count */ new_total_ranks = 0; for (i=0; itotal_ranks; i++) { new_total_ranks += (mycolor == all_args[i].color); } /* pass 2: collect and rank the members */ gasnete_coll_split_sort_t *members = gasneti_malloc(new_total_ranks*sizeof(gasnete_coll_split_sort_t)); for (i=j=0; itotal_ranks; i++) { if (mycolor == all_args[i].color) { members[j].parent_rank = i; members[j].relrank = all_args[i].relrank; j += 1; } } gasneti_assert(j == new_total_ranks); qsort(members, new_total_ranks, sizeof(gasnete_coll_split_sort_t), &gasnete_coll_split_sort_fn); // pass 3: collect jobranks of sorted members gex_Rank_t *rank_map = (gex_Rank_t *)gasneti_malloc(new_total_ranks*sizeof(gex_Rank_t)); for (i=0; i < new_total_ranks; i++) { j = members[i].parent_rank; if (j == parent->myrank) new_myrank = i; rank_map[i] = parent->team_id ? parent->rel2act_map[j] : j; } gasneti_assert(new_myrank != GEX_RANK_INVALID); gasneti_free(members); gasneti_free(all_args); /* It would be better to add some sanity check for team correctness here. */ /* create a team */ newteam = gasnete_coll_team_create(parent, new_total_ranks, new_myrank, rank_map, scratch_size, &scratch_addr, flags GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); return newteam; } gasnet_team_handle_t gasnete_coll_team_lookup(uint32_t team_id) { gasnet_team_handle_t team; if (team_id == 0) { team = GASNET_TEAM_ALL; } else { if (gasnete_hashtable_search(team_dir, team_id, (void **)&team)) { // did not find team_id in the hash table gasneti_fatalerror("Collective operation on invalid (destroyed?) TM%x", (unsigned int)team_id); } } return team; } void gasnete_print_team(gasnet_team_handle_t team, FILE *fp) { int i; fprintf(fp, "team id %x, total ranks %u, my rank %u\n", (unsigned int)team->team_id, (unsigned int)team->total_ranks, (unsigned int)team->myrank); fprintf(fp, "rel2act_map:\n"); for (i=0; itotal_ranks; i++) { fprintf(fp, "%u -> %u\n", i, (unsigned int)team->rel2act_map[i]); } fflush(fp); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // AM-based Collective Operations over a SUBSET of an existing "parent" team // Used in team construction // // Use must follow the pattern: // 1. Call gasnete_subteam_Init(parent, child) // Preconditions (satisfied in any order): // A. There must be a barrier synchronization over the parent team since the // previous use of gasnete_subteam_Fini(). In the case of gex_TM_Spilt(), // the GatherAll of (color,rel_rank) is sufficient. // 2. Call zero or more gasnete_subteam_*(child, ...) functions // Use the collectives as needed to construct the team. // 3. Call gasnete_subteam_Fini(child, do_sync) // A non-zero value of 'do_sync' argument requests a barrier synchronization // to prevent use of the constructed child team prior to global completion // of its construction. This may be omitted if such synchronization is // provided by other means. // // All steps above are collective over the members of the child team. // However no such restriction exists over the parent team. // // TODO-EX: multi-EP, especially Create using EPs not in parent // TODO-EX: remove THUNK_TM via gex_TM_Pair() // TODO-EX: revisit use of phase[2] vs sequence numbers (or similar) // TODO-EX: seek to remove requirement for an entry barrier over parent_tm // TODO-EX: determine if one can remove memory fences from start/end of initiators // BEGIN use of subteam collectives over a given parent void gasnete_subteam_Init( gasnete_coll_team_t parent, gasnete_coll_team_t child GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasneti_assert(child->early_parent == NULL); gasneti_assert(parent->child.phase == 0); child->early_parent = parent; } // END use of subteam collectives // May include optional "exit barrier" over the child team void gasnete_subteam_Fini( gasnete_coll_team_t child, int do_sync GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasneti_assert(child->early_parent); if (do_sync) gasnete_subteam_Barrier(child GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); child->early_parent->child.phase = 0; child->early_parent = NULL; } static uint8_t* gasnete_subteam_op_data(gasnete_coll_team_t parent, int phase, size_t size) { uint8_t *data = parent->child.data[phase]; if_pf (! data) { gex_HSL_Lock(&parent->child.lock); data = parent->child.data[phase]; if (! data) { data = gasneti_malloc(size); parent->child.data[phase] = data; } gex_HSL_Unlock(&parent->child.lock); } return data; } enum { gasnete_subteam_op_barrier, gasnete_subteam_op_broadcast, gasnete_subteam_op_exchange, gasnete_subteam_op_team_id, }; #define GASNETE_SUBTEAM_OP_ARG0(op,phase,step,seq) \ (gasnete_subteam_op_##op | ((phase)<<2) | ((step)<<3) | ((seq)<<8)) void gasnete_subteam_op_reqh( gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes, gex_AM_Arg_t parent_id, gex_AM_Arg_t nranks, gex_AM_Arg_t arg0, gex_AM_Arg_t arg1) { const int op = arg0 & 0x3; const int phase = (arg0 >> 2) & 1; const int step = (arg0 >> 3) & 0x1f; // Max 2^5 steps => 2^32 ranks const int seq = (arg0 >> 8); // Max 2^24 fragments * 512 => 8GB (and largest msg is elemsz*nranks/2) const int distance = (1 << step); gasneti_assert_uint(distance ,<, nranks); gasnete_coll_team_t parent = gasnete_coll_team_lookup(parent_id); switch (op) { case gasnete_subteam_op_barrier: // arg1 is unused gasneti_assert_uint(nbytes ,==, 0); gasneti_assert_int((int)gasneti_weakatomic32_read(&parent->child.step_rcvd[phase][step], 0) ,==, 0); gasneti_weakatomic32_set(&parent->child.step_rcvd[phase][step], 1, 0); break; case gasnete_subteam_op_broadcast: { // arg1 is size of one element uint8_t *data = gasnete_subteam_op_data(parent, phase, arg1); if (nbytes) { // not every message carries data. some are synchronization gasneti_assert(nbytes == arg1); GASNETI_MEMCPY(data, buf, nbytes); } gasneti_assert_int((int)gasneti_weakatomic32_read(&parent->child.step_rcvd[phase][step], 0) ,==, 0); gasneti_weakatomic32_set(&parent->child.step_rcvd[phase][step], 1, GASNETI_ATOMIC_REL); break; } case gasnete_subteam_op_exchange: { // arg1 is size of one element uint8_t *data = gasnete_subteam_op_data(parent, phase, nranks*arg1); uint8_t *dest = data + (arg1 * distance) + (seq * gex_AM_LUBRequestMedium()); gasneti_assert_ptr(dest + nbytes ,<=, data + arg1 * nranks); GASNETI_MEMCPY(dest, buf, nbytes); gasneti_weakatomic32_increment(&parent->child.step_rcvd[phase][step], GASNETI_ATOMIC_REL); break; } case gasnete_subteam_op_team_id: { // arg1 is the (non-zero) new team id gasneti_assert_uint(nbytes ,==, 0); gasneti_assert_uint(arg1 ,!=, 0); gasneti_assert_int((int)gasneti_weakatomic32_read(&parent->child.team_id, 0) ,==, 0); gasneti_weakatomic32_set(&parent->child.team_id, arg1, 0); break; } default: gasneti_unreachable_error(("Unknown op: %i",op)); } } void gasnete_subteam_Barrier( gasnete_coll_team_t child GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnete_coll_team_t parent = child->early_parent; gasneti_assert(parent != NULL); const int phase = parent->child.phase; gex_Rank_t nranks = child->total_ranks; gex_Rank_t myrank = child->myrank; gasneti_sync_reads(); if (nranks == 1) goto out; // Dissemination barrier for (unsigned int step = 0, distance = 1; distance < nranks; ++step, distance *= 2) { gex_Rank_t jobrank = child->peers.fwd[step]; // Send payload using 0-byte AMMedium due to sharing single handler gex_AM_Arg_t arg0 = GASNETE_SUBTEAM_OP_ARG0(barrier, phase, step, 0); gex_AM_RequestMedium(gasneti_THUNK_TM, jobrank, _hidx_gasnete_subteam_op_reqh, NULL, 0, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, parent->team_id, nranks, arg0, 0); // Poll until we have received for the current step GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL((int)gasneti_weakatomic32_read(&parent->child.step_rcvd[phase][step], 0) == 1); gasneti_weakatomic32_set(&parent->child.step_rcvd[phase][step], 0, 0); // reset } out: gasneti_sync_writes(); parent->child.phase ^= 1; } // Root is always rank 0 // In-place on root (and thus a single pointer argument) // // This implementation provides a full barrier synchronization required for the // use of phase[], but this does NOT ensure all ranks have received the // broadcast prior to return on any given ranks. void gasnete_subteam_Broadcast( gasnete_coll_team_t child, void *ptr, size_t elemsz GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasneti_assert_uint(elemsz ,<=, gex_AM_LUBRequestMedium()); gasnete_coll_team_t parent = child->early_parent; gasneti_assert(parent != NULL); const int phase = parent->child.phase; gex_Rank_t nranks = child->total_ranks; gex_Rank_t myrank = child->myrank; gasneti_sync_reads(); if (nranks == 1) goto out; uint8_t *data = gasnete_subteam_op_data(parent, phase, elemsz); if (!myrank) { GASNETI_MEMCPY(data, ptr, elemsz); } // Essentially an AllgatherV with len=elemsz on rank 0, and zero on all others gex_Rank_t recv_count = 0; for (unsigned int step = 0, distance = 1; distance < nranks; ++step, distance *= 2) { gex_Rank_t jobrank = child->peers.fwd[step]; // Send payload using AMMedium size_t nbytes = (recv_count >= myrank) ? elemsz : 0; // non-zero if have recv'd data from rank 0 gex_AM_Arg_t arg0 = GASNETE_SUBTEAM_OP_ARG0(broadcast, phase, step, 0); gex_AM_RequestMedium(gasneti_THUNK_TM, jobrank, _hidx_gasnete_subteam_op_reqh, data, nbytes, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, parent->team_id, nranks, arg0, (uint32_t)elemsz); // Poll until we have received for the current step GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL((int)gasneti_weakatomic32_read(&parent->child.step_rcvd[phase][step], 0) == 1); gasneti_weakatomic32_set(&parent->child.step_rcvd[phase][step], 0, 0); // reset recv_count += distance; } if (myrank) { GASNETI_MEMCPY(ptr, data, elemsz); } gasneti_free(data); parent->child.data[phase] = NULL; out: gasneti_sync_writes(); parent->child.phase ^= 1; } void gasnete_subteam_Exchange( gasnete_coll_team_t child, void *src, size_t elemsz, void *dst GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasneti_assert(elemsz); gasnete_coll_team_t parent = child->early_parent; gasneti_assert(parent != NULL); const int phase = parent->child.phase; gex_Rank_t nranks = child->total_ranks; gex_Rank_t myrank = child->myrank; gasneti_sync_reads(); if (nranks == 1) { GASNETI_MEMCPY_SAFE_IDENTICAL(dst, src, elemsz); goto out; } uint8_t *data = gasnete_subteam_op_data(parent, phase, nranks*elemsz); // copy in local contribution GASNETI_MEMCPY(data, src, elemsz); // Bruck's concatenation algorithm: for (unsigned int step = 0, distance = 1; distance < nranks; ++step, distance *= 2) { gex_Rank_t jobrank = child->peers.bwd[step]; size_t nbytes = elemsz * MIN(distance, nranks - distance); size_t offset = 0; uint32_t seq = 0; // Send payload using AMMedium(s) do { const gex_AM_Arg_t arg0 = GASNETE_SUBTEAM_OP_ARG0(exchange, phase, step, seq); const size_t to_xfer = MIN(nbytes, gex_AM_LUBRequestMedium()); gex_AM_RequestMedium(gasneti_THUNK_TM, jobrank, _hidx_gasnete_subteam_op_reqh, data + offset, to_xfer, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, parent->team_id, nranks, arg0, (uint32_t)elemsz); ++seq; offset += to_xfer; nbytes -= to_xfer; } while (nbytes); // Poll until we have received the same number of messages as we sent GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL((int)gasneti_weakatomic32_read(&parent->child.step_rcvd[phase][step], 0) >= (int)seq); gasneti_assert_int((int)gasneti_weakatomic32_read(&parent->child.step_rcvd[phase][step], 0) ,==, (int)seq); gasneti_weakatomic32_set(&parent->child.step_rcvd[phase][step], 0, 0); // reset } // Copy to final destination while performing the rotation const size_t a = elemsz * (nranks - myrank); const size_t b = elemsz * myrank; GASNETI_MEMCPY_SAFE_EMPTY(dst, data + a, b); GASNETI_MEMCPY_SAFE_EMPTY((uint8_t*)dst + b, data, a); gasneti_assert(!memcmp((uint8_t*)dst + myrank*elemsz, src, elemsz)); gasneti_free(data); parent->child.data[phase] = NULL; out: gasneti_sync_writes(); parent->child.phase ^= 1; } void gasnete_subteam_ID( gasnete_coll_team_t child GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnete_coll_team_t parent = child->early_parent; gasneti_assert(parent != NULL); gex_Rank_t nranks = child->total_ranks; gex_Rank_t myrank = child->myrank; uint32_t new_team_id; if (!myrank) { // the team leader (rank 0) allocates the new team_id uint32_t low_bits = team_id_alloc(); new_team_id = low_bits | (gasneti_mynode << GASNETE_COLL_TEAM_ID_BITS); } else { // Non-leader polls until we have received the datum gasneti_polluntil (0 != (new_team_id = gasneti_weakatomic32_read(&parent->child.team_id, 0))); gasneti_weakatomic32_set(&parent->child.team_id, 0, 0); } // Send to children in a binomial tree gex_Rank_t subtree = myrank ? (myrank & -myrank) : nranks; if (subtree > 1) { for (int step = gasnete_coll_log2_rank(subtree - 1); step >= 0; --step) { if (myrank + (1 << step) >= nranks) continue; gex_Rank_t jobrank = child->peers.fwd[step]; const gex_AM_Arg_t arg0 = GASNETE_SUBTEAM_OP_ARG0(team_id, 0, 0, 0); gex_AM_RequestMedium(gasneti_THUNK_TM, jobrank, _hidx_gasnete_subteam_op_reqh, NULL, 0, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, parent->team_id, nranks, arg0, new_team_id); } } child->team_id = new_team_id; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // Blocking Rotated, ExchangeV utility function // // Takes only local data and length, and computes (and returns) the total length. // Returns data address via *dst_p // Returns optional lengths array via *len_p, if non-NULL. // Both arrays are dynamically allocated and the caller is responsible for freeing them. // In the event of an "empty" result (returning 0) both pointers returns are NULL; // // In order to avoid the cost (time and space) of an in-memory rotation, this // implementation does not return its result in the normal [0...nranks) order. // Instead the data starts with the local contribution, followed by the remaining // ranks in order with wrap-around: // myrank, (myrank+1)%nranks, (myrank+2)%nranks, ... // A caller can index the data in "normal" order with some modular arithmetic. // // Boundaries between the variable contributions can be determined by examining // the (optional) array of lengths available via len_p. Note that this array // is in the same rotated order as the data buffer. // // TODO-EX: use relevant gex_Coll_*() facilities, if any, when available // TODO-EX: support for total_len > 2^32 static void * gasnete_rexchgv_data(gasnete_coll_team_t team, int phase, size_t size) { uint8_t *data = team->rexchgv.data[phase]; if_pf (! data) { gex_HSL_Lock(&team->rexchgv.lock); data = team->rexchgv.data[phase]; if (! data) { data = gasneti_malloc(size); team->rexchgv.data[phase] = data; } gex_HSL_Unlock(&team->rexchgv.lock); } return data; } // It is not permissible to omit zero-length transfers from the second // ExchangeV, because their synchronization side-effect is required. However, // adding nbytes==0 to rexchgv.rcvd[phase][step] does not provide any signal of // the arrival. So, we replace zero by an arbitrary non-zero value in the rcvd // accounting. #define gasnete_rexchgv_zero_recvd 42 void gasnete_rexchgv_reqh( gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes, gex_AM_Arg_t team_id, gex_AM_Arg_t arg1, gex_AM_Arg_t total_len, gex_AM_Arg_t offset) { gasnete_coll_team_t team = gasnete_coll_team_lookup(team_id); int phase = arg1 & 1; int step = arg1 >> 1; uint8_t *data = gasnete_rexchgv_data(team, phase, total_len); GASNETI_MEMCPY(data + (uint32_t)offset, buf, nbytes); size_t increment = nbytes ? nbytes : gasnete_rexchgv_zero_recvd; gasneti_weakatomic32_add(&team->rexchgv.rcvd[phase][step], increment, GASNETI_ATOMIC_REL); } size_t gasneti_blockingRotatedExchangeV( gex_TM_t tm, const void *src, size_t len, void **dst_p, size_t **len_p) { GASNET_BEGIN_FUNCTION(); // TODO: remove this lookup gasnete_coll_team_t team = gasneti_import_tm_nonpair(tm)->_coll_team; uint32_t team_id = team->team_id; gex_Rank_t self = gex_TM_QueryRank(tm); gex_Rank_t team_sz = gex_TM_QuerySize(tm); int steps = 0; // ceil(log_2(team_sz)); for (gex_Rank_t tmp = team_sz-1; tmp; tmp >>= 1) ++steps; // Without the following hint, some gcc versions warn about massive malloc sizes below gasneti_assume(steps <= 8*sizeof(gex_Rank_t)); int phase = team->rexchgv.phase; gasneti_assert(phase == 0 || phase == 1); gex_Event_t event0 = GEX_EVENT_INVALID; gex_Event_t event1 = GEX_EVENT_INVALID; // // Step 1. Exchange the lengths using Bruck's concatenation algorithm // The final rotation is omitted, saving time and space, as well as greatly // simplifying the index arithmetic in the next step. // size_t len_array_sz = team_sz * sizeof(len); uint8_t *data0 = gasnete_rexchgv_data(team, phase, len_array_sz); GASNETI_MEMCPY(data0, &len, sizeof(len)); gex_NBI_BeginAccessRegion(0); for (unsigned int step = 0, distance = 1; step < steps; ++step, distance *= 2) { // Send data using stream of AMMediums gex_Rank_t dest_rank = (self + team_sz - distance) % team_sz; uint32_t offset = distance * sizeof(len); uint32_t nbytes = MIN(offset, len_array_sz - offset); uint32_t sent = 0; uint32_t arg1 = phase | (step << 1); size_t limit = gex_AM_MaxRequestMedium(tm,dest_rank,GEX_EVENT_GROUP,0,4); do { const uint32_t to_xfer = MIN(nbytes - sent, limit); gex_AM_RequestMedium4(tm, dest_rank, _hidx_gasnete_rexchgv_reqh, data0 + sent, to_xfer, GEX_EVENT_GROUP, 0, team_id, arg1, len_array_sz, offset + sent); sent += to_xfer; } while (sent < nbytes); // Wait to receive this step's data GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(gasneti_weakatomic32_read(&team->rexchgv.rcvd[phase][step], 0) >= nbytes); gasneti_assert_uint(gasneti_weakatomic32_read(&team->rexchgv.rcvd[phase][step], 0) ,==, nbytes); gasneti_weakatomic32_set(&team->rexchgv.rcvd[phase][step], 0, 0); // reset } event0 = gex_NBI_EndAccessRegion(0); // reset/advance team->rexchgv.data[phase] = NULL; phase ^= 1; // // Step 2. Compute sum and 2*log(P) partial sums // Indexing is nearly trivial due to omitting the rotation of the lengths array // size_t *len_array = (size_t *)data0; // NOTE: final rotation omitted // Total size: size_t total_len = 0; // Local received size and per-step partials: size_t l_sum = 0; size_t *l_sums = gasneti_malloc(sizeof(size_t) * (steps+1)); // Remote received size and per-step partials: size_t r_sum = 0; size_t *r_sums = gasneti_malloc(sizeof(size_t) * steps); // Indexing from both ends: int fwd_idx = 0, bwd_idx = team_sz - 1; for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) { int step_sz = 1 << MAX(0,i-1); // 1,1,2,4,8,... for (int j = 0; j < step_sz && bwd_idx; ++j) { total_len += len_array[fwd_idx]; r_sum += len_array[bwd_idx--]; l_sum += len_array[fwd_idx++]; } l_sums[i] = l_sum; r_sums[i] = r_sum; } while (fwd_idx < team_sz) { total_len += len_array[fwd_idx++]; } l_sums[steps] = total_len; // This code is for slinging metadata, not user data. // As such, we've assumed 32-bit (single handler argument) sizes and offsets // are sufficient to this purpose. if_pf ((uint64_t)total_len > UINT32_MAX) { gasneti_fatalerror("blockingRotatedExchangeV size limit of 4GB exceeded: total_len=%"PRIuSZ, total_len); } if (! total_len) { // Empty! *dst_p = NULL; goto out_zero_len; } // // Step 3. Bruck's concatenation algorithm generalized for variable lengths // uint8_t *data1 = gasnete_rexchgv_data(team, phase, total_len); GASNETI_MEMCPY_SAFE_EMPTY(data1, src, len); gex_NBI_BeginAccessRegion(0); for (unsigned int step = 0, distance = 1; step < steps; ++step, distance *= 2) { // Send data using stream of AMMediums gex_Rank_t dest_rank = (self + team_sz - distance) % team_sz; uint32_t offset = r_sums[step]; uint32_t nbytes = MIN(l_sums[step], total_len - offset); uint32_t sent = 0; uint32_t arg1 = phase | (step << 1); size_t limit = gex_AM_MaxRequestMedium(tm,dest_rank,GEX_EVENT_GROUP,0,4); do { // Note: must not skip nbytes==0 case, since message is needed for synchronization const uint32_t to_xfer = MIN(nbytes - sent, limit); gex_AM_RequestMedium4(tm, dest_rank, _hidx_gasnete_rexchgv_reqh, data1 + sent, to_xfer, GEX_EVENT_GROUP, 0, team_id, arg1, total_len, offset + sent); sent += to_xfer; } while (sent < nbytes); // Wait to receive this step's data (if any) uint32_t to_recv = l_sums[step+1] - l_sums[step]; if (!to_recv) to_recv = gasnete_rexchgv_zero_recvd; // a non-zero value used for zero-length recv GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(gasneti_weakatomic32_read(&team->rexchgv.rcvd[phase][step], 0) >= to_recv); gasneti_assert_uint(gasneti_weakatomic32_read(&team->rexchgv.rcvd[phase][step], 0) ,==, to_recv); gasneti_weakatomic32_set(&team->rexchgv.rcvd[phase][step], 0, 0); // reset } event1 = gex_NBI_EndAccessRegion(0); // reset/advance team->rexchgv.data[phase] = NULL; phase ^= 1; *dst_p = data1; out_zero_len: team->rexchgv.phase = phase; gasneti_free(r_sums); gasneti_free(l_sums); gex_Event_Wait(event0); // Source data in len_array if (total_len && len_p) { *len_p = len_array; } else { // Either len_array is empty, or caller didn't request it if (len_p) *len_p = NULL; gasneti_free(len_array); } gex_Event_Wait(event1); // Source data in data1 return total_len; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */