/* $Source: bitbucket.org:berkeleylab/gasnet.git/extended-ref/vis/gasnet_indexed.c $ * Description: GASNet Indexed implementation * Copyright 2002, Dan Bonachea * Terms of use are as specified in license.txt */ #ifndef GASNETI_GASNET_REFVIS_C #error This file not meant to be compiled directly - included by gasnet_refvis.c #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* packing/unpacking helpers */ #define _GASNETE_ADDRLIST_PACK(copy) { \ size_t i; \ uint8_t *ploc = (uint8_t *)buf; \ gasneti_assert(count > 0 && list && len > 0 && buf); \ gasneti_assert_uint(first_offset ,<, len); \ if (last_len == (size_t)-1) last_len = len; \ if (count == 1) { \ copy(ploc, ((uint8_t*)list[0])+first_offset, last_len); \ ploc += last_len; \ } else { \ size_t firstlen = len - first_offset; \ copy(ploc, ((uint8_t*)list[0])+first_offset, firstlen); \ ploc += firstlen; \ for (i = 1; i < count-1; i++) { \ copy(ploc, list[i], len); \ ploc += len; \ } \ copy(ploc, list[count-1], last_len); \ ploc += last_len; \ } \ return ploc; \ } /* pack a addrlist list into a contiguous buffer, using the provided byte offset into the first element if last_len is (size_t)-1, then last_len is ignored otherwise, last_len is used in place of len for the last entry (and is never adjusted based on first_offset, even if count == 1) return a pointer into the packed buffer, which points just after the last byte used */ void *gasnete_addrlist_pack(size_t count, void * const list[], size_t len, void *buf, size_t first_offset, size_t last_len) _GASNETE_ADDRLIST_PACK(_GASNETE_PACK_HELPER) void *gasnete_addrlist_unpack(size_t count, void * const list[], size_t len, void const *buf, size_t first_offset, size_t last_len) _GASNETE_ADDRLIST_PACK(_GASNETE_UNPACK_HELPER) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Packetizes remotelist into a list of gasnete_packetdesc_t entries based on maxpayload packet size sharedpacket => metadata and corresponding data travel together in unified packets (put) so that for each packet i: datasz_i + metadatasz_i <= maxpayload !sharedpacket => metadata and corresponding data travel in separate packets (get) so that for each packet i: MAX(datasz_i,metadatasz_i) <= maxpayload A local packet table is also computed to match the remote packetization boundaries of the data on a byte-for-byte basis Allocates and populates the plocalpt and premotept arrays with the packetization information Returns the number of packets described by the resulting plocalpt and premotept arrays */ size_t gasnete_packetize_addrlist(size_t remotecount, size_t remotelen, size_t localcount, size_t locallen, gasnete_packetdesc_t **premotept, gasnete_packetdesc_t **plocalpt, size_t maxpayload, int sharedpacket) { size_t ptidx; int done = 0; size_t ridx = 0, roffset = 0, lidx = 0, loffset = 0; size_t const metadatasz = sizeof(void *); size_t const runit = (sharedpacket ? metadatasz + remotelen : MAX(metadatasz,remotelen)); size_t ptsz = (runit <= maxpayload ? /* conservative upper bound on packet count */ remotecount / (maxpayload / runit) + 1 : remotelen*remotecount / (maxpayload - 2*metadatasz) + 1); gasnete_packetdesc_t *remotept = gasneti_malloc(ptsz*sizeof(gasnete_packetdesc_t)); gasnete_packetdesc_t *localpt = gasneti_malloc(ptsz*sizeof(gasnete_packetdesc_t)); gasneti_assert(premotept && plocalpt && remotecount && remotelen && localcount && locallen); gasneti_assert_uint(maxpayload ,>, metadatasz); gasneti_assert_uint(remotecount*remotelen ,==, localcount*locallen); gasneti_assert(remotecount*remotelen > 0); for (ptidx = 0; ; ptidx++) { ssize_t packetremain = maxpayload; ssize_t packetdata = 0; size_t ldatasz; size_t rdatasz = 0; // init to avoid a warning on gcc -O3 -Wall gasneti_assert_uint(ptidx ,<, ptsz); /* begin remote packet */ remotept[ptidx].firstidx = ridx; remotept[ptidx].firstoffset = roffset; /* begin local packet */ if_pf (lidx == localcount) localpt[ptidx].firstidx = lidx-1; else localpt[ptidx].firstidx = lidx; localpt[ptidx].firstoffset = loffset; if (roffset > 0) { /* initial partial entry */ gasneti_assert_uint(roffset ,<, remotelen); rdatasz = remotelen - roffset; /* data left in current entry */ /* try to add the entire entry to packet */ if (sharedpacket) packetremain -= (metadatasz + rdatasz); else packetremain -= MAX(metadatasz, rdatasz); if (packetremain < 0) { /* overflowed - finished a packet, and spill to next */ rdatasz += packetremain; /* compute truncated datasz that fits in this packet */ roffset += rdatasz; /* update offset into current entry */ packetdata += rdatasz; goto rend; } else { packetdata += rdatasz; roffset = 0; /* finished an entry */ ridx++; if (ridx == remotecount) { done = 1; goto rend; } /* done - this is last packet */ } } if (packetremain >= runit) { /* whole entries */ size_t numunits = packetremain / runit; if (ridx + numunits > remotecount) numunits = remotecount - ridx; rdatasz = remotelen; packetremain -= runit*numunits; packetdata += remotelen*numunits; ridx += numunits; gasneti_assert(roffset == 0); if (ridx == remotecount) { done = 1; goto rend; } /* done - this is last packet */ } if (packetremain > metadatasz) { /* trailing partial entry */ gasneti_assert_int(packetremain ,<, runit); if (sharedpacket) rdatasz = packetremain - metadatasz; else rdatasz = packetremain; packetdata += rdatasz; roffset = rdatasz; } rend: /* end remote packet */ if (roffset == 0) remotept[ptidx].lastidx = ridx-1; else remotept[ptidx].lastidx = ridx; remotept[ptidx].lastlen = rdatasz; #if GASNET_DEBUG /* verify packing properties */ gasnete_packetize_verify(remotept, ptidx, done, remotecount, remotelen, 0); { size_t datachk = 0, i; size_t entries = remotept[ptidx].lastidx - remotept[ptidx].firstidx + 1; for (i = remotept[ptidx].firstidx; i <= remotept[ptidx].lastidx; i++) { if (i == remotept[ptidx].lastidx) datachk += remotept[ptidx].lastlen; else if (i == remotept[ptidx].firstidx) datachk += (remotelen - remotept[ptidx].firstoffset); else datachk += remotelen; } gasneti_assert_uint(packetdata ,==, datachk); if (sharedpacket) { gasneti_assert_int((metadatasz*entries + packetdata) ,<=, maxpayload); /* not overfull */ if (!done) gasneti_assert_int((metadatasz*entries + packetdata) ,>=, maxpayload - metadatasz); /* not underfull */ } else { gasneti_assert_int(MAX(metadatasz*entries,packetdata) ,<=, maxpayload); /* not overfull */ if (!done) gasneti_assert_int(MAX(metadatasz*entries,packetdata) ,>=, maxpayload - 2*metadatasz); /* not underfull */ } } #endif ldatasz = 0; if (loffset > 0) { /* initial partial entry */ gasneti_assert_uint(loffset ,<, locallen); ldatasz = locallen - loffset; /* data left in current entry */ packetdata -= ldatasz; if (packetdata < 0) { /* overflowed - this entry spills into next packet */ ldatasz += packetdata; /* compute truncated datasz that fits in this packet */ loffset += ldatasz; /* update offset into current entry */ packetdata = 0; } else { loffset = 0; /* finished an entry */ lidx++; gasneti_assert(lidx < localcount || (lidx == localcount && packetdata == 0)); } } if (packetdata >= locallen) { /* whole entries */ size_t numunits = packetdata / locallen; if (lidx + numunits > localcount) numunits = localcount - lidx; ldatasz = locallen; packetdata -= locallen*numunits; lidx += numunits; gasneti_assert(lidx < localcount || (lidx == localcount && packetdata == 0)); gasneti_assert(loffset == 0); } if (packetdata > 0) { /* trailing partial entry */ gasneti_assert_uint(packetdata ,<, locallen); ldatasz = packetdata; loffset = ldatasz; } /* end local packet */ if (loffset == 0) localpt[ptidx].lastidx = lidx-1; else localpt[ptidx].lastidx = lidx; localpt[ptidx].lastlen = ldatasz; #if GASNET_DEBUG /* verify packing properties */ gasnete_packetize_verify(localpt, ptidx, done, localcount, locallen, 0); #endif if (done) { gasneti_assert(ridx == remotecount && roffset == 0 && lidx == localcount && loffset == 0); *premotept = remotept; *plocalpt = localpt; return ptidx+1; } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* *** Indexed *** */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* simple gather put, remotely contiguous */ #ifndef GASNETE_PUTI_GATHER_SELECTOR #if GASNETE_USE_REMOTECONTIG_GATHER_SCATTER gex_Event_t gasnete_puti_gather(gasnete_synctype_t synctype, gex_TM_t const tm, gex_Rank_t const rank, size_t dstcount, void * const dstlist[], size_t dstlen, size_t srccount, void * const srclist[], size_t srclen, gex_Flags_t flags GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnete_vis_threaddata_t * const td = GASNETE_VIS_MYTHREAD; size_t const nbytes = dstlen; gasneti_assert(dstcount == 1 && srccount > 1); /* only supports gather put */ gasneti_assert(!GASNETI_NBRHD_LOCAL(tm,rank)); // silly to use for local cases gasneti_assert(nbytes > 0); GASNETI_TRACE_EVENT(C, PUTI_GATHER); { gasneti_vis_op_t * const visop = gasnete_visbuf_malloc(sizeof(gasneti_vis_op_t)+nbytes); void * const packedbuf = visop + 1; gasnete_addrlist_pack(srccount, srclist, srclen, packedbuf, 0, (size_t)-1); visop->type = GASNETI_VIS_CAT_PUTI_GATHER; visop->event = gasnete_put_nb(tm, rank, dstlist[0], packedbuf, nbytes, GEX_EVENT_DEFER, 0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasneti_assert(visop->event != GEX_EVENT_INVALID); GASNETE_PUSH_VISOP_RETURN(td, visop, synctype, 0, (void)0); } } #define GASNETE_PUTI_GATHER_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags) \ if (gasnete_vis_use_remotecontig && dstcount == 1 && srccount > 1) \ return gasnete_puti_gather(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags GASNETI_THREAD_PASS) #else #define GASNETE_PUTI_GATHER_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags) ((void)0) #endif #endif /* simple scatter get, remotely contiguous */ #ifndef GASNETE_GETI_SCATTER_SELECTOR #if GASNETE_USE_REMOTECONTIG_GATHER_SCATTER gex_Event_t gasnete_geti_scatter(gasnete_synctype_t synctype, gex_TM_t const tm, gex_Rank_t const rank, size_t dstcount, void * const dstlist[], size_t dstlen, size_t srccount, void * const srclist[], size_t srclen, gex_Flags_t flags GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasnete_vis_threaddata_t * const td = GASNETE_VIS_MYTHREAD; size_t const nbytes = srclen; gasneti_assert(srccount == 1 && dstcount > 1); /* only supports scatter get */ gasneti_assert(!GASNETI_NBRHD_LOCAL(tm,rank)); // silly to use for local cases gasneti_assert(nbytes > 0); GASNETI_TRACE_EVENT(C, GETI_SCATTER); { gasneti_vis_op_t * const visop = gasnete_visbuf_malloc(sizeof(gasneti_vis_op_t)+dstcount*sizeof(void *)+nbytes); void * * const savedlst = (void * *)(visop + 1); void * const packedbuf = (void *)(savedlst + dstcount); GASNETI_MEMCPY(savedlst, dstlist, dstcount*sizeof(void *)); visop->type = GASNETI_VIS_CAT_GETI_SCATTER; visop->count = dstcount; visop->len = dstlen; visop->event = gasnete_get_nb(tm, packedbuf, rank, srclist[0], nbytes, 0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasneti_assert(visop->event != GEX_EVENT_INVALID); GASNETE_PUSH_VISOP_RETURN(td, visop, synctype, 1, (void)0); } } #define GASNETE_GETI_SCATTER_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags) \ if (gasnete_vis_use_remotecontig && srccount == 1 && dstcount > 1) \ return gasnete_geti_scatter(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags GASNETI_THREAD_PASS) #else #define GASNETE_GETI_SCATTER_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags) ((void)0) #endif #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Pipelined AM gather-scatter put */ #ifndef GASNETE_PUTI_AMPIPELINE_SELECTOR #if GASNETE_USE_AMPIPELINE gex_Event_t gasnete_puti_AMPipeline(gasnete_synctype_t synctype, gex_TM_t const tm, gex_Rank_t const rank, size_t dstcount, void * const dstlist[], size_t dstlen, size_t srccount, void * const srclist[], size_t srclen, gex_Flags_t flags GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasneti_assert(dstcount > 1); /* supports scatter put */ gasneti_assert(!GASNETI_NBRHD_LOCAL(tm,rank)); // silly to use for local cases GASNETI_TRACE_EVENT(C, PUTI_AMPIPELINE); GASNETE_START_NBIREGION(synctype); size_t const maxpacket = gex_AM_MaxRequestMedium(tm,rank, (GASNETE_VIS_NPAM ? NULL : GEX_EVENT_NOW), (GASNETE_VIS_NPAM ? GEX_FLAG_AM_PREPARE_LEAST_ALLOC : 0), HARGS(5,6)); gasnete_packetdesc_t *remotept; gasnete_packetdesc_t *localpt; size_t const packetcnt = gasnete_packetize_addrlist(dstcount, dstlen, srccount, srclen, &remotept, &localpt, maxpacket, 1); gasneti_iop_t *iop = gasneti_iop_register(packetcnt,0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); #if GASNETE_VIS_NPAM == 0 void * * const packedbuf = gasnete_visbuf_malloc(maxpacket); #endif for (size_t packetidx = 0; packetidx < packetcnt; packetidx++) { #if GASNETE_VIS_NPAM // NPAM 1 or 2 (currently treated as 1) gex_AM_SrcDesc_t sd = gex_AM_PrepareRequestMedium(tm, rank, NULL, maxpacket, maxpacket, NULL, 0, HARGS(5,6)); gasneti_assert_uint(gex_AM_SrcDescSize(sd) ,>=, maxpacket); void * * const packedbuf = gex_AM_SrcDescAddr(sd); #endif gasnete_packetdesc_t * const rpacket = &remotept[packetidx]; gasnete_packetdesc_t * const lpacket = &localpt[packetidx]; size_t const rnum = rpacket->lastidx - rpacket->firstidx + 1; size_t const lnum = lpacket->lastidx - lpacket->firstidx + 1; /* fill packet with remote metadata */ GASNETI_MEMCPY(packedbuf, &dstlist[rpacket->firstidx], rnum*sizeof(void *)); /* gather data payload from sourcelist into packet */ uint8_t * const end = gasnete_addrlist_pack(lnum, &srclist[lpacket->firstidx], srclen, &packedbuf[rnum], lpacket->firstoffset, lpacket->lastlen); size_t const nbytes = end - (uint8_t *)packedbuf; gasneti_assert_uint(nbytes ,<=, maxpacket); /* send AM(rnum, iop) from packedbuf */ #define ARGS PACK(iop), rnum, dstlen, rpacket->firstoffset, rpacket->lastlen #if GASNETE_VIS_NPAM == 0 gex_AM_RequestMedium(tm, rank, gasneti_handleridx(gasnete_puti_AMPipeline_reqh), packedbuf, nbytes, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, ARGS); #else gex_AM_CommitRequestMedium(sd, gasneti_handleridx(gasnete_puti_AMPipeline_reqh), nbytes, ARGS); #endif #undef ARGS } gasneti_free(remotept); gasneti_free(localpt); #if GASNETE_VIS_NPAM == 0 gasneti_free(packedbuf); #endif GASNETE_END_NBIREGION_AND_RETURN(synctype); } #define GASNETE_PUTI_AMPIPELINE_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags) \ if (dstcount > 1 && GASNETT_PREDICT_TRUE(dstlen == (uint32_t)(dstlen)) && \ MIN(srclen,dstlen) <= gasnete_vis_put_maxchunk) \ return gasnete_puti_AMPipeline(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags GASNETI_THREAD_PASS) #else #define GASNETE_PUTI_AMPIPELINE_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags) ((void)0) #endif #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #if GASNETE_USE_AMPIPELINE GASNETI_INLINE(gasnete_puti_AMPipeline_reqh_inner) void gasnete_puti_AMPipeline_reqh_inner(gex_Token_t token, void *addr, size_t nbytes, void *iop, gex_AM_Arg_t rnum, gex_AM_Arg_t dstlen, gex_AM_Arg_t firstoffset, gex_AM_Arg_t lastlen) { void * const * const rlist = addr; uint8_t * const data = (uint8_t *)(&rlist[rnum]); uint8_t * const end = gasnete_addrlist_unpack(rnum, rlist, dstlen, data, firstoffset, lastlen); gasneti_assert_uint(end - (uint8_t *)addr ,==, nbytes); /* TODO: coalesce acknowledgements - need a per-rank, per-op seqnum & packetcnt */ gex_AM_ReplyShort(token, gasneti_handleridx(gasnete_putvis_AMPipeline_reph), 0, PACK(iop)); } MEDIUM_HANDLER(gasnete_puti_AMPipeline_reqh,5,6, (token,addr,nbytes, UNPACK(a0), a1,a2,a3,a4), (token,addr,nbytes, UNPACK2(a0, a1), a2,a3,a4,a5)); #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Pipelined AM gather-scatter get */ #ifndef GASNETE_GETI_AMPIPELINE_SELECTOR #if GASNETE_USE_AMPIPELINE gex_Event_t gasnete_geti_AMPipeline(gasnete_synctype_t synctype, gex_TM_t const tm, gex_Rank_t const rank, size_t dstcount, void * const dstlist[], size_t dstlen, size_t srccount, void * const srclist[], size_t srclen, gex_Flags_t flags GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasneti_assert(srccount > 1); /* supports gather get */ gasneti_assert(!GASNETI_NBRHD_LOCAL(tm,rank)); // silly to use for local cases GASNETI_TRACE_EVENT(C, GETI_AMPIPELINE); size_t const maxrequest = gex_AM_MaxRequestMedium(tm,rank, (GASNETE_VIS_NPAM ? NULL : GEX_EVENT_NOW), (GASNETE_VIS_NPAM ? GEX_FLAG_AM_PREPARE_LEAST_ALLOC : 0), HARGS(5,6)); size_t const maxreply = gex_AM_MaxReplyMedium (tm,rank, (GASNETE_VIS_NPAM ? NULL : GEX_EVENT_NOW), (GASNETE_VIS_NPAM ? GEX_FLAG_AM_PREPARE_LEAST_ALLOC : 0), HARGS(2,3)); gasneti_vis_op_t * const visop = gasnete_visbuf_malloc(sizeof(gasneti_vis_op_t) + dstcount*sizeof(void *) + (GASNETE_VIS_NPAM ? 0 : maxrequest)); void * * const savedlst = (void * *)(visop + 1); #if GASNETE_VIS_NPAM == 0 void * * const packedbuf = savedlst + dstcount; #endif gasnete_packetdesc_t *remotept; gasnete_packetdesc_t *localpt; size_t const packetcnt = gasnete_packetize_addrlist(srccount, srclen, dstcount, dstlen, &remotept, &localpt, // TODO-EX: Packetization logic should take both into account MIN(maxrequest,maxreply), 0); GASNETE_VISOP_SETUP(visop, synctype, 1); #if GASNET_DEBUG visop->type = GASNETI_VIS_CAT_GETI_AMPIPELINE; visop->count = dstcount; #endif gasneti_assert_uint(packetcnt ,<=, GASNETI_ATOMIC_MAX); gasneti_assert_uint(packetcnt ,==, (gex_AM_Arg_t)packetcnt); visop->len = dstlen; visop->addr = localpt; GASNETI_MEMCPY(savedlst, dstlist, dstcount*sizeof(void *)); gasneti_weakatomic_set(&(visop->packetcnt), packetcnt, GASNETI_ATOMIC_WMB_POST); gasneti_eop_t *eop = visop->eop; /* visop may disappear once the last AM is launched */ for (size_t packetidx = 0; packetidx < packetcnt; packetidx++) { #if GASNETE_VIS_NPAM // NPAM 1 or 2 (currently treated as 1) gex_AM_SrcDesc_t sd = gex_AM_PrepareRequestMedium(tm, rank, NULL, maxrequest, maxrequest, NULL, 0, HARGS(5,6)); gasneti_assert_uint(gex_AM_SrcDescSize(sd) ,>=, maxrequest); void * * const packedbuf = gex_AM_SrcDescAddr(sd); #endif gasnete_packetdesc_t * const rpacket = &remotept[packetidx]; size_t const rnum = rpacket->lastidx - rpacket->firstidx + 1; /* fill packet with remote metadata */ GASNETI_MEMCPY(packedbuf, &srclist[rpacket->firstidx], rnum*sizeof(void *)); /* send AM(visop) from packedbuf */ size_t const nbytes = rnum*sizeof(void *); #define ARGS PACK(visop), packetidx, srclen, rpacket->firstoffset, rpacket->lastlen #if GASNETE_VIS_NPAM == 0 gex_AM_RequestMedium(tm, rank, gasneti_handleridx(gasnete_geti_AMPipeline_reqh), packedbuf, nbytes, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, ARGS); #else gex_AM_CommitRequestMedium(sd, gasneti_handleridx(gasnete_geti_AMPipeline_reqh), nbytes, ARGS); #endif #undef ARGS } gasneti_free(remotept); GASNETE_VISOP_RETURN_VOLATILE(eop, synctype); } #define GASNETE_GETI_AMPIPELINE_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags) \ if (srccount > 1 && MIN(srclen,dstlen) <= gasnete_vis_get_maxchunk) \ return gasnete_geti_AMPipeline(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags GASNETI_THREAD_PASS) #else #define GASNETE_GETI_AMPIPELINE_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags) ((void)0) #endif #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #if GASNETE_USE_AMPIPELINE GASNETI_INLINE(gasnete_geti_AMPipeline_reqh_inner) void gasnete_geti_AMPipeline_reqh_inner(gex_Token_t token, void *addr, size_t nbytes, void *_visop, gex_AM_Arg_t packetidx, gex_AM_Arg_t dstlen, gex_AM_Arg_t firstoffset, gex_AM_Arg_t lastlen) { void * const * const rlist = addr; size_t const rnum = nbytes / sizeof(void *); gasneti_assert_uint(nbytes ,==, rnum * sizeof(void *)); size_t const maxreply = gex_Token_MaxReplyMedium(token, (GASNETE_VIS_NPAM ? NULL : GEX_EVENT_NOW), (GASNETE_VIS_NPAM ? GEX_FLAG_AM_PREPARE_LEAST_ALLOC : 0), HARGS(2,3)); #if GASNETE_VIS_NPAM == 0 uint8_t * const packedbuf = gasnete_visbuf_malloc(maxreply); #else // NPAM 1 or 2 gex_AM_SrcDesc_t sd = gex_AM_PrepareReplyMedium(token, NULL, maxreply, maxreply, NULL, 0, HARGS(2,3)); gasneti_assert_uint(gex_AM_SrcDescSize(sd) ,>=, maxreply); uint8_t * const packedbuf = gex_AM_SrcDescAddr(sd); #endif /* gather data payload from sourcelist into packet */ uint8_t * const end = gasnete_addrlist_pack(rnum, rlist, dstlen, packedbuf, firstoffset, lastlen); size_t const replysz = end - packedbuf; gasneti_assert_uint(replysz ,<=, maxreply); // send packet #define ARGS PACK(_visop), packetidx #if GASNETE_VIS_NPAM == 0 gex_AM_ReplyMedium(token, gasneti_handleridx(gasnete_geti_AMPipeline_reph), packedbuf, replysz, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, ARGS); gasneti_free(packedbuf); #else gex_AM_CommitReplyMedium(sd, gasneti_handleridx(gasnete_geti_AMPipeline_reph), replysz, ARGS); #endif #undef ARGS } MEDIUM_HANDLER(gasnete_geti_AMPipeline_reqh,5,6, (token,addr,nbytes, UNPACK(a0), a1,a2,a3,a4), (token,addr,nbytes, UNPACK2(a0, a1), a2,a3,a4,a5)); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ GASNETI_INLINE(gasnete_geti_AMPipeline_reph_inner) void gasnete_geti_AMPipeline_reph_inner(gex_Token_t token, void *addr, size_t nbytes, void *_visop, gex_AM_Arg_t packetidx) { gasneti_vis_op_t * const visop = _visop; void * const * const savedlst = (void * *)(visop + 1); gasnete_packetdesc_t * const lpacket = ((gasnete_packetdesc_t *)visop->addr) + packetidx; size_t const lnum = lpacket->lastidx - lpacket->firstidx + 1; gasneti_assert_uint(visop->type ,==, GASNETI_VIS_CAT_GETI_AMPIPELINE); gasneti_assert_uint(lpacket->lastidx ,<, visop->count); uint8_t * const end = gasnete_addrlist_unpack(lnum, savedlst+lpacket->firstidx, visop->len, addr, lpacket->firstoffset, lpacket->lastlen); gasneti_assert_uint(end - (uint8_t *)addr ,==, nbytes); if (gasneti_weakatomic_decrement_and_test(&(visop->packetcnt), GASNETI_ATOMIC_WMB_PRE|GASNETI_ATOMIC_WEAK_FENCE)) { /* last response packet completes operation and cleans up */ GASNETE_VISOP_SIGNAL(visop, 1); gasneti_free(visop->addr); /* free localpt */ gasneti_free(visop); /* free visop, savedlst and send buffer */ } } MEDIUM_HANDLER(gasnete_geti_AMPipeline_reph,2,3, (token,addr,nbytes, UNPACK(a0), a1), (token,addr,nbytes, UNPACK2(a0, a1), a2)); #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // GASNETE_INDEXED_HELPER iterates over 2-sided indexed metadata in order and invokes // the provided macro action(p1,p2,len) on each contiguous matching chunk of the sequences #define GASNETE_INDEXED_HELPER(count1, list1, len1, count2, list2, len2, action) do { \ size_t const _count1 = (count1); void * const * const _list1 = (list1); size_t const _len1 = (len1); \ size_t const _count2 = (count2); void * const * const _list2 = (list2); size_t const _len2 = (len2); \ if (_len1 == _len2) { /* matched sizes (fast case) */ \ gasneti_assert_uint(_count1 ,==, _count2); \ for (size_t _i = 0; _i < _count1; _i++) { \ void * const _p1 = _list1[_i]; void * const _p2 = _list2[_i]; \ action(_p1, _p2, _len1); \ } \ } else if (_count1 == 1) { /* 1 is contiguous buffer */ \ uintptr_t _pp1 = (uintptr_t)_list1[0]; \ for (size_t _i = 0; _i < _count2; _i++) { \ void * const _p1 = (void *)_pp1; \ void * const _p2 = _list2[_i]; \ action(_p1, _p2, _len2); \ _pp1 += _len2; \ } \ gasneti_assert_uint(_pp1 ,==, (uintptr_t)_list1[0]+_len1); \ } else if (_count2 == 1) { /* 2 is contiguous buffer */ \ uintptr_t _pp2 = (uintptr_t)_list2[0]; \ for (size_t _i = 0; _i < _count1; _i++) { \ void * const _p1 = _list1[_i]; \ void * const _p2 = (void *)_pp2; \ action(_p1, _p2, _len1); \ _pp2 += _len1; \ } \ gasneti_assert_uint(_pp2 ,==, (uintptr_t)_list2[0]+_len2); \ } else { /* mismatched sizes (general case) */ \ size_t _idx1 = 0; size_t _idx2 = 0; \ size_t _off1 = 0; size_t _off2 = 0; \ while (_idx1 < _count1) { \ gasneti_assert_uint(_idx2 ,<, _count2); \ size_t const _rem1 = _len1 - _off1; \ size_t const _rem2 = _len2 - _off2; \ gasneti_assert(_rem1 > 0); gasneti_assert(_rem2 > 0); \ void * const _p1 = (uint8_t*)(_list1[_idx1]) + _off1; \ void * const _p2 = (uint8_t*)(_list2[_idx2]) + _off2; \ if (_rem1 < _rem2) { \ action(_p1, _p2, _rem1); \ _idx1++; \ _off1 = 0; \ _off2 += _rem1; \ } else if (_rem2 < _rem1) { \ action(_p1, _p2, _rem2); \ _idx2++; \ _off2 = 0; \ _off1 += _rem2; \ } else { gasneti_assert_uint(_rem1 ,==, _rem2); \ action(_p1, _p2, _rem1); \ _idx1++; _idx2++; \ _off1 = 0; _off2 = 0; \ } \ } \ gasneti_assert_uint(_idx1 ,==, _count1); \ gasneti_assert_uint(_idx2 ,==, _count2); \ gasneti_assert(_off1 == 0 && _off2 == 0); \ } \ } while (0) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ GASNETI_INLINE(gasnete_indexed_memcpy) void gasnete_indexed_memcpy(gex_Rank_t jobrank, int isput, size_t dstcount, void * const dstlist[], size_t dstlen, size_t srccount, void * const srclist[], size_t srclen, gex_Flags_t flags) { gasneti_assert(GASNETI_NBRHD_JOBRANK_IS_LOCAL(jobrank)); // TODO-EX: this assumes all addresses in the peer list reside in the same segment // and hoists the address translation. Multi-segment will need to push this down. gasneti_assert(!(flags & (GEX_FLAG_PEER_SEG_SOME|GEX_FLAG_PEER_SEG_UNKNOWN))); if (isput) { uint8_t *refptr = GASNETI_NBRHD_JOBRANK_LOCAL_ADDR(jobrank,dstlist[0]); ptrdiff_t const offset = refptr - (uint8_t*)dstlist[0]; #define ACTION(p1,p2,len) GASNETI_MEMCPY((uint8_t*)p1+offset,p2,len) GASNETE_INDEXED_HELPER(dstcount, dstlist, dstlen, srccount, srclist, srclen, ACTION); #undef ACTION } else { uint8_t *refptr = GASNETI_NBRHD_JOBRANK_LOCAL_ADDR(jobrank,srclist[0]); ptrdiff_t const offset = refptr - (uint8_t*)srclist[0]; #define ACTION(p1,p2,len) GASNETI_MEMCPY(p1,(uint8_t*)p2+offset,len) GASNETE_INDEXED_HELPER(dstcount, dstlist, dstlen, srccount, srclist, srclen, ACTION); #undef ACTION } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* reference version that uses individual puts */ gex_Event_t gasnete_puti_ref_indiv(gasnete_synctype_t synctype, gex_TM_t const tm, gex_Rank_t const rank, size_t dstcount, void * const dstlist[], size_t dstlen, size_t srccount, void * const srclist[], size_t srclen, gex_Flags_t flags GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { GASNETI_TRACE_EVENT(C, PUTI_REF_INDIV); gasneti_assert(srccount > 0); gasneti_assert(dstcount > 0); gasneti_assert(srclen > 0); gasneti_assert(dstlen > 0); gasneti_assert_uint(((uintptr_t)dstcount)*dstlen ,==, ((uintptr_t)srccount)*srclen); gasneti_assert(!GASNETI_NBRHD_LOCAL(tm,rank)); gex_Event_t * const lc_opt = (flags & GEX_FLAG_ENABLE_LEAF_LC) ? GEX_EVENT_GROUP : GEX_EVENT_DEFER; GASNETE_START_NBIREGION(synctype); #define ACTION(p1,p2,len) GASNETE_PUT_INDIV(tm, rank, p1, p2, len, lc_opt) GASNETE_INDEXED_HELPER(dstcount, dstlist, dstlen, srccount, srclist, srclen, ACTION); #undef ACTION GASNETE_END_NBIREGION_AND_RETURN(synctype); } /* reference version that uses individual gets */ gex_Event_t gasnete_geti_ref_indiv(gasnete_synctype_t synctype, gex_TM_t const tm, gex_Rank_t const rank, size_t dstcount, void * const dstlist[], size_t dstlen, size_t srccount, void * const srclist[], size_t srclen, gex_Flags_t flags GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { GASNETI_TRACE_EVENT(C, GETI_REF_INDIV); gasneti_assert(srccount > 0); gasneti_assert(dstcount > 0); gasneti_assert(srclen > 0); gasneti_assert(dstlen > 0); gasneti_assert_uint(((uintptr_t)dstcount)*dstlen ,==, ((uintptr_t)srccount)*srclen); gasneti_assert(!GASNETI_NBRHD_LOCAL(tm,rank)); GASNETE_START_NBIREGION(synctype); #define ACTION(p1,p2,len) GASNETE_GET_INDIV(tm, rank, p1, p2, len) GASNETE_INDEXED_HELPER(dstcount, dstlist, dstlen, srccount, srclist, srclen, ACTION); #undef ACTION GASNETE_END_NBIREGION_AND_RETURN(synctype); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ GASNETI_INLINE(gasnete_convert_indexed_to_memvec) void *gasnete_convert_indexed_to_memvec(gex_Memvec_t **pvec1, gex_Memvec_t **pvec2, size_t count1, void * const list1[], size_t len1, size_t count2, void * const list2[], size_t len2) { void * const mem = gasnete_visbuf_malloc(sizeof(gex_Memvec_t)*(count1 + count2)); gex_Memvec_t * const vec1 = mem; gex_Memvec_t * const vec2 = vec1 + count1; for (size_t i=0; i < count1; i++) { vec1[i].gex_addr = list1[i]; vec1[i].gex_len = len1; } for (size_t i=0; i < count2; i++) { vec2[i].gex_addr = list2[i]; vec2[i].gex_len = len2; } *pvec1 = vec1; *pvec2 = vec2; return mem; } /* reference version that uses vector interface */ gex_Event_t gasnete_puti_ref_vector(gasnete_synctype_t synctype, gex_TM_t const tm, gex_Rank_t const rank, size_t dstcount, void * const dstlist[], size_t dstlen, size_t srccount, void * const srclist[], size_t srclen, gex_Flags_t flags GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { GASNETI_TRACE_EVENT(C, PUTI_REF_VECTOR); gasneti_assert(GASNETE_PUTV_ALLOWS_VOLATILE_METADATA); gex_Memvec_t *dstvec; gex_Memvec_t *srcvec; void *mem = gasnete_convert_indexed_to_memvec(&dstvec, &srcvec, dstcount, dstlist, dstlen, srccount, srclist, srclen); gex_Event_t retval = gasnete_putv(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstvec,srccount,srcvec,flags GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasneti_free(mem); return retval; } /* reference version that uses vector interface */ gex_Event_t gasnete_geti_ref_vector(gasnete_synctype_t synctype, gex_TM_t const tm, gex_Rank_t const rank, size_t dstcount, void * const dstlist[], size_t dstlen, size_t srccount, void * const srclist[], size_t srclen, gex_Flags_t flags GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { GASNETI_TRACE_EVENT(C, GETI_REF_VECTOR); gasneti_assert(GASNETE_GETV_ALLOWS_VOLATILE_METADATA); gex_Memvec_t *dstvec; gex_Memvec_t *srcvec; void *mem = gasnete_convert_indexed_to_memvec(&dstvec, &srcvec, dstcount, dstlist, dstlen, srccount, srclist, srclen); gex_Event_t retval = gasnete_getv(synctype,tm,dstcount,dstvec,rank,srccount,srcvec,flags GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasneti_free(mem); return retval; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* top-level gasnet_puti_* entry point */ #ifndef GASNETE_PUTI_OVERRIDE extern gex_Event_t gasnete_puti(gasnete_synctype_t synctype, gex_TM_t const tm, gex_Rank_t const rank, size_t dstcount, void * const dstlist[], size_t dstlen, size_t srccount, void * const srclist[], size_t srclen, gex_Flags_t flags GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasneti_assert(gasnete_vis_isinit); gasneti_assert(dstcount*dstlen > 0); gasneti_assert(srccount*srclen > 0); gasneti_assert(dstcount > 1 || srccount > 1); gasneti_assert_uint(((uintptr_t)dstcount)*dstlen ,==, ((uintptr_t)srccount)*srclen); gasneti_assert(dstlist); gasneti_assert(srclist); flags &= ~GEX_FLAG_IMMEDIATE; // TODO-EX if (GASNETI_NBRHD_LOCAL(tm,rank)) { /* purely local */ GASNETI_TRACE_EVENT(C, PUTI_NBRHD); gasnete_indexed_memcpy(gex_TM_TranslateRankToJobrank(tm,rank), 1, dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen, flags); return GEX_EVENT_INVALID; } /* select algorithm */ #ifndef GASNETE_PUTI_SELECTOR #if GASNETE_RANDOM_SELECTOR #define GASNETE_PUTI_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags) do { \ switch (rand() % 4) { \ case 0: \ GASNETE_PUTI_GATHER_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags); \ case 1: \ GASNETE_PUTI_AMPIPELINE_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags); \ case 2: \ return gasnete_puti_ref_indiv(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); \ case 3: \ return gasnete_puti_ref_vector(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); \ default: gasneti_unreachable(); \ } } while (0) #else #define GASNETE_PUTI_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags) \ GASNETE_PUTI_GATHER_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags); \ GASNETE_PUTI_AMPIPELINE_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags); \ return gasnete_puti_ref_indiv(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags GASNETI_THREAD_PASS) #endif #endif GASNETE_PUTI_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags); gasneti_fatalerror("failure in GASNETE_PUTI_SELECTOR - should never reach here"); return GEX_EVENT_INVALID; /* avoid warning on MIPSPro */ } #endif /* top-level gasnet_geti_* entry point */ #ifndef GASNETE_GETI_OVERRIDE extern gex_Event_t gasnete_geti(gasnete_synctype_t synctype, gex_TM_t const tm, size_t dstcount, void * const dstlist[], size_t dstlen, gex_Rank_t const rank, size_t srccount, void * const srclist[], size_t srclen, gex_Flags_t flags GASNETI_THREAD_FARG) { gasneti_assert(gasnete_vis_isinit); gasneti_assert(dstcount*dstlen > 0); gasneti_assert(srccount*srclen > 0); gasneti_assert(dstcount > 1 || srccount > 1); gasneti_assert_uint(((uintptr_t)dstcount)*dstlen ,==, ((uintptr_t)srccount)*srclen); gasneti_assert(dstlist); gasneti_assert(srclist); flags &= ~GEX_FLAG_IMMEDIATE; // TODO-EX if (GASNETI_NBRHD_LOCAL(tm,rank)) { /* purely local */ GASNETI_TRACE_EVENT(C, GETI_NBRHD); gasnete_indexed_memcpy(gex_TM_TranslateRankToJobrank(tm,rank), 0, dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen, flags); return GEX_EVENT_INVALID; } /* select algorithm */ #ifndef GASNETE_GETI_SELECTOR #if GASNETE_RANDOM_SELECTOR #define GASNETE_GETI_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags) do { \ switch (rand() % 4) { \ case 0: \ GASNETE_GETI_SCATTER_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags); \ case 1: \ GASNETE_GETI_AMPIPELINE_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags); \ case 2: \ return gasnete_geti_ref_indiv(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); \ case 3: \ return gasnete_geti_ref_vector(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); \ default: gasneti_unreachable(); \ } } while (0) #else #define GASNETE_GETI_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags) \ GASNETE_GETI_SCATTER_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags); \ GASNETE_GETI_AMPIPELINE_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags); \ return gasnete_geti_ref_indiv(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags GASNETI_THREAD_PASS) #endif #endif GASNETE_GETI_SELECTOR(synctype,tm,rank,dstcount,dstlist,dstlen,srccount,srclist,srclen,flags); gasneti_fatalerror("failure in GASNETE_GETI_SELECTOR - should never reach here"); return GEX_EVENT_INVALID; /* avoid warning on MIPSPro */ } #endif