/* $Source: bitbucket.org:berkeleylab/gasnet.git/gasnet_diagnostic.c $ * Description: GASNet internal diagnostics * Copyright 2002, Dan Bonachea * Terms of use are as specified in license.txt */ #include /* filthy hack to allow simultaneous use of gasnet-internal and test.h facilities */ #undef malloc #undef calloc #undef realloc #undef free #undef strdup #undef strndup #undef assert #define TEST_OMIT_CONFIGSTRINGS 1 #include <../tests/test.h> /* this file should *only* contain symbols used for internal diagnostics, so that we can avoid needlessly linking it into production executables everything except the main entry point should be static, to prevent namespace pollution */ GASNETT_IDENT(gasneti_IdentString_diagnostics, "$GASNetDiagnostics: () INCLUDES gasnet_diagnostic.o $"); #if GASNET_PAR static void * thread_fn(void *arg); #endif static int num_threads = 1; static int peer = -1; static void * myseg = NULL; static void * peerseg = NULL; static void * peersegmid = NULL; static int iters = 0; static int iters0 = 0; static int iters2 = 0; #define gasneti_diag_hidx_base 128 #define gasnetc_diag_hidx_base 160 #define gasnete_diag_hidx_base 200 static int gasneti_diag_havehandlers = 0; /* true iff caller has registered our handler table */ static int id = 0; #define TEST_HEADER(desc) \ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); \ if (!id) TEST_SECTION_BEGIN(); \ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); \ if (TEST_SECTION_ENABLED() && \ (MSG0("%c: %s %s...",TEST_SECTION_NAME(), \ (num_threads > 1?"parallel":"sequential"),desc),1)) #ifdef GASNETC_DIAGNOSTICS_SETUP GASNETC_DIAGNOSTICS_SETUP /* can include helper source files, etc */ #endif #ifdef GASNETE_DIAGNOSTICS_SETUP GASNETE_DIAGNOSTICS_SETUP /* can include helper source files, etc */ #endif #ifndef GASNETC_RUN_DIAGNOSTICS_SEQ #define GASNETC_RUN_DIAGNOSTICS_SEQ(iters) (0) #endif #ifndef GASNETC_RUN_DIAGNOSTICS_PAR #define GASNETC_RUN_DIAGNOSTICS_PAR(iters,threadid,numthreads) (0) #endif #ifndef GASNETE_RUN_DIAGNOSTICS_SEQ #define GASNETE_RUN_DIAGNOSTICS_SEQ(iters) (0) #endif #ifndef GASNETE_RUN_DIAGNOSTICS_PAR #define GASNETE_RUN_DIAGNOSTICS_PAR(iters,threadid,numthreads) (0) #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* misc sequential tests */ #if GASNET_DEBUG extern gasneti_auxseg_request_t gasneti_auxseg_dummy(gasnet_seginfo_t *auxseg_info); static void auxseg_test(void) { BARRIER(); TEST_HEADER("auxseg test") { gasneti_auxseg_dummy((void *)(uintptr_t)-1); /* call self-test */ } } #else #define auxseg_test() TEST_HEADER("auxseg test - SKIPPED") do { } while(0) #endif static void mutex_test(int id); static void rwlock_test(int id); static void spinlock_test(int id); static void cond_test(int id); static void semaphore_test(int id); static void lifo_test(int id); static void atomic128_test(int id); static void malloc_test(int id); static void progressfns_test(int id); static void op_test(int id); static void spawner_test(void); static void hbarrier_test(void); static void rexchgv_test(void); static gex_TM_t myteam; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* run iters iterations of diagnostics and return zero on success must be called collectively by exactly one thread on each node in par mode, the test may internally spawn up to threadcnt threads */ extern int gasneti_run_diagnostics(int iter_cnt, int threadcnt, const char *testsections, gex_TM_t myteam_arg, void *myseg_arg, gex_Rank_t peer_arg, void *peerseg_arg) { test_errs = 0; iters = iter_cnt; iters2 = (iters <= INT_MAX/100) ? iters*100 : iters; iters0 = MAX(1,iters/100); gex_Rank_t mynode = gex_TM_QueryRank(myteam_arg); gex_Rank_t nnodes = gex_TM_QuerySize(myteam_arg); myteam = myteam_arg; myseg = myseg_arg; peer = peer_arg; peerseg = peerseg_arg; peersegmid = (char *)peerseg + TEST_SEGSZ/2; #if !GASNET_SEGMENT_EVERYTHING for (gex_Rank_t rank =0; rank < nnodes; rank++) { void *owneraddr; void *localaddr; uintptr_t size; GASNET_Safe(gex_Segment_QueryBound(myteam_arg, rank, &owneraddr, &localaddr, &size)); gasneti_assert_always_uint(size ,>=, TEST_SEGSZ); gasneti_assert_always_uint((((uintptr_t)owneraddr) % PAGESZ) ,==, 0); gasneti_assert_always_uint((((uintptr_t)localaddr) % PAGESZ) ,==, 0); if (rank == mynode) { gasneti_assert_always_ptr(owneraddr ,==, localaddr); gasneti_assert_always_ptr(owneraddr ,==, myseg); } else if (rank == peer) { gasneti_assert_always_ptr(owneraddr ,==, peerseg); } } #endif if (testsections) TEST_SECTION_PARSE(testsections); gasneti_assert_always(gasneti_THUNK_TM == myteam); gasneti_assert_always(gasneti_THUNK_EP == gex_TM_QueryEP(myteam)); gasneti_assert_always(gasneti_THUNK_CLIENT == gex_TM_QueryClient(myteam)); gasneti_assert_always(gasneti_THUNK_SEGMENT == gex_EP_QuerySegment(gex_TM_QueryEP(myteam))); TEST_GENERICS_WARNING(); auxseg_test(); BARRIER(); TEST_HEADER("malloc test") malloc_test(0); BARRIER(); TEST_HEADER("gasneti_mutex_t test") mutex_test(0); BARRIER(); TEST_HEADER("gasneti_cond_t test") cond_test(0); BARRIER(); TEST_HEADER("gasneti_rwlock_t test") rwlock_test(0); BARRIER(); spinlock_test(0); BARRIER(); semaphore_test(0); BARRIER(); atomic128_test(0); BARRIER(); lifo_test(0); BARRIER(); progressfns_test(0); BARRIER(); op_test(0); BARRIER(); TEST_HEADER("conduit tests") { BARRIER(); test_errs += GASNETC_RUN_DIAGNOSTICS_SEQ(iters); BARRIER(); test_errs += GASNETE_RUN_DIAGNOSTICS_SEQ(iters); } BARRIER(); #if HAVE_SSH_SPAWNER || HAVE_MPI_SPAWNER || HAVE_PMI_SPAWNER spawner_test(); BARRIER(); #endif TEST_HEADER("host-scoped barrier test") hbarrier_test(); TEST_HEADER("RotatedExchangeV test") rexchgv_test(); #if GASNET_PAR num_threads = threadcnt; MSG0("spawning %i threads...", num_threads); test_createandjoin_pthreads(num_threads, &thread_fn, NULL, 0); #endif BARRIER(); MSG0("GASNet internal diagnostics complete."); return test_errs; } #undef MSG0 #undef ERR #define MSG0 THREAD_MSG0(id) #define ERR THREAD_ERR(id) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* mixed parallel / sequential tests */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void malloc_test(int id) { int i, cnt = 0; int maxobjs; void **ptrs; gasneti_heapstats_t stats_before, stats_after; /* try to trigger any warm-up allocations potentially caused by barrier */ if (id == 0) { /* each node takes a turn being a late arrival */ for (i=0; i < gasneti_nodes; i++) { if (i == gasneti_mynode) { uint64_t goal = gasnett_ticks_to_us(gasnett_ticks_now()) + 100000; /* 0.1s */ while (gasnett_ticks_to_us(gasnett_ticks_now()) < goal) { gasnett_sched_yield(); } } BARRIER(); } } for (i=0; i < num_threads; i++) { if (i == id) BARRIER(); /* each thread gets a chance */ PTHREAD_LOCALBARRIER(num_threads); } // bug 2788: try to isolate this test from conduit allocations that may take place during global barrier sleep(1); gasnet_AMPoll(); PTHREAD_LOCALBARRIER(num_threads); if (!id) gasneti_getheapstats(&stats_before); PTHREAD_LOCALBARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_memcheck_all(); ptrs = gasneti_malloc_allowfail(8); gasneti_assert_always(ptrs); gasneti_free(ptrs); ptrs = gasneti_realloc(NULL,8); gasneti_assert_always(ptrs); gasneti_free(ptrs); gasneti_free(NULL); PTHREAD_LOCALBARRIER(num_threads); maxobjs = MIN(iters0,10000/num_threads); ptrs = gasneti_calloc(maxobjs,sizeof(void*)); for (i = 0; i < maxobjs; i++) gasneti_assert_always(ptrs[i] == NULL); for (i = 0; i < iters/num_threads; i++) { gasneti_memcheck_one(); if (cnt == maxobjs || (cnt > 0 && TEST_RAND_ONEIN(2))) { size_t idx = TEST_RAND(0,cnt-1); gasneti_assert_always(ptrs[idx]); gasneti_memcheck(ptrs[idx]); if (TEST_RAND_ONEIN(2)) { gasneti_free(ptrs[idx]); cnt--; ptrs[idx] = ptrs[cnt]; ptrs[cnt] = NULL; } else { ptrs[idx] = gasneti_realloc(ptrs[idx],TEST_RAND(1,16*1024)); } } else { void *p; if (TEST_RAND_ONEIN(2)) { p = gasneti_malloc(TEST_RAND(1,1024)); } else { p = gasneti_calloc(1,TEST_RAND(1,1024)); } if (TEST_RAND_ONEIN(4)) { gasneti_leak(p); } gasneti_memcheck(p); gasneti_assert_always(p); gasneti_assert_always(ptrs[cnt] == NULL); ptrs[cnt] = p; cnt++; } } gasneti_memcheck_all(); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { gasneti_free(ptrs[i]); } gasneti_free(ptrs); gasneti_memcheck_all(); PTHREAD_LOCALBARRIER(num_threads); for (i = 0; i < iters/num_threads; i++) { int alignsz; for (alignsz = 1; alignsz < MIN(GASNET_PAGESIZE,64*1024); alignsz *= 2) { size_t sz = TEST_RAND(1,alignsz*2); char * p = gasneti_malloc_aligned(alignsz,sz); gasneti_assert_always(p); gasneti_assert_always_uint((((uintptr_t)p) & (alignsz-1)) ,==, 0); p[0] = 'x'; p[sz - 1] = 'y'; if (TEST_RAND_ONEIN(4)) { gasneti_leak_aligned(p); } gasneti_free_aligned(p); } } gasneti_memcheck_all(); PTHREAD_LOCALBARRIER(num_threads); if (!id) { gasneti_getheapstats(&stats_after); #if GASNET_DEBUG { #if GASNETI_CONDUIT_THREADS double tol = 0.1; /* allow for some heap change if a conduit thread is around */ #else double tol = 0; /* we have all the threads, and nothing else should be allocating */ #endif int64_t delta_bytes = (int64_t)stats_before.live_bytes - (int64_t)stats_after.live_bytes; int64_t delta_objects = (int64_t)stats_before.live_objects - (int64_t)stats_after.live_objects; if (delta_bytes < 0) delta_bytes = -delta_bytes; if (delta_objects < 0) delta_objects = -delta_objects; if (delta_bytes/(double)stats_after.live_bytes > tol || delta_objects/(double)stats_after.live_objects > tol) MSG("ERROR: unexpected heap size change:\n" " stats_before.live_bytes=%"PRIu64" stats_after.live_bytes=%"PRIu64"\n" " stats_before.live_objects=%"PRIu64" stats_after.live_objects=%"PRIu64, stats_before.live_bytes, stats_after.live_bytes, stats_before.live_objects, stats_after.live_objects); } #endif } sleep(1); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void cond_test(int id) { static gasneti_cond_t cond1 = GASNETI_COND_INITIALIZER; static gasneti_cond_t cond2; static gasneti_mutex_t lock1 = GASNETI_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static uint32_t done = 0; int i; PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); if (!id) { gasneti_cond_init(&cond2); gasneti_cond_destroy(&cond2); gasneti_cond_init(&cond2); gasneti_mutex_lock(&lock1); gasneti_cond_signal(&cond1); gasneti_cond_signal(&cond2); gasneti_cond_broadcast(&cond1); gasneti_cond_broadcast(&cond2); gasneti_mutex_unlock(&lock1); } PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); if (!id) { /* awake thread */ for (i = 0; i < iters2; i++) { gasneti_mutex_lock(&lock1); if (i&1) { gasneti_cond_signal(&cond1); } else { gasneti_cond_broadcast(&cond1); } gasneti_mutex_unlock(&lock1); if (TEST_RAND_ONEIN(iters)) gasnett_sched_yield(); } gasneti_mutex_lock(&lock1); done = 1; gasneti_cond_broadcast(&cond1); gasneti_mutex_unlock(&lock1); } else { gasneti_mutex_lock(&lock1); while (!done) { gasneti_mutex_assertlocked(&lock1); gasneti_cond_wait(&cond1, &lock1); } gasneti_mutex_unlock(&lock1); gasneti_mutex_assertunlocked(&lock1); } PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void mutex_test(int id) { static gasneti_mutex_t lock1 = GASNETI_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static gasneti_mutex_t lock2; static unsigned int counter; unsigned int count = iters2 / num_threads; int i; PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); if (!id) { for (i=0; i<10; i++) { gasneti_mutex_assertunlocked(&lock1); gasneti_mutex_lock(&lock1); gasneti_mutex_assertlocked(&lock1); gasneti_mutex_unlock(&lock1); gasneti_mutex_assertunlocked(&lock1); gasneti_assert_always_int(gasneti_mutex_trylock(&lock1) ,==, GASNET_OK); gasneti_mutex_assertlocked(&lock1); gasneti_mutex_unlock(&lock1); gasneti_mutex_init(&lock2); gasneti_mutex_assertunlocked(&lock2); gasneti_mutex_lock(&lock2); gasneti_mutex_assertlocked(&lock2); gasneti_mutex_unlock(&lock2); gasneti_mutex_assertunlocked(&lock2); gasneti_mutex_destroy(&lock2); } counter = 0; } PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); for (i=0;i= 0; j--) { check[j]++; } numwrites[id]++; } if (!writer) { /* read lock */ if (i & 1) { int retval; while ((retval=gasneti_rwlock_tryrdlock(&lock1)) != 0) { gasneti_assert_always_int(retval ,==, EBUSY); } } else { gasneti_rwlock_rdlock(&lock1); } gasneti_rwlock_assertrdlocked(&lock1); } { /* read-only check */ const unsigned int val = check[0]; /* try to detect a concurrent writer */ int k; for (j=0; j < 10; j++) { for (k=0; k < NUMCHECK; k++) { unsigned int cv = check[k]; if_pf (cv != val) ERR("failed rwlock test: check[%i]=%i expecting=%i", k, cv, val); } } } gasneti_rwlock_unlock(&lock1); } PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); if (!id) { /* final verification */ int sum = 0; for (i=0; i < num_threads; i++) sum += numwrites[i]; gasneti_assert_always(sum > 0); for (i=0; i < NUMCHECK; i++) { unsigned int cv = check[i]; if_pf (cv != sum) ERR("failed rwlock test: check[%i]=%i expecting=%i", i, cv, sum); } gasneti_free(numwrites); } PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #if GASNETI_HAVE_SPINLOCK static void spinlock_test(int id) { static gasneti_atomic_t lock1 = GASNETI_SPINLOCK_INITIALIZER; static gasneti_atomic_t lock2; static unsigned int counter; unsigned int count = iters2 / num_threads; int i; PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); TEST_HEADER("spinlock test"); else return; if (!id) { gasneti_spinlock_lock(&lock1); gasneti_spinlock_unlock(&lock1); gasneti_assert_always_int(gasneti_spinlock_trylock(&lock1) ,==, GASNET_OK); gasneti_spinlock_unlock(&lock1); gasneti_spinlock_init(&lock2); gasneti_spinlock_lock(&lock2); gasneti_spinlock_unlock(&lock2); gasneti_spinlock_destroy(&lock2); gasneti_spinlock_init(&lock2); counter = 0; } PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); for (i=0;i= 64) ? (one64<<(i-64)) : 0; gasneti_atomic128_set(var128, tmphi, tmplo, 0); gasneti_atomic128_read(&readhi, &readlo, var128, 0); if ((readlo != tmplo) || (readhi != tmphi)) ERR("gasneti_atomic128_set/gasneti_atomic128_read got wrong value on bit %i", i); if (gasneti_atomic128_compare_and_swap(var128, 0, 0, tmphi, tmplo, 0)) ERR("gasneti_atomic128_compare_and_swap succeeded at bit %i when it should have failed", i); if (!gasneti_atomic128_compare_and_swap(var128, tmphi, tmplo, 0, 0, 0)) ERR("gasneti_atomic128_compare_and_swap failed at bit %i when it should have succeeded", i); } /* double bit-marching tests */ for (i=0;i<128;i++) { int j; for (j=0;j= 64) ? (one64<<(i-64)) : 0; const uint64_t tmplo_j = (j < 64) ? (one64<= 64) ? (one64<<(j-64)) : 0; const uint64_t tmplo = tmplo_i | tmplo_j; const uint64_t tmphi = tmphi_i | tmphi_j; gasneti_atomic128_set(var128, tmphi, tmplo, 0); if (gasneti_atomic128_compare_and_swap(var128, tmphi_i, tmplo_i, tmphi, tmplo, 0) || gasneti_atomic128_compare_and_swap(var128, tmphi_j, tmplo_j, tmphi, tmplo, 0)) ERR("gasneti_atomic128_compare_and_swap succeeded at bits %i and %i when it should have failed", i, j); } } gasneti_atomic128_set(var128, iters, 0, 0); for (i=0;i 0); gasneti_assert_always(cnt_b > 0); /* disable progress fns and quiesce the system */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); if (!id) GASNETI_PROGRESSFNS_DISABLE(gasneti_pf_debug_boolean,BOOLEAN); GASNETI_PROGRESSFNS_DISABLE(gasneti_pf_debug_counted,COUNTED); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); for (i=0; i < 1000; i++) { gasnet_AMPoll(); gasneti_sched_yield(); } if (!id) gex_Event_WaitAll(pf_events, pf_event_cnt, 0); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); cnt_c = pf_cnt_counted; cnt_b = pf_cnt_boolean; PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); /* do some work that might cause progress fns to run */ for (i=0; i < 2; i++) { int tmp = 42; gex_RMA_PutBlocking(myteam, peer, peerseg, &tmp, sizeof(tmp), 0); gex_RMA_GetBlocking(myteam, &tmp, peer, peerseg, sizeof(tmp), 0); gex_RMA_PutBlocking(myteam, peer, peersegmid, myseg, 1024, 0); gex_RMA_GetBlocking(myteam, myseg, peer, peersegmid, 1024, 0); gasnet_AMPoll(); } PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); /* ensure they did not run */ gasneti_assert_always_int(cnt_c ,==, pf_cnt_counted); gasneti_assert_always_int(cnt_b ,==, pf_cnt_boolean); } GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(gasneti_weakatomic_read(&progressfn_req_sent,0) == gasneti_weakatomic_read(&progressfn_rep_rcvd,0)); #endif } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void op_test(int id) { int iter; GASNET_BEGIN_FUNCTION(); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); TEST_HEADER("internal op interface test"); else return; for (iter=0; iter < iters0; iter++) { static const void **share = NULL; int peerid = ( id + 1 ) % num_threads; PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gex_NBI_Wait(GEX_EC_ALL,0); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); if (!id) share = test_malloc(sizeof(void *)*num_threads); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); { gasneti_eop_t *eop; gex_Event_t h; eop = gasneti_eop_create(GASNETI_THREAD_PASS_ALONE); gasneti_assert_always(eop); h = gasneti_eop_to_event(eop); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); share[id] = eop; /* hand-off eop to neighbor thread */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_eop_markdone(share[peerid]); /* mark right neighbor's eop done */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h) ,==, GASNET_OK); } PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); { /* inc the get and put counts on my iop */ gasneti_iop_t *iop = gasneti_iop_register(1, 0 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); gasneti_assert_always(iop); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_PUT,0) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_GET,0) ,==, GASNET_OK); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_ALL,0) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); gasneti_assert_always_ptr(iop ,==, gasneti_iop_register(2, 1 GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_PUT,0) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_GET,0) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_ALL,0) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); share[id] = iop; /* hand-off iop to neighbor thread */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_iop_markdone(share[peerid], 1, 0); /* mark right neighbor's iop puts done */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_PUT,0) ,==, GASNET_OK); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_GET,0) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_ALL,0) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_iop_markdone(share[peerid], 2, 1); /* mark right neighbor's iop gets done */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_PUT,0) ,==, GASNET_OK); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_GET,0) ,==, GASNET_OK); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_ALL,0) ,==, GASNET_OK); } PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); { int isget; for (isget = 0; isget <= 1; isget++) { #define ASSERT_NBI_SYNCED() do { \ gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_PUT,0) ,==, GASNET_OK); \ gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_GET,0) ,==, GASNET_OK); \ gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_ALL,0) ,==, GASNET_OK); \ } while (0) #define ASSERT_NBI_NOTSYNCED() do { \ if (isget) { \ gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_PUT,0) ,==, GASNET_OK); \ gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_GET,0) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); \ gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_ALL,0) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); \ } else { \ gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_PUT,0) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); \ gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_GET,0) ,==, GASNET_OK); \ gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_NBI_Test(GEX_EC_ALL,0) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); \ } \ } while (0) gasneti_iop_t *iop1, *iop2; gasneti_iop_t *peer_iop1, *peer_iop2; ASSERT_NBI_SYNCED(); iop1 = gasneti_iop_register(5, isget GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); /* iop1 = 5 */ gasneti_assert_always(iop1); ASSERT_NBI_NOTSYNCED(); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); share[id] = iop1; /* hand-off iop1 to neighbor thread */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); peer_iop1 = share[peerid]; gasneti_iop_markdone(peer_iop1, 2, isget); /* iop1 -= 2 */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); ASSERT_NBI_NOTSYNCED(); { /* implicit access region */ gex_Event_t h; gasneti_eop_t *eop; gex_Event_t h2; gex_NBI_BeginAccessRegion(0); iop2 = gasneti_iop_register(1, isget GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); /* iop2 = 1 */ gasneti_assert_always(iop2); gasneti_assert_always(iop2 != iop1); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); share[id] = iop2; /* hand-off iop2 to neighbor thread */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); peer_iop2 = share[peerid]; gasneti_iop_markdone(peer_iop2, 1, isget); /* iop2 -= 1 */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_assert_always(iop2 == gasneti_iop_register(2, isget GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)); /* iop2 += 2 */ eop = gasneti_eop_create(GASNETI_THREAD_PASS_ALONE); gasneti_assert_always(eop); h2 = gasneti_eop_to_event(eop); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h2) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); h = gex_NBI_EndAccessRegion(0); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h2) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_iop_markdone(peer_iop1, 2, isget); /* iop1 -= 2 */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); ASSERT_NBI_NOTSYNCED(); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h2) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_iop_markdone(peer_iop2, 1, isget); /* iop2 -= 1 */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); ASSERT_NBI_NOTSYNCED(); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h2) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_iop_markdone(peer_iop1, 1, isget); /* iop1 -= 1 */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); ASSERT_NBI_SYNCED(); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h2) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_assert_always_ptr(iop1 ,==, gasneti_iop_register(2, isget GASNETI_THREAD_PASS)); /* iop1 += 2 */ ASSERT_NBI_NOTSYNCED(); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h2) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_iop_markdone(peer_iop2, 1, isget); /* iop2 -= 1 */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); ASSERT_NBI_NOTSYNCED(); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h) ,==, GASNET_OK); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h2) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_iop_markdone(peer_iop1, 2, isget); /* iop1 -= 2 */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); ASSERT_NBI_SYNCED(); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h2) ,==, GASNET_ERR_NOT_READY); share[id] = eop; /* hand-off eop to neighbor thread */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_eop_markdone(share[peerid]); /* mark right neighbor's eop done */ PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(h2) ,==, GASNET_OK); ASSERT_NBI_SYNCED(); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); } } } PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); { // Test free of other threads' ops and subsequent reuse. #define RAND_EVENT(output) do { \ gasneti_eop_t *_eop; \ gasneti_iop_t *_iop; \ int _r = TEST_RAND(0,10); \ switch (_r) { \ case 0: case 1: /* IOP put or get */ \ gex_NBI_BeginAccessRegion(0); \ _iop = gasneti_iop_register(1, _r GASNETI_THREAD_PASS); \ (output) = gex_NBI_EndAccessRegion(0); \ gasneti_iop_markdone(_iop, 1, _r); \ break; \ default: /* EOP */ \ _eop = gasneti_eop_create(GASNETI_THREAD_PASS_ALONE); \ (output) = gasneti_eop_to_event(_eop); \ gasneti_eop_markdone(_eop); \ break; \ } \ } while(0) const int opcount = 252; // must be divisible by 3 and 4 gasneti_assert_always(! (opcount%4)); gasneti_assert_always(! (opcount%3)); // Arrays of events (interleaved from 4 threads) // populated by passing around the ring of threads. gex_Event_t *events = test_malloc(opcount * 2 * sizeof(gex_Event_t)); for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { for (int i = j; i < opcount; i += 4) { RAND_EVENT(events[i]); } share[id] = events; PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); events = (gex_Event_t *)share[peerid]; PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); } // The events are reaped in groups of 3 events to // get varying mixes of local and foreign events. for (int i = 0; i < opcount; i += 3) { if (TEST_RAND_ONEIN(2)) { gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(events[i+0]) ,==, GASNET_OK); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(events[i+1]) ,==, GASNET_OK); gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_Test(events[i+2]) ,==, GASNET_OK); } else { gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_TestAll(events+i,3,0) ,==, GASNET_OK); } } PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); // Issue twice the original number of ops to encourage reuse of foreign-freed ops for (int i = 0; i < 2*opcount; ++i) { RAND_EVENT(events[i]); } gasneti_assert_always_int(gex_Event_TestAll(events,2*opcount,0) ,==, GASNET_OK); test_free(events); #undef RAND_EVENT } PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); if (!id) { test_free(share); share = NULL; } PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #if GASNET_PAR static void * thread_fn(void *arg) { int test_errs = 0; int id = (int)(uintptr_t)arg; PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); TEST_HEADER("gasneti_mutex_t test") mutex_test(id); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); TEST_HEADER("gasneti_cond_t test") cond_test(id); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); TEST_HEADER("gasneti_rwlock_t test") rwlock_test(id); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); spinlock_test(id); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); semaphore_test(id); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); lifo_test(id); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); TEST_HEADER("malloc test") malloc_test(id); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); progressfns_test(id); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); op_test(id); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); TEST_HEADER("conduit tests") { PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); test_errs += GASNETC_RUN_DIAGNOSTICS_PAR(iters,id,num_threads); PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); test_errs += GASNETE_RUN_DIAGNOSTICS_PAR(iters,id,num_threads); } PTHREAD_BARRIER(num_threads); return (void *)(uintptr_t)test_errs; } #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #if HAVE_SSH_SPAWNER || HAVE_MPI_SPAWNER || HAVE_PMI_SPAWNER extern gasneti_spawnerfn_t const *gasneti_spawner; static void spawner_test(void) { if (!gasneti_spawner) { TEST_HEADER("bootstrap functions test - SKIPPED"); else return; return; } else { TEST_HEADER("bootstrap functions test"); else return; } int iters1 = MAX(5,MIN(50,iters/100)); #define DATUM_SZ 32 typedef uint8_t datum_t[DATUM_SZ]; #define INIT_DATUM(datum,iter,node,sz) do { \ uint8_t val = (iter) ^ (node) ^ (sz); \ for (int lcv = 0; lcv < sz; ++lcv, ++val) { \ (datum)[lcv] = val; \ } \ } while (0) #define CHECK_DATUM(datum,iter,node,sz,name) do { \ uint8_t val = (iter) ^ (node) ^ (sz); \ for (int lcv = 0; lcv < sz; ++lcv, ++val) { \ if ((datum)[lcv] != val) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s test failed at sz=%d", name, (int)sz); \ test_errs += 1; \ break; \ } \ } \ } while (0) datum_t my_datum, other_datum; datum_t *all_data = gasneti_calloc(gasneti_nodes, sizeof(datum_t)); // Frequent Cleanup calls will check that each operation works correctly after one. // Additionally, here we make sure back-to-back calls are safe gasneti_spawner->Cleanup(); gasneti_spawner->Cleanup(); { // Barrier // Using RMA to (weakly) validate barrier correctness // Lack of progress (both RMA and AM) in bootstrap ops constrains what we can do. char * mysegmid = (char *)myseg + TEST_SEGSZ/2; int once = 0; gex_Rank_t tmp = gasneti_mynode; for (int i = 0; i < iters1; ++i, ++tmp) { *(gex_Rank_t *)myseg = tmp; gasneti_spawner->Barrier(); gex_Rank_t val = gex_RMA_GetBlockingVal(myteam, peer, peerseg, sizeof(val), 0); gex_Event_t ev = gex_Coll_BarrierNB(myteam, 0); if (val != peer + i) { if (!once) { MSG("ERROR: Barrier test failed"); test_errs += 1; once = 1; } } gex_Event_Wait(ev); // ensure peer's Get completes before next bootstrap barrier } // back-to-back barriers for (int i = 0; i < iters1; ++i) { gasneti_spawner->Barrier(); } } gasneti_spawner->Cleanup(); { // Broadcast gex_Rank_t step = MAX(1, gasneti_nodes / iters1); for (int i = 0; i < iters1; ++i) { gex_Rank_t root = (step * i) % gasneti_nodes; for (size_t sz = 1; sz <= sizeof(datum_t); sz *= 2) { INIT_DATUM(my_datum, i, gasneti_mynode, sz); gasneti_spawner->Broadcast(my_datum, sz, other_datum, root); CHECK_DATUM(other_datum, i, root, sz, "Broadcast"); } } } { // Broadcast (in-place) gex_Rank_t step = MAX(1, gasneti_nodes / iters1); for (int i = 0; i < iters1; ++i) { gex_Rank_t root = (step * i) % gasneti_nodes; for (size_t sz = 1; sz <= sizeof(datum_t); sz *= 2) { INIT_DATUM(other_datum, i, gasneti_mynode, sz); gasneti_spawner->Broadcast(other_datum, sz, other_datum, root); CHECK_DATUM(other_datum, i, root, sz, "Broadcast (in-place)"); } } } gasneti_spawner->Cleanup(); { // SNodeBroadcast // We need a constant number of iterations for this collective call. // However, gasneti_nodemap_local_count is not always single-valued. // So this could double-test some roots for (int i = 0; i < iters1; ++i) { gex_Rank_t root = gasneti_nodemap_local[i % gasneti_nodemap_local_count]; for (size_t sz = 1; sz <= sizeof(datum_t); sz *= 2) { INIT_DATUM(my_datum, i, gasneti_mynode, sz); gasneti_spawner->SNodeBroadcast(my_datum, sz, other_datum, root); CHECK_DATUM(other_datum, i, root, sz, "SNodeBroadcast"); } } } { // SNodeBroadcast (in-place) for (int i = 0; i < iters1; ++i) { gex_Rank_t root = gasneti_nodemap_local[i % gasneti_nodemap_local_count]; for (size_t sz = 1; sz <= sizeof(datum_t); sz *= 2) { INIT_DATUM(other_datum, i, gasneti_mynode, sz); gasneti_spawner->SNodeBroadcast(other_datum, sz, other_datum, root); CHECK_DATUM(other_datum, i, root, sz, "SNodeBroadcast (in-place)"); } } } gasneti_spawner->Cleanup(); { // Exchange for (int i = 0; i < iters1; ++i) { for (size_t sz = 1; sz <= sizeof(datum_t); sz *= 2) { uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)all_data; INIT_DATUM(my_datum, i, gasneti_mynode, sz); gasneti_spawner->Exchange(my_datum, sz, all_data); for (int n = 0; n < gasneti_nodes; ++n, dst+=sz) { CHECK_DATUM(dst, i, n, sz, "Exchange"); } } } } { // Exchange (in-place) for (int i = 0; i < iters1; ++i) { for (size_t sz = 1; sz <= sizeof(datum_t); sz *= 2) { uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)all_data; uint8_t *src = dst + sz*gasneti_mynode; INIT_DATUM(src, i, gasneti_mynode, sz); gasneti_spawner->Exchange(src, sz, all_data); for (int n = 0; n < gasneti_nodes; ++n, dst+=sz) { CHECK_DATUM(dst, i, n, sz, "Exchange (in-place)"); } } } } gasneti_spawner->Cleanup(); { // Alltoall uint8_t *src_data = gasneti_calloc(gasneti_nodes, sizeof(datum_t)); for (int i = 0; i < iters1; ++i) { for (size_t sz = 1; sz <= sizeof(datum_t); sz *= 2) { for (int n = 0; n < gasneti_nodes; ++n) { INIT_DATUM(src_data + n*sz, i, gasneti_mynode + n*gasneti_nodes, sz); } uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)all_data; gasneti_spawner->Alltoall(src_data, sz, all_data); for (int n = 0; n < gasneti_nodes; ++n, dst+=sz) { CHECK_DATUM(dst, i, n + gasneti_mynode*gasneti_nodes, sz, "Alltoall"); } } } gasneti_free(src_data); } { // Alltoall (in-place) uint8_t *src_data = (uint8_t *)all_data; for (int i = 0; i < iters1; ++i) { for (size_t sz = 1; sz <= sizeof(datum_t); sz *= 2) { for (int n = 0; n < gasneti_nodes; ++n) { INIT_DATUM(src_data + n*sz, i, gasneti_mynode + n*gasneti_nodes, sz); } uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)all_data; gasneti_spawner->Alltoall(src_data, sz, all_data); for (int n = 0; n < gasneti_nodes; ++n, dst+=sz) { CHECK_DATUM(dst, i, n + gasneti_mynode*gasneti_nodes, sz, "Alltoall (in-place)"); } } } } gasneti_free(all_data); } #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void hbarrier_test(void) { // Currently, this is just to ensure this little-used interface gets tested // TODO: // + Maybe verify that barrier property holds? // + Maybe verify AM progress made within this barrier? for (int i = 0; i < iters0; ++i) { gasneti_host_barrier(); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void rexchgv_test(void) { uint64_t data[10]; const size_t elem_sz = sizeof(data[0]); const size_t total_len = gasneti_nodes * sizeof(data); const int N = sizeof(data)/elem_sz; // total values per rank for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { data[i] = gasneti_mynode + i * gasneti_nodes; } for (int iter = 0; iter < iters0; ++iter) { // Choose splits between first and second exchanges // First iteration is deterministic and the rest are random int part1, part2; if (!iter) { part1 = 0; part2 = N; } else { // Note that RAND() is in-sync across ranks, which we intentionally purturb part1 = (TEST_RAND(0,N) + gasneti_mynode) % N; part2 = N - part1; } uint64_t *data1, *data2; size_t *len1, *len2; size_t partial_len1, partial_len2; partial_len1 = gasneti_blockingRotatedExchangeV(myteam, data, part1*elem_sz, (void**)&data1, &len1); if (partial_len1) { gasneti_assert_always_uint(*len1 ,==, part1*elem_sz); } else { gasneti_assert_always(data1 == NULL); gasneti_assert_always(len1 == NULL); } partial_len2 = gasneti_blockingRotatedExchangeV(myteam, data+part1, part2*elem_sz, (void**)&data2, &len2); if (partial_len2) { gasneti_assert_always_uint(*len2 ,==, part2*elem_sz); } else { gasneti_assert_always(data2 == NULL); gasneti_assert_always(len2 == NULL); } { // Validate lengths satisfy alignment and summation properties gasneti_assert_always_uint(partial_len1 + partial_len2 ,==, total_len); gasneti_assert_always_uint(partial_len1 % elem_sz ,==, 0); gasneti_assert_always_uint(partial_len2 % elem_sz ,==, 0); size_t sum1 = 0; size_t sum2 = 0; for (gex_Rank_t i = 0; i < gasneti_nodes; ++i) { size_t tmp1 = len1 ? len1[i] : 0; gasneti_assert_always_uint(tmp1 % elem_sz ,==, 0); sum1 += tmp1; size_t tmp2 = len2 ? len2[i] : 0; gasneti_assert_always_uint(tmp2 % elem_sz ,==, 0); sum2 += tmp2; gasneti_assert_always_uint(tmp1 + tmp2 ,==, sizeof(data)); } gasneti_assert_always_uint(partial_len1 ,==, sum1); gasneti_assert_always_uint(partial_len2 ,==, sum2); } { // Validate content uint64_t *p1 = data1; uint64_t *p2 = data2; for (gex_Rank_t i = 0; i < gasneti_nodes; ++i) { int count1 = len1 ? (int)(len1[i] / elem_sz) : 0; uint64_t want = (gasneti_mynode + i) % gasneti_nodes; // Not simply i, due to rotation for (int j = 0; j < count1; ++j, ++p1, want += gasneti_nodes) { gasneti_assert_always_uint(*p1 ,==, want); } int count2 = len2 ? (int)(len2[i] / elem_sz) : 0; for (int j = 0; j < count2; ++j, ++p2, want += gasneti_nodes) { gasneti_assert_always_uint(*p2 ,==, want); } } } gasneti_free(data1); gasneti_free(data2); gasneti_free(len1); gasneti_free(len2); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static gex_AM_Entry_t gasneti_diag_handlers[] = { #ifdef GASNETC_DIAG_HANDLERS GASNETC_DIAG_HANDLERS(), /* should start at gasnetc_diag_hidx_base */ #endif #ifdef GASNETE_DIAG_HANDLERS GASNETE_DIAG_HANDLERS(), /* should start at gasnete_diag_hidx_base */ #endif { gasneti_diag_hidx_base + 0, (gex_AM_Fn_t)progressfn_reqh, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_MEDLONG, 0 }, { gasneti_diag_hidx_base + 1, (gex_AM_Fn_t)progressfn_reph, GEX_FLAG_AM_REPLY|GEX_FLAG_AM_MEDIUM, 0 } }; void gasneti_diagnostic_gethandlers(gex_AM_Entry_t **htable, int *htable_cnt) { assert(htable && htable_cnt); *htable = gasneti_diag_handlers; *htable_cnt = (int)(sizeof(gasneti_diag_handlers)/sizeof(gex_AM_Entry_t)); gasneti_diag_havehandlers = 1; }