# bgl.mcs.anl.gov Usage: mpirun [options] or mpirun [options] binary [arg1 arg2 ...] Options: -h Provides this extended help information. Can also use '-help'. -version Display version information. Can also use '-v'. -partition ID of the partition to run the job on. -np The number of compute nodes to use for the job. Can also use '-n' or '-nodes'. -mode Execution mode: COprocessor or VirtualNode mode. Default is CO. -exe Full path of the binary to execute. -cwd Current working directory of the job, as seen by the compute nodes. Can also use '-wdir'. -host Hostname of the service node. Overrides MMCS_SERVER_IP environment variable. -shell Remote shell mechanism to use. Defaults to RSH, SSH is available. -env <""> Environment variables that should be set. (Must be enclosed in double quotes). -exp_env Environment variables in the current environment to export. -mapfile File containing a user specified MPI topology -args <""> Arguments to pass to the job. (Must be enclosed in double quotes). -timeout The limit of the job execution time in seconds. -start_gdbserver Start gdbserver for job. Must specify full path to gdbserver. -label Add labels (STDOUT, STDERR, and MPI Rank) to the job output. -nw Return MPIRUN job cycle status instead of the job exit status. -nofree Do not deallocate the partition if MPIRUN had allocated it. -noallocate Do not allocate the partition. The job will only start if the partition was already in the Initialized state. -backend Use a specific mpirun back-end on the service node. -kernel_options Specify kernel verbose options. -verbose <0 - 4> Verbosity level of mpirun. Default is 0. -trace Create a detailed trace as mpirun executes. Output is to a a file in the current directory. -only_test_protocol Used to test the mpirun front-end/back-end communications. No actual job will be run. -strace Enable syscall trace for all nodes, no nodes, or node n where n is an MPI rank number -shape Shape of the job in XxYxZ format. If not specified you must use -partition and/or -np. -psets_per_bp Number of PSets per BP required in the partition. -connect Compute node connections. Default is MESH. -enable_tty_reporting Correctly report tty status to the control system