runjob [options] : exe arg1 arg2 ... argn Job Options: --exe arg executable to run --args arg arguments --envs arg environment variables in key=value form --exp-env arg export a specific environment variable --env-all export all environment variables --cwd arg (=current wdir) current working directory --timeout arg positive number of seconds to wait after runjob starts before a SIGKILL will be delivered. Resource Options: --block arg block ID, must be initialized and requires Execute authority. --corner arg sub-block compute node corner location: R00- M0-N04-J00 --shape arg five dimensional sub-block shape, in terms of compute nodes: 1x2x2x1x2 -p [ --ranks-per-node ] arg (=1) number of ranks per node: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 -n [ --np ] arg positive number of ranks in the entire job --mapping arg (=ABCDET) ABCDET permutation or path to mapping file Debug Options: --label [=arg(=long)] (=none) prefix job output with stdout, stderr, and rank --strace arg (=none) specify none, or n where n is a rank to enable system call tracing --start-tool arg path to tool to start with the job --tool-args arg arguments for the tool --tool-subset arg (=0-$max) rank subset to use when launching the tool daemon Miscellaneous Options: --stdinrank arg (=0) rank to send stdin to --raise if the job dies with a signal, raise it -h [ --help ] this help text -v [ --version ] display version information --properties arg Blue Gene configuration file --verbose arg Logging configuration for more information, consult the man page