InfiniPath Release2.1 of Fri Jul 20 15:17:27 PDT 2007 $ Usage: mpirun [-ssh|-mpd|-h] progname The format of each line is [SHORT_OPTION] [ARGUMENT_TYPE] <[DEFAULTS]> Essentials -m -machinefile STRING Hosts file [-m , $MPIHOSTS, ./mpihosts, $HOME/.mpihosts] -nonmpi Run a non-mpi program [off] -np INT Number of processes to create [-np , $MPI_NPROCS, or 1 process] -ppn INT Number of processes per node [1 (unless machinefile has less hosts than -np)] -rcfile STRING Startup shell script [-rcfile , $MPIRUNRC or $HOME/.mpirunrc] Spawn -distributed[=UINT|on|off] Distributed mpirun spawning mechanism [on] Quiescence -disable-mpi-progress-check Disable MPI communication progress checks (pings enabled if -q > 0) [off] -i -ping-interval INT Seconds to wait between ping packets to mpirun (if -q > 0) [60] -q -quiescence-timeout INT Seconds to wait for quiescence on the ranks (-q 0 to disable) [900] Verbosity -job-info Print brief job startup and shutdown timing information [off] -no-syslog Don't send critical errors through syslog [off] -V -verbose Print diagnostic messages [off] Startup -listen-addr STRING Hostname or IPv4 to listen on [gethostname(2)] -k -kill-timeout INT Seconds to wait for other ranks after the first rank exits [60] -I -open-timeout INT Seconds to wait for InfiniPath connection (-1 for infinite) [0] -runscript STRING Script to run program with [none] -t -timeout INT Seconds to wait per connection (-1 waits forever) [60] Stats -M -print-stats[=STRING] Print MPI stats (-M implies -M=mpi) [mpi] -statsfile STRING Filename for printing statistics [stderr] -statsmode STRING Mode for printing various statistics: absolute/diffs [diffs] Tuning -L -long-len UINT Message length in bytes above which rendezvous protocol is used [64000] -s -long-len-shmem UINT Message length in bytes above which rendezvous protocol is used [16000] -N -num-send-bufs INT Number of send buffers in runtime [512] -W -rndv-window-size UINT Window size in bytes to use for native rendezvous [262144] Shell -shell STRING Which program is used to log into remote hosts [ssh (unless $MPI_SHELL is defined)] -shellx STRING Program used to log into remote hosts with X11 forwarding. Useful when running with -debug or in xterm [ssh (unless $MPI_SHELL_X is defined)] Debug -debug Run each process under debugger in xterm [off] -debug-no-pause Like debug but no pause at beginning [off] -debugger STRING Which debugger to use (gdb|pathdb|strace) [gdb] -display STRING X Display for xterm [none] -in-xterm Run each process in an xterm window [off] -d -psc-debug-level INT Controls the verbosity of debug messages [1] -xterm STRING Which xterm to use [xterm] Format -l -label-output Unique label for each process' output [off] -y -labelstyle STRING Indicates the style of the output label May contain the special characters: %n:nodename, %r:rank, %p:pid, %L:LID, %P:port %l:rank within a node, %%: % sign [%n:%r.] Other -h -help Show help [off] -stdin STRING Filename to use as stdin for the node program [none] -stdin-target INT Rank that should read the file from -stdin (-1 for all ranks) [-1] -v -version Show version [off] -wdir STRING Sets the working directory for the node program [.]