prun [-EIOstv][-B base][-c cpus][-e err][-i in][-m block|cyclic] [-n procs][-N nodes][-o out][-p partition][-P project] [-R flags] program [args...] prun -p root | -r [-tv] [-H hostnamelist][-B base][-N nodes][-R flags] program [args...] prun -f procfile [-EItv][-e err][-i in][-o out][-p partition][-P project] prun -h Run a parallel program Flags: -B base node -c number of cpus per process -e err set stderr mode -E 'explain' a procfile (only with -f option) -f use procfile -h print this info -i in set stdin mode -I allocate CPUs immediately or fail -n number of processes to run -N number of nodes to allocate -m block|cyclic process to node mapping -o out set stdout mode -O allow resources to be overcommited for example more processes than cpus -p partition to use -P project to use -r rsh mode (admin use only) -s print stats as job exits -R set resource request flag. can be: cluster=cluster | cluster-member=member hwbcast=0|1 immediate=0|1 maxcpus=n mincpus=n pty=0|1 samecpus=0|1 rails=n (1<=n<=32) railmask=mask -t prefix output with process number -v enable reporting Resources are allocated (and freed) for the job, unless previously assigned using allocate. The default process distribution is block. Stdio for a parallel program is controlled by three stdio modes one each for stdin (-i), stdout (-o) and stderr (-e). These modes control how input to prun is directed to the application processes and how their output on stdout/stderr is processed by prun. The supported stdio modes are: all all processes send/receive none no processes send/receive {rank} only process {rank} can send/receive file processes read/write from/to file.{rank} The default modes are stdin=0, stdout=all, stderr=all, i.e. stdin is directed to process 0 and output on stdout/stderr from all processes is returned to prun. 'prun -p root ...' and 'prun -r ...' are equivalent in that -p root implies rsh mode and -r implies -p root. In both cases the partition, will be root, rsh mode will be set and 1 process per node will run. By default -N will be set to all nodes. Procfile line format should be one of the following: number hostname[:path] executable arguments lowrank;highrank;step hostname[:path] executable arguments number index[:path] executable arguments lowrank;highrank;step index[:path] executable arguments