# rtc.rice.edu http://www.osc.edu/~pw/mpiexec/ Usage: mpiexec [] []... or: mpiexec [] -config[=] -n : use only some of the allocated processors Default behavior allocates one process per allocated processor. -verbose : be verbose about mpiexec operation -nostdin : do not listen to stdin, allowing process to go into background -allstdin : send stdin to all processes (default just proc #0) -nostdout : do not redirect stdout/stderr, but let pbs accumulate it -comm (gm|p4|ib|mpich2|lam|shmem|emp|none) : choose MPI (default mpich-gm) -mpich-p4-[no-]shmem : for MPICH/P4, specify if the library was compiled with shared memory support (default yes) -pernode : allocate only one process per compute node -nolocal : do not run any MPI processes on the local node -transform-hostname[=] : use alternate names for MPI -tv : debug using totalview (ensure it is in your path) -kill : kill other processes if any one process exits -config[=] : use heterogenous node specification file ("-" for stdin) -version : show version information Version 0.77, configure options:'--with-pbs=/usr/pbs' '--with-pbssrc=/usr/pbs' '--with-default-comm=mpich-gm' '--prefix=/usr/local'