/* $Source: bitbucket.org:berkeleylab/gasnet.git/other/amudp/amudp_ep.cpp $ * Description: AMUDP Implementations of endpoint and bundle operations * Copyright 2000, Dan Bonachea */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "amudp_internal.h" // must come after any other headers /* definitions for internal declarations */ amudp_handler_fn_t amudp_defaultreturnedmsg_handler = (amudp_handler_fn_t)&AMUDP_DefaultReturnedMsg_Handler; int AMUDP_PoliteSync = 0; uint32_t AMUDP_RequestTimeoutBackoff = AMUDP_REQUESTTIMEOUT_BACKOFF_MULTIPLIER; uint32_t AMUDP_MaxRequestTimeout_us = AMUDP_MAX_REQUESTTIMEOUT_MICROSEC; uint32_t AMUDP_InitialRequestTimeout_us = AMUDP_INITIAL_REQUESTTIMEOUT_MICROSEC; AMX_IDENT(AMUDP_IdentString_Version, "$AMUDPLibraryVersion: " AMUDP_LIBRARY_VERSION_STR " $"); double AMUDP_FaultInjectionRate = 0.0; double AMUDP_FaultInjectionEnabled = 0; const amudp_stats_t AMUDP_initial_stats = /* the initial state for stats type */ { {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, 0,0,0, (amx_tick_t)-1, 0, 0, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, 0 }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AMUDP_enEqual(en_t en1, en_t en2) { return enEqual(en1, en2); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Endpoint list handling for bundles *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ int AMUDP_numBundles = 0; eb_t AMUDP_bundles[AMUDP_MAX_BUNDLES] = {0}; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static int AMUDP_ContainsEndpoint(eb_t eb, ep_t ep) { int i; for (i = 0; i < eb->n_endpoints; i++) { if (eb->endpoints[i] == ep) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void AMUDP_InsertEndpoint(eb_t eb, ep_t ep) { AMX_assert(eb && ep); AMX_assert(eb->endpoints != NULL); if (eb->n_endpoints == eb->cursize) { /* need to grow array */ int newsize = eb->cursize * 2; eb->endpoints = (ep_t *)AMX_realloc(eb->endpoints, sizeof(ep_t)*newsize); eb->cursize = newsize; } eb->endpoints[eb->n_endpoints] = ep; eb->n_endpoints++; ep->eb = eb; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void AMUDP_RemoveEndpoint(eb_t eb, ep_t ep) { AMX_assert(eb && ep); AMX_assert(eb->endpoints != NULL); AMX_assert(AMUDP_ContainsEndpoint(eb, ep)); { int i; for (i = 0; i < eb->n_endpoints; i++) { if (eb->endpoints[i] == ep) { eb->endpoints[i] = eb->endpoints[eb->n_endpoints-1]; eb->n_endpoints--; ep->eb = NULL; return; } } AMX_FatalErr("failure in AMUDP_RemoveEndpoint"); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Endpoint buffer management *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* internally, buffers have a header: * while allocated: pool points to the bufferpool * while freed: next pointer in free list */ #define AMUDP_BUFFERPOOL_MAGIC ((uint64_t)0x1001feedbac31001ULL) extern amudp_buf_t *AMUDP_AcquireBuffer(ep_t ep, size_t sz) { AMX_assert(ep); AMX_assert(sz >= AMUDP_MIN_BUFFER); AMX_assert(sz <= AMUDP_MAX_BUFFER); amudp_bufferpool_t *pool; if (sz <= AMUDP_MAX_SHORT_BUFFER) { pool = &ep->bufferPool[0]; } else { pool = &ep->bufferPool[1]; } size_t poolsz = pool->buffersz; AMX_assert(sz <= poolsz); AMX_assert(pool->magic == AMUDP_BUFFERPOOL_MAGIC); amudp_bufferheader_t *bh; if (pool->free) { bh = pool->free; pool->free = bh->next; } else { bh = (amudp_bufferheader_t *)AMX_malloc(sizeof(amudp_bufferheader_t) + poolsz); } bh->pool = pool; AMX_memcheck(bh); #if AMUDP_BUFFER_STATS pool->stats.alloc_curr++; pool->stats.alloc_total++; pool->stats.buffer_bytes += sz; pool->stats.alloc_peak = MAX(pool->stats.alloc_curr,pool->stats.alloc_peak); #endif amudp_buf_t *buf = (amudp_buf_t *)(bh+1); AMX_assert(!((uintptr_t)buf & 0x7)); // 8-byte alignment return buf; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern void AMUDP_ReleaseBuffer(ep_t ep, amudp_buf_t *buf) { AMX_assert(ep); AMX_assert(buf); amudp_bufferheader_t *bh = ((amudp_bufferheader_t *)buf) - 1; AMX_memcheck(bh); amudp_bufferpool_t *pool = bh->pool; AMX_assert(pool->magic == AMUDP_BUFFERPOOL_MAGIC); bh->next = pool->free; pool->free = bh; #if AMUDP_BUFFER_STATS pool->stats.alloc_curr--; #endif } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void AMUDP_InitBuffers(ep_t ep) { for (int i=0; i < AMUDP_NUMBUFFERPOOLS; i++) { ep->bufferPool[i].free = NULL; #if AMX_DEBUG ep->bufferPool[i].magic = AMUDP_BUFFERPOOL_MAGIC; #endif } ep->bufferPool[0].buffersz = AMUDP_MAX_SHORT_BUFFER; ep->bufferPool[1].buffersz = AMUDP_MAX_BUFFER; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void AMUDP_FreeAllBuffers(ep_t ep) { AMX_memcheck_all(); for (int i=0; i < AMUDP_NUMBUFFERPOOLS; i++) { amudp_bufferpool_t *pool = &ep->bufferPool[i]; for (amudp_bufferheader_t *bh = pool->free; bh; ) { amudp_bufferheader_t *next = bh->next; AMX_free(bh); bh = next; } #if AMUDP_BUFFER_STATS AMX_Info("Buffer pool %5i: %7.1fb avg\t%6" PRIu64 " alloc\t%4" PRIu64 " peak\t%2" PRIu64 " leaked", (int)pool->buffersz, pool->stats.buffer_bytes/(double)pool->stats.alloc_total, pool->stats.alloc_total, pool->stats.alloc_peak, pool->stats.alloc_curr ); #endif } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Endpoint resource management *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static uint32_t AMUDP_currentUDPInterface = INADDR_ANY; extern int AMUDP_SetUDPInterface(uint32_t IPAddress) { AMUDP_currentUDPInterface = IPAddress; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #if USE_SOCKET_RECVBUFFER_GROW extern int AMUDP_growSocketBufferSize(ep_t ep, int targetsize, int szparam, const char *paramname) { int initialsize; /* original socket recv size */ int maxedout = 0; GETSOCKOPT_LENGTH_T junk = sizeof(int); if (SOCK_getsockopt(ep->s, SOL_SOCKET, szparam, (char *)&initialsize, &junk) == SOCKET_ERROR) { AMX_DEBUG_WARN(("getsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, %s) on UDP socket failed: %s",paramname,strerror(errno))); initialsize = 65535; } if (szparam == SO_RCVBUF) ep->socketRecvBufferSize = initialsize; /* ensure ep->socketRecvBufferSize is always initialized */ targetsize = MAX(initialsize, targetsize); /* never shrink buffer */ #if 0 && (PLATFORM_OS_LINUX || PLATFORM_OS_UCLINUX) /* it appears this max means nothing */ // this code requires and { int maxsize; #if PLATFORM_OS_LINUX || PLATFORM_OS_UCLINUX { /* try to determine the max we can use (reading /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max may be more reliable) */ int rmem_max[1] = { NET_CORE_RMEM_MAX }; struct __sysctl_args args={&rmem_max,sizeof(rmem_max),&maxsize,sizeof(int),0,0}; if (_sysctl(&args)) { #if AMX_DEBUG perror("sysctl"); AMX_Err("sysctl() on UDP socket failed"); #endif } size = MIN(size, maxsize); } #endif } #endif /* now set it to the largest value it will take */ while (targetsize > initialsize) { int sz = targetsize; /* prevent OS from tampering */ if (setsockopt(ep->s, SOL_SOCKET, szparam, (char *)&sz, sizeof(int)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { AMX_VERBOSE_INFO(("setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, %s, %i) on UDP socket failed: %s", paramname, targetsize, strerror(errno))); } else { int temp = targetsize; junk = sizeof(int); if (SOCK_getsockopt(ep->s, SOL_SOCKET, szparam, (char *)&temp, &junk) == SOCKET_ERROR) { AMX_DEBUG_WARN(("getsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, %s) on UDP socket failed: %s", paramname, strerror(errno))); } if (temp >= targetsize) { if (!AMX_SilentMode) AMX_Info("UDP %s buffer successfully set to %i bytes", paramname, targetsize); if (szparam == SO_RCVBUF) ep->socketRecvBufferSize = temp; break; /* success */ } } targetsize = (int)(0.9 * targetsize); maxedout = 1; } return maxedout; } #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static int AMUDP_AllocateEndpointResource(ep_t ep) { AMX_assert(ep != NULL); /* allocate socket */ ep->s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (ep->s == INVALID_SOCKET) AMX_RETURN_ERRFR(RESOURCE, socket, strerror(errno)); ep->name.sin_family = AF_INET; ep->name.sin_port = 0; /* any port */ ep->name.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(AMUDP_currentUDPInterface); memset(&ep->name.sin_zero, 0, sizeof(ep->name.sin_zero)); if (bind(ep->s, (struct sockaddr*)&ep->name, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(ep->s); AMX_RETURN_ERRFR(RESOURCE, bind, strerror(errno)); } { /* danger: this might fail on multi-homed hosts if AMUDP_currentUDPInterface was not set*/ GETSOCKNAME_LENGTH_T sz = sizeof(en_t); if (SOCK_getsockname(ep->s, (struct sockaddr*)&ep->name, &sz) == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(ep->s); AMX_RETURN_ERRFR(RESOURCE, getsockname, strerror(errno)); } /* can't determine interface address */ if (ep->name.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) { closesocket(ep->s); AMX_RETURN_ERRFR(RESOURCE, AMUDP_AllocateEndpointResource, "AMUDP_AllocateEndpointResource failed to determine UDP endpoint interface address"); } if (ep->name.sin_port == 0) { closesocket(ep->s); AMX_RETURN_ERRFR(RESOURCE, AMUDP_AllocateEndpointResource, "AMUDP_AllocateEndpointResource failed to determine UDP endpoint interface port"); } } ep->translationsz = AMUDP_INIT_NUMTRANSLATIONS; ep->translation = (amudp_translation_t *)AMX_calloc(ep->translationsz, sizeof(amudp_translation_t)); return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static int AMUDP_AllocateEndpointBuffers(ep_t ep) { AMX_assert(ep != NULL); AMX_assert(ep->depth >= 1); AMX_assert(ep->P > 0 && ep->P <= AMUDP_MAX_NUMTRANSLATIONS); AMX_assert(ep->PD == (int)ep->P * ep->depth); AMX_assert(ep->recvDepth > 0 && ep->recvDepth <= AMUDP_MAX_RECVDEPTH); AMX_assert(ep->sendDepth > 0 && ep->sendDepth <= (int)MAX(1,ep->P - 1) * ep->depth); AMX_assert(sizeof(amudp_buf_t) % sizeof(int) == 0); /* assume word-addressable machine */ // setup initial socket OS buffer size { /* theoretical max required by HPAM is 2*PD*AMUDP_MAX_MSG, but that scales poorly */ int sz = MIN(ep->recvDepth*AMUDP_MAX_MSG, AMUDP_SOCKETBUFFER_MAX); #if USE_SOCKET_RECVBUFFER_GROW ep->socketRecvBufferMaxedOut = AMUDP_growSocketBufferSize(ep, sz, SO_RCVBUF, "SO_RCVBUF"); #endif #if USE_SOCKET_SENDBUFFER_GROW AMUDP_growSocketBufferSize(ep, sz, SO_SNDBUF, "SO_SNDBUF"); #endif } /* instance hint pointers & compressed translation table */ ep->perProcInfo = (amudp_perproc_info_t *)AMX_calloc(ep->P, sizeof(amudp_perproc_info_t)); AMUDP_InitBuffers(ep); return TRUE; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static int AMUDP_FreeEndpointResource(ep_t ep) { AMX_assert(ep != NULL); /* close UDP port */ if (ep->translation) AMX_free(ep->translation); if (closesocket(ep->s) == SOCKET_ERROR) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static int AMUDP_FreeEndpointBuffers(ep_t ep) { AMX_assert(ep != NULL); for (amudp_node_t proc=0; proc < ep->P; proc++) { // release tx buffers in use for (int t=0; t < 2; t++) { amudp_bufdesc_t *desc = (t ? ep->perProcInfo[proc].requestDesc : ep->perProcInfo[proc].replyDesc ); if (desc) { for (int i=0; i < ep->depth; i++) { amudp_buf_t *buf = desc[i].buffer; if (buf) AMUDP_ReleaseBuffer(ep, buf); } AMX_free(desc); } } } ep->timeoutCheckPosn = NULL; ep->outstandingRequests = 0; for (amudp_buf_t *buf = ep->rxHead; buf; ) { // release rx buffers in use amudp_buf_t *tmp = buf->status.rx.next; AMUDP_ReleaseBuffer(ep, buf); buf = tmp; } ep->rxHead = NULL; ep->rxTail = NULL; ep->rxCnt = 0; AMUDP_FreeAllBuffers(ep); AMX_free(ep->perProcInfo); ep->perProcInfo = NULL; return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * System initialization/termination *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_Init() { if (AMX_Init()) { /* first call */ AMX_assert(sizeof(amudp_msg_t) % 4 == 0); // may be required for correct argument alignment #if PLATFORM_OS_LINUX /* && !PLATFORM_OS_WSL */ FILE *fp = fopen("/proc/sys/kernel/osrelease", "r"); if (fp) { char line[255]; char *rc = fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp); fclose(fp); if (rc && strstr(line, "Microsoft")) { AMX_Warn("AMUDP was built for native Linux, you are running on an emulated kernel which has known differences that might cause problems. " "We do not support this model of operation, but we DO support building from source on this platform. Please rebuild from source here."); } } #endif } return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_Terminate() { int retval = AM_OK; if (amx_Initialized == 1) { /* last termination call */ for (int i = 0; i < AMUDP_numBundles; i++) { if (AM_FreeBundle(AMUDP_bundles[i]) != AM_OK) retval = AM_ERR_RESOURCE; } AMUDP_numBundles = 0; } AMX_Terminate(); AMX_RETURN(retval); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * endpoint/bundle management *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_AllocateBundle(int type, eb_t *endb) { eb_t eb; AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (type < 0 || type >= AM_NUM_BUNDLE_MODES) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (type != AM_SEQ) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); if (AMUDP_numBundles == AMUDP_MAX_BUNDLES-1) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); if (!endb) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); eb = (eb_t)AMX_malloc(sizeof(struct amudp_eb)); eb->endpoints = (ep_t *)AMX_malloc(AMUDP_INITIAL_NUMENDPOINTS*sizeof(ep_t)); eb->cursize = AMUDP_INITIAL_NUMENDPOINTS; eb->n_endpoints = 0; eb->event_mask = AM_NOEVENTS; AMUDP_bundles[AMUDP_numBundles++] = eb; /* keep track of all bundles */ *endb = eb; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_FreeBundle(eb_t bundle) { if (!bundle) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); { int i; /* free all constituent endpoints */ for (i = 0; i < bundle->n_endpoints; i++) { int retval = AM_FreeEndpoint(bundle->endpoints[i]); if (retval != AM_OK) AMX_RETURN(retval); } AMX_assert(bundle->n_endpoints == 0); /* remove from bundle list */ for (i = 0; i < AMUDP_numBundles; i++) { if (AMUDP_bundles[i] == bundle) { AMUDP_bundles[i] = AMUDP_bundles[AMUDP_numBundles-1]; break; } } AMX_assert(i < AMUDP_numBundles); AMUDP_numBundles--; AMX_free(bundle->endpoints); AMX_free(bundle); } return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_AllocateEndpoint(eb_t bundle, ep_t *endp, en_t *endpoint_name) { ep_t ep; int retval; AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!bundle || !endp || !endpoint_name) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); ep = (ep_t)AMX_calloc(1, sizeof(struct amudp_ep)); retval = AMUDP_AllocateEndpointResource(ep); if (retval != AM_OK) { AMX_free(ep); AMX_RETURN(retval); } /* setup eb<->ep link */ AMUDP_InsertEndpoint(bundle, ep); ep->eb = bundle; { /* initialize ep data */ ep->handler[0] = amudp_defaultreturnedmsg_handler; for (int i = 1; i < AMUDP_MAX_NUMHANDLERS; i++) { ep->handler[i] = amx_unused_handler; } ep->tag = AM_NONE; ep->depth = -1; ep->stats = AMUDP_initial_stats; } *endp = ep; *endpoint_name = ep->name; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_FreeEndpoint(ep_t ea) { int retval = AM_OK; AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (!AMUDP_ContainsEndpoint(ea->eb, ea)) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); if (!AMUDP_FreeEndpointResource(ea)) retval = AM_ERR_RESOURCE; if (ea->depth != -1) { if (!AMUDP_FreeEndpointBuffers(ea)) retval = AM_ERR_RESOURCE; } AMUDP_RemoveEndpoint(ea->eb, ea); AMX_free(ea); AMX_RETURN(retval); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_MoveEndpoint(ep_t ea, eb_t from_bundle, eb_t to_bundle) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea || !from_bundle || !to_bundle) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (!AMUDP_ContainsEndpoint(from_bundle, ea)) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); AMUDP_RemoveEndpoint(from_bundle, ea); AMUDP_InsertEndpoint(to_bundle, ea); return AM_OK; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Tag management *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_SetTag(ep_t ea, tag_t tag) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); /* TODO: return mismatched messages to sender */ ea->tag = tag; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_GetTag(ep_t ea, tag_t *tag) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea || !tag) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); *tag = ea->tag; return AM_OK; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * VM Segment management *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_GetSeg(ep_t ea, void **addr, uintptr_t *nbytes) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea || !addr || !nbytes) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); *addr = ea->segAddr; *nbytes = ea->segLength; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_SetSeg(ep_t ea, void *addr, uintptr_t nbytes) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (nbytes > AMUDP_MAX_SEGLENGTH) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); ea->segAddr = addr; ea->segLength = nbytes; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_MaxSegLength(uintptr_t* nbytes) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!nbytes) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); *nbytes = AMUDP_MAX_SEGLENGTH; return AM_OK; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Translation management *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_Map(ep_t ea, int index, en_t name, tag_t tag) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (ea->depth != -1) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* it's an error to map after call to AM_SetExpectedResources */ if (index < 0 || (amudp_node_t)index >= ea->translationsz) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (ea->translation[index].inuse) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* it's an error to re-map */ ea->translation[index].inuse = TRUE; ea->translation[index].name = name; ea->translation[index].tag = tag; ea->P++; /* track num of translations */ return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_MapAny(ep_t ea, int *index, en_t name, tag_t tag) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea || !index) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (ea->depth != -1) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* it's an error to map after call to AM_SetExpectedResources */ amudp_node_t i; for (i = 0; i < ea->translationsz; i++) { /* find a free entry, possibly a middle hole */ if (!ea->translation[i].inuse) break; /* use this one */ } if (i == ea->translationsz) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* none available */ int retval = AM_Map(ea, i, name, tag); if (retval == AM_OK) *index = i; return retval; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_UnMap(ep_t ea, int index) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (ea->depth != -1) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* it's an error to unmap after call to AM_SetExpectedResources */ if (index < 0 || (amudp_node_t)index >= ea->translationsz) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (!ea->translation[index].inuse) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* not mapped */ ea->translation[index].inuse = FALSE; ea->P--; /* track num of translations */ return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_GetNumTranslations(ep_t ea, int *pntrans) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); AMX_assert(ea->translationsz <= AMUDP_MAX_NUMTRANSLATIONS); *(pntrans) = ea->translationsz; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_SetNumTranslations(ep_t ea, int ntrans) { amudp_node_t newsz = (amudp_node_t)ntrans; AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (ntrans < 0 || newsz > AMUDP_MAX_NUMTRANSLATIONS) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); if (newsz < AMUDP_INIT_NUMTRANSLATIONS) /* don't shrink beyond min value */ newsz = AMUDP_INIT_NUMTRANSLATIONS; if (newsz == ea->translationsz) return AM_OK; /* no change */ if (ea->depth != -1) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* it's an error to change translationsz after call to AM_SetExpectedResources */ for (amudp_node_t i = newsz; i < ea->translationsz; i++) { if (ea->translation[i].inuse) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* it's an error to truncate away live maps */ } ea->translation = (amudp_translation_t *)AMX_realloc(ea->translation, newsz * sizeof(amudp_translation_t)); /* we may be growing or truncating the table */ if (newsz > ea->translationsz) memset(&(ea->translation[ea->translationsz]), 0, (newsz - ea->translationsz) * sizeof(amudp_translation_t)); ea->translationsz = newsz; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_GetTranslationInuse(ep_t ea, int i) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (i < 0 || (amudp_node_t)i >= ea->translationsz) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (ea->translation && ea->translation[i].inuse) return AM_OK; /* in use */ else if (!ea->translation && (amudp_node_t)i < ea->P) return AM_OK; /* in use, after AM_SetExpectedResources */ else return AM_ERR_RESOURCE; /* don't complain here - it's a common case */ } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_GetTranslationTag(ep_t ea, int i, tag_t *tag) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea || !tag) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (i < 0 || (amudp_node_t)i >= ea->translationsz) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (AM_GetTranslationInuse(ea,i) != AM_OK) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* not mapped */ if (ea->translation) (*tag) = ea->translation[i].tag; else (*tag) = ea->perProcInfo[i].tag; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AMUDP_SetTranslationTag(ep_t ea, int index, tag_t tag) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (index < 0 || (amudp_node_t)index >= ea->translationsz) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (AM_GetTranslationInuse(ea,index) != AM_OK) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* can't change tag if not mapped */ amudp_node_t id; if (ea->translation) { ea->translation[index].tag = tag; id = ea->translation[index].id; } else id = (amudp_node_t)index; if (ea->depth != -1) { /* after call to AM_SetExpectedResources we must update compressed table */ ea->perProcInfo[id].tag = tag; } return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_GetTranslationName(ep_t ea, int i, en_t *gan) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea || !gan) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (i < 0 || (amudp_node_t)i >= ea->translationsz) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (AM_GetTranslationInuse(ea,i) != AM_OK) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* not mapped */ if (ea->translation) (*gan) = ea->translation[i].name; else (*gan) = ea->perProcInfo[i].remoteName; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void AMUDP_InitParameters(ep_t ep) { static int firsttime = 1; static int recvDepth; static int sendDepth; if (firsttime) { // only consult the environment once per process // transfer defaults are based on first endpoint // default depths enough for full-bandwidth comms with up to 4 neighbors recvDepth = 2 * ep->depth * MIN(MAX(1,ep->P-1),4); sendDepth = ep->depth * MIN(MAX(1,ep->P-1),4); char *faultRate = AMUDP_getenv_prefixed_withdefault("FAULT_RATE","0.0"); if (faultRate && (AMUDP_FaultInjectionRate = atof(faultRate)) != 0.0) { AMUDP_FaultInjectionEnabled = 1; AMX_Warn("Running with fault injection enabled. Rate = %6.2f %%", 100.0 * AMUDP_FaultInjectionRate); srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) ); /* TODO: we should really be using a private rand num generator */ } #define ENVINT_WITH_DEFAULT(var, name, validate) do { \ char defval[80]; \ const char *valstr; \ snprintf(defval, sizeof(defval), "%u", (unsigned int)var); \ valstr = AMUDP_getenv_prefixed_withdefault(name,defval); \ if (valstr) { \ char *end = (char *)valstr; \ long val = strtol(valstr, &end, 0); \ if (end == valstr) { \ AMX_Warn(name" may not be empty! Using default."); \ val = (long)var; \ } else if ((int64_t)val != (int64_t)(int32_t)val) { \ AMX_Warn(name" too large! Using default."); \ val = (long)var; \ } else var = (uint32_t)val; \ validate; \ } \ } while (0) ENVINT_WITH_DEFAULT(recvDepth, "RECVDEPTH", { if (val <= 0 || val > AMUDP_MAX_RECVDEPTH) AMX_FatalErr("RECVDEPTH must be in 1..%d", AMUDP_MAX_RECVDEPTH); }); ENVINT_WITH_DEFAULT(sendDepth, "SENDDEPTH", { if (!val) AMX_FatalErr("SENDDEPTH must be non-zero"); }); ENVINT_WITH_DEFAULT(AMUDP_MaxRequestTimeout_us, "REQUESTTIMEOUT_MAX", { if (val <= 0) AMUDP_MaxRequestTimeout_us = AMUDP_TIMEOUT_INFINITE; }); ENVINT_WITH_DEFAULT(AMUDP_InitialRequestTimeout_us, "REQUESTTIMEOUT_INITIAL", { if (val <= 0) AMUDP_InitialRequestTimeout_us = AMUDP_TIMEOUT_INFINITE; }); ENVINT_WITH_DEFAULT(AMUDP_RequestTimeoutBackoff, "REQUESTTIMEOUT_BACKOFF", { if (val <= 1) AMX_FatalErr("REQUESTTIMEOUT_BACKOFF must be > 1"); }); if (AMUDP_InitialRequestTimeout_us > AMUDP_MaxRequestTimeout_us) { AMX_Warn("REQUESTTIMEOUT_INITIAL must not exceed REQUESTTIMEOUT_MAX. Raising MAX..."); AMUDP_MaxRequestTimeout_us = MAX(AMUDP_InitialRequestTimeout_us, AMUDP_InitialRequestTimeout_us*AMUDP_RequestTimeoutBackoff); } AMUDP_InitRetryCache(); firsttime = 0; } ep->recvDepth = recvDepth; ep->sendDepth = sendDepth; int maxsendDepth = ep->depth * MAX(1,ep->P-1); if (ep->sendDepth < 0 || ep->sendDepth > maxsendDepth) // silently cap, since the max is P-dependent ep->sendDepth = maxsendDepth; if (ep->sendDepth < ep->depth) { AMX_Warn("SENDDEPTH may not be less than DEPTH. Raising SENDDEPTH..."); ep->sendDepth = ep->depth; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_SetExpectedResources(ep_t ea, int n_endpoints, int n_outstanding_requests) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (ea->depth != -1) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* it's an error to call AM_SetExpectedResources again */ /* n_endpoints ignored : P is set as we Map translations */ /*if (n_endpoints < 1 || n_endpoints >= AMUDP_MAX_NUMTRANSLATIONS) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG);*/ if (n_outstanding_requests < 1 || n_outstanding_requests > AMUDP_MAX_NETWORKDEPTH) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); ea->depth = n_outstanding_requests; ea->PD = ea->P * ea->depth; AMUDP_InitParameters(ea); if (!AMUDP_AllocateEndpointBuffers(ea)) AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* compact a copy of the translation table into our perproc info array */ { amudp_node_t procid = 0; amudp_node_t i; for (i=0; i < ea->translationsz; i++) { if (ea->translation[i].inuse) { ea->perProcInfo[procid].remoteName = ea->translation[i].name; ea->perProcInfo[procid].tag = ea->translation[i].tag; ea->translation[i].id = procid; if (enEqual(ea->perProcInfo[procid].remoteName, ea->name)) ea->idHint = procid; procid++; if (procid == ea->P) break; /* should have all of them now */ } } #if AMX_DEBUG for (amudp_node_t j=i+1; j < ea->translationsz; j++) AMX_assert(!ea->translation[j].inuse); #endif if (i+1 == ea->P) { // common case: dense translation table // improve scalability by freeing the now-redundant data structure AMX_free(ea->translation); ea->translation = NULL; } else { AMX_DEBUG_WARN(("Translation table is sparse. Memory utilization will be slightly less scalable.")); } } return AM_OK; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Handler management *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int _AM_SetHandler(ep_t ea, handler_t handler, amudp_handler_fn_t function) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea || !function) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (AMUDP_BADHANDLERVAL(handler)) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); ea->handler[handler] = function; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int _AM_SetHandlerAny(ep_t ea, handler_t *handler, amudp_handler_fn_t function) { int i; AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ea || !function || !handler) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); for (i = 1 ; i < AMUDP_MAX_NUMHANDLERS; i++) { if (ea->handler[i] == amx_unused_handler) { /* find unused entry */ ea->handler[i] = function; *handler = (handler_t)i; return AM_OK; } } AMX_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* all in use */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Event management *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_GetEventMask(eb_t eb, int *mask) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); AMX_CHECK_ERR((!eb),BAD_ARG); *mask = eb->event_mask; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_SetEventMask(eb_t eb, int mask) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); AMX_CHECK_ERR((!eb),BAD_ARG); AMX_CHECK_ERR((mask < 0 || ((amudp_eventmask_t)mask) >= AM_NUMEVENTMASKS),BAD_ARG); eb->event_mask = (uint8_t)mask; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_WaitSema(eb_t eb) { int retval; AMX_CHECKINIT(); AMX_CHECK_ERR((!eb),BAD_ARG); if (eb->event_mask == AM_NOEVENTS) AMX_FatalErr("it's an error to block when the mask is not set - will never return"); /* block here until a message arrives */ retval = AMUDP_Block(eb); if (retval != AM_OK) eb->event_mask = AM_NOEVENTS; /* it's not clear from the spec whether we should poll here, but it's probably safer to do so than not */ if (retval == AM_OK) retval = AM_Poll(eb); AMX_RETURN(retval); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Message interrogation *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_GetSourceEndpoint(void *token, en_t *gan) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); AMX_CHECK_ERR((!token || !gan),BAD_ARG); *gan = ((amudp_buf_t *)token)->status.rx.sourceAddr; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AMUDP_GetSourceId(void *token, int *srcid) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); AMX_CHECK_ERR((!token || !srcid),BAD_ARG); *srcid = (int)((amudp_buf_t *)token)->status.rx.sourceId; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_GetDestEndpoint(void *token, ep_t *endp) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); AMX_CHECK_ERR((!token || !endp),BAD_ARG); *endp = ((amudp_buf_t *)token)->status.rx.dest; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AM_GetMsgTag(void *token, tag_t *tagp) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); AMX_CHECK_ERR((!token || !tagp),BAD_ARG); *tagp = ((amudp_buf_t *)token)->msg.tag; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AMUDP_SetHandlerCallbacks(ep_t ep, AMUDP_preHandlerCallback_t preHandlerCallback, AMUDP_postHandlerCallback_t postHandlerCallback) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ep) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); ep->preHandlerCallback = preHandlerCallback; ep->postHandlerCallback = postHandlerCallback; return AM_OK; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Statistics API *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AMUDP_GetEndpointStatistics(ep_t ep, amudp_stats_t *stats) { /* called by user to get statistics */ AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ep || !stats) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); memcpy(stats, &ep->stats, sizeof(amudp_stats_t)); return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AMUDP_ResetEndpointStatistics(ep_t ep) { AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!ep) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); ep->stats = AMUDP_initial_stats; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AMUDP_AggregateStatistics(amudp_stats_t *runningsum, amudp_stats_t *newvalues) { int category; AMX_CHECKINIT(); if (!runningsum || !newvalues) AMX_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); for (category = 0; category < amudp_NumCategories; category++) { runningsum->RequestsSent[category] += newvalues->RequestsSent[category]; runningsum->RequestsRetransmitted[category] += newvalues->RequestsRetransmitted[category]; runningsum->RequestsReceived[category] += newvalues->RequestsReceived[category]; runningsum->RepliesSent[category] += newvalues->RepliesSent[category]; runningsum->RepliesRetransmitted[category] += newvalues->RepliesRetransmitted[category]; runningsum->RepliesSquashed[category] += newvalues->RepliesSquashed[category]; runningsum->RepliesReceived[category] += newvalues->RepliesReceived[category]; runningsum->RequestDataBytesSent[category] += newvalues->RequestDataBytesSent[category]; runningsum->ReplyDataBytesSent[category] += newvalues->ReplyDataBytesSent[category]; runningsum->RequestTotalBytesSent[category] += newvalues->RequestTotalBytesSent[category]; runningsum->ReplyTotalBytesSent[category] += newvalues->ReplyTotalBytesSent[category]; } runningsum->ReturnedMessages += newvalues->ReturnedMessages; #if AMUDP_COLLECT_LATENCY_STATS runningsum->RequestSumLatency += newvalues->RequestSumLatency; if (newvalues->RequestMinLatency < runningsum->RequestMinLatency) runningsum->RequestMinLatency = newvalues->RequestMinLatency; if (newvalues->RequestMaxLatency > runningsum->RequestMaxLatency) runningsum->RequestMaxLatency = newvalues->RequestMaxLatency; #endif runningsum->TotalBytesSent += newvalues->TotalBytesSent; return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static int AMUDP_StatPrecision(double val) { int prec = 3; while (val >= 10.0 && prec > 0) { val /= 10; prec -= 1; } return prec; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern const char *AMUDP_DumpStatistics(void *_fp, amudp_stats_t *stats, int globalAnalysis) { FILE *fp = (FILE *)_fp; static char msg[4096]; uint64_t requestsSent = 0; uint64_t requestsRetransmitted = 0; uint64_t requestsReceived = 0; uint64_t repliesSent = 0; uint64_t repliesRetransmitted = 0; uint64_t repliesSquashed = 0; uint64_t repliesReceived = 0; uint64_t reqdataBytesSent = 0; uint64_t repdataBytesSent = 0; uint64_t reqTotalBytesSent = 0; uint64_t repTotalBytesSent = 0; double reqavgpayload[amudp_NumCategories]; double repavgpayload[amudp_NumCategories]; double avgpayload[amudp_NumCategories]; uint64_t reqUDPIPheaderbytes, repUDPIPheaderbytes; int category; AMX_assert(amx_Initialized); AMX_assert(stats != NULL); AMX_getCPUTicks(); /* ensure this has been called at least once, even if stats are empty */ #if !AMUDP_COLLECT_STATS snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "(AMUDP_COLLECT_STATS disabled)\n"); if (fp != NULL) fprintf(fp, "%s", msg); return msg; #endif for (category = 0; category < amudp_NumCategories; category++) { requestsSent += stats->RequestsSent[category]; requestsRetransmitted += stats->RequestsRetransmitted[category]; requestsReceived += stats->RequestsReceived[category]; repliesSent += stats->RepliesSent[category]; repliesRetransmitted += stats->RepliesRetransmitted[category]; repliesSquashed += stats->RepliesSquashed[category]; repliesReceived += stats->RepliesReceived[category]; reqdataBytesSent += stats->RequestDataBytesSent[category]; repdataBytesSent += stats->ReplyDataBytesSent[category]; reqTotalBytesSent += stats->RequestTotalBytesSent[category]; repTotalBytesSent += stats->ReplyTotalBytesSent[category]; if (stats->RequestsSent[category] == 0) reqavgpayload[category] = 0.0; else reqavgpayload[category] = stats->RequestDataBytesSent[category] / (double)(stats->RequestsSent[category]); if (stats->RepliesSent[category] == 0) repavgpayload[category] = 0.0; else repavgpayload[category] = stats->ReplyDataBytesSent[category] / (double)(stats->RepliesSent[category]); if (stats->RequestsSent[category] + stats->RepliesSent[category] == 0) avgpayload[category] = 0.0; else avgpayload[category] = (stats->RequestDataBytesSent[category] + stats->ReplyDataBytesSent[category]) / (double)(stats->RequestsSent[category] + stats->RepliesSent[category]); } { uint64_t dataBytesSent = reqdataBytesSent + repdataBytesSent; uint64_t packetssent = (requestsSent + requestsRetransmitted + repliesSent + repliesRetransmitted); double avgreqdata = (requestsSent > 0 ? reqdataBytesSent / (double)requestsSent : 0.0); double avgrepdata = (repliesSent > 0 ? repdataBytesSent / (double)repliesSent : 0.0); double avgdata = (packetssent > 0 ? dataBytesSent / (double)packetssent : 0.0); double avgreqpacket = (requestsSent > 0 ? ((double)(reqTotalBytesSent)) / ((double)requestsSent + requestsRetransmitted) : 0.0); double avgreppacket = (repliesSent > 0 ? ((double)(repTotalBytesSent)) / ((double)repliesSent + repliesRetransmitted) : 0.0); double avgpacket =(packetssent > 0 ? ((double)(stats->TotalBytesSent)) / ((double)packetssent) : 0.0); { int packetoverhead = (20 /* IP header */ + 8 /* UDP header*/); reqUDPIPheaderbytes = (requestsSent + requestsRetransmitted) * packetoverhead; repUDPIPheaderbytes = (repliesSent + repliesRetransmitted) * packetoverhead; avgreqpacket += packetoverhead; avgreppacket += packetoverhead; avgpacket += packetoverhead; } /* batch lines together to improve chance of output together */ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), " Requests: %8" PRIu64 " sent, %4" PRIu64 " retransmitted, %8" PRIu64 " received\n" " Replies: %8" PRIu64 " sent, %4" PRIu64 " retransmitted, %8" PRIu64 " received, %4" PRIu64 " squashed\n" " Returned messages: %8" PRIu64 "\n" " Misordered receipt: %8" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 "\n" #if AMUDP_COLLECT_LATENCY_STATS "Latency (request sent to reply received): \n" " min: %8i microseconds\n" " max: %8i microseconds\n" " avg: %8i microseconds\n" #endif "Message Breakdown: Requests Replies Avg data sz (Req/Rep/Both)\n" " Short (<=%5" PRIuSZ " bytes) %8" PRIu64 " %8" PRIu64 " %9.*f/%.*f/%.*f bytes\n" " Medium (<=%5" PRIuSZ " bytes) %8" PRIu64 " %8" PRIu64 " %9.*f/%.*f/%.*f bytes\n" " Long (<=%5" PRIuSZ " bytes) %8" PRIu64 " %8" PRIu64 " %9.*f/%.*f/%.*f bytes\n" " Total %9.*f/%.*f/%.*f bytes\n" "Data bytes sent: %" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 " bytes\n" "Total bytes sent: %" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 " bytes (incl. AM overhead)\n" "Bandwidth overhead: %.2f%%/%.2f%%/%.2f%%\n" "Average packet size: %.*f/%.*f/%.*f bytes (incl. AM & transport-layer overhead)\n" , requestsSent, requestsRetransmitted, requestsReceived, repliesSent, repliesRetransmitted, repliesReceived, repliesSquashed, stats->ReturnedMessages, stats->OutOfOrderRequests, stats->OutOfOrderReplies, #if AMUDP_COLLECT_LATENCY_STATS (stats->RequestMinLatency == (amx_tick_t)-1?(int)-1:(int)AMX_ticks2us(stats->RequestMinLatency)), (int)AMX_ticks2us(stats->RequestMaxLatency), (requestsSent>0?(int)(AMX_ticks2us(stats->RequestSumLatency) / requestsSent):-1), #endif /* Message breakdown */ AMUDP_MAX_SHORT*sizeof(int), stats->RequestsSent[amudp_Short], stats->RepliesSent[amudp_Short], AMUDP_StatPrecision(reqavgpayload[amudp_Short]), reqavgpayload[amudp_Short], AMUDP_StatPrecision(repavgpayload[amudp_Short]), repavgpayload[amudp_Short], AMUDP_StatPrecision(avgpayload[amudp_Short]), avgpayload[amudp_Short], AMUDP_MAX_SHORT*sizeof(int) + AMUDP_MAX_MEDIUM, stats->RequestsSent[amudp_Medium], stats->RepliesSent[amudp_Medium], AMUDP_StatPrecision(reqavgpayload[amudp_Medium]), reqavgpayload[amudp_Medium], AMUDP_StatPrecision(repavgpayload[amudp_Medium]), repavgpayload[amudp_Medium], AMUDP_StatPrecision(avgpayload[amudp_Medium]), avgpayload[amudp_Medium], AMUDP_MAX_SHORT*sizeof(int) + AMUDP_MAX_LONG, stats->RequestsSent[amudp_Long], stats->RepliesSent[amudp_Long], AMUDP_StatPrecision(reqavgpayload[amudp_Long]), reqavgpayload[amudp_Long], AMUDP_StatPrecision(repavgpayload[amudp_Long]), repavgpayload[amudp_Long], AMUDP_StatPrecision(avgpayload[amudp_Long]), avgpayload[amudp_Long], /* avg data payload */ AMUDP_StatPrecision(avgreqdata), avgreqdata, AMUDP_StatPrecision(avgrepdata), avgrepdata, AMUDP_StatPrecision(avgdata), avgdata, reqdataBytesSent, repdataBytesSent, dataBytesSent, reqTotalBytesSent, repTotalBytesSent, stats->TotalBytesSent, /* bandwidth overhead */ (reqTotalBytesSent > 0 ? 100.0*((double)(reqTotalBytesSent + reqUDPIPheaderbytes - reqdataBytesSent)) / ((double)reqTotalBytesSent + reqUDPIPheaderbytes) : 0.0), (repTotalBytesSent > 0 ? 100.0*((double)(repTotalBytesSent + repUDPIPheaderbytes - repdataBytesSent)) / ((double)repTotalBytesSent + repUDPIPheaderbytes) : 0.0), (stats->TotalBytesSent > 0 ? 100.0*((double)(stats->TotalBytesSent + reqUDPIPheaderbytes + repUDPIPheaderbytes - dataBytesSent)) / ((double)stats->TotalBytesSent + reqUDPIPheaderbytes + repUDPIPheaderbytes) : 0.0), /* avg packet size */ AMUDP_StatPrecision(avgreqpacket), avgreqpacket, AMUDP_StatPrecision(avgreppacket), avgreppacket, AMUDP_StatPrecision(avgpacket), avgpacket ); if (globalAnalysis) { int64_t reqsent = (int64_t)(requestsSent + requestsRetransmitted); int64_t reqlost = reqsent - (int64_t)requestsReceived; int64_t repsent = (int64_t)(repliesSent + repliesRetransmitted); int64_t replost = repsent - (int64_t)repliesReceived; int64_t packetslost = reqlost + replost; int64_t extra_rereq = (int64_t)requestsRetransmitted - reqlost - replost; int64_t extra_rerep = (int64_t)repliesRetransmitted - replost; int64_t extra_reboth = extra_rereq + extra_rerep; #define APPEND_PERCENT(num, denom, eol) \ if (num > 0) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), " (%6.3f%%)%s", (100.0*(num))/(denom), eol); \ else strcat(msg, eol) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Requests lost: %9" PRIi64, reqlost); APPEND_PERCENT(reqlost, reqsent, "\n"); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Replies lost: %9" PRIi64, replost); APPEND_PERCENT(replost, repsent, "\n"); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Total packets lost: %9" PRIi64, packetslost); APPEND_PERCENT(packetslost, packetssent, "\n"); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Useless retransmits: %" PRIi64, extra_rereq); APPEND_PERCENT(extra_rereq, requestsRetransmitted, " / "); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%" PRIi64, extra_rerep); APPEND_PERCENT(extra_rerep, repliesRetransmitted, " / "); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%" PRIi64, extra_reboth); APPEND_PERCENT(extra_reboth, requestsRetransmitted+repliesRetransmitted, "\n"); } if (fp != NULL) fprintf(fp, "%s", msg); return msg; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */