/* $Source: bitbucket.org:berkeleylab/gasnet.git/other/mpi-spawner/gasnet_bootstrap_mpi.c $ * Description: GASNet conduit-independent mpi-based spawner * Copyright 2003, The Regents of the University of California * Terms of use are as specified in license.txt */ #include #include #include #include #if (MPI_VERSION > 2) || (MPI_VERSION == 2 && MPI_SUBVERSION > 1) # define GASNETC_MPI_ALLGATHER_IN_PLACE 1 # define GASNETC_MPI_ALLTOALL_IN_PLACE 1 #elif MPI_VERSION == 2 # define GASNETC_MPI_ALLGATHER_IN_PLACE 1 # define GASNETC_MPI_ALLTOALL_IN_PLACE 0 #else # define GASNETC_MPI_ALLGATHER_IN_PLACE 0 # define GASNETC_MPI_ALLTOALL_IN_PLACE 0 #endif static MPI_Comm gasnetc_mpi_comm; static int gasnetc_mpi_preinitialized = 0; static int gasnetc_mpi_size = -1; static int gasnetc_mpi_rank = -1; GASNETI_IDENT(gasnetc_IdentString_HaveMPISpawner, "$GASNetMPISpawner: 1 $"); static gasneti_spawnerfn_t const spawnerfn; #ifndef HAVE_MPI_INIT_THREAD #define HAVE_MPI_INIT_THREAD (MPI_VERSION >= 2) #endif #ifndef HAVE_MPI_QUERY_THREAD #define HAVE_MPI_QUERY_THREAD (MPI_VERSION >= 2) #endif #ifndef GASNET_MPI_THREAD_STRICT #define GASNET_MPI_THREAD_STRICT 0 // strictly adhere to the MPI threading specification #endif static int threadstr2int(const char *str) { char tmp[80]; char *p; strncpy(tmp, str, sizeof(tmp)); for (p = tmp; *p; p++) if (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') *p -= 'a'-'A'; /* upper-case */ int ret = -1; #if HAVE_MPI_INIT_THREAD if (strstr(tmp,"SINGLE")) return MPI_THREAD_SINGLE; if (strstr(tmp,"FUNNELED")) return MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED; if (strstr(tmp,"SERIALIZED")) return MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED; if (strstr(tmp,"MULTIPLE")) return MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE; ret = MPI_THREAD_SINGLE-1; #endif return ret; } static const char *threadint2str(int id) { switch (id) { #if HAVE_MPI_INIT_THREAD case MPI_THREAD_SINGLE: return "MPI_THREAD_SINGLE"; case MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED: return "MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED"; case MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED: return "MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED"; case MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE: return "MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE"; #endif default: return "UNKNOWN VALUE"; } } extern gasneti_spawnerfn_t const *gasneti_bootstrapInit_mpi(int *argc, char ***argv, gex_Rank_t *nodes, gex_Rank_t *mynode) { MPI_Group world; int err; /* Call MPI_Init exactly once */ err = MPI_Initialized(&gasnetc_mpi_preinitialized); if (MPI_SUCCESS != err) return NULL; #if !HAVE_MPI_INIT_THREAD if (!gasnetc_mpi_preinitialized) { #if MPI_VERSION < 2 if (!argc || !argv) return NULL; #endif err = MPI_Init(argc, argv); if (MPI_SUCCESS != err) return NULL; } #else /* HAVE_MPI_INIT_THREAD */ // Setup/verify the threading mode // By default we assume mpi-spawner is the only conduit-level client of MPI // If the process is fully single-threaded, we should be using THREAD_SINGLE // If other threads exist that don't call mpi-spawner/MPI then THREAD_FUNNELED // If other threads might call mpi-spawner (eg fini/exit) then THREAD_SERIALIZED // Clients who want to make asynchronous calls to MPI directly should override our thread mode to THREAD_MULTIPLE #if GASNET_MPI_THREAD_STRICT #if GASNETI_THREADS int required = MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED; #elif _REENTRANT int required = MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED; #else int required = MPI_THREAD_SINGLE; #endif #else int required = MPI_THREAD_SINGLE; // temporarily loosened for backwards compatibility #endif int provided = -1; const char *override = gasneti_getenv_withdefault("GASNET_MPI_THREAD",threadint2str(required)); if (override) { int overreq = threadstr2int(override); if (overreq >= MPI_THREAD_SINGLE) required = overreq; else { fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: Ignoring unrecognized GASNET_MPI_THREAD value."); fflush(stderr); } } if (gasnetc_mpi_preinitialized) { // MPI already init, query current thread support level #if HAVE_MPI_QUERY_THREAD MPI_Query_thread(&provided); // deliberately ignore errors on query #else provided = required; #endif } else { // init MPI and request our needed level of thread safety #if GASNET_DEBUG_VERBOSE fprintf(stderr,"mpi-spawner: MPI_Init_thread(%s)\n",threadint2str(required)); fflush(stderr); #endif err = MPI_Init_thread(argc, argv, required, &provided); if (err != MPI_SUCCESS) return NULL; } #if GASNET_DEBUG_VERBOSE fprintf(stderr,"mpi-spawner: MPI threading mode: %s required, %s provided.\n", threadint2str(required), threadint2str(provided)); fflush(stderr); #endif if (provided < required) { fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: GASNet requested MPI threading support model: %s\n" "WARNING: but the MPI library only provided: %s\n" "WARNING: You may need to link a more thread-safe MPI library to ensure correct operation.\n" "WARNING: You can override the required level by setting GASNET_MPI_THREAD.\n", threadint2str(required), threadint2str(provided) ); fflush(stderr); } #endif /* Create private communicator */ err = MPI_Comm_group(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world); gasneti_assert_always(err == MPI_SUCCESS); err = MPI_Comm_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, world, &gasnetc_mpi_comm); gasneti_assert_always(err == MPI_SUCCESS); err = MPI_Group_free(&world); gasneti_assert_always(err == MPI_SUCCESS); /* Get size and rank */ err = MPI_Comm_size(gasnetc_mpi_comm, &gasnetc_mpi_size); gasneti_assert_always(err == MPI_SUCCESS); *nodes = gasnetc_mpi_size; if ((int)(*nodes) != gasnetc_mpi_size) *nodes = 0; /* Overflow! */ err = MPI_Comm_rank(gasnetc_mpi_comm, &gasnetc_mpi_rank); gasneti_assert_always(err == MPI_SUCCESS); *mynode = gasnetc_mpi_rank; gasneti_setupGlobalEnvironment(*nodes, *mynode, spawnerfn.Exchange, spawnerfn.Broadcast); return &spawnerfn; } static void bootstrapFini(void) { int err; #if (MPI_VERSION > 1) /* Check to see if MPI is already finalized, for instance on an error path. */ int isfini = 0; err = MPI_Finalized(&isfini); gasneti_assert_always(err == MPI_SUCCESS); if (isfini) return; #endif err = MPI_Comm_free(&gasnetc_mpi_comm); gasneti_assert_always(err == MPI_SUCCESS); /* In most cases it appears that calling MPI_Finalize() will * prevent us from propagating the exit code to the spawner. * However, as seen w/ mpich-1.2.5, the alternative is to * hang on exit, which is no alternative at all. */ if (!gasnetc_mpi_preinitialized) { (void) MPI_Finalize(); } } static void bootstrapAbort(int exitcode) { (void) MPI_Abort(gasnetc_mpi_comm, exitcode); gasneti_reghandler(SIGABRT, SIG_DFL); gasneti_fatalerror("gasneti_bootstrapAbort_mpi aborting..."); /* NOT REACHED */ } static void bootstrapBarrier(void) { int err; err = MPI_Barrier(gasnetc_mpi_comm); gasneti_assert_always(err == MPI_SUCCESS); } static void bootstrapExchange(void *src, size_t len, void *dest) { const int inplace = ((uint8_t *)src == (uint8_t *)dest + len * gasnetc_mpi_rank); int err; if (inplace) { #if GASNETC_MPI_ALLGATHER_IN_PLACE src = MPI_IN_PLACE; #else void *tmp = gasneti_malloc(len); GASNETI_MEMCPY(tmp, src, len); src = tmp; #endif } err = MPI_Allgather(src, len, MPI_BYTE, dest, len, MPI_BYTE, gasnetc_mpi_comm); gasneti_assert_always(err == MPI_SUCCESS); #if !GASNETC_MPI_ALLGATHER_IN_PLACE if (inplace) gasneti_free(src); #endif } static void bootstrapAlltoall(void *src, size_t len, void *dest) { const int inplace = (src == dest); int err; if (inplace) { #if GASNETC_MPI_ALLTOALL_IN_PLACE src = MPI_IN_PLACE; #else const size_t total_len = len * gasnetc_mpi_size; void *tmp = gasneti_malloc(total_len); GASNETI_MEMCPY(tmp, src, total_len); src = tmp; #endif } err = MPI_Alltoall(src, len, MPI_BYTE, dest, len, MPI_BYTE, gasnetc_mpi_comm); gasneti_assert_always(err == MPI_SUCCESS); #if !GASNETC_MPI_ALLTOALL_IN_PLACE if (inplace) gasneti_free(src); #endif } static void bootstrapBroadcast(void *src, size_t len, void *dest, int rootnode) { int err; if (gasnetc_mpi_rank == rootnode) { memmove(dest, src, len); } err = MPI_Bcast(dest, len, MPI_BYTE, rootnode, gasnetc_mpi_comm); gasneti_assert_always(err == MPI_SUCCESS); } static void bootstrapSNodeBroadcast(void *src, size_t len, void *dest, int rootnode) { int err; if (gasnetc_mpi_rank == rootnode) { const int count = gasneti_nodemap_local_count - 1; MPI_Request *reqs, *r; int i; memmove(dest, src, len); reqs = gasneti_malloc(count * sizeof(MPI_Request)); for (i = 0, r = reqs; i < gasneti_nodemap_local_count; ++i) { if (i == gasneti_nodemap_local_rank) continue; err = MPI_Isend(src,len,MPI_BYTE,gasneti_nodemap_local[i],0,gasnetc_mpi_comm,r++); gasneti_assert_always(err == MPI_SUCCESS); } err = MPI_Waitall(count,reqs,MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE); gasneti_assert_always(err == MPI_SUCCESS); gasneti_free(reqs); } else { err = MPI_Recv(dest,len,MPI_BYTE,rootnode,0,gasnetc_mpi_comm,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); gasneti_assert_always(err == MPI_SUCCESS); } } static void bootstrapCleanup(void) { /* Nothing to do here */ } static gasneti_spawnerfn_t const spawnerfn = { bootstrapBarrier, bootstrapExchange, bootstrapBroadcast, bootstrapSNodeBroadcast, bootstrapAlltoall, bootstrapAbort, bootstrapCleanup, bootstrapFini, };