README file for template-conduit ================================ Dan Bonachea This file contains a template to help implementors get started in implementing a GASNet conduit. It is not a functioning conduit - merely a "skeleton" with most of the infrastructure in place so one can start filling in code specific to the conduit network. To use the template: * Choose a conduit name - pick something relatively short and descriptive * Copy the template-conduit directory to conduitname-conduit * Do a global search-and-replace on the files for the following patterns: => your conduit name, all in upper-case => your conduit name, all in lower-case (be sure not to insert any extraneous space characters around the names) * Add your new directory to the top-level and any necessary configuration/enabling checks to the script. Ideally conduit detection should be fully automated, only requiring interaction from the user in cases where required drivers are installed in non-standard places (and not in the PATH). The CONDUIT_BEGIN/CONDUIT_END macros in should be used to add your conduit to the CONDUITS variable when it is enabled. Please refer to the checks for other conduits as a pattern for how to structure your conduit checks. This includes creating an AM_CONDITIONAL() called USE__CONDUIT, which should be used to control the building of your conduit and any associated libraries in other/. * Edit and update the AC_OUTPUT() call with entries for -conduit/Makefile, -conduit/conduit.mak, and any other configure-generated files you create. * Any new files you add to the conduit must be placed in the "CONDUIT_FILELIST" variable of -conduit/, any new .c files to be compiled into your conduit library must go into the CONDUIT_SOURCELIST variable of that same file. See -conduit/ for comments on controlling other aspects of the library build process, such as include paths, etc. In general, ANY files you add to the repository (even documentation!) MUST appear somewhere in a file or they will be omitted from the GASNet distribution. See online documentation for automake for more info. * Fill in any compilation settings required for GASNet clients and tests using your conduit (eg linker flags and libraries) in -conduit/ * Start filling in code specific to your conduit Several places in the template are marked with ### to indicate a place where you must fill in conduit-specific values or code * If possible, add auto-detection for your network hardware to gasneti_check_portable_conduit() in gasnet_internal.c * Delete this file (-conduit/README.template) file * Fill in conduit documentation in -conduit/README The template is already setup to use the reference implementation of the extended API, so you're recommended to start by implementing the core API, then once that's done you can optionally choose to tune further by dropping in a conduit-specific implementation of the extended API. All GASNet developers are required to follow the GASNet coding standards outlined in the top-level README. Please take a moment to read and understand these NOW. It's especially important that you do NOT make trivial and/or non-meaningful changes to the code or makefile framework inherited from template-conduit (e.g. re-indenting lines, moving code into different files, renaming existing identifiers, etc.) as this makes it more difficult to patch your conduit if a bug is discovered in template-conduit or a GASNet-wide change is required.