/* $Source: bitbucket.org:berkeleylab/gasnet.git/tests/testam.c $ * Description: GASNet Active Messages performance test * Copyright 2002, Dan Bonachea * Terms of use are as specified in license.txt */ #include int numnode = 0; uintptr_t maxsz = 0; #ifndef TEST_SEGSZ #define TEST_SEGSZ_EXPR (((numnode&1)?2:1)*(uintptr_t)alignup(maxsz,SIZEOF_GEX_RMA_VALUE_T)) #endif #include static gex_Client_t myclient; static gex_EP_t myep; static gex_TM_t myteam; static gex_Segment_t mysegment; int mynode = 0; void *myseg = NULL; int sender, recvr; int peer; uintptr_t max_step = 0; void *request_addr = NULL; void *reply_addr = NULL; gex_Event_t *lc_opt = GEX_EVENT_NOW; gex_Event_t *np_req_lc_opt = GEX_EVENT_NOW; gex_Event_t *np_rep_lc_opt = GEX_EVENT_NOW; void report(const char *desc, int64_t totaltime, int iters, uintptr_t sz, int rt) { if (sender) { char nodestr[10]; if (numnode > 2) snprintf(nodestr,sizeof(nodestr),"%i: ",mynode); else nodestr[0] = '\0'; printf("%c: %s%-46s: %6.3f sec %8.3f us", TEST_SECTION_NAME(), nodestr, desc, ((double)totaltime)/1000000, ((double)totaltime)/iters); if (sz) printf(" %7.3f MB/s", (((double)sz)*(rt?2:1)*iters/(1024*1024)) / (((double)totaltime)/1000000)); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } } gex_HSL_t inchsl = GEX_HSL_INITIALIZER; #define INC(var) do { \ gex_HSL_Lock(&inchsl); \ var++; \ gex_HSL_Unlock(&inchsl); \ } while (0) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static enum { SRC_NOOP = 0, // send untouched source buffer (default) SRC_GENERATE, // "generate" payload (w/o memory reads) SRC_MEMCPY, // memcpy fixed payload to source buffer } src_mode; static int use_np = 0; static int np_cbuf = 0; static void* zero_buffer; GASNETT_INLINE(prep_payload) void prep_payload(uint8_t *dst, size_t len) { if (!len) return; assert(! ((uintptr_t)dst % SIZEOF_GEX_RMA_VALUE_T)); switch (src_mode) { case SRC_NOOP: #if DEBUG if (use_np) (*dst)++; // defeat poison check #endif return; break; case SRC_MEMCPY: memcpy(dst, zero_buffer, len); break; case SRC_GENERATE: { uint8_t *p = dst; for (size_t words = len / SIZEOF_GEX_RMA_VALUE_T; words; --words) { *(gex_RMA_Value_t *)p = words; p += SIZEOF_GEX_RMA_VALUE_T; } for (size_t bytes = len % SIZEOF_GEX_RMA_VALUE_T; bytes; --bytes) { *(p++) = bytes; } break; } } } #define RequestMedium0(tm,rank,hidx,src_addr,nbytes,lc_opt,flags) do { \ if (use_np) { \ void *cbuf = np_cbuf ? src_addr : NULL; \ gex_AM_SrcDesc_t sd = \ gex_AM_PrepareRequestMedium(tm,rank,cbuf,nbytes,nbytes,np_req_lc_opt,0,0); \ assert(gex_AM_SrcDescSize(sd) == nbytes); \ prep_payload(gex_AM_SrcDescAddr(sd), nbytes); \ gex_AM_CommitRequestMedium0(sd, hidx, nbytes); \ } else { \ prep_payload(src_addr, nbytes); \ gex_AM_RequestMedium0(tm, rank, hidx, src_addr, nbytes, lc_opt, flags); \ } \ } while (0) #define ReplyMedium0(token,hidx,src_addr,nbytes,lc_opt,flags) do { \ if (use_np) { \ void *cbuf = np_cbuf ? src_addr : NULL; \ gex_AM_SrcDesc_t sd = \ gex_AM_PrepareReplyMedium(token,cbuf,nbytes,nbytes,np_rep_lc_opt,0,0); \ assert(gex_AM_SrcDescSize(sd) == nbytes); \ prep_payload(gex_AM_SrcDescAddr(sd), nbytes); \ gex_AM_CommitReplyMedium0(sd, hidx, nbytes); \ } else { \ prep_payload(src_addr, nbytes); \ gex_AM_ReplyMedium0(token, hidx, src_addr, nbytes, lc_opt, flags); \ } \ } while (0) #define RequestLong0(tm,rank,hidx,src_addr,nbytes,dst_addr,lc_opt,flags) do { \ if (use_np) { \ void *cbuf = np_cbuf ? src_addr : NULL; \ gex_AM_SrcDesc_t sd = \ gex_AM_PrepareRequestLong(tm,rank,cbuf,nbytes,nbytes,dst_addr,np_req_lc_opt,0,0);\ assert(gex_AM_SrcDescSize(sd) == nbytes); \ prep_payload(gex_AM_SrcDescAddr(sd), nbytes); \ gex_AM_CommitRequestLong0(sd, hidx, nbytes, dst_addr); \ } else { \ prep_payload(src_addr, nbytes); \ gex_AM_RequestLong0(tm, rank, hidx, src_addr, nbytes, dst_addr, lc_opt, flags); \ } \ } while (0) #define ReplyLong0(token,hidx,src_addr,nbytes,dst_addr,lc_opt,flags) do { \ if (use_np) { \ void *cbuf = np_cbuf ? src_addr : NULL; \ gex_AM_SrcDesc_t sd = \ gex_AM_PrepareReplyLong(token,cbuf,nbytes,nbytes,dst_addr,np_rep_lc_opt,0,0); \ assert(gex_AM_SrcDescSize(sd) == nbytes); \ prep_payload(gex_AM_SrcDescAddr(sd), nbytes); \ gex_AM_CommitReplyLong0(sd, hidx, nbytes, dst_addr); \ } else { \ prep_payload(src_addr, nbytes); \ gex_AM_ReplyLong0(token, hidx, src_addr, nbytes, dst_addr, lc_opt, flags); \ } \ } while (0) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ gex_AM_Entry_t htable[]; #define hidx_ping_shorthandler htable[0].gex_index #define hidx_pong_shorthandler htable[1].gex_index #define hidx_ping_medhandler htable[2].gex_index #define hidx_pong_medhandler htable[3].gex_index #define hidx_ping_longhandler htable[4].gex_index #define hidx_pong_longhandler htable[5].gex_index #define hidx_ping_shorthandler_flood htable[6].gex_index #define hidx_pong_shorthandler_flood htable[7].gex_index #define hidx_ping_medhandler_flood htable[8].gex_index #define hidx_pong_medhandler_flood htable[9].gex_index #define hidx_ping_longhandler_flood htable[10].gex_index #define hidx_pong_longhandler_flood htable[11].gex_index #define hidx_done_shorthandler htable[12].gex_index volatile int flag = 0; void ping_shorthandler(gex_Token_t token) { gex_AM_ReplyShort0(token, hidx_pong_shorthandler, 0); } void pong_shorthandler(gex_Token_t token) { flag++; } void ping_medhandler(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { ReplyMedium0(token, hidx_pong_medhandler, buf, nbytes, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0); } void pong_medhandler(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { flag++; } void ping_longhandler(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { ReplyLong0(token, hidx_pong_longhandler, buf, nbytes, reply_addr, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0); } void pong_longhandler(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { flag++; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void ping_shorthandler_flood(gex_Token_t token) { gex_AM_ReplyShort0(token, hidx_pong_shorthandler_flood, 0); } void pong_shorthandler_flood(gex_Token_t token) { INC(flag); } void ping_medhandler_flood(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { ReplyMedium0(token, hidx_pong_medhandler_flood, buf, nbytes, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0); } void pong_medhandler_flood(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { INC(flag); } void ping_longhandler_flood(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { ReplyLong0(token, hidx_pong_longhandler_flood, buf, nbytes, reply_addr, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0); } void pong_longhandler_flood(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { INC(flag); } volatile int done = 0; void done_shorthandler(gex_Token_t token) { done = 1; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ gex_AM_Entry_t htable[] = { { 0, ping_shorthandler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_SHORT, 0, NULL, NULL }, { 0, pong_shorthandler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQREP|GEX_FLAG_AM_SHORT, 0, NULL, NULL }, { 0, ping_medhandler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_MEDIUM, 0, NULL, NULL }, { 0, pong_medhandler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQREP|GEX_FLAG_AM_MEDIUM, 0, NULL, NULL }, { 0, ping_longhandler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_LONG, 0, NULL, NULL }, { 0, pong_longhandler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQREP|GEX_FLAG_AM_LONG, 0, NULL, NULL }, { 0, ping_shorthandler_flood, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_SHORT, 0, NULL, NULL }, { 0, pong_shorthandler_flood, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQREP|GEX_FLAG_AM_SHORT, 0, NULL, NULL }, { 0, ping_medhandler_flood, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_MEDIUM, 0, NULL, NULL }, { 0, pong_medhandler_flood, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQREP|GEX_FLAG_AM_MEDIUM, 0, NULL, NULL }, { 0, ping_longhandler_flood, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_LONG, 0, NULL, NULL }, { 0, pong_longhandler_flood, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQREP|GEX_FLAG_AM_LONG, 0, NULL, NULL }, { 0, done_shorthandler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_SHORT, 0, NULL, NULL } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ int crossmachinemode = 0; int insegment = 1; int asynclc = 0; int iters=0; int pollers=0; int i = 0; uintptr_t maxmedreq, maxmedrep, maxlongreq, maxlongrep; void *doAll(void*); int main(int argc, char **argv) { int help=0; int arg=1; GASNET_Safe(gex_Client_Init(&myclient, &myep, &myteam, "testam", &argc, &argv, 0)); mynode = gex_TM_QueryRank(myteam); numnode = gex_TM_QuerySize(myteam); arg = 1; while (argc > arg) { if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-p")) { #if GASNET_PAR pollers = test_thread_limit(atoi(argv[arg+1])+1)-1; arg += 2; #else if (0 == mynode) { fprintf(stderr, "testam %s\n", GASNET_CONFIG_STRING); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The -p option is only available in the PAR configuration.\n"); fflush(NULL); } sleep(1); gasnet_exit(1); #endif } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-in")) { insegment = 1; ++arg; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-out")) { insegment = 0; ++arg; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-c")) { crossmachinemode = 1; ++arg; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-sync-req")) { asynclc = 0; lc_opt = GEX_EVENT_NOW; ++arg; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-async-req")) { asynclc = 1; lc_opt = GEX_EVENT_GROUP; ++arg; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-fp")) { use_np = 0; ++arg; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-np-cb")) { use_np = 1; np_cbuf = 1; ++arg; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-np-gb")) { use_np = 1; np_cbuf = 0; ++arg; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-src-noop")) { src_mode = SRC_NOOP; ++arg; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-src-generate")) { src_mode = SRC_GENERATE; ++arg; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-src-memcpy")) { src_mode = SRC_MEMCPY; ++arg; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-max-step")) { ++arg; if (argc > arg) { max_step = atoi(argv[arg]); arg++; } else help = 1; } else if (argv[arg][0] == '-') { help = 1; ++arg; } else break; } if (argc > arg) { iters = atoi(argv[arg]); ++arg; } if (!iters) iters = 1000; if (argc > arg) { maxsz = atoi(argv[arg]); ++arg; } if (!maxsz) maxsz = 2*1024*1024; if (argc > arg) { TEST_SECTION_PARSE(argv[arg]); ++arg; } if (!max_step) max_step = maxsz; GASNET_Safe(gex_Segment_Attach(&mysegment, myteam, TEST_SEGSZ_REQUEST)); GASNET_Safe(gex_EP_RegisterHandlers(myep, htable, sizeof(htable)/sizeof(gex_AM_Entry_t))); #if GASNET_PAR #define PAR_USAGE \ " The -p option gives the number of polling threads, specified as\n" \ " a non-negative integer argument (default is no polling threads).\n" #else #define PAR_USAGE "" #endif test_init("testam", 1, "[options] (iters) (maxsz) (test_sections)\n" " The '-in' or '-out' option selects whether the requestor's\n" " buffer is in the GASNet segment or not (default is 'in').\n" PAR_USAGE " The '-max-step N' option selects the maximum step between payload sizes,\n" " which by default advance by doubling until the max size is reached.\n" " The '-sync-req' or '-async-req' option selects synchronous or asynchronous\n" " local completion of Medium and Long Requests (default is synchronous).\n" " The '-fp', '-np-gb' or '-np-cb' option selects Fixed- or Negotiated-Payload\n" " for Medium and Long AMs, as follows:\n" " -fp: Fixed-Payload (default)\n" " -np-gb: Negotiated-Payload with GASNet-provided buffer\n" " -np-cb: Negotiated-Payload with client-provided buffer\n" " The '-src-*' options select treatment of the payload buffer used for\n" " Medium and Long AMs, as follows:\n" " -src-noop: no per-operation initialization (default)\n" " -src-generate: initialized (w/o memory reads) on each AM injection\n" " -src-memcpy: initialized using memcpy() on each AM injection\n" " The -c option enables cross-machine pairing (default is nearest neighbor).\n"); if (help || argc > arg) test_usage(); TEST_PRINT_CONDUITINFO(); if (insegment) { myseg = TEST_MYSEG(); } else { char *space = test_malloc(alignup(maxsz,PAGESZ) + PAGESZ); myseg = alignup_ptr(space, PAGESZ); } if (src_mode == SRC_MEMCPY) { zero_buffer = test_calloc(maxsz, 1); } np_req_lc_opt = np_cbuf ? lc_opt : NULL; np_rep_lc_opt = np_cbuf ? GEX_EVENT_NOW : NULL; if (crossmachinemode) { if ((numnode%2) && (mynode == numnode-1)) { sender = 1; peer = mynode; } else { gex_Rank_t half = numnode / 2; sender = (mynode < half); peer = sender ? (mynode + half) : (mynode - half); } } else { peer = mynode ^ 1; sender = mynode % 2 == 0; if (peer == numnode) { peer = mynode; } } gex_Event_t *tmp_lc_opt = use_np ? np_req_lc_opt : lc_opt; gex_Flags_t flags = use_np ? ( np_cbuf ? GEX_FLAG_AM_PREPARE_LEAST_CLIENT : GEX_FLAG_AM_PREPARE_LEAST_ALLOC) : 0; maxmedreq = MIN(maxsz, gex_AM_MaxRequestMedium(myteam,peer,tmp_lc_opt,flags,0)); maxmedrep = MIN(maxsz, gex_AM_MaxReplyMedium (myteam,peer,GEX_EVENT_NOW,flags,0)); maxlongreq = MIN(maxsz, gex_AM_MaxRequestLong (myteam,peer,tmp_lc_opt,flags,0)); maxlongrep = MIN(maxsz, gex_AM_MaxReplyLong (myteam,peer,GEX_EVENT_NOW,flags,0)); recvr = !sender || (peer == mynode); // Long Request and Reply (distinct for loopback) reply_addr = TEST_SEG(peer); request_addr = (peer == mynode) ? (void*)((uintptr_t)reply_addr + alignup(maxsz,SIZEOF_GEX_RMA_VALUE_T)) : reply_addr; BARRIER(); #if GASNET_PAR #define PAR_FMT " %i extra recvr polling threads\n" #define PAR_ARG ,pollers #else #define PAR_FMT /*empty*/ #define PAR_ARG /*empty*/ #endif if (mynode == 0) { printf("Running %i iterations of %s AM performance with:\n" " local addresses %sside the segment%s\n" " %ssynchronous LC for Requests%s\n" " %s\n" " %s\n" PAR_FMT " ...\n", iters, (crossmachinemode ? "cross-machine ": ""), (insegment ? "in" : "out"), (insegment ? " (default)" : ""), (asynclc ? "a": ""), (asynclc ? "": " (default)"), (!use_np ? "fixed-Payload (default)" :(np_cbuf ? "negotiated-Payload with client-provided buffer" : "negotiated-Payload with GASNet-provided buffer")), ((src_mode == SRC_NOOP) ? "no payload initialization (default)" :(src_mode == SRC_GENERATE) ? "payload initialized by computation" : "payload initialized using memcpy()") PAR_ARG ); printf(" Msg Sz Description Total time Avg. time Bandwidth\n" " ------ ----------- ---------- --------- ---------\n"); fflush(stdout); } #if GASNET_PAR TEST_SET_WAITMODE(pollers+1); if (pollers) test_createandjoin_pthreads(pollers+1,doAll,NULL,0); else #endif doAll(NULL); MSG("done."); gasnet_exit(0); return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void doAMShort(void) { GASNET_BEGIN_FUNCTION(); if (sender) { /* warm-up */ flag = 0; for (i=0; i < iters; i++) { gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, peer, hidx_ping_shorthandler_flood, 0); } GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == iters); gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, peer, hidx_ping_shorthandler, 0); GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == iters+1); } BARRIER(); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ if (TEST_SECTION_BEGIN_ENABLED() && sender) { int64_t start = TIME(); flag = -1; for (i=0; i < iters; i++) { gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, peer, hidx_ping_shorthandler, 0); GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == i); } report(" AMShort ping-pong roundtrip ReqRep",TIME() - start, iters, 0, 1); } BARRIER(); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ if (TEST_SECTION_ENABLED()) { int64_t start = TIME(); flag = -1; BARRIER(); if (sender && recvr) { assert(peer == mynode); for (i=0; i < iters; i++) { int lim = i << 1; gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, peer, hidx_pong_shorthandler, 0); GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == lim); lim++; gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, peer, hidx_pong_shorthandler, 0); GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == lim); } } else if (sender) { for (i=0; i < iters; i++) { gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, peer, hidx_pong_shorthandler, 0); GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == i); } } else if (recvr) { for (i=0; i < iters; i++) { GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == i); gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, peer, hidx_pong_shorthandler, 0); } } report(" AMShort ping-pong roundtrip ReqReq",TIME() - start, iters, 0, 1); if (mynode == 0) { printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } } BARRIER(); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ if (TEST_SECTION_ENABLED()) { if (sender) { int64_t start = TIME(); flag = 0; BARRIER(); for (i=0; i < iters; i++) { gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, peer, hidx_pong_shorthandler_flood, 0); } if (recvr) GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == iters); BARRIER(); report(" AMShort flood one-way Req",TIME() - start, iters, 0, 0); } else { flag = 0; BARRIER(); GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == iters); BARRIER(); } if (mynode == 0) { printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } } BARRIER(); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ if (TEST_SECTION_ENABLED() && sender) { int64_t start = TIME(); flag = 0; for (i=0; i < iters; i++) { gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, peer, hidx_ping_shorthandler_flood, 0); } GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == iters); report(" AMShort flood roundtrip ReqRep",TIME() - start, iters, 0, 1); if (mynode == 0) { printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } } BARRIER(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define ADVANCESZ(sz, maxsz) do { \ int step = MIN(max_step, sz); \ if (!sz) sz = 1; \ else if (sz < maxsz && sz+step > maxsz) { \ /* indicate final non-power-of-two sz */ \ if (!mynode) printf(" max:\n"); \ sz = maxsz; \ } else sz += step; \ } while (0) #define TESTAM_PERF(DESC_STR, AMREQUEST, PING_HIDX, PONG_HIDX, \ MAXREQ, MAXREP, DEST) do { \ uintptr_t MAXREQREP = MIN(MAXREQ, MAXREP); \ if (sender) { /* warm-up */ \ flag = 0; \ AMREQUEST(myteam, peer, PING_HIDX, myseg, \ MAXREQREP DEST, lc_opt, 0); \ GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == 1); \ if (asynclc) gex_NBI_Wait(GEX_EC_AM,0); \ for (i=0; i < iters; i++) { \ AMREQUEST(myteam, peer, PING_HIDX##_flood, myseg, \ MAXREQREP DEST, lc_opt, 0); \ } \ GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == iters+1); \ if (asynclc) gex_NBI_Wait(GEX_EC_AM,0); \ } \ BARRIER(); \ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */ \ if (TEST_SECTION_BEGIN_ENABLED()) { \ uintptr_t sz; \ char msg[255]; \ for (sz = 0; sz <= MAXREQREP; ) { \ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), \ "%7"PRIuPTR" "DESC_STR" ping-pong roundtrip ReqRep", sz); \ BARRIER(); \ if (sender) { \ int64_t start = TIME(); \ flag = -1; \ for (i=0; i < iters; i++) { \ AMREQUEST(myteam, peer, PING_HIDX, myseg, \ sz DEST, lc_opt, 0); \ GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == i); \ } \ if (asynclc) gex_NBI_Wait(GEX_EC_AM,0); \ report(msg,TIME() - start, iters, sz, 1); \ } \ BARRIER(); \ ADVANCESZ(sz, MAXREQREP); \ } \ if (mynode == 0) { printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } \ } \ BARRIER(); \ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */ \ if (TEST_SECTION_BEGIN_ENABLED()) { \ uintptr_t sz; \ char msg[255]; \ for (sz = 0; sz <= MAXREQ; ) { \ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), \ "%7"PRIuPTR" "DESC_STR" ping-pong roundtrip ReqReq", sz); \ BARRIER(); \ { \ int64_t start = TIME(); \ flag = -1; \ BARRIER(); \ if (sender && recvr) { \ assert(peer == mynode); \ for (i=0; i < iters; i++) { \ int lim = i << 1; \ AMREQUEST(myteam, peer, PONG_HIDX, myseg, sz DEST, lc_opt, 0); \ GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == lim); \ lim++; \ AMREQUEST(myteam, peer, PONG_HIDX, myseg, sz DEST, lc_opt, 0); \ GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == lim); \ } \ } else if (sender) { \ for (i=0; i < iters; i++) { \ AMREQUEST(myteam, peer, PONG_HIDX, myseg, sz DEST, lc_opt, 0); \ GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == i); \ } \ } else if (recvr) { \ for (i=0; i < iters; i++) { \ GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == i); \ AMREQUEST(myteam, peer, PONG_HIDX, myseg, sz DEST, lc_opt, 0); \ } \ } \ if (asynclc) gex_NBI_Wait(GEX_EC_AM,0); \ report(msg,TIME() - start, iters, sz, 1); \ } \ BARRIER(); \ ADVANCESZ(sz, MAXREQ); \ } \ if (mynode == 0) { printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } \ } \ BARRIER(); \ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */ \ if (TEST_SECTION_BEGIN_ENABLED()) { \ uintptr_t sz; \ char msg[255]; \ for (sz = 0; sz <= MAXREQ; ) { \ flag = 0; \ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), \ "%7"PRIuPTR" "DESC_STR" flood one-way Req", sz); \ BARRIER(); \ if (sender) { \ int64_t start = TIME(); \ for (i=0; i < iters; i++) { \ AMREQUEST(myteam, peer, PONG_HIDX##_flood, myseg, sz DEST, lc_opt, 0); \ } \ if (recvr) GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == iters); \ if (asynclc) gex_NBI_Wait(GEX_EC_AM,0); \ BARRIER(); \ report(msg,TIME() - start, iters, sz, 0); \ } else { \ GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == iters); \ BARRIER(); \ } \ BARRIER(); \ ADVANCESZ(sz, MAXREQ); \ } \ if (mynode == 0) { printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } \ } \ BARRIER(); \ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */ \ if (TEST_SECTION_BEGIN_ENABLED()) { \ uintptr_t sz; \ char msg[255]; \ for (sz = 0; sz <= MAXREQREP; ) { \ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), \ "%7"PRIuPTR" "DESC_STR" flood roundtrip ReqRep", sz); \ BARRIER(); \ if (sender) { \ int64_t start = TIME(); \ flag = 0; \ for (i=0; i < iters; i++) { \ AMREQUEST(myteam, peer, PING_HIDX##_flood, myseg, sz DEST, lc_opt, 0); \ } \ GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == iters); \ if (asynclc) gex_NBI_Wait(GEX_EC_AM,0); \ report(msg,TIME() - start, iters, sz, 1); \ } \ BARRIER(); \ ADVANCESZ(sz, MAXREQREP); \ } \ if (mynode == 0) { printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } \ } \ BARRIER(); \ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */ \ if (TEST_SECTION_BEGIN_ENABLED()) { \ uintptr_t sz; int64_t start; \ char msg[255]; \ for (sz = 0; sz <= MAXREQ; ) { \ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), \ "%7"PRIuPTR" "DESC_STR" flood two-way Req", sz); \ flag = 0; \ BARRIER(); \ start = TIME(); \ for (i=0; i < iters; i++) { \ AMREQUEST(myteam, peer, PONG_HIDX##_flood, myseg, sz DEST, lc_opt, 0); \ } \ GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(flag == iters); \ if (asynclc) gex_NBI_Wait(GEX_EC_AM,0); \ report(msg,TIME() - start, iters, sz, 0); \ \ BARRIER(); \ ADVANCESZ(sz, MAXREQ); \ } \ if (mynode == 0) { printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } \ } \ BARRIER(); \ } while (0) #define MEDDEST #define LONGDEST , request_addr /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void doAMMed(void) { GASNET_BEGIN_FUNCTION(); TESTAM_PERF("AMMedium ", RequestMedium0, hidx_ping_medhandler, hidx_pong_medhandler, maxmedreq, maxmedrep, MEDDEST); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void doAMLong(void) { GASNET_BEGIN_FUNCTION(); TESTAM_PERF("AMLong ", RequestLong0, hidx_ping_longhandler, hidx_pong_longhandler, maxlongreq, maxlongrep, LONGDEST); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void *doAll(void *ptr) { if (ptr) { if (recvr) GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(done); } else { doAMShort(); doAMMed(); doAMLong(); if (recvr) gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, mynode, hidx_done_shorthandler, 0); } return NULL; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */