/* $Source: bitbucket.org:berkeleylab/gasnet.git/tests/testcoll.c $ * Description: GASNet collectives test * Copyright 2002-2004, Jaein Jeong and Dan Bonachea * Terms of use are as specified in license.txt */ #include #include "gasnet_coll.h" #if GASNET_PAR #define DEFAULT_THREADS 2 #else #define DEFAULT_THREADS 1 #endif static gex_Client_t myclient; static gex_EP_t myep; static gex_TM_t myteam; static gex_Segment_t mysegment; int datasize; int numprocs; int iters = 0; int images; /* numproc * threads */ int threads = DEFAULT_THREADS; /* per node */ #define TEST_SEGSZ_EXPR (sizeof(int)*(threads*datasize+numprocs)) #include "test.h" #if GASNET_PAR #define local_barrier() PTHREAD_LOCALBARRIER(threads) #define global_barrier() PTHREAD_BARRIER(threads) #else #define local_barrier() do {} while(0) #define global_barrier() BARRIER() #endif typedef struct { int local_id; int mythread; int myproc; int peerthread; gasnet_coll_handle_t *hndl; char _pad[GASNETT_CACHE_LINE_BYTES]; } thread_data_t; #define PROLOGUE(NAME) \ GASNET_BEGIN_FUNCTION(); \ const char name[] = NAME; \ int myproc = (randomize(td), td->myproc); \ int mythread = td->mythread; \ int peerthread = td->peerthread; \ gasnet_coll_handle_t *hndl = td->hndl static int *R; static int **Aw, **Bw, **Cw, **Dw, **Ew, **Fw, **Gw; static int ***Av, ***Bv, ***Cv, ***Dv, ***Ev, ***Fv, ***Gv; /* All nodes must get the same random sequence */ static void randomize(thread_data_t *td) { local_barrier(); if (td->local_id == 0) { int i; static int srand_phase = 1; TEST_SRAND(srand_phase++); for (i=0; ilocal_id) MSG0 #define CALL(FUNC,DST,SRC,FLAGS) \ gasnet_coll_##FUNC(GASNET_TEAM_ALL,DST,SRC,sizeof(int),\ FLAGS|GASNET_COLL_SRC_IN_SEGMENT|GASNET_COLL_DST_IN_SEGMENT); #define DEFN(PREFIX, DESC) \ /* NO/NO - in/out data is not generated/consumed in same barrier phase */ \ void PREFIX##_NONO(int root, thread_data_t *td) { \ PROLOGUE(DESC " NO/NO"); \ int flags = GASNET_COLL_LOCAL| GASNET_COLL_IN_NOSYNC | GASNET_COLL_OUT_NOSYNC; \ int j; \ \ MSG00("Starting %s test", name); \ \ for (j = 0; j < iters; ++j) { \ gex_Rank_t i; \ \ *LOCAL(A) = (mythread == root) ? R[j] : -1; \ *LOCAL(B) = mythread; \ for (i = 0; i < images; ++i) { \ LOCAL(D)[i] = i * R[j] + mythread; \ } \ \ global_barrier(); \ \ CALL(broadcast, ALL(A), ROOT(A), flags); \ CALL(gather, ROOT(C), ALL(B), flags); \ CALL(scatter, ALL(E), ROOT(D), flags); \ CALL(gather_all, ALL(F), ALL(B), flags); \ CALL(exchange, ALL(G), ALL(D), flags); \ \ global_barrier(); \ \ if (*LOCAL(A) != R[j]) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s broadcast validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ if (mythread == root) { \ for (i = 0; i < images; ++i) { \ if (LOCAL(C)[i] != i) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s gather validation failed %d %d", name, LOCAL(C)[i], (int)i);\ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ } \ } \ if (*LOCAL(E) != mythread*R[j] + root) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s scatter validation failed %d %d", name, *LOCAL(E), mythread*R[j] + root); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ for (i = 0; i < images; ++i) { \ if (LOCAL(F)[i] != i) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s gather_all validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ } \ for (i = 0; i < images; ++i) { \ if (LOCAL(G)[i] != i + mythread*R[j]) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s exchange validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ } \ } \ \ global_barrier(); /* ensure validation completes before next test */ \ } \ /* MY/MY - in/out data is generated/consumed locally in same barrier phase */\ void PREFIX##_MYMY(int root, thread_data_t *td) { \ PROLOGUE(DESC " MY/MY"); \ int flags = GASNET_COLL_LOCAL| GASNET_COLL_IN_MYSYNC | GASNET_COLL_OUT_MYSYNC; \ int j; \ \ MSG00("Starting %s test", name); \ \ for (j = 0; j < iters; ++j) { \ gex_Rank_t i; \ \ *LOCAL(A) = (mythread == root) ? R[j] : -1; \ *LOCAL(B) = mythread; \ \ CALL(broadcast, ALL(A), ROOT(A), flags); \ if (*LOCAL(A) != R[j]) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s broadcast validation failed %d %d on %d", name, *LOCAL(A), R[j], mythread); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ CALL(gather, ROOT(C), ALL(B), flags); \ if (mythread == root) { \ for (i = 0; i < images; ++i) { \ if (LOCAL(C)[i] != i) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s gather validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ LOCAL(C)[i] *= R[j]; \ } \ } \ CALL(scatter, ALL(B), ROOT(C), flags); \ if (*LOCAL(B) != mythread*R[j]) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s scatter validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ CALL(gather_all, ALL(C), ALL(B), flags); \ for (i = 0; i < images; ++i) { \ if (LOCAL(C)[i] != i*R[j]) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s gather_all validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ LOCAL(C)[i] += mythread; \ } \ CALL(exchange, ALL(D), ALL(C), flags); \ for (i = 0; i < images; ++i) { \ if (LOCAL(D)[i] != i + mythread*R[j]) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s exchange validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ } \ } \ \ global_barrier(); /* ensure validation completes before next test */ \ } \ /* ALL/ALL - data is generated/consumed *remotely* in same barrier phase */ \ void PREFIX##_ALLALL(int root, thread_data_t *td) { \ PROLOGUE(DESC " ALL/ALL"); \ int flags = GASNET_COLL_LOCAL| GASNET_COLL_IN_ALLSYNC | GASNET_COLL_OUT_ALLSYNC; \ gex_Rank_t rootproc = root/threads; \ gex_Rank_t peerproc = peerthread/threads; \ int j; \ int tmp; \ \ MSG00("Starting %s test", name); \ \ for (j = 0; j < iters; ++j) { \ gex_Rank_t i; \ \ tmp = (peerthread == root) ? R[j] : -1; \ gex_RMA_PutBlocking(myteam, peerproc, REMOTE(A,peerthread), &tmp, sizeof(int), 0);\ \ CALL(broadcast, ALL(A), ROOT(A), flags); \ gex_RMA_GetBlocking(myteam, &tmp, peerproc, REMOTE(A,peerthread), sizeof(int), 0);\ if (tmp != R[j]) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s broadcast validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ tmp = peerthread; \ gex_RMA_PutBlocking(myteam, peerproc, REMOTE(B,peerthread), &tmp, sizeof(int), 0);\ CALL(gather, ROOT(C), ALL(B), flags); \ gex_RMA_GetBlocking(myteam, LOCAL(D), rootproc, REMOTE(C,root), images*sizeof(int), 0); \ for (i = 0; i < images; ++i) { \ if (LOCAL(D)[i] != i) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s gather validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ } \ global_barrier(); /* to avoid conflict on D */ \ tmp = mythread * R[j]; \ gex_RMA_PutBlocking(myteam, rootproc, REMOTE(D,root)+mythread, &tmp, sizeof(int), 0);\ CALL(scatter, ALL(B), ROOT(D), flags); \ gex_RMA_GetBlocking(myteam, &tmp, peerproc, REMOTE(B,peerthread), sizeof(int), 0);\ if (tmp != peerthread*R[j]) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s scatter validation failed expected: %d got %d", name, peerthread*R[j], tmp); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ global_barrier(); /* to avoid conflict on B */ \ tmp = peerthread*R[j] - 1; \ gex_RMA_PutBlocking(myteam, peerproc, REMOTE(B,peerthread), &tmp, sizeof(int), 0);\ CALL(gather_all, ALL(C), ALL(B), flags); \ gex_RMA_GetBlocking(myteam, LOCAL(D), peerproc, REMOTE(C,peerthread), images*sizeof(int), 0);\ for (i = 0; i < images; ++i) { \ if (LOCAL(D)[i] != i*R[j] - 1) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s gather_all validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ } \ global_barrier(); /* to avoid conflict on C & D */ \ for (i = 0; i < images; ++i) { \ LOCAL(C)[i] += peerthread; \ } \ gex_RMA_PutBlocking(myteam, peerproc, REMOTE(D,peerthread), LOCAL(C), images*sizeof(int), 0);\ CALL(exchange, ALL(C), ALL(D), flags); \ gex_RMA_GetBlocking(myteam, LOCAL(D), peerproc, REMOTE(C,peerthread), images*sizeof(int), 0);\ for (i = 0; i < images; ++i) { \ if (LOCAL(D)[i] != i + peerthread*R[j] - 1) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s exchange validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ } \ } \ \ global_barrier(); /* ensure validation completes before next test */ \ } \ void PREFIX##_NB(int root, thread_data_t *td) { \ PROLOGUE(DESC " NB"); \ int flags = GASNET_COLL_LOCAL| GASNET_COLL_IN_MYSYNC | GASNET_COLL_OUT_MYSYNC; \ gex_Rank_t i; \ int j; \ \ MSG00("Starting %s test", name); \ \ for (j = 0; j < iters; ++j) { \ *LOCALi(j,A) = (mythread == root) ? R[j] : -1; \ *LOCALi(j,B) = mythread; \ hndl[j] = CALL(broadcast##_nb, ALLi(j,A), ROOTi(j,A), flags); \ } \ for (j = 0; j < iters; ++j) { \ gasnet_coll_wait_sync(hndl[j]); \ if (*LOCALi(j,A) != R[j]) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s broadcast validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ hndl[j] = CALL(gather##_nb, ROOTi(j,C), ALLi(j,B), flags); \ } \ for (j = 0; j < iters; ++j) { \ gasnet_coll_wait_sync(hndl[j]); \ if (mythread == root) { \ for (i = 0; i < images; ++i) { \ if (LOCALi(j,C)[i] != i) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s gather validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ LOCALi(j,C)[i] *= R[j]; \ } \ } \ hndl[j] = CALL(scatter##_nb, ALLi(j,B), ROOTi(j,C), flags); \ } \ for (j = 0; j < iters; ++j) { \ gasnet_coll_wait_sync(hndl[j]); \ if (*LOCALi(j,B) != mythread*R[j]) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s scatter validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ hndl[j] = CALL(gather_all##_nb, ALLi(j,C), ALLi(j,B), flags); \ } \ for (j = 0; j < iters; ++j) { \ gasnet_coll_wait_sync(hndl[j]); \ for (i = 0; i < images; ++i) { \ if (LOCALi(j,C)[i] != i*R[j]) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s gather_all validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ LOCALi(j,C)[i] += mythread; \ } \ hndl[j] = CALL(exchange##_nb, ALLi(j,D), ALLi(j,C), flags); \ } \ for (j = 0; j < iters; ++j) { \ gasnet_coll_wait_sync(hndl[j]); \ for (i = 0; i < images; ++i) { \ if (LOCALi(j,D)[i] != i + mythread*R[j]) { \ MSG("ERROR: %s exchange validation failed", name); \ gasnet_exit(1); \ } \ } \ } \ \ global_barrier(); /* ensure validation completes before next test */ \ } #define ALL(X) ALLi(0,X) #define ROOT(X) ROOTi(0,X) #define REMOTE(X,N) REMOTEi(0,X,N) #define LOCAL(X) LOCALi(0,X) #define LOCALi(i,X) REMOTEi(i,X,mythread) #define ALLi(i,X) X##v[i][mythread] #define ROOTi(i,X) root, (mythread==root)?X##v[i][root]:NULL #define REMOTEi(i,X,N) (X##v[i][N]) DEFN(testLS, "LOCAL/single-addr") #undef ALLi #undef ROOTi #undef REMOTEi static void *test_malloc_2D(int count, size_t size) { char *tmp; void **result; int j; tmp = test_malloc(count * (sizeof(void*) + size)); result = (void **)tmp; tmp += count * sizeof(void *); for (j = 0; j < count; ++j) { result[j] = (void *)tmp; tmp += size; } return (void *)result; } #define test_free_2D test_free static volatile int done = 0; void *thread_main(void *arg) { thread_data_t *td = arg; int i; #if GASNET_PAR if (td->local_id >= threads) { while (!done) gasnet_AMPoll(); return NULL; } #endif td->hndl = test_malloc(iters*sizeof(gasnet_coll_handle_t)); /* Run w/ root = (first, middle, last) w/o duplication */ for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { int root; if (i == 0) { root = 0; } else if (i == 1) { if (images < 3) continue; root = images / 2; } else { if (images < 2) continue; root = images - 1; } MSG00("Running tests with root = %d", (int)root); testLS_NONO(root, td); testLS_MYMY(root, td); testLS_ALLALL(root, td); testLS_NB(root, td); } test_free(td->hndl); PTHREAD_LOCALBARRIER(threads); done = 1; return NULL; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { static int *A, *B, *C, *D, *E, *F, *G; gex_Rank_t myproc, i; int pollers = 0; int j; /* call startup */ GASNET_Safe(gex_Client_Init(&myclient, &myep, &myteam, "testcoll", &argc, &argv, 0)); int arg = 1; int help = 0; while (argc > arg) { if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-p")) { #if GASNET_PAR ++arg; if (argc > arg) { pollers = atoi(argv[arg]); arg++; } else help = 1; #else if (0 == gex_TM_QueryRank(myteam)) { fprintf(stderr, "testcoll %s\n", GASNET_CONFIG_STRING); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The -p option is only available in the PAR configuration.\n"); fflush(NULL); } sleep(1); gasnet_exit(1); #endif } else if (argv[arg][0] == '-') { help = 1; ++arg; } else break; } if (argc > arg) { iters = atoi(argv[arg]); ++arg; } if (iters < 1) { iters = 1000; } #if GASNET_PAR if (argc > arg) { threads = atoi(argv[arg]); ++arg; } threads = test_thread_limit(threads); if (threads < 1) { printf("ERROR: Threads must be between 1 and %d\n", TEST_MAXTHREADS); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // NO MULTI-IMAGE SUPPORT IN CURRENT COLLECTIVES if (threads > 1) { MSG0("WARNING: thread count reduced to 1 (no multi-image support)"); threads = 1; } #endif /* get SPMD info */ myproc = gex_TM_QueryRank(myteam); numprocs = gex_TM_QuerySize(myteam); images = numprocs * threads; datasize = iters * (3 + 4 * images); GASNET_Safe(gex_Segment_Attach(&mysegment, myteam, TEST_SEGSZ_REQUEST)); #if GASNET_PAR #define USAGE "[options] (iters) (threadcnt)\n" \ " The -p option gives the number of polling threads, specified as\n" \ " a non-negative integer argument (default is no polling threads).\n" #else #define USAGE "(iters)\n" #endif test_init("testcoll",0,USAGE); TEST_SET_WAITMODE(threads + pollers); if (argc > arg || help) test_usage(); MSG0("Running coll test(s) with %d iterations.", iters); R = test_malloc(iters*sizeof(int)); /* Number if ints to store */ /* Carve some variables out of the (aligned) segment: */ Aw = test_malloc(iters * sizeof(int *)); Bw = test_malloc(iters * sizeof(int *)); Cw = test_malloc(iters * sizeof(int *)); Dw = test_malloc(iters * sizeof(int *)); Ew = test_malloc(iters * sizeof(int *)); Fw = test_malloc(iters * sizeof(int *)); Gw = test_malloc(iters * sizeof(int *)); A = (int *)TEST_MYSEG(); /* int [1*iters] */ B = A + 1*iters; /* int [1*iters] */ C = B + 1*iters; /* int [N*iters] */ D = C + images*iters; /* int [N*iters] */ E = D + images*iters; /* int [1*iters] */ F = E + 1*iters; /* int [N*iters] */ G = F + images*iters; /* int [N*iters] */ for (j = 0; j < iters; ++j) { Aw[j] = A + j; Bw[j] = B + j; Cw[j] = C + j*images; Dw[j] = D + j*images; Ew[j] = E + j; Fw[j] = F + j*images; Gw[j] = G + j*images; } /* The unaligned equivalents */ Av = test_malloc_2D(iters, images * sizeof(int *)); Bv = test_malloc_2D(iters, images * sizeof(int *)); Cv = test_malloc_2D(iters, images * sizeof(int *)); Dv = test_malloc_2D(iters, images * sizeof(int *)); Ev = test_malloc_2D(iters, images * sizeof(int *)); Fv = test_malloc_2D(iters, images * sizeof(int *)); Gv = test_malloc_2D(iters, images * sizeof(int *)); for (i = 0; i < images; ++i) { /* Using (TEST_SEG(n) + n) yields unaligned even when the segments are aligned. This is to help catch any case where addresses might have been misused that might go undetected if the addresses were aligned */ A = (int *)TEST_SEG(i/threads) + (i/threads) + datasize*(i%threads); B = A + 1*iters; C = B + 1*iters; D = C + images*iters; E = D + images*iters; F = E + 1*iters; G = F + images*iters; for (j = 0; j < iters; ++j) { Av[j][i] = A + j; Bv[j][i] = B + j; Cv[j][i] = C + j*images; Dv[j][i] = D + j*images; Ev[j][i] = E + j; Fv[j][i] = F + j*images; Gv[j][i] = G + j*images; } } BARRIER(); #if GASNET_PAR MSG("Forking %d gasnet threads (%d active, %d polling)", threads+pollers, threads, pollers); { int i; thread_data_t* tt_thread_data = test_malloc(threads*sizeof(thread_data_t)); for (i = 0; i < threads; i++) { tt_thread_data[i].myproc = myproc; tt_thread_data[i].local_id = i; tt_thread_data[i].mythread = i + threads * myproc; tt_thread_data[i].peerthread = i + threads * (((myproc ^ 1) == numprocs) ? myproc : (myproc ^ 1)); } test_createandjoin_pthreads(threads, &thread_main, tt_thread_data, sizeof(tt_thread_data[0])); test_free(tt_thread_data); } #else { thread_data_t td; td.myproc = myproc; td.local_id = 0; td.mythread = myproc; td.peerthread = ((myproc ^ 1) == numprocs) ? myproc : (myproc ^ 1); thread_main(&td); } #endif BARRIER(); test_free(Aw); test_free(Bw); test_free(Cw); test_free(Dw); test_free_2D(Av); test_free_2D(Bv); test_free_2D(Cv); test_free_2D(Dv); test_free(R); MSG("done."); gasnet_exit(0); return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */