/* $Source: bitbucket.org:berkeleylab/gasnet.git/tests/testcontend.c $ * * Description: GASNet threaded contention tester. * The test initializes GASNet and forks off up to 256 threads. * The test measures the level of inter-thread contention for local * network resources with various different usage patterns. * * Copyright 2004, Dan Bonachea * Terms of use are as specified in license.txt */ #include "test.h" #ifndef GASNET_PAR #error This test can only be built for GASNet PAR configuration #endif static gex_Client_t myclient; static gex_EP_t myep; static gex_TM_t myteam; static gex_Segment_t mysegment; static gex_Rank_t myrank; static gex_Rank_t numranks; typedef struct { int activecnt; int passivecnt; } threadcnt_t; typedef gex_AM_Arg_t harg_t; /* configurable parameters */ #define DEFAULT_ITERS 50 int iters = DEFAULT_ITERS; int amactive; int peer = -1; char *peerseg = NULL; int threads; gasnett_atomic_t pong; volatile int signal_done = 0; #define thread_barrier() PTHREAD_BARRIER(threads) int revthreads = 0; #define ARG2THREAD(arg) (revthreads?(threads-1)-(int)(intptr_t)args:(int)(intptr_t)args) typedef void * (*threadmain_t)(void *args); /* AM Handlers */ void ping_shorthandler(gex_Token_t token); void pong_shorthandler(gex_Token_t token); void markdone_shorthandler(gex_Token_t token); #define hidx_ping_shorthandler 201 #define hidx_pong_shorthandler 202 #define hidx_markdone_shorthandler 203 gex_AM_Entry_t htable[] = { { hidx_ping_shorthandler, ping_shorthandler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_SHORT, 0 }, { hidx_pong_shorthandler, pong_shorthandler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REPLY|GEX_FLAG_AM_SHORT, 0 }, { hidx_markdone_shorthandler, markdone_shorthandler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_SHORT, 0 }, }; #define HANDLER_TABLE_SIZE (sizeof(htable)/sizeof(gex_AM_Entry_t)) #define SPINPOLL_UNTIL(cond) do { while (!(cond)) gasnet_AMPoll(); } while (0) #define BARRIER_UNTIL(cond) do { \ if (mythread == 0) SPINPOLL_UNTIL(cond); \ else if (mythread == 1) { \ /* one thread sits in barrier during test */ \ gasnet_barrier_notify(0,GASNET_BARRIERFLAG_ANONYMOUS); \ GASNET_Safe(gasnet_barrier_wait(0,GASNET_BARRIERFLAG_ANONYMOUS)); \ } \ } while (0) int _havereport = 0; char _reportstr[644]; const char *getreport(void) { if (_havereport) { _havereport = 0; return _reportstr; } else return NULL; } void report(gasnett_tick_t ticks) { double timeus = (double)gasnett_ticks_to_us(ticks); snprintf(_reportstr, sizeof(_reportstr), "%7.3f us\t%5.3f sec", timeus/iters, timeus/1000000); _havereport = 1; } /* testing functions */ #define AMPINGPONG(fnname, POLLUNTIL) \ void * fnname(void *args) { \ int mythread = ARG2THREAD(args); \ static int nonzero_present = 0; \ gasnett_tick_t start, end; \ signal_done = 0; \ if (mythread != 0) nonzero_present = 1; \ thread_barrier(); \ if (mythread == 0) { \ int i; \ gasnett_atomic_set(&pong,0,0); \ start = gasnett_ticks_now(); \ for (i = 0; i < iters; i++) { \ gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, peer, hidx_ping_shorthandler, 0); \ POLLUNTIL(gasnett_atomic_read(&pong,0) > i); \ } \ end = gasnett_ticks_now(); \ gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, peer, hidx_markdone_shorthandler, 0); \ gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, myrank, hidx_markdone_shorthandler, 0); \ if (!nonzero_present) { \ mythread = 1; /* ensure it runs once, impersonating thread1 */ \ POLLUNTIL(signal_done); \ mythread = 0; \ } \ } else { \ POLLUNTIL(signal_done); \ } \ thread_barrier(); \ nonzero_present = 0; \ if (mythread == 0 && amactive) report(end-start); \ return NULL; \ } AMPINGPONG(ampingpong_poll_active, SPINPOLL_UNTIL) AMPINGPONG(ampingpong_block_active, GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL) AMPINGPONG(ampingpong_barrier_active, BARRIER_UNTIL) #define PUTGETPINGPONG(fnname, POLLUNTIL, putgetstmt) \ void * fnname(void *args) { \ int64_t tmp = 0; \ int mythread = ARG2THREAD(args); \ static int nonzero_present = 0; \ gasnett_tick_t start, end; \ signal_done = 0; \ if (mythread != 0) nonzero_present = 1; \ thread_barrier(); \ if (mythread == 0) { \ int i; \ gasnett_atomic_set(&pong,0,0); \ start = gasnett_ticks_now(); \ for (i = 0; i < iters; i++) { \ putgetstmt; \ } \ end = gasnett_ticks_now(); \ gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, peer, hidx_markdone_shorthandler, 0); \ gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, myrank, hidx_markdone_shorthandler, 0); \ if (!nonzero_present) { \ mythread = 1; /* ensure it runs once, impersonating thread1 */ \ POLLUNTIL(signal_done); \ mythread = 0; \ } \ } else { \ POLLUNTIL(signal_done); \ } \ thread_barrier(); \ nonzero_present = 0; \ if (mythread == 0 && amactive) report(end-start); \ return NULL; \ } PUTGETPINGPONG(put_poll_active, SPINPOLL_UNTIL, gex_RMA_PutBlocking(myteam, peer, peerseg, &tmp, 8, 0)) PUTGETPINGPONG(get_poll_active, SPINPOLL_UNTIL, gex_RMA_GetBlocking(myteam, &tmp, peer, peerseg, 8, 0)) PUTGETPINGPONG(put_block_active, GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL, gex_RMA_PutBlocking(myteam, peer, peerseg, &tmp, 8, 0)) PUTGETPINGPONG(get_block_active, GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL, gex_RMA_GetBlocking(myteam, &tmp, peer, peerseg, 8, 0)) PUTGETPINGPONG(put_barrier_active, BARRIER_UNTIL, gex_RMA_PutBlocking(myteam, peer, peerseg, &tmp, 8, 0)) PUTGETPINGPONG(get_barrier_active, BARRIER_UNTIL, gex_RMA_GetBlocking(myteam, &tmp, peer, peerseg, 8, 0)) #define PGFIGHT(fnname, putgetstmt_loner, putgetstmt_rest) \ void * fnname(void *args) { \ int64_t tmp = 0; \ int mythread = ARG2THREAD(args); \ gasnett_tick_t start, end; \ signal_done = 0; \ thread_barrier(); \ if (mythread == 0) { \ int i; \ start = gasnett_ticks_now(); \ for (i = 0; i < iters; i++) { \ putgetstmt_loner; \ } \ end = gasnett_ticks_now(); \ gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, peer, hidx_markdone_shorthandler, 0); \ gex_AM_RequestShort0(myteam, myrank, hidx_markdone_shorthandler, 0); \ } else { \ while(!signal_done) { \ putgetstmt_rest; \ } \ } \ thread_barrier(); \ if (mythread == 0 && amactive) report(end-start); \ return NULL; \ } \ PGFIGHT(put_put_active, gex_RMA_PutBlocking(myteam, peer, peerseg, &tmp, 8, 0), gex_RMA_PutBlocking(myteam, peer, peerseg, &tmp, 8, 0)) PGFIGHT(put_get_active, gex_RMA_PutBlocking(myteam, peer, peerseg, &tmp, 8, 0), gex_RMA_GetBlocking(myteam, &tmp, peer, peerseg, 8, 0)) PGFIGHT(get_put_active, gex_RMA_GetBlocking(myteam, &tmp, peer, peerseg, 8, 0), gex_RMA_PutBlocking(myteam, peer, peerseg, &tmp, 8, 0)) PGFIGHT(get_get_active, gex_RMA_GetBlocking(myteam, &tmp, peer, peerseg, 8, 0), gex_RMA_GetBlocking(myteam, &tmp, peer, peerseg, 8, 0)) void * poll_passive(void *args) { int mythread = ARG2THREAD(args); signal_done = 0; thread_barrier(); while (!signal_done) gasnet_AMPoll(); thread_barrier(); return NULL; } void * block_passive(void *args) { int mythread = ARG2THREAD(args); signal_done = 0; thread_barrier(); GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(signal_done); thread_barrier(); return NULL; } void * barrier_passive(void *args) { int mythread = ARG2THREAD(args); signal_done = 0; thread_barrier(); while (!signal_done) gasnet_AMPoll(); if (mythread == 0) { /* match the barrier the active side is waiting for */ gasnet_barrier_notify(0,GASNET_BARRIERFLAG_ANONYMOUS); GASNET_Safe(gasnet_barrier_wait(0,GASNET_BARRIERFLAG_ANONYMOUS)); } thread_barrier(); return NULL; } typedef struct { const char *desc; threadmain_t activefunc; threadmain_t passivefunc; } fntable_t; fntable_t fntable[] = { { "AM Ping-pong vs. spin-AMPoll()", ampingpong_poll_active, poll_passive }, { "AM Ping-pong vs. BLOCKUNTIL", ampingpong_block_active, block_passive }, { "gex_RMA_PutBlocking vs. spin-AMPoll()", put_poll_active, poll_passive }, { "gex_RMA_PutBlocking vs. BLOCKUNTIL", put_block_active, block_passive }, { "gex_RMA_GetBlocking vs. spin-AMPoll()", get_poll_active, poll_passive }, { "gex_RMA_GetBlocking vs. BLOCKUNTIL", get_block_active, block_passive }, { "gex_RMA_PutBlocking vs. gex_RMA_PutBlocking", put_put_active, poll_passive }, { "gex_RMA_PutBlocking vs. gex_RMA_GetBlocking", put_get_active, poll_passive }, { "gex_RMA_GetBlocking vs. gex_RMA_PutBlocking", get_put_active, poll_passive }, { "gex_RMA_GetBlocking vs. gex_RMA_GetBlocking", get_get_active, poll_passive }, { "AM Ping-pong vs. local barrier", ampingpong_barrier_active, barrier_passive }, { "gex_RMA_PutBlocking vs. local barrier", put_barrier_active, barrier_passive }, { "gex_RMA_GetBlocking vs. local barrier", get_barrier_active, barrier_passive }, }; #define NUM_FUNC (sizeof(fntable)/sizeof(fntable_t)) int tcountentries; threadcnt_t *tcount; void *workerthread(void *args) { int fnidx; int mythread = ARG2THREAD(args); for (fnidx = 0; fnidx < NUM_FUNC; fnidx++) { int tcountpos; if (mythread == 0) TEST_SECTION_BEGIN(); thread_barrier(); if (!TEST_SECTION_ENABLED()) { thread_barrier(); continue; } if (mythread == 0 && myrank == 0) { MSG("%c: --------------------------------------------------------------------------", TEST_SECTION_NAME()); MSG("%c: Running test %s", TEST_SECTION_NAME(), fntable[fnidx].desc); MSG("%c: --------------------------------------------------------------------------", TEST_SECTION_NAME()); MSG("%c: Active-end threads\tPassive-end threads\t IterTime\tTotalTime", TEST_SECTION_NAME()); MSG("%c: --------------------------------------------------------------------------", TEST_SECTION_NAME()); } for (tcountpos = 0; tcountpos < tcountentries; tcountpos++) { threadmain_t mainfn = amactive ? fntable[fnidx].activefunc : fntable[fnidx].passivefunc; int participating_threads = amactive ? tcount[tcountpos].activecnt : tcount[tcountpos].passivecnt; thread_barrier(); if (mythread < participating_threads) mainfn(args); else { /* match barriers */ thread_barrier(); thread_barrier(); } thread_barrier(); if (mythread == 0 && amactive) { const char *rpt = getreport(); if (rpt) MSG("%c:\t %d\t\t\t %d\t\t%s", TEST_SECTION_NAME(), tcount[tcountpos].activecnt, tcount[tcountpos].passivecnt, rpt); } } } return NULL; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int maxthreads = 4; int i; int arg; int help = 0; threadcnt_t *ptcount; GASNET_Safe(gex_Client_Init(&myclient, &myep, &myteam, "testcontend", &argc, &argv, 0)); GASNET_Safe(gex_Segment_Attach(&mysegment, myteam, TEST_SEGSZ_REQUEST)); GASNET_Safe(gex_EP_RegisterHandlers(myep, htable, HANDLER_TABLE_SIZE)); myrank = gex_TM_QueryRank(myteam); numranks = gex_TM_QuerySize(myteam); test_init("testcontend",1,"[options] (maxthreads) (iters) (test_sections)\n" " The -rev option reverses thread numbering"); arg = 1; while (argc > arg) { if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-rev")) { revthreads = 1; ++arg; } else if (argv[arg][0] == '-') { help = 1; ++arg; } else break; } if (argc > arg) { maxthreads = atoi(argv[arg]); ++arg; } if (argc > arg) { iters = atoi(argv[arg]); ++arg; } if (argc > arg) { TEST_SECTION_PARSE(argv[arg]); ++arg; } if (argc > arg || help) test_usage(); if (maxthreads > TEST_MAXTHREADS || maxthreads < 1) { printf("Threads must be between 1 and %i\n", TEST_MAXTHREADS); gasnet_exit(-1); } maxthreads = test_thread_limit(maxthreads); if (numranks % 2 != 0) { MSG0("WARNING: This test requires an even number of nodes. Test skipped.\n"); gasnet_exit(0); /* exit 0 to prevent false negatives in test harnesses for smp-conduit */ } if (myrank == 0) { MSG("Running testcontend with 1..%i threads and %i iterations", maxthreads, iters); } tcountentries = 3 * maxthreads; tcount = test_malloc(tcountentries * sizeof(threadcnt_t)); ptcount = tcount; for (i = 1; i <= maxthreads; i++) { ptcount->activecnt = i; ptcount->passivecnt = 1; ptcount++; } for (i = 1; i <= maxthreads; i++) { ptcount->activecnt = 1; ptcount->passivecnt = i; ptcount++; } for (i = 1; i <= maxthreads; i++) { ptcount->activecnt = i; ptcount->passivecnt = i; ptcount++; } peer = (myrank + 1) % numranks; amactive = (myrank % 2 == 0); peerseg = TEST_SEG(peer); /* create all worker threads */ threads = maxthreads; test_createandjoin_pthreads(maxthreads, &workerthread, NULL, 0); BARRIER(); if (myrank == 0) MSG("Tests complete"); BARRIER(); gasnet_exit(0); return 0; } /****************************************************************/ /* AM Handlers */ void ping_shorthandler(gex_Token_t token) { gex_AM_ReplyShort0(token, hidx_pong_shorthandler, 0); } void pong_shorthandler(gex_Token_t token) { gasnett_atomic_increment(&pong,0); } void markdone_shorthandler(gex_Token_t token) { signal_done = 1; }