/* $Source: bitbucket.org:berkeleylab/gasnet.git/tests/testimm.c $ * Description: GASNet Active Messages IMMEDIATE test * Copyright (c) 2018, The Regents of the University of California * Terms of use are as specified in license.txt */ // TODOs: // + Additional schedule options: // - Randomized // May have static randomization at start of run, or dynamic per-operation // - Work-sharing option // Rather than statically partitioning the ops per-rank, just keep a total count // - "nbrhd-balanced" in which consecutive operations are to distinct nbrhds // This should reduce ingress bottlenecks, but may not "fit" if nbrhds have unequal sizes // + Synchronous (GEX_EVENT_NOW) operation(s) #include static size_t param_SZ = 0; #define TEST_SEGSZ_EXPR ((uintptr_t)param_SZ) #include static gex_Client_t myclient; static gex_EP_t myep; static gex_TM_t myteam; static gex_Segment_t mysegment; gex_Rank_t myrank = 0; gex_Rank_t numrank = 0; gex_RankInfo_t *nbrhdinfo = NULL; gex_Rank_t nbrhdsize; // size of the neighborhood, or 1 for PSHM-only static int64_t param_Z = 0; static long param_B = 0; static long param_N = 0; static int in_segment = 1; static enum { TEST_POLL_NEXT, TEST_POLL_RETRY, TEST_POLL_LAZY, TEST_POLL_ALWAYS } poll_mode; static void *local_addr; static long *remain; #define hidx_noop_handler 200 void noop_handler(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { // does absolutely nothing } void doMed(gex_Flags_t imm_flag); void doLong(gex_Flags_t imm_flag); void doPut(gex_Flags_t imm_flag); void doGet(gex_Flags_t imm_flag); int main(int argc, char **argv) { gex_AM_Entry_t htable[] = { { hidx_noop_handler, noop_handler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_MEDLONG, 0 } }; GASNET_Safe(gex_Client_Init(&myclient, &myep, &myteam, "testimm", &argc, &argv, 0)); myrank = gex_TM_QueryRank(myteam); numrank = gex_TM_QuerySize(myteam); int enable_given = 0; int enable_med = 0; int enable_long = 0; int enable_put = 0; int enable_get = 0; int force_mixed = 0; int help = 0; int arg = 1; while (argc > arg) { if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-z")) { ++arg; if (argc > arg) { param_Z = atol(argv[arg]); arg++; } else help = 1; param_Z = MAX(param_Z, 0); } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-b")) { ++arg; if (argc > arg) { param_B = atol(argv[arg]); arg++; } else help = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-m")) { ++arg; enable_med = enable_given = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-l")) { ++arg; enable_long = enable_given = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-p")) { ++arg; enable_put = enable_given = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-g")) { ++arg; enable_get = enable_given = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-mixed")) { ++arg; force_mixed = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-in")) { ++arg; in_segment = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-out")) { ++arg; in_segment = 0; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-poll-next")) { ++arg; poll_mode = TEST_POLL_NEXT; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-poll-retry")) { ++arg; poll_mode = TEST_POLL_RETRY; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-poll-lazy")) { ++arg; poll_mode = TEST_POLL_LAZY; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-poll-always")) { ++arg; poll_mode = TEST_POLL_ALWAYS; } else if (argv[arg][0] == '-') { help = 1; ++arg; } else break; } if (!enable_given) { enable_med = enable_long = 1; } if (argc > arg) { param_N = atol(argv[arg]); ++arg; } if (!param_N) param_N = 10000; if (argc > arg) { param_SZ = atoi(argv[arg]); ++arg; } if (!param_SZ) { param_SZ = 1024*1024; } if (enable_med) { param_SZ = MIN(param_SZ, gex_AM_LUBRequestMedium()); } if (enable_long) { param_SZ = MIN(param_SZ, gex_AM_LUBRequestLong()); } if (!param_Z) param_Z = 500; if (!param_B) param_B = param_N; // what UPC would call indefinite layout GASNET_Safe(gex_Segment_Attach(&mysegment, myteam, TEST_SEGSZ_REQUEST)); GASNET_Safe(gex_EP_RegisterHandlers(myep, htable, sizeof(htable)/sizeof(gex_AM_Entry_t))); test_init("testimm",1, "[options] (iters) (msgsz)\n" " The '-in' or '-out' option selects whether the requestor's\n" " buffer is in the GASNet segment or not (default is 'in').\n" " The '-m/-l/-p/-g' options enable, respectively, timing of the\n" " RequestMedium, RequestLong, PutNBI and GetNBI operations.\n" " The default is to test all four operations, except omitting\n" " Put and Get in runs with only shared-memory communication.\n" " -mixed\n" " By default this test excludes passive ranks that are reachable\n" " via shared-memory communication, unless that is *all* ranks.\n" " This option overrides this behavior, allowing the test to use\n" " a mix of shared-memory and network communication. This test\n" " does not exercise \"best practices\" for this configuration.\n" " -z \n" " Sets the minimum interval (in us) between poll calls by passive\n" " ranks (default is 500). Actual inter-poll delays may be longer.\n" " -b \n" " Sets block size of nominal communication schedule, where\n" " \"nominal\" means the schedule applied in the absence of\n" " back-pressure indication due to GEX_FLAG_IMMEDIATE.\n" " 0 (default) sends all to each rank before advancing\n" " 1 sends only one per rank before advancing\n" " N sends N per rank before advancing\n" " -poll-* options select the polling policy (default is -poll-next):\n" " -poll-next poll upon back pressure, advancing to the next peer\n" " -poll-retry poll upon back pressure, retrying the same peer once\n" " -poll-lazy advance to the next peer upon back pressure,\n" " but poll only between loops over peers\n" " -poll-always advance to the next peer upon back pressure,\n" " but poll before every IMMEDIATE operation\n" " Note that maxsz will be reduced if RequestMedium or RequestLong are\n" " to be timed and maxsz would exceed the respective LUBRequest limit.\n" ); if (help || argc > arg) test_usage(); if (numrank < 2) { MSG0("WARNING: This test requires two or more ranks. Test skipped.\n"); gasnet_exit(0); /* exit 0 to prevent false negatives in test harness */ } TEST_PRINT_CONDUITINFO(); char *space = NULL; char nbrhd_warning[64] = ""; gex_System_QueryNbrhdInfo(&nbrhdinfo, &nbrhdsize, NULL); int nbrhd_only = (nbrhdsize == numrank); if (!myrank) { if (nbrhdsize == 1) { // The passive ranks are all OUTSIDE our neighborhood } else if (nbrhdsize == numrank) { // The passive ranks are all INSIDE our neighborhood nbrhdinfo = NULL; // suppress filtering nbrhdsize = 1; // and correct reported passive rank count assert(nbrhd_only); #if !GASNET_CONDUIT_SMP // would be "just noise" for smp-conduit strcpy(nbrhd_warning, "\n WARNING: all ranks are reachable via shared-memory"); #endif } else if (force_mixed) { // Mixed case: but commandline ask us not to omit ranks within our neighborhood snprintf(nbrhd_warning, sizeof(nbrhd_warning), "\n WARNING: %d shared-memory rank%s allowed by -mixed option", (nbrhdsize-1), (nbrhdsize>2)?"s":""); nbrhdinfo = NULL; // suppress filtering nbrhdsize = 1; // and correct reported passive rank count } else { // Mixed case: we will omit ranks within our neighborhood snprintf(nbrhd_warning, sizeof(nbrhd_warning), "\n WARNING: %d shared-memory rank%s omitted", (nbrhdsize-1), (nbrhdsize>2)?"s":""); } if (in_segment) { local_addr = TEST_MYSEG(); } else { space = test_malloc(param_SZ + PAGESZ); local_addr = alignup_ptr(space, PAGESZ); } remain = test_malloc(sizeof(long) * numrank); } if (!enable_given) { enable_put = enable_get = !nbrhd_only; } MSG0("Running testimm with %d ranks\n" " active rank issues %ld operations per rank, each of length %ld\n" " active rank's local addresses %sside the segment\n" " nominal schedule issues operations in blocks of %ld\n" " polling policy is \"%s\"\n" " %d passive rank%s sleep (at least) %"PRIi64"us between polls\n" " operations timed:%s%s%s%s" "%s", numrank, param_N, (long)param_SZ, (in_segment ? "in" : "out"), param_B, (poll_mode==TEST_POLL_NEXT ? "next" : (poll_mode==TEST_POLL_RETRY ? "retry" : (poll_mode==TEST_POLL_ALWAYS ? "always" : "lazy"))), (numrank-nbrhdsize), (numrank-nbrhdsize>1)?"s":"", param_Z, enable_med?" RequestMedium":"", enable_long?" RequestLong":"", enable_put?" PutNBI":"", enable_get?" GetNBI":"", nbrhd_warning ); if (enable_med) { doMed(0); doMed(GEX_FLAG_IMMEDIATE); } if (enable_long) { doLong(0); doLong(GEX_FLAG_IMMEDIATE); } if (enable_put) { doPut(0); doPut(GEX_FLAG_IMMEDIATE); } if (enable_get) { doGet(0); doGet(GEX_FLAG_IMMEDIATE); } if (!myrank) { test_free(space); test_free(remain); } BARRIER(); MSG("done."); gasnet_exit(0); return 0; } void passive(void) { uint64_t interval_ns = 1000 * param_Z; gex_Event_t bar = gex_Coll_BarrierNB(myteam,0); do { gasnett_nsleep(interval_ns); gasnet_AMPoll(); } while (gex_Event_Test(bar) != GASNET_OK); } #define ACTIVE(OPERATION, SYNC) do { \ int done; \ do { \ done = 1; \ for (gex_Rank_t r = 1; r < numrank; ++r) { \ long count, limit = MIN(param_B, remain[r]); \ for (count = 0; count < limit; ++count) { \ int did_retry = 0; \ if ((poll_mode == TEST_POLL_ALWAYS) && imm_flag)\ gasnet_AMPoll(); \ retry: \ if ( OPERATION ) { \ if (did_retry) break; \ if (poll_mode == TEST_POLL_LAZY) break; \ gasnet_AMPoll(); \ if (poll_mode == TEST_POLL_NEXT) break; \ did_retry = 1; \ goto retry; \ } \ } \ remain[r] -= count; \ done &= !remain[r]; \ } \ if ((poll_mode == TEST_POLL_LAZY) && imm_flag) \ gasnet_AMPoll(); \ } while (!done); \ gex_NBI_Wait(SYNC,0); \ } while (0) void init_remain(void) { for (gex_Rank_t r = 1; r < numrank; ++r) remain[r] = param_N; if (nbrhdinfo) { // Optionally exclude PSHM-peers by zeroing their remain[] for (gex_Rank_t i = 0; i < nbrhdsize; ++i) remain[nbrhdinfo[i].gex_jobrank] = 0; } } void report(const char *name, gex_Flags_t imm_flag, double elapsed, double *prev) { char delta[32]; if (*prev > 0.0) { snprintf(delta, sizeof(delta), ", %+.2f%% improvement", 100.*((*prev) - elapsed)/(*prev)); } else { delta[0] = '\0'; } double bw = ((double)param_N * param_SZ) / (elapsed * 1024 * 1024); printf("%-8s IMM=%c completed in %7.3f seconds (%7.3f MiB/s)%s\n", name, imm_flag?'Y':'N', elapsed, bw, delta); *prev = elapsed; } void doMed(gex_Flags_t imm_flag) { if (myrank) { passive(); } else { init_remain(); gasnett_tick_t start_ticks = gasnett_ticks_now(); ACTIVE( gex_AM_RequestMedium0(myteam, r, hidx_noop_handler, local_addr, param_SZ, GEX_EVENT_GROUP, imm_flag), GEX_EC_AM ); gasnett_tick_t end_ticks = gasnett_ticks_now(); double elapsed = 1e-9 * gasnett_ticks_to_ns(end_ticks - start_ticks); static double prev; report("MEDIUM:", imm_flag, elapsed, &prev); gex_Event_Wait(gex_Coll_BarrierNB(myteam,0)); } } void doLong(gex_Flags_t imm_flag) { if (myrank) { passive(); } else { init_remain(); gasnett_tick_t start_ticks = gasnett_ticks_now(); ACTIVE( gex_AM_RequestLong0(myteam, r, hidx_noop_handler, local_addr, param_SZ, TEST_SEG(r), GEX_EVENT_GROUP, imm_flag), GEX_EC_AM ); gasnett_tick_t end_ticks = gasnett_ticks_now(); double elapsed = 1e-9 * gasnett_ticks_to_ns(end_ticks - start_ticks); static double prev; report("LONG:", imm_flag, elapsed, &prev); gex_Event_Wait(gex_Coll_BarrierNB(myteam,0)); } } void doPut(gex_Flags_t imm_flag) { if (myrank) { passive(); } else { init_remain(); gasnett_tick_t start_ticks = gasnett_ticks_now(); ACTIVE( gex_RMA_PutNBI(myteam, r, TEST_SEG(r), local_addr, param_SZ, GEX_EVENT_DEFER, imm_flag), GEX_EC_PUT ); gasnett_tick_t end_ticks = gasnett_ticks_now(); double elapsed = 1e-9 * gasnett_ticks_to_ns(end_ticks - start_ticks); static double prev; report("PUT:", imm_flag, elapsed, &prev); gex_Event_Wait(gex_Coll_BarrierNB(myteam,0)); } } void doGet(gex_Flags_t imm_flag) { if (myrank) { passive(); } else { init_remain(); gasnett_tick_t start_ticks = gasnett_ticks_now(); ACTIVE( gex_RMA_GetNBI(myteam, local_addr, r, TEST_SEG(r), param_SZ, imm_flag), GEX_EC_PUT ); gasnett_tick_t end_ticks = gasnett_ticks_now(); double elapsed = 1e-9 * gasnett_ticks_to_ns(end_ticks - start_ticks); static double prev; report("GET:", imm_flag, elapsed, &prev); gex_Event_Wait(gex_Coll_BarrierNB(myteam,0)); } }