/* $Source: bitbucket.org:berkeleylab/gasnet.git/tests/testsegment.c $ * Copyright (c) 2020, The Regents of the University of California * * Description: GASNet "disaggregated Attach" test. * * This test binds a segment to a primordial endpoint using * gex_Segment_Create(), gex_EP_BindSegment(), and gex_EP_PublishBoundSegment() * rather than gex_Segment_Attach(), performing RMA, AM and VIS operations * to verify correctness. */ // WARNING: This test exercises an EXPERIMENTAL feature. // One should not clone the logic in this test as a template for use of the // gex_Segment_Create, gex_EP_BindSegment, and gex_EP_PublishBoundSegment APIs #include #include // Unused #ifndef TEST_SEGSZ #define TEST_SEGSZ PAGESZ #endif #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static gex_Client_t myclient; static gex_EP_t myep; static gex_TM_t myteam; static gex_Rank_t myrank, nranks; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // NOT fully general, but sufficient for this test #if PLATFORM_ARCH_32 #define PTR_NARGS 1 #define PTR_ARGS gex_AM_Arg_t arg0 #define PTR_PACK(ptr) ((gex_AM_Arg_t)(ptr)) #define PTR_UNPACK() ((void *)arg0) #elif PLATFORM_ARCH_64 #define PTR_NARGS 2 #define PTR_ARGS gex_AM_Arg_t arg0, gex_AM_Arg_t arg1 #define PTR_PACK(ptr) ((gex_AM_Arg_t)TEST_HIWORD(ptr)), \ ((gex_AM_Arg_t)TEST_LOWORD(ptr)) #define PTR_UNPACK() ((void *)((((uint64_t)(arg0)) << 32) | \ (((uint64_t)(arg1)) & 0xFFFFFFFF))) #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static volatile int ping_rcvd = 0; static volatile int pong_rcvd = 0; #define hidx_ping 200 #define hidx_pong 201 static void ping_handler(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes, PTR_ARGS) { assert_always(! ping_rcvd); ping_rcvd = 1; // Payload value is our jobrank, address is in the handler arg(s) gex_AM_ReplyLong0(token, hidx_pong, &myrank, sizeof(gex_Rank_t), PTR_UNPACK(), GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0); } static void pong_handler(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { assert_always(! pong_rcvd); pong_rcvd = 1; } // handler table gex_AM_Entry_t htable[] = { { hidx_ping, ping_handler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_LONG, PTR_NARGS }, { hidx_pong, pong_handler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REPLY |GEX_FLAG_AM_LONG, 0 } }; #define HANDLER_TABLE_SIZE (sizeof(htable)/sizeof(gex_AM_Entry_t)) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int seedoffset = 0; int client_segment = 1; int random_segment = 0; int page_align = 0; GASNET_Safe(gex_Client_Init(&myclient, &myep, &myteam, "testsegment", &argc, &argv, 0)); int help = 0; int argi = 1; while (argc > argi) { if (!strcmp(argv[argi], "-client-seg")) { client_segment = 1; ++argi; } else if (!strcmp(argv[argi], "-gasnet-seg")) { client_segment = 0; ++argi; } else if (!strcmp(argv[argi], "-random-seg")) { random_segment = 1; ++argi; } else if (!strcmp(argv[argi], "-page-align")) { page_align = 1; ++argi; } else if (!strcmp(argv[argi], "-no-page-align")) { page_align = 0; ++argi; } else if (argv[argi][0] == '-') { help = 1; ++argi; } else break; } test_init("testsegment", 0, "[options] (seed)\n" " Segment allocation options:\n" " -client-seg: Test client-allocated segments (default)\n" " -gasnet-seg: Test GASNet-allocated segments\n" " -random-seg: Test with a random mix of the two options above\n" " Segment alignment options:\n" " -no-page-align: Use unaligned address and length (default)\n" " -page-align: Use page-aligned adddress and length\n" " seed seed offset for PRNG \n"); if (argi < argc) { seedoffset = atoi(argv[argi]); argi++; } if (argi < argc || help) test_usage(); myrank = gex_TM_QueryRank(myteam); nranks = gex_TM_QuerySize(myteam); if (seedoffset == 0) { seedoffset = (((unsigned int)TIME()) & 0xFFFF); // TEST_BCAST() requires a gex_Segment_Attach() call, which we intentionally omit gex_Event_Wait(gex_Coll_BroadcastNB(myteam, 0, &seedoffset, &seedoffset, sizeof(seedoffset), 0)); } TEST_SRAND(myrank+seedoffset); MSG0("Running segment bind/publish test with %saligned address and length, seed=%d", page_align?"page-":"un", seedoffset); if (random_segment) { client_segment = TEST_RAND_ONEIN(2); MSG("This process using a %s-allocated segment", client_segment?"client":"gasnet"); } else { MSG0("Using %s-allocated segment on all processes", client_segment?"client":"gasnet"); } GASNET_Safe(gex_EP_RegisterHandlers(myep, htable, sizeof(htable)/sizeof(gex_AM_Entry_t))); { unsigned int offset = page_align ? 0 : 16; // Test creation of a GASNet-allocated segment gex_Segment_t g_segment = GEX_SEGMENT_INVALID; size_t g_segment_size = GASNET_PAGESIZE - offset; GASNET_Safe(gex_Segment_Create(&g_segment, myclient, NULL, g_segment_size, GEX_MK_HOST, 0)); if ((g_segment == GEX_SEGMENT_INVALID) || (gex_Segment_QueryAddr(g_segment) == NULL) || (gex_Segment_QuerySize(g_segment) < g_segment_size)) { ERR("FAILED GASNET-ALLOCATED SEGMENT CREATE TEST"); } // Test creation of a client-allocated segment // TODO: should also cover client allocation from mmap(), stack and static data. gex_Segment_t c_segment = GEX_SEGMENT_INVALID; uint8_t *c_segment_mem = (uint8_t *) test_malloc(GASNET_PAGESIZE); uint8_t *c_segment_addr = c_segment_mem + offset; size_t c_segment_size = GASNET_PAGESIZE - 2*offset; GASNET_Safe(gex_Segment_Create(&c_segment, myclient, c_segment_addr, c_segment_size, GEX_MK_HOST, 0)); if ((c_segment == GEX_SEGMENT_INVALID) || (gex_Segment_QueryAddr(c_segment) != c_segment_addr) || (gex_Segment_QuerySize(c_segment) != c_segment_size)) { ERR("FAILED CLIENT-ALLOCATED SEGMENT CREATE TEST"); } // Test pre-bind (no segments yet) Publish // Should not fail, nor interfere with the post-Bind use of Publish if (GASNET_OK != gex_EP_PublishBoundSegment(myteam, &myep, 1, 0)) { ERR("FAILED EARLY SEGMENT PUBLISH TEST"); } // Pick a segment to test and (TODO:) destroy the other gex_Segment_t seg; void * seg_addr; uintptr_t seg_size; if (client_segment) { seg = c_segment; seg_addr = c_segment_addr; seg_size = c_segment_size; // GASNET_Safe(gex_Segment_Destroy(g_segment, 0)); } else { seg = g_segment; seg_addr = gex_Segment_QueryAddr(g_segment); seg_size = gex_Segment_QuerySize(g_segment); // GASNET_Safe(gex_Segment_Destroy(c_segment, 0)); } // Bind the chosen segments and validate gex_EP_BindSegment(myep, seg, 0); { void *tmp_addr; size_t tmp_size; gex_Event_Wait( gex_EP_QueryBoundSegmentNB(myteam, myrank, &tmp_addr, NULL, &tmp_size, 0) ); if ((seg != gex_EP_QuerySegment(myep)) || (tmp_addr != seg_addr) || (tmp_size != seg_size)) { ERR("FAILED SEGMENT EP BIND TEST"); } } // Publish the segment over a permuted temporary team, // consisting all odds in reverse order followed by evens in reverse order. // Additionally, we perform the Publish in two calls with random membership. { gex_TM_t tmp_tm = GEX_TM_INVALID; int key = (myrank & 1 ? 0 : nranks) + (nranks - myrank); gex_TM_Split(&tmp_tm, myteam, 0, key, NULL, 0, GEX_FLAG_TM_NO_SCRATCH); assert_always(tmp_tm != GEX_TM_INVALID); assert_always(nranks == gex_TM_QuerySize(tmp_tm)); int coin_flip = TEST_RAND_ONEIN(2); if ((GASNET_OK != gex_EP_PublishBoundSegment(tmp_tm, &myep, coin_flip, 0)) || (GASNET_OK != gex_EP_PublishBoundSegment(tmp_tm, &myep, !coin_flip, 0))) { ERR("FAILED PERMUTED SEGMENT PUBLISH TEST"); } GASNET_Safe(gex_TM_Destroy(tmp_tm, NULL, 0)); } // Prepare for comms gex_Rank_t peer = (myrank + 1) % nranks; void *loc_base, *rem_base; gex_Event_Wait( gex_EP_QueryBoundSegmentNB(myteam, peer, &rem_base, NULL, NULL, 0) ); loc_base = seg_addr; // TODO: validate gex_EP_QueryBoundSegmentNB() for some non-trivial set of // processes, not just self and the one peer chosen for communication. // TODO: fix PSHM support and remove this mess: int sender = 1; // Initiates Put, Get and Request int target = 1; // Target of a sender gex_Rank_t nbrhd_set_size; gex_System_QueryMyPosition(&nbrhd_set_size, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (nbrhd_set_size != nranks) { // More ranks than nbrhds => at least one non-singleton nbrhd gex_Rank_t anti_peer = (myrank + nranks - 1) % nranks; // Sends us a Request gex_RankInfo_t *nbrhdinfo; gex_Rank_t nbrhdsize; gex_System_QueryNbrhdInfo(&nbrhdinfo, &nbrhdsize, NULL); for (gex_Rank_t i = 0; i < nbrhdsize; ++i) { if (nbrhdinfo[i].gex_jobrank == anti_peer) { target = 0; } if (nbrhdinfo[i].gex_jobrank == peer) { // Would communicate w/i the nbrhd, which is not currently supported MSG("WARNING: skipping intra-nbrhd initiator role on this process."); sleep(2); sender = 0; } } #if !GASNET_CONDUIT_SMP MSG0("NOTE: setting GASNET_SUPERNODE_MAXSIZE=1 will enable skipped tests."); #endif } // Put, Get and AMLong to exercise the segment // TODO: Test collectives w/ scratch space carved out of the segment. // TODO: Can Long payloads be made large to prevent packed-long optimizations? { gex_Rank_t *loc_array = (gex_Rank_t *)loc_base; loc_array[0] = myrank; // Source of Gets loc_array[1] = GEX_RANK_INVALID; // Destination of Put loc_array[2] = GEX_RANK_INVALID; // Destination of RequestLong loc_array[3] = GEX_RANK_INVALID; // Destination of ReplyLong loc_array[4] = GEX_RANK_INVALID; // Destination of loopback Put BARRIER(); if (sender) { int failed = 0; gex_Rank_t *rem_array = (gex_Rank_t *)rem_base; gex_Rank_t read_val; gex_Event_t get_ev = gex_RMA_GetNB(myteam, &read_val, peer, rem_array, sizeof(gex_Rank_t), 0); gex_RMA_PutBlocking(myteam, peer, rem_array + 1, &peer, sizeof(gex_Rank_t), 0); gex_AM_RequestLong(myteam, peer, hidx_ping, &peer, sizeof(gex_Rank_t), rem_array + 2, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, PTR_PACK(loc_array + 3)); // Validate Get result gex_Event_Wait(get_ev); failed += (read_val != peer); // Validate AMReplyLong payload GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(pong_rcvd); failed += (loc_array[3] != peer); if (failed) { ERR("Initiator checks FAILED %d test(s).", failed); } else { MSG("Initiator checks passed."); } } // Validate Put and AMRequestLong payload (if any) // Ping follows blocking Put (Put+Sync+Send), thus proving Put completion if (target) { int failed = 0; GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL(ping_rcvd); failed += (loc_array[1] != myrank); // Put failed += (loc_array[2] != myrank); // RequestLong payload if (failed) { ERR("Target checks FAILED %d test(s).", failed); } else { MSG("Target checks passed."); } } { // Alawys test loopback int failed = 0; gex_Rank_t read_val = gex_RMA_GetBlockingVal(myteam, myrank, loc_array, sizeof(gex_Rank_t), 0); failed += (read_val != myrank); gex_RMA_PutBlockingVal(myteam, myrank, loc_array + 4, myrank, sizeof(gex_Rank_t), 0); failed += (loc_array[4] != myrank); if (failed) { ERR("Loopback checks FAILED %d test(s).", failed); } else { MSG("Loopback checks passed."); } } } // Test no-op (redundant) Publish if (GASNET_OK != gex_EP_PublishBoundSegment(myteam, &myep, 1, 0)) { ERR("FAILED NO-OP SEGMENT PUBLISH TEST"); } } BARRIER(); MSG("done."); gasnet_exit(0); return 0; }