/* $Source: bitbucket.org:berkeleylab/gasnet.git/tests/testtmpair.c $ * Copyright (c) 2020, The Regents of the University of California * * Description: Test of gex_TM_Pair() for communication initiation */ #include #include struct test_segment { gex_Rank_t local[6]; // Local in-segment temporaries gex_Rank_t get_src; // Source of various Gets gex_Rank_t put_dst[6]; // Destinations of various Puts x6 gex_Rank_t fp_req_dst; // FPAM LongRequest dst gex_Rank_t fp_rep_dst; // FPAM LongReply dst gex_Rank_t np_req_dst; // NPAM LongRequest dst gex_Rank_t np_rep_dst; // NPAM LongReply dst gex_Rank_t vis_src; // VIS Gets gex_Rank_t vis_dst[6]; // VIS Puts x6 }; #ifndef TEST_SEGSZ #define TEST_SEGSZ_EXPR sizeof(struct test_segment) #endif #include #if 1 // To count failures, not reporting detail #define CHECK(cond) failed += !(cond) #else // To stop at first failure #define CHECK(cond) assert(cond) #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static gex_Client_t myclient; static gex_Segment_t mysegment; static gex_EP_t myep; static gex_TM_t myteam; static gex_Rank_t myrank, nranks; static gex_Rank_t next, prev; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static gex_Rank_t *fp_reply_dst; static gex_Rank_t *np_reply_dst; enum { hidx_short_ping = GEX_AM_INDEX_BASE, hidx_short_pong, hidx_med_ping, hidx_med_pong, hidx_long_ping, hidx_long_pong, hidx_npmed_ping, hidx_npmed_pong, hidx_nplong_ping, hidx_nplong_pong, }; #define HANDLER_DECLS(hname) \ static gasnett_atomic_t hname##_cntr = gasnett_atomic_init(0); \ static gex_Rank_t hname##_from = GEX_RANK_INVALID; #define HANDLER_COMMON(hname) do { \ gex_Token_Info_t info; \ gex_TI_t rc = gex_Token_Info(token, &info, GEX_TI_SRCRANK); \ hname##_from = info.gex_srcrank; \ gasnett_atomic_increment(&hname##_cntr, GASNETT_ATOMIC_REL); \ } while (0) HANDLER_DECLS(short_ping) static void short_ping_handler(gex_Token_t token) { HANDLER_COMMON(short_ping); gex_AM_ReplyShort0(token, hidx_short_pong, 0); } HANDLER_DECLS(short_pong) static void short_pong_handler(gex_Token_t token) { HANDLER_COMMON(short_pong); } HANDLER_DECLS(med_ping) static void med_ping_handler(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { HANDLER_COMMON(med_ping); gex_AM_ReplyMedium0(token, hidx_med_pong, buf, nbytes, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0); assert(myrank == *(gex_Rank_t*)buf); } HANDLER_DECLS(med_pong) static void med_pong_handler(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { HANDLER_COMMON(med_pong); assert(next == *(gex_Rank_t*)buf); } HANDLER_DECLS(long_ping) static void long_ping_handler(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { HANDLER_COMMON(long_ping); gex_AM_ReplyLong0(token, hidx_long_pong, buf, nbytes, fp_reply_dst, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0); assert(myrank == *(gex_Rank_t*)buf); } HANDLER_DECLS(long_pong) static void long_pong_handler(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { HANDLER_COMMON(long_pong); assert(next == *(gex_Rank_t*)buf); } HANDLER_DECLS(npmed_ping) static void npmed_ping_handler(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { HANDLER_COMMON(npmed_ping); // Not bothering w/ the complexity of NPAM here since token is indep of TM-Pair gex_AM_ReplyMedium0(token, hidx_npmed_pong, buf, nbytes, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0); assert(myrank == *(gex_Rank_t*)buf); } HANDLER_DECLS(npmed_pong) static void npmed_pong_handler(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { HANDLER_COMMON(npmed_pong); assert(next == *(gex_Rank_t*)buf); } HANDLER_DECLS(nplong_ping) static void nplong_ping_handler(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { HANDLER_COMMON(nplong_ping); // Not bothering w/ the complexity of NPAM here since token is indep of TM-Pair gex_AM_ReplyLong0(token, hidx_nplong_pong, buf, nbytes, np_reply_dst, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0); assert(myrank == *(gex_Rank_t*)buf); } HANDLER_DECLS(nplong_pong) static void nplong_pong_handler(gex_Token_t token, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { HANDLER_COMMON(nplong_pong); assert(next == *(gex_Rank_t*)buf); } // handler table gex_AM_Entry_t htable[] = { { hidx_short_ping, short_ping_handler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_SHORT, 0 }, { hidx_short_pong, short_pong_handler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REPLY |GEX_FLAG_AM_SHORT, 0 }, { hidx_med_ping, med_ping_handler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_MEDIUM, 0 }, { hidx_med_pong, med_pong_handler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REPLY |GEX_FLAG_AM_MEDIUM, 0 }, { hidx_long_ping, long_ping_handler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_LONG, 0 }, { hidx_long_pong, long_pong_handler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REPLY |GEX_FLAG_AM_LONG, 0 }, { hidx_npmed_ping, npmed_ping_handler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_MEDIUM, 0 }, { hidx_npmed_pong, npmed_pong_handler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REPLY |GEX_FLAG_AM_MEDIUM, 0 }, { hidx_nplong_ping, nplong_ping_handler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REQUEST|GEX_FLAG_AM_LONG, 0 }, { hidx_nplong_pong, nplong_pong_handler, GEX_FLAG_AM_REPLY |GEX_FLAG_AM_LONG, 0 } }; #define HANDLER_TABLE_SIZE (sizeof(htable)/sizeof(gex_AM_Entry_t)) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int main(int argc, char **argv) { GASNET_Safe(gex_Client_Init(&myclient, &myep, &myteam, "testtmpair", &argc, &argv, 0)); // TODO: control over how many EPs and how they are paired (loc,rem) test_init("testpair", 0, "(test_sections)"); if (argc > 1) TEST_SECTION_PARSE(argv[1]); if (argc > 2) test_usage(); myrank = gex_TM_QueryRank(myteam); nranks = gex_TM_QuerySize(myteam); GASNET_Safe(gex_Segment_Attach(&mysegment, myteam, TEST_SEGSZ)); GASNET_Safe(gex_EP_RegisterHandlers(myep, htable, HANDLER_TABLE_SIZE)); next = (myrank + 1) % nranks; prev = (myrank + nranks - 1) % nranks; const int num_eps = MIN(4, GASNET_MAXEPS); // TODO: command line arg to control this gex_EP_t *eps = test_malloc(num_eps * sizeof(gex_EP_t)); gex_Segment_t *segs = test_malloc(num_eps * sizeof(gex_Segment_t)); gex_EP_Capabilities_t ep_caps = 0; eps[0] = myep; segs[0] = mysegment; { // Limit capabilities to those required by the enabled tests for (gex_EP_Index_t idx = 0; idx < num_eps; ++idx) { if (TEST_SECTION_BEGIN_ENABLED()) ep_caps |= GEX_EP_CAPABILITY_RMA; // Get if (TEST_SECTION_BEGIN_ENABLED()) ep_caps |= GEX_EP_CAPABILITY_RMA; // Put if (TEST_SECTION_BEGIN_ENABLED()) ep_caps |= GEX_EP_CAPABILITY_AM; // AM if (TEST_SECTION_BEGIN_ENABLED()) ep_caps |= GEX_EP_CAPABILITY_VIS; // VIS } test_section = '\0'; // Limit capabilities to those currently implementd by the current conduit #if GASNET_CONDUIT_IBV ep_caps &= GEX_EP_CAPABILITY_RMA; #elif GASNET_MAXEPS > 1 MSG0("Update required in testtmpair.c for conduit-specific capabilities."); #endif for (gex_EP_Index_t idx = 1; idx < num_eps; ++idx) { GASNET_Safe(gex_EP_Create(eps+idx, myclient, ep_caps, 0)); } for (gex_EP_Index_t idx = 1; idx < num_eps; ++idx) { GASNET_Safe(gex_Segment_Create(segs+idx, myclient, NULL, TEST_SEGSZ_EXPR, GEX_MK_HOST, 0)); gex_EP_BindSegment(eps[idx], segs[idx], 0); } gex_EP_PublishBoundSegment(myteam, eps+1, num_eps-1, 0); } // Paranoia to prevent accidental use: myteam = GEX_TM_INVALID; for (int iter = 0; iter < num_eps; ++iter) { gex_EP_Index_t loc_idx, rem_idx; // TODO: "mix it up", such that non-equal local and remote indices communicate. // However, that requires addition thought to managing two local segments if we // are to continue using in-segment local addresses. loc_idx = rem_idx = iter; gex_EP_Capabilities_t test_caps = (loc_idx || rem_idx) ? ep_caps : GEX_EP_CAPABILITY_ALL; gex_TM_t pair = gex_TM_Pair(eps[loc_idx], rem_idx); const size_t rank_sz = sizeof(gex_Rank_t); struct test_segment *loc_seg; if (!loc_idx) { // Required for GASNET_SEGMENT_EVERYTHING, buy always correct loc_seg = (struct test_segment *) TEST_MYSEG(); } else { loc_seg = gex_Segment_QueryAddr(segs[loc_idx]); } struct test_segment *rem_seg; struct test_segment *prev_seg; if (!rem_idx) { // Required for GASNET_SEGMENT_EVERYTHING, buy always correct rem_seg = (struct test_segment *) TEST_SEG(next); prev_seg = (struct test_segment *) TEST_SEG(prev); } else { gex_Event_Wait( gex_EP_QueryBoundSegmentNB(pair, next, (void**)&rem_seg, NULL, NULL, 0) ); gex_Event_Wait( gex_EP_QueryBoundSegmentNB(pair, prev, (void**)&prev_seg, NULL, NULL, 0) ); } loc_seg->get_src = myrank; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { loc_seg->put_dst[i] = GEX_RANK_INVALID; } loc_seg->fp_req_dst = GEX_RANK_INVALID; loc_seg->fp_req_dst = GEX_RANK_INVALID; loc_seg->np_rep_dst = GEX_RANK_INVALID; loc_seg->np_rep_dst = GEX_RANK_INVALID; loc_seg->vis_src = prev; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { loc_seg->vis_dst[i] = GEX_RANK_INVALID; } // Cannot use QueryBound in handler context fp_reply_dst = &prev_seg->fp_rep_dst; np_reply_dst = &prev_seg->np_rep_dst; BARRIER(); // RMA Get tests if (!TEST_SECTION_BEGIN_ENABLED()) { // Nothing to do } else if (! (test_caps & GEX_EP_CAPABILITY_RMA)) { MSG0("%c: Skipping RMA Get tests for pair (%d,%d) - RMA not yet supported for non-primordial EPs", TEST_SECTION_NAME(), loc_idx, rem_idx); } else { MSG0("%c: Starting RMA Get tests for pair (%d,%d)", TEST_SECTION_NAME(), loc_idx, rem_idx); int rc; gex_Event_t ev; gex_Rank_t *dst_array = loc_seg->local; gex_Rank_t *src_addr = &rem_seg->get_src; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { dst_array[i] = GEX_RANK_INVALID; } gex_Rank_t *dst = &dst_array[0]; ev = gex_RMA_GetNB(pair, dst++, next, src_addr, rank_sz, 0); rc = gex_RMA_GetNBI(pair, dst++, next, src_addr, rank_sz, 0); assert(!rc); rc = gex_RMA_GetBlocking(pair, dst++, next, src_addr, rank_sz, 0); assert(!rc); *(dst++) = gex_RMA_GetBlockingVal(pair, next, src_addr, rank_sz, 0); gex_Event_Wait(ev); gex_NBI_Wait(GEX_EC_GET, 0); int failed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { CHECK(dst_array[i] == next); } if (failed) { ERR("Tests of Get APIs FAILED %d test(s).", failed); } } // RMA Put tests if (!TEST_SECTION_BEGIN_ENABLED()) { // Nothing to do } else if (! (test_caps & GEX_EP_CAPABILITY_RMA)) { MSG0("%c: Skipping RMA Put tests for pair (%d,%d) - RMA not yet supported for non-primordial EPs", TEST_SECTION_NAME(), loc_idx, rem_idx); } else { MSG0("%c: Starting RMA Put tests for pair (%d,%d)", TEST_SECTION_NAME(), loc_idx, rem_idx); int rc; gex_Event_t ev[2]; gex_Rank_t *dst = &rem_seg->put_dst[0]; gex_Rank_t *src = &loc_seg->local[0]; *src = next; ev[0] = gex_RMA_PutNB(pair, next, dst++, src, rank_sz, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0); ev[1] = gex_RMA_PutNBVal(pair, next, dst++, next, rank_sz, 0); rc = gex_RMA_PutNBI(pair, next, dst++, src, rank_sz, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0); assert(!rc); rc = gex_RMA_PutNBIVal(pair, next, dst++, next, rank_sz, 0); assert(!rc); rc = gex_RMA_PutBlocking(pair, next, dst++, src, rank_sz, 0); assert(!rc); rc = gex_RMA_PutBlockingVal(pair, next, dst++, next, rank_sz, 0); assert(!rc); gex_Event_WaitAll(ev, sizeof(ev)/sizeof(ev[0]), 0); gex_NBI_Wait(GEX_EC_PUT, 0); BARRIER(); int failed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { CHECK(loc_seg->put_dst[i] == myrank); loc_seg->put_dst[i] = myrank; // prevent cascading failure, such as in VIS } if (failed) { ERR("Tests of Put APIs FAILED %d test(s).", failed); } } // TODO: Long tests probably don't use RMA on conduits w/ "packed long" if (!TEST_SECTION_BEGIN_ENABLED()) { // AM Tests // Nothing to do } else if (! (test_caps & GEX_EP_CAPABILITY_AM)) { MSG0("%c: Skipping AM Request tests for pair (%d,%d) - AMs not yet supported for non-primordial EPs", TEST_SECTION_NAME(), loc_idx, rem_idx); } else { MSG0("%c: Starting AM Request tests for pair (%d,%d)", TEST_SECTION_NAME(), loc_idx, rem_idx); static gasnett_atomic_val_t cntr_target = 0; // Payload limit queries size_t maxmedreq = gex_AM_MaxRequestMedium(pair,next,GEX_EVENT_NOW,0,0); assert_always(maxmedreq >= gex_AM_LUBRequestMedium()); size_t maxmedrep = gex_AM_MaxReplyMedium (pair,next,GEX_EVENT_NOW,0,0); assert_always(maxmedrep >= gex_AM_LUBReplyMedium()); size_t maxlongreq = gex_AM_MaxRequestLong (pair,next,GEX_EVENT_NOW,0,0); assert_always(maxlongreq >= gex_AM_LUBRequestLong()); size_t maxlongrep = gex_AM_MaxReplyLong (pair,next,GEX_EVENT_NOW,0,0); assert_always(maxlongrep >= gex_AM_LUBReplyLong()); // FPAM injection gex_Rank_t *fp_dst = &rem_seg->fp_req_dst; gex_AM_RequestShort0 (pair, next, hidx_short_ping, 0); gex_AM_RequestMedium0(pair, next, hidx_med_ping, &next, sizeof(gex_Rank_t), GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0); gex_AM_RequestLong0 (pair, next, hidx_long_ping, &next, sizeof(gex_Rank_t), fp_dst, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0); // NPAM injection gex_Rank_t *np_dst = &rem_seg->np_req_dst; gex_AM_SrcDesc_t sd; sd = gex_AM_PrepareRequestMedium(pair, next, &next, rank_sz, rank_sz, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 1, 0); gex_AM_CommitRequestMedium0(sd, hidx_npmed_ping, rank_sz); sd = gex_AM_PrepareRequestLong(pair, next, &next, rank_sz, rank_sz, NULL, GEX_EVENT_NOW, 0, 0); gex_AM_CommitRequestLong0 (sd, hidx_nplong_ping, rank_sz, np_dst); cntr_target += 1; GASNET_BLOCKUNTIL((cntr_target <= gasnett_atomic_read(&short_ping_cntr, 0)) && (cntr_target <= gasnett_atomic_read(&short_pong_cntr, 0)) && (cntr_target <= gasnett_atomic_read(&med_ping_cntr, 0)) && (cntr_target <= gasnett_atomic_read(&med_pong_cntr, 0)) && (cntr_target <= gasnett_atomic_read(&long_ping_cntr, 0)) && (cntr_target <= gasnett_atomic_read(&long_pong_cntr, 0)) && (cntr_target <= gasnett_atomic_read(&npmed_ping_cntr, 0)) && (cntr_target <= gasnett_atomic_read(&npmed_pong_cntr, 0)) && (cntr_target <= gasnett_atomic_read(&nplong_ping_cntr, 0)) && (cntr_target <= gasnett_atomic_read(&nplong_pong_cntr, 0))); // Note the ACQUIRE semantics of BLOCKUNTIL int failed = 0; CHECK(cntr_target == gasnett_atomic_read(&short_ping_cntr,0)); CHECK(short_ping_from == prev); CHECK(cntr_target == gasnett_atomic_read(&short_pong_cntr,0)); CHECK(short_pong_from == next); CHECK(cntr_target == gasnett_atomic_read(&med_ping_cntr,0)); CHECK(med_ping_from == prev); CHECK(cntr_target == gasnett_atomic_read(&med_pong_cntr,0)); CHECK(med_pong_from == next); CHECK(cntr_target == gasnett_atomic_read(&long_ping_cntr,0)); CHECK(long_ping_from == prev); CHECK(loc_seg->fp_req_dst == myrank); CHECK(cntr_target == gasnett_atomic_read(&long_pong_cntr,0)); CHECK(long_pong_from == next); CHECK(loc_seg->fp_rep_dst == next); CHECK(cntr_target == gasnett_atomic_read(&npmed_ping_cntr,0)); CHECK(npmed_ping_from == prev); CHECK(cntr_target == gasnett_atomic_read(&npmed_pong_cntr,0)); CHECK(npmed_pong_from == next); CHECK(cntr_target == gasnett_atomic_read(&nplong_ping_cntr,0)); CHECK(nplong_ping_from == prev); CHECK(loc_seg->np_req_dst == myrank); CHECK(cntr_target == gasnett_atomic_read(&nplong_pong_cntr,0)); CHECK(nplong_pong_from == next); CHECK(loc_seg->np_rep_dst == next); if (failed) { ERR("Tests of AM APIs FAILED %d test(s).", failed); } } if (!TEST_SECTION_BEGIN_ENABLED()) { // VIS Indexed Tests // Nothing to do } else if (! (test_caps & GEX_EP_CAPABILITY_VIS)) { MSG0("%c: Skipping VIS Indxed tests for pair (%d,%d) - VIS not yet supported for non-primordial EPs", TEST_SECTION_NAME(), loc_idx, rem_idx); } else { MSG0("%c: Starting VIS Indexed tests for pair (%d,%d)", TEST_SECTION_NAME(), loc_idx, rem_idx); // gex_VIS_{Vector,Indexed,Strided}{Put,Get}{NB,NBI,Blocking} == 18 entry points // TODO: currently we cover only Indexed, which we *hope* is representative gex_Rank_t S[2]; S[0] = myrank; S[1] = next; gex_Rank_t D[6] = { GEX_RANK_INVALID, GEX_RANK_INVALID, GEX_RANK_INVALID, GEX_RANK_INVALID, GEX_RANK_INVALID, GEX_RANK_INVALID}; void *loc_src_list[2]; loc_src_list[0] = S+0; loc_src_list[1] = S+1; void *rem_src_list[2]; rem_src_list[0] = &rem_seg->get_src; rem_src_list[1] = &rem_seg->vis_src; int dst_idx[] = {1,0,2,3,5,4}; void *loc_dst_list[6]; void *rem_dst_list[6]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { loc_dst_list[i] = dst_idx[i] + D; rem_dst_list[i] = dst_idx[i] + rem_seg->vis_dst; } gex_Event_t puti_ev = gex_VIS_IndexedPutNB(pair, next, 2, rem_dst_list+0, rank_sz, 2, loc_src_list, rank_sz, 0); gex_VIS_IndexedPutNBI(pair, next, 2, rem_dst_list+2, rank_sz, 2, loc_src_list, rank_sz, 0); gex_VIS_IndexedPutBlocking(pair, next, 2, rem_dst_list+4, rank_sz, 2, loc_src_list, rank_sz, 0); gex_Event_t geti_ev = gex_VIS_IndexedGetNB(pair, 2, loc_dst_list+0, rank_sz, next, 2, rem_src_list, rank_sz, 0); gex_VIS_IndexedGetNBI(pair, 2, loc_dst_list+2, rank_sz, next, 2, rem_src_list, rank_sz, 0); gex_VIS_IndexedGetBlocking(pair, 2, loc_dst_list+4, rank_sz, next, 2, rem_src_list, rank_sz, 0); gex_Event_Wait(puti_ev); gex_Event_Wait(geti_ev); gex_NBI_Wait(GEX_EC_GET | GEX_EC_PUT, 0); BARRIER(); int failed = 0; CHECK(loc_seg->vis_dst[0] == myrank); CHECK(loc_seg->vis_dst[1] == prev); CHECK(loc_seg->vis_dst[2] == prev); CHECK(loc_seg->vis_dst[3] == myrank); CHECK(loc_seg->vis_dst[4] == myrank); CHECK(loc_seg->vis_dst[5] == prev); CHECK(D[0] == myrank); CHECK(D[1] == next); CHECK(D[2] == next); CHECK(D[3] == myrank); CHECK(D[4] == myrank); CHECK(D[5] == next); if (failed) { ERR("Tests of VIS APIs FAILED %d test(s).", failed); } } } BARRIER(); MSG("done."); gasnet_exit(0); return 0; }