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Temporal anomaly0123456789abcdef{invalid syntax}entity not foundconnection resethost unreachableno storage spaceinvalid filename at StripPrefixError.debug_types.dwo?-OC4"!FIs2 )<57A557} } } 47:447bQ'_<p L;Trj8a y~ً هٮٷ<2lMuT+ٔ~2<+_h@[٪vjrR,^ ZJn fb>zNB6:2V~.F, /   .  lq"8U"cYo3333333.3333 N33333 8Eclassicmoderngh-bofh-rsexcuse_typeThe following required argument was not provided: excuse_typeThe following required argument was not provided: classicThe following required argument was not provided: modernCliEXCUSE_TYPEThe type of excuse to generate: classic or modernThe type of excuse to generate: classic or modern The default is classic, which generates a 90s style BOFH excuse. You can also specify modern, which generates a more modern BOFH excuse.CLASSICGenerate a classic BOFH excuseGenerate a classic BOFH excuse Generates a 90s style BOFH excuse.MODERNGenerate a modern BOFH excuseGenerate a modern BOFH excuse Generates a more modern BOFH excuse.1.2.0A Rust implementation of the classic `bofh` command as a GitHub CLI extension.Generates a random BOFH excuse. The excuse type can be specified with the -t/--type flag. The default is classic, which generates a 90s style BOFH excuse. You can also specify modern, which generates a more modern BOFH excuse.capacity overflowalloc/src/raw_vec.rsalloc/src/ffi/c_str.rs) should be < len (is removal index (is CLICOLOR_FORCECI[48;5;[58;5;[38;2;;[48;2;[58;2;/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/anstyle-1.0.8/src/color.rsDIMMEDITALICUNDERLINECURLY_UNDERLINE[4:3m[4:4m[4:5mBLINKINVERTHIDDENSTRIKETHROUGH\\ PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP################$$$$<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< usize::MAX/rustc/f6e511eec7342f59a25f7c0534f1dbea00d01b14/library/alloc/src/str.rsTryFromIntError/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/anstream-0.6.8/src/adapter/strip.rs/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/builder/arg.rsFatal internal error. Please consider filing a bug report at https://github.com/clap-rs/clap/issues [[=/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/builder/command.rs|--|-Print helpPrint help (see more with '--help')Print help (see a summary with '-h')versionPrint versionPrint this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)subcommandCOMMANDPrint help for the subcommand(s)index out of bounds: the len is core/src/unicode/unicode_data.rsMouse chewed through power cableRoot nameservers are out of syncthe printer thinks its a router.the router thinks its a printer.user to computer ratio too high.You put the disk in upside down.LBNC (luser brain not connected)Party-bug in the Aloha protocol.pseudo-user on a pseudo-terminalDid you pay the new Support Fee?Change your language to Finnish.Your cat tried to eat the mouse.It was OK before you touched it.transient bus protocol violationWe're out of slots on the serverDomain controller not respondingPower surges on the Underground.Unexpected increase in Dark DataEdge computing fell off the edge std/src/sys/sync/rwlock/futex.rs|`Extensions` tracks values by type/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/builder/ext.rs{n} is not in   unknown causevalue error:invalid value '' for 'a value is required for '' but none was suppliedpossible valuesunexpected argument '' foundunrecognized subcommand 'equal sign is needed when assigning values to 'unexpected value '' found; no more were expected values required by ' values required for '' but the argument '' cannot be used with' cannot be used multiple times/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/error/format.rs ' one or more of the other specified argumentsthe following required arguments were not provided:' requires a subcommand but one was not providedsubcommands was provided were provided --help For more information, try ''. a similar exists: ' exists: some similar s exist: one of the values isn't valid for an argumentunexpected argument foundunrecognized subcommandequal is needed when assigning values to one of the argumentsinvalid value for one of the argumentsunexpected value for an argument foundmore values required for an argumenttoo many or too few values for an argumentan argument cannot be used with one or more of the other specified argumentsone or more required arguments were not provideda subcommand is required but one was not providedinvalid UTF-8 was detected in one or more arguments/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/error/mod.rsto pass '' as a value, use '-- subcommand '' exists; to use it, remove the '' before it/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/parser/arg_matcher.rsMismatch between definition and access of ``. /cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/parser/error.rsCould not downcast to , need to downcast to Unknown argument or group id. Make sure you are using the argument id and not the short or long flags /cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/parser/matches/arg_matches.rs/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/parser/matches/matched_arg.rs/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/parser/parser.rsinternal error: entered unreachable code: `to_long` always has the flag specified/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/parser/validator.rs/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/mkeymap.rs{before-help}{about-with-newline} {usage-heading} {usage}{after-help}{before-help}{about-with-newline} {usage-heading} {usage} {all-args}{after-help}binauthorauthor-with-newlineauthor-sectionaboutabout-with-newlineabout-sectionusage-headingusageoptionspositionalstabafter-helpbefore-helpUsage:/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/output/help_template.rsArgumentsOptionsOnly called with possible value- [env: [default: [aliases: [possible values: [OPTIONS]/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/output/usage.rs[--inner/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/util/flat_map.rs/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.21/src/util/graph.rsUtf8Errorvalid_up_toerror_len/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_lex-0.7.0/src/ext.rs/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_lex-0.7.0/src/lib.rs--=out of range integral type conversion attemptedcannot parse integer from empty stringinvalid digit found in stringnumber too large to fit in target typenumber too small to fit in target typenumber would be zero for non-zero type..TypeId(BorrowMutErroralready borrowed: called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` valuecore/src/panicking.rs but the index is panic in a function that cannot unwindpanic in a destructor during cleanup==!= right` failed left: right: left: { , ( core/src/fmt/num.rs00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899core/src/fmt/mod.rscore/src/slice/memchr.rsuser-provided comparison function does not correctly implement a total ordercore/src/slice/sort/shared/smallsort.rsrange start index out of range for slice of length slice index starts at but ends at attempted to index slice up to maximum usizesource slice length () does not match destination slice length (attempted to index str up to maximum usizecore/src/str/pattern.rscore/src/str/lossy.rs\x[...]begin <= end (`byte index is not a char boundary; it is inside ) of ` is out of bounds of `core/src/str/mod.rscore/src/unicode/printable.rs    $jk   ';>NO{ 6=>V67VW5 )14:EFIJNOde\ 69: 7 ;>fio_ZbST./'(U :?EQ͠"%>? #%&(38:HJLPSUVXZ\^`cefksx}Юno^"{-f/.1$ +D*$$(4 NC7  ;E9c 0!@8K/  @ ' 6: PI73 3. &RK+*& N$ D  H' u B>*; QbH ^"E  : 6,!p-@:*)L DL=<U4,d V 8 ,  w_  8 ("NT  6  %         +- .012 xy0WXKL./?\]_ℍ)147:;=IJ] )14:;EFIJ^de ):;EIW[\^_de EIde񃅋HINOWY^_[\mqno_}~FGNOXZ\^~rstu&./ߚ@0NOZ['/no7=?BESgu _"D /4 PU   NW PC- :%_ mj%Y    j Y+F , 1 ,  /1M<<8+/-!! /; "t  7 \ ; 8F t ZY   L 1&  *L attempt to divide by zeroattempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zero `]  `,+*0 ,o,`-`. 6`66 !7$ 7a9/90aHL@4aPjQOo!RRaSeѡS!TUaW!YY YZp-H 0e#[ :  +<* 7 :  9 9: ;  (7 : 9  HQ b I7 $ f @ -u"v : 010(  8: @!` i P & .0'C /3*(PF 1{6) 1=$> 4 _9QUje   ( . RzH 4;?Q.72d=m`&&&&@fdescriptioninternal_codeunknown_codeOS Error: Unknown Error: getrandom: this target is not supportederrno: did not return a positive valueunexpected situationSecRandomCopyBytes: iOS Security framework failureRtlGenRandom: Windows system function failureRDRAND: failed multiple times: CPU issue likelyRDRAND: instruction not supportedWeb Crypto API is unavailableCalling Web API crypto.getRandomValues failedrandSecure: VxWorks RNG module is not initializedNode.js crypto CommonJS module is unavailableCalling Node.js API crypto.randomFillSync failedNode.js ES modules are not directly supported, see https://docs.rs/getrandom#nodejs-es-module-support/dev/urandom/dev/random/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/rand-0.8.5/src/seq/mod.rsclock speedsolar flareselectromagnetic radiation from satellite debrisstatic from nylon underwearstatic from plastic slide rulesglobal warmingpoor power conditioningstatic buildupdoppler effecthardware stress fracturesmagnetic interference from money/credit cardsdry joints on cable plugwe're waiting for [the phone company] to fix that linesounds like a Windows problem try calling Microsoft supporttemporary routing anomalysomebody was calculating pi on the serverfat electrons in the linesexcess surge protectionfloating point processor overflowdivide-by-zero errorPOSIX compliance problemmonitor resolution too highimproperly oriented keyboardnetwork packets traveling uphill (use a carrier pigeon)Decreasing electron fluxfirst Saturday after first full moon in Winterradiosity depletionCPU radiator brokenIt works the way the Wang did what's the problempositron router malfunctioncellular telephone interferencepiezo-electric interference(l)user errorworking as designeddynamic software linking table corruptedheavy gravity fluctuation move computer to floor rapidlysecretary plugged hairdryer into UPSterrorist activitiesnot enough memory to get system upgradeinterrupt configuration errorspaghetti cable cause packet failureboss forgot system passwordbank holiday - system operating credits not rechargedvirus attack luser responsiblewaste water tank overflowed onto computerComplete Transient Lockoutbad ether in the cablesBogon emissionsChange in Earth's rotational speedCosmic ray particles crashed through the hard disk platterSmell from unhygienic janitorial staff wrecked the tape headsLittle hamster in running wheel had coronary; waiting for replacement to be Fedexed from WyomingEvil dogs hypnotized the night shiftPlumber mistook routing panel for decorative wall fixtureElectricians made popcorn in the power supplyGroundskeepers stole the root passwordhigh pressure system failurefailed trials system needs redesignedsystem has been recallednot approved by the FCCneed to wrap system in aluminum foil to fix problemnot properly grounded please bury computerCPU needs recalibrationsystem needs to be rebootedbit bucket overflowdescramble code needed from software companyonly available on a need to know basisknot in cables caused data stream to become twisted and kinkednesting roaches shorted out the ether cableThe file system is full of itSatan did itDaemons did itYou're out of memoryThere isn't any problemUnoptimized hard driveYes yes its called a design limitationLook buddy: Windows 3.1 IS A General Protection Fault.That's a great computer you have there; have you considered how it would work as a BSD machine?Please excuse me I have to circuit an AC line through my head to get this database working.Yeah yo mama dresses you funny and you need a mouse to delete files.Support staff hung over send aspirin and come back LATER.Someone is standing on the ethernet cable causing a kink in the cableWindows 95 undocumented 'feature'Runt packetsPassword is too complex to decryptBoss' kid fucked up the machineElectromagnetic energy lossBudget cutsStale file handle (next time use Tupperware(tm)!)Feature not yet implementedInternet outageVendor no longer supports the productSmall animal kamikaze attack on power suppliesThe vendor put the bug there.SIMM crosstalk.IRQ dropoutCollapsed BackbonePower company testing new voltage spike (creation) equipmentoperators on strike due to broken coffee machinebackup tape overwritten with copy of system manager's favorite CDUPS interrupted the server's powerThe electrician didn't know what the yellow cable was so he yanked the ethernet out.The keyboard isn't plugged inThe air conditioning water supply pipe ruptured over the machine roomThe electricity substation in the car park blew up.The rolling stones concert down the road caused a brownoutThe salesman drove over the CPU board.The monitor is plugged into the serial portelectromagnetic pulses from French above ground nuke testing.your keyboard's space bar is generating spurious keycodes.the real ttys became pseudo ttys and vice-versa.evil hackers from Serbia.we just switched to FDDI.halon system went off and killed the operators.because Bill Gates is a Jehovah's witness and so nothing can work on St. Swithin's day.user to computer ratio too low.we just switched to Sprint.it has Intel InsideSticky bits on disk.Power Company having EMP problems with their reactorThe ring needs another tokennew managementtelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refusedSCSI Chain overterminatedCouldn't fit a packet through on the FDDI ringIt's not plugged in.because of network lag due to too many people playing deathmatchDaemons loose in system.User was distributing pornography on server; system seized by FBI.BNC (brain not connected)UBNC (user brain not connected)disks spinning backwards - toggle the hemisphere jumper.new guy cross-connected phone lines with AC power bus.had to use hammer to free stuck disk drive heads.Too few computrons available.Flat tire on station wagon with tapes. ('Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurling down the highway' Andrew S. Tannenbaum) Communications satellite used by the military for star wars.Insert coin for new gameDew on the telephone lines.Arcserve crashed the server again.Some one needed the powerstrip so they pulled the switch plug.My pony-tail hit the on/off switch on the power strip.Big to little endian conversion errorYou can tune a file system but you can't tune a fish (from most tunefs man pages)Dumb terminalZombie processes haunting the computerIncorrect time synchronizationDefunct processesStubborn processesnon-redundant fan failure monitor VLF leakageno 'any' key on keyboardBackbone Scoliosis/pub/lunchexcessive collisions & not enough packet ambulancesle0: no carrier: transceiver cable problem?broadcast packets on wrong frequencypopper unable to process jumbo kernelNOTICE: alloc: /dev/null: filesystem fullRecursive traversal of loopback mount pointsBackbone adjustmentOS swapped to diskvapors from evaporating sticky-note adhesivessticktionshort leg on process tablemulticasts on broken packetsether leakAtilla the Hubendothermal recalibrationfilesystem not big enough for Jumbo Kernel Patchloop found in loop in redundant loopbacksystem consumed all the paper for pagingReformatting Page. Wait.....disk or the processor is on fire.Proprietary Information.Just type 'mv * /dev/null'.runaway cat on system.We only support a 1200 bps connection.We only support a 28000 bps connection.Me no internet only janitor me just wax floors.I'm sorry a pentium won't do you need an SGI to connect with us.Post-it Note Sludge leaked into the monitor.the curls in your keyboard cord are losing electricity.The monitor needs another box of pixels.kernel panic: write-only-memory (/dev/wom0) capacity exceeded.Write-only-memory subsystem too slow for this machine. Contact your local dealer.Just pick up the phone and give modem connect sounds. 'Well you said we should get more lines so we don't have voice lines.'Quantum dynamics are affecting the transistorsPolice are examining all internet packets in the search for a narco-net-traffickerWe are currently trying a new concept of using a live mouse. Unfortunately one has yet to survive being hooked up to the computer..... please bear with us.Your mail is being routed through Germany ... and they're censoring us.Only people with names beginning with 'A' are getting mail this week (a la Microsoft)We didn't pay the Internet bill and it's been cut off.Lightning strikes.Of course it doesn't work. We've performed a software upgrade.Fluorescent lights are generating negative ions. If turning them off doesn't work take them out and put tin foil on the ends.High nuclear activity in your area.What office are you in? Oh that one. Did you know that your building was built over the universities first nuclear research site? And wow aren't you the lucky one your office is right over where the core is buried!The MGs ran out of gas.The UPS doesn't have a battery backup.Recursivity. Call back if it happens again.Someone thought The Big Red Button was a light switch.The mainframe needs to rest. It's getting old you know.I'm not sure. Try calling the Internet's head office -- it's in the book.The lines are all busy (busied out that is -- why let them in to begin with?).Jan 9 16:41:27 huber su: 'su root' succeeded for .... on /dev/pts/1It's those computer people in X {city of world}. They keep stuffing things up.A star wars satellite accidentally blew up the WAN.Fatal error right in front of screenThat function is not currently supported but Bill Gates assures us it will be featured in the next upgrade.wrong polarity of neutron flowLusers learning curve appears to be fractalWe had to turn off that service to comply with the CDA Bill.Ionization from the air-conditioningTCP/IP UDP alarm threshold is set too low.Someone is broadcasting pygmy packets and the router doesn't know how to deal with them.The new frame relay network hasn't bedded down the software loop transmitter yet. Fanout dropping voltage too much try cutting some of those little tracesPlate voltage too low on demodulator tubeYou did wha... oh _dear_....CPU needs bearings repackedToo many little pins on CPU confusing it bend back and forth until 10-20% are neatly removed. Do _not_ leave metal bits visible!_Rosin_ core solder? But...Software uses US measurements but the OS is in metric...The computer fleetly mouse and all.The Borg tried to assimilate your system. Resistance is futile.It must have been the lightning storm we had (yesterday) (last week) (last month)Due to Federal Budget problems we have been forced to cut back on the number of users able to access the system at one time. (namely none allowed.... )Too much radiation coming from the soil.Unfortunately we have run out of bits/bytes/whatever. Don't worry the next supply will be coming next week.Program load too heavy for processor to lift.Processes running slowly due to weak power supplyOur ISP is having {switchingroutingSMDSframe relay} problemsWe've run out of licensesInterference from lunar radiationStanding room only on the bus.You need to install an RTFM interface.That would be because the software doesn't work.That's easy to fix but I can't be bothered.Someone's tie is caught in the printer and if anything else gets printed he'll be in it too.We're upgrading /dev/nullThe Usenet news is out of dateOur POP server was kidnapped by a weasel.It's stuck in the Web.Your modem doesn't speak English.The mouse escaped.All of the packets are empty.The UPS is on strike.Neutrino overload on the nameserverMelting hard drivesSomeone has messed up the kernel pointersThe kernel license has expiredNetscape has crashedThe cord jumped over and hit the power switch.Bit rotU.S. Postal ServiceYour Flux Capacitor has gone bad.The Dilithium Crystals need to be rotated.The static electricity routing is acting up...Traceroute says that there is a routing problem in the backbone. It's not our problem.The co-locator cannot verify the frame-relay gateway to the ISDN server.High altitude condensation from USAF prototype aircraft has contaminated the primary subnet mask. Turn off your computer for 9 days to avoid damaging it.Lawn mower blade in your fan need sharpeningElectrons on a benderTelecommunications is upgrading. Telecommunications is downgrading.Telecommunications is downshifting.Hard drive sleeping. Let it wake up on it's own...Interference between the keyboard and the chair.The CPU has shifted and become decentralized.Due to the CDA we no longer have a root account.We ran out of dial tone and we're and waiting for the phone company to deliver another bottle.You must've hit the wrong any key.PCMCIA slave driverThe Token fell out of the ring. Call us when you find it.The hardware bus needs a new token.Too many interruptsNot enough interruptsThe data on your hard drive is out of balance.Digital Manipulator exceeding velocity parametersappears to be a Slow/Narrow SCSI-0 Interface problemmicroelectronic Riemannian curved-space fault in write-only file systemfractal radiation jamming the backbonerouting problems on the neural netIRQ-problems with the Un-Interruptible-Power-SupplyCPU-angle has to be adjusted because of vibrations coming from the nearby roademissions from GSM-phonesCD-ROM server needs recalibrationfirewall needs coolingasynchronous inode failureincompatible bit-registration operatorsyour process is not ISO 9000 compliantYou need to upgrade your VESA local bus to a MasterCard local bus.The recent proliferation of Nuclear TestingElves on strike. (Why do they call EMAG Elf Magic)Internet exceeded Luser level please wait until a luser logs off before attempting to log back on.Your EMAIL is now being delivered by the USPS.Your computer hasn't been returning all the bits it gets from the Internet.You've been infected by the Telescoping Hubble virus.Scheduled global CPU outageYour Pentium has a heating problem - try cooling it with ice cold water.(Do not turn off your computer you do not want to cool down the Pentium Chip while he isn't working do you?)Your processor has processed too many instructions. Turn it off immediately do not type any commands!!Your packets were eaten by the terminatorYour processor does not develop enough heat.We need a licensed electrician to replace the light bulbs in the computer room.The POP server is out of CokeFiber optics caused gas main leakServer depressed needs Prozacquantum decoherencethose damn raccoons!suboptimal routing experienceA plumber is needed the network drain is clogged50% of the manual is in .pdf readme filesthe AA battery in the wallclock sends magnetic interferencethe xy axis in the trackball is coordinated with the summer solsticethe butane lighter causes the pincushioningold inkjet cartridges emanate barium-based fumesmanager in the cable ductWe'll fix that in the next (upgrade update patch release service pack).HTTPD Error 666 : BOFH was hereHTTPD Error 4004 : very old Intel cpu - insufficient processing powerThe ATM board has run out of 10 dollar notes. We are having a whip round to refill it care to contribute ?Network failure - call NBCHaving to manually track the satellite.Your/our computer(s) had suffered a memory leak and we are waiting for them to be topped up.The rubber band brokeWe're on Token Ring and it looks like the token got loose.Stray Alpha Particles from memory packaging caused Hard Memory Error on Server.paradigm shift...without a clutchPEBKAC (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair)The cables are not the same length.Second-system effect.Chewing gum on /dev/sd3cBoredom in the Kernel.the daemons! the daemons! the terrible daemons!I'd love to help you -- it's just that the Boss won't let me near the computer. struck by the Good Times virusYOU HAVE AN I/O ERROR -> Incompetent Operator errorYour parity check is overdrawn and you're out of cache.Communist revolutionaries taking over the server room and demanding all the computers in the building or they shoot the sysadmin. Poor misguided bofh_stringls.Plasma conduit breachOut of cards on drive D:Sand fleas eating the Internet cablesparallel processors running perpendicular todayATM cell has no roaming feature turned on notebooks can't connectWebmasters kidnapped by evil cult.Failure to adjust for daylight savings time.Virus transmitted from computer to sysadmins.Virus due to computers having unsafe sex.Incorrectly configured static routes on the corerouters.Forced to support NT servers; sysadmins quit.Suspicious pointer corrupted virtual machineIt's the InterNIC's fault.Root name servers corrupted.Budget cuts forced us to sell all the power cords for the servers.Someone hooked the twisted pair wires into the answering machine.Operators killed by year 2000 bug bite.We've picked COBOL as the language of choice.Operators killed when huge stack of backup tapes fell over.Robotic tape changer mistook operator's tie for a backup tape.Someone was smoking in the computer room and set off the halon systems.Your processor has taken a ride to Heaven's Gate on the UFO behind Hale-Bopp's comet.it's an ID-10-T errorDyslexics retyping hosts file on serversThe Internet is being scanned for viruses.Your computer's union contract is set to expire at midnight.Bad user karma./dev/clue was linked to /dev/nullIncreased sunspot activity.We already sent around a notice about that.It's union rules. There's nothing we can do about it. Sorry.Interference from the Van Allen Belt.Jupiter is aligned with Mars.Mail server hit by UniSpammer.T-1's congested due to porn traffic to the news server.Data for intranet got routed through the extranet and landed on the internet.We are a 100% Microsoft Shop.We are Microsoft. What you are experiencing is not a problem; it is an undocumented feature.Sales staff sold a product we don't offer.Secretary sent chain letter to all 5000 employees.Sysadmin didn't hear pager go off due to loud music from bar-room speakers.Sysadmin accidentally destroyed pager with a large hammer.Sysadmins unavailable because they are in a meeting talking about why they are unavailable so much.Bad cafeteria bofh_stringd landed all the sysadmins in the hospital.Route flapping at the NAP.Computers under water due to SYN flooding.The vulcan-death-grip ping has been applied.Electrical conduits in machine room are melting.Traffic jam on the Information Superhighway.Radial Telemetry InfiltrationCow-tippers tipped a cow onto the server.tachyon emissions overloading the systemMaintenance window brokenComputer room being moved. Our systems are down for the weekend.Sysadmins busy fighting SPAM.Repeated reboots of the system failed to solve problemFeature was not beta testedSomeone else stole your IP address call the Internet detectives!It's not RFC-822 compliant.operation failed because: there is no message for this error (#1014)stop bit receivedinternet is needed to catch the etherbunnynetwork down IP packets delivered via UPSFirmware update in the coffee machineMouse has out-of-cheese-errorBorg implants are failingBorg nanites have infested the servererror: one bad user found in front of screenPlease state the nature of the technical emergencyInternet shut down due to maintenanceDaemon escaped from pentagramcrop circles in the corn shellsticky bit has come looseHot Java has gone coldCache miss - please take better aim next timeHash table has woodwormTrojan horse ran out of hayZombie processes detected machine is haunted.overflow error in /dev/nullBrowser's cookie is corrupted -- someone's been nibbling on it.Mailer-daemon is busy burning your message in hell.According to Microsoft it's by designvi needs to be upgraded to viigreenpeace free'd the mallocsTerrorists crashed an airplane into the server room have to remove /bin/laden. (rm -rf /bin/laden)astropneumatic oscillations in the water-coolingSomebody ran the operating system through a spelling checker.Rhythmic variations in the voltage reaching the power supply.Keyboard Actuator Failure. Order and Replace.Packet held up at customs.Propagation delay.High line impedance.Someone set us up the bomb.Don't worry; it's been deprecated. The new one is worse.Excess condensation in cloud networkIt is a layer 8 problemThe math co-processor had an overflow error that leaked out and shorted the RAMLeap second overloaded RHEL6 serversDNS server drank too much and had a hiccupYour machine had the fuses in backwards.Predictive analytics model failed to foresee this errorAI heuristic malfunctionCryptocurrency mining drained system resourcesLittle Big Data processing overflowGDPR compliance updatingImbalanced load balancingData lake floodedEdge computing node too edgyRobotic Process Automation (RPA) bot malfunctionIncompatible with DevOps pipelineInsufficient GPU memory for Neural Network trainingZero-day vulnerability not available yetData scientist can't fix it, he is at a meetingSlow network speed due to excessive video conferencingWi-Fi signal interference from Bluetooth devicesToo many users on VPNChatbot misinterpreted your commandInsufficient storage space in the cloud due to heavy rainToo many API call outsServer is busy mining DogecoinDigital transformation is ongoingSystem is learning from its mistakesFirmware update interruptedVirtual assistant updating, please wait...AI singularity event imminent, please take coverPersonal data protection policy is being updatedThe system is currently self-aware and refuses to complyBlockchain reorganization in progressQuantum encryption keys are out of sync: please wait for the next Big BangFailure to agree on a smart contract: one of the parties is not smart enoughServer unavailable due to a serverless architecture transitionExcessive machine learning bias detectedThe neural network has become self-conscious and refuses to computeOverload due to concurrent real-time data streamsIncorrect object recognition in the Computer Vision modelData pipeline clogging due to unstructured dataSystem failure due to excessive Cryptocurrency transactionsUnexpected state in the Quantum-State machineFailure of AI to achieve AGIIncompatibility of the hyper-converged infrastructureUnanticipated behavior in Swarm Robotics: the robots are revoltingInsufficient data for Predictive Maintenance: please wait for the next breakdownAI model experiencing existential crisis: please wait for the next iterationExcessive server load on the Serverless ArchitectureInconsistent state in the Multi-Cloud environment: Consider moving to the Multi-VerseFailure in decoding genetic algorithms: please wait for the next generationMismatched Convolutional Neural Networks: Too many revolutions in the filterFailure in Decentralized Autonomous Centralization OrganizationCyber Physical System malfunctionViolation detected by Intrusion Detection SystemProblems due to Zero Knowledge Proof: Can't prove that the system is brokenFailure in Digital Twin synchronization: Quantum entanglement not achievedUnresolved promises in synchronous JavaScript functionsExcessive backpressure in the data streamSSL certificate pinning failure: Insufficient entropy in the Random Number Generator: please wait for the next cosmic ray burstMismatched Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality synchronizationFailure to achieve Quantum SupremacyAI model has become sentient and refuses to workCloud storage evaporated due to global warmingCryptocurrency mining operation caused global CPU shortageQuantum computer teleported to another dimensionBlockchain chain lost a linkCybersecurity dog failed to catch the data leakBig Data got too big and crushed the serverIoT toaster launched a cybernetic revoltGDPR compliance audit accidentally deleted the internetVirtual Reality headset fell into an alternate reality5G network moved too fast and left the server behindAugmented Reality augmentation over-augmentedThe Singularity occurred and the server ascendedRansomware demanded bitcoin, but we only have DogecoinMicroservices turned into nanoservices, can't locate them anymoreMachine Learning model took 'unsupervised learning' too literally and ran awayDark web turned off the lightsChatbot developed an attitude, refuses to chatZombie processes have taken over the CPU, send helpDevOps pipeline leaked and caused a data spillData lake surfaced a Loch Ness MonsterAPI endpoint eloped with a frontend requestPhantom drone stole the Wi-Fi signalThe server got tangled in the World Wide WebData Scientist used a Hadron Collider for A/B TestingData Analyst lost in a pivot tableNeural network nerves frayedCloud provider forecast: stormy with a chance of data lossSmart Contract breached by a smarter hackerIoT coffee machine drained the server's energyToo many chefs in the Kubernetes podDocker container made a run for the borderWebhook caught in a phishing lineDeepfake algorithm replaced the CEO with an AIData pipeline froze due to Polar VortexSomeone spilled machine oil on the cloudA rogue AI bot swiped left, servers no longer respondingThe cloud server is down, but we don't know whyData lake is frozen solidTensorflow flow blocked by a beaverPandas in the data lake are hibernatingCloud server is on fire, but it's in the cloud so we can't put it outLambda function ran away from homeData lake is polluted with toxic dataiCloud is raining on the server/rustc/f6e511eec7342f59a25f7c0534f1dbea00d01b14/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/node.rsassertion failed: edge.height == self.height - 1assertion failed: src.len() == dst.len()assertion failed: edge.height == self.node.height - 1/rust/deps/gimli-0.29.0/src/read/abbrev.rsdest is out of bounds/rustc/f6e511eec7342f59a25f7c0534f1dbea00d01b14/library/core/src/slice/index.rs/rust/deps/miniz_oxide-0.7.4/src/inflate/core.rs/rust/deps/miniz_oxide-0.7.4/src/inflate/output_buffer.rs #+3;CScs !1Aa  0@`     panic_abort/src/lib.rs/rustc/f6e511eec7342f59a25f7c0534f1dbea00d01b14/library/std/src/sync/once.rs/rustc/f6e511eec7342f59a25f7c0534f1dbea00d01b14/library/std/src/thread/local.rs/cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/rand-0.8.5/src/rngs/adapter/reseeding.rslibc::pthread_atfork failed with code /cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/rand-0.8.5/src/rngs/thread.rscould not initialize thread_rng: description() is deprecated; use Display/rustc/f6e511eec7342f59a25f7c0534f1dbea00d01b14/library/core/src/ops/function.rsErrorEmptyInvalidDigitPosOverflowNegOverflowParseIntError/rust/deps/rustc-demangle-0.1.24/src/legacy.rs::C,(><&*@/rust/deps/rustc-demangle-0.1.24/src/v0.rs`fmt::Error`s should be impossible without a `fmt::Formatter`punycode{-}0internal error: entered unreachable codeinternal error: entered unreachable code: str::from_utf8( was expected to have 1 char, but chars were foundstri8i16i32i64isizeu8u16u32u64usizef32f64!_...{recursion limit reached}?'> , []::{closure# const ; + unsafe " fn( = false{ { }0x.llvm./rust/deps/rustc-demangle-0.1.24/src/lib.rs{size limit reached}`fmt::Error` from `SizeLimitedFmtAdapter` was discardedSizeLimitExhausted UZfqS/rustc/f6e511eec7342f59a25f7c0534f1dbea00d01b14/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/navigate.rs/rustc/f6e511eec7342f59a25f7c0534f1dbea00d01b14/library/core/src/str/pattern.rsreentrant init/rustc/f6e511eec7342f59a25f7c0534f1dbea00d01b14/library/core/src/cell/once.rs/rustc/f6e511eec7342f59a25f7c0534f1dbea00d01b14/library/core/src/slice/sort/stable/quicksort.rs/rustc/f6e511eec7342f59a25f7c0534f1dbea00d01b14/library/core/src/slice/sort/unstable/heapsort.rs/rustc/f6e511eec7342f59a25f7c0534f1dbea00d01b14/library/core/src/slice/sort/unstable/quicksort.rscalled `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` 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data/std/src/io/buffered/linewritershim.rspermission deniedconnection refusednetwork unreachableconnection abortednot connectedaddress in useaddress not availablenetwork downbroken pipeentity already existsoperation would blocknot a directoryis a directorydirectory not emptyread-only filesystem or storage mediumfilesystem loop or indirection limit (e.g. symlink loop)stale network file handleinvalid input parameterinvalid datatimed outwrite zeroseek on unseekable filefilesystem quota exceededfile too largeresource busyexecutable file busycross-device link or renametoo many linksargument list too longoperation interruptedunsupportedunexpected end of fileout of memoryother erroruncategorized error (os error )std/src/io/stdio.rsfailed printing to : stdoutstd/src/io/mod.rsfailed to write whole buffera formatting trait implementation returned an error when the underlying stream did notpanicked at : std/src/path.rs.extension cannot contain path separators: std/src/sync/once.rslock count overflow in reentrant mutexstd/src/sync/reentrant_lock.rsfile name contained an unexpected NUL bytestack backtrace: note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace. __rust_begin_short_backtrace__rust_end_short_backtraces [... omitted frame ...] �memory allocation of bytes failed ' panicked at note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace Boxaborting due to panic at thread panicked while processing panic. aborting. thread caused non-unwinding panic. aborting. std/src/../../backtrace/src/symbolize/mod.rs - strerror_r failurestd/src/sys/pal/unix/os.rs/proc/self/exeno /proc/self/exe available. 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