# GitHub Workflow Parser - [GitHub Workflow Parser](#github-workflow-parser) - [Purpose](#purpose) - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Example of a created issue's body](#example-of-a-created-issues-body) - [`Test template xilinx` (ID 21442749267)](#test-template-xilinx-id-21442749267) - [Code documentation](#code-documentation) # Purpose Make automatic issue creation a lot smarter. Adding error labels, link to specific runs and appropriate error logs. ![help-screenshot](docs/help-screenshot.png) # Installation Build from source or install with `cargo install gh-workflow-parser` # Usage Run `gh-workflow-parse --help` to get started. ## Example of a created issue's body **Run ID**: 7858139663 [LINK TO RUN](github.com/luftkode/distro-template/actions/runs/7858139663) **1 job failed:** - **`Test template xilinx`** ### `Test template xilinx` (ID 21442749267) **Step failed:** `📦 Build yocto image` \ **Log:** github.com/luftkode/distro-template/actions/runs/7858139663/job/21442749267 \ *Best effort error summary*: ``` ERROR: sqlite3-native-3_3.43.2-r0 do_fetch: Bitbake Fetcher Error: MalformedUrl('${SOURCE_MIRROR_URL}') ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /app/yocto/build/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/sqlite3-native/3.43.2/temp/log.do_fetch.21616 ERROR: Task (virtual:native:/app/yocto/build/../poky/meta/recipes-support/sqlite/sqlite3_3.43.2.bb:do_fetch) failed with exit code '1' 2024-02-11 00:09:04 - ERROR - Command "/app/yocto/poky/bitbake/bin/bitbake -c build test-template-ci-xilinx-image package-index" failed with error 1 ```
``` blabla error ```
# Code documentation Available [HERE](https://docs.rs/gh-workflow-parser/latest/gh_workflow_parser/)