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There are many ways to generate version information for a repository. They usually involve processing `GITHUB_REF` in some [way](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58177786/get-the-current-pushed-tag-in-github-actions), maybe using even using [github-script](https://github.com/actions/github-script). This repository is also an example of how to create a docker github action that compiles a rust entrypoint in a container and then moves it to a second, minimal container. ## Outputs The following are the *primary* outputs of this action, usually the ones used for versioning: - `version_tagged`: for repositories that should only deploy on tags, it's defined if the github event was a push of a tag. The output itself is the tag, with the optional `v` stripped. This output can be overriden via the `OVERRIDE_VERSION_TAGGED` environment variable. - `version_commit`: for repositories that deploy on tags and on all commits to `master` or `main`. It's defined if the github event was a push of a tag or of one of those branches. The output itself is the the tag that was pushed, or the most recent tag on the branch followed by the distance between the branch and the tag (always with the `v` stripped). This output can be overriden via the `OVERRIDE_VERSION_COMMIT` environment variable. - `version_docker_ci`: for repositories that deploy to [hub.docker](http://hub.docker.com/) continuously. If the commit was pushed to `master` or `main`, the variable has the value *"latest"*; if a tag was pushed, it has the tag (`v` stripped); otherwise, it has the value *"null"* as a string. This last case allows us to always use the variable as the version for the [build-push-action], which doesn't like empty strings. This output can be overriden via the `OVERRIDE_VERSION_DOCKER_CI` environment variable. You can these variables in action in the [Examples](#examples) section. This github action is also able to check if a project-specific version matches with the latest tags. At the moment, only rust's *Cargo.toml* file is checked. If there's a mismatch and a new tag is being pushed, the action fails. ### Secondary outputs These are the *secondary* outputs that might be useful for debugging or as alternative versioning schemes: - `is_push`: if the github event was identified, "true" if the event was a push or "false" otherwise. - `is_tag`: if the github ref was identified, "true" if the ref is a tag, false otherwise. - `is_main`: "true" if the github ref was for a branch named `main` or `master`. - `is_push_tag`: "true" if a tag was pushed. - `is_push_main`: "true" if `main` or `master` were pushed. - `commit`: the hash of the commit. - `commit_main`: the hash of the commit where the main/master branch is. - `is_main_here`: "true" if the main/master branch coincides with the current commit. - `git_describe_tags`: the output of `git describe --tags` - `tag_latest`: the most recent tag. - `distance`: the distance between the current commit and `tag_latest`. - `tag_distance`: `tag_latest-distance` - `tag_head`: the tag on HEAD, if there's a tag on HEAD (does not depend on the gitub event). - `dash_distance`: `-` prepended to `distance` - `tag_latest_ltrimv`: `tag_latest` without the optional leading `v`. - `tag_head_ltrimv`: `tag_head` without the optionsl leading `v`, if `tag_head` was defined. - `rust_crate_version`: the version in *Cargo.toml* if it exists. - `version_tagged`: `tag_head_ltrimv` if `is_push_tag`. - `version_commit`: `tag_head_ltrimv` if `is_push_tag` or `tag_distance_ltrimv` if `is_push_main`. - `version_docker_ci`: *"latest"* if `is_push_main`, `tag_head_ltrimv` if `is_push_tag`. - `version_mismatch`: if there's a version mismatch between the contents of a file and the latest tag, this is the error message. This also appears as a github action "error". ## Examples ### `version_tagged` and `version_commit` Using `version_tagged` and `version_commit` is quite simple: ```yml jobs: deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - id: version uses: docker://lpenz/ghaction-version-gen:0.13.4 ... - name: deploy uses: if: steps.version.outputs.version_tagged != '' with: version: ${{ steps.version.outputs.version_tagged }} ``` That gets the *deploy* step to run only when a tag is pushed, and sets `version` to the tag with the optional `v` prefix stripped. If we replace `version_tagged` with `version_commit` in the example above, we get an additional behavior: `version_commit` is also defined when `main` or `master` are pushed, and it assumes the value of the last tag (`v` stripped) suffixed with `-` and the distance of the pushed commit to that tag. This should be used in projects that want to deploy every time `main` is pushed. ### `version_docker_ci` The `version_docker_ci` variable was designed to work with the docker's [build-push-action]. It should be used in projects where we would use want to deploy from tags and from `main`/`master`, but we want `main`/`master` to be identified as `latest` in docker hub. This is how it's used: ```yml jobs: deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - id: version uses: docker://lpenz/ghaction-version-gen:0.13.4 - uses: docker/login-action@v1 with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }} - uses: docker/build-push-action@v2 with: push: ${{ steps.version.outputs.version_docker_ci != 'null' }} tags: ${{ github.repository }}:${{ steps.version.outputs.version_docker_ci }} ``` Note that we don't make the [build-push-action] step conditional because we always want to build the container. Instead, we make `push` conditional, by checking that `version_docker_ci` is not `null`. We use `null` instead of the empty string as a workaround, because the action doesn't let us use an empty string as the version in `tags`. [build-push-action]: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/build-and-push-docker-images