{ "name": "ghc", "version": "0.1.13", "authors": [ "Anonymous " ], "about": "Cli for efficient development in china\nExample:\nghc .js .toml => in current dir find all *.js *.toml and if contain https://github.com repleace to https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com\nghc config => in current dir find all config files and if contain https://github.com repleace to https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com", "args": [ { "arg": "--all", "short": "-a", "required": false, "about": "Find all files that contain https://github.com repleace to https://ghproxy.", "takes_value": false }, { "arg": "--recover", "short": "-r", "required": false, "about": "recover the files that repleaced to original", "takes_value": false } ] }