# ghetto-lock [![Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/letmutx/ghetto-lock-rs.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/letmutx/ghetto-lock-rs.svg?branch=master) NOTE: This crate has been moved to https://crates.io/crates/macgyver-lock This library implements the ghetto lock described [here](https://github.com/memcached/memcached/wiki/ProgrammingTricks#ghetto-central-locking). The lock isn't resistant to server failures and should be used only in situations where strong locking guarantees are not required. A popular use case for this lock is to avoid the [stampeding herd problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thundering_herd_problem) caused by a cache miss. ## Usage: Add to your `Cargo.toml`: ``` ghetto-lock = "0.2.0" ``` ## Example: ```rust use ghetto_lock::{LockOptions, LockError}; use memcache::Client; use std::borrow::Cow; fn expensive_computation() -> u64 { 2 * 2 } fn main() { let mut client = Client::connect("memcache://localhost:11211").expect("error creating client"); let mut lock = LockOptions::new(Cow::Borrowed("db-lock"), Cow::Borrowed("owner-1")) .with_expiry(1) .build() .expect("failed to build client"); let value = client.get("key").expect("failed to get key"); let v = if value.is_none() { lock.try_acquire() .and_then(|_guard| { // compute and update cache for other instances to consume let v = expensive_computation(); client.set("key", v, 5).expect("failed to set key"); Ok(v) }) .or_else(|_| loop { // poll cache key until it is updated. let v = client.get("key").expect("failed to get key"); if v.is_none() { continue; } break Ok::<_, LockError>(v.unwrap()); }).unwrap() } else { value.unwrap() }; assert_eq!(4, v); } ```