VERSION := `toml get Cargo.toml package.version | jq -r` TARGET_DIR := "target/release" # List available commands default: @just --list --unsorted # Generate the readme as .md md: #!/usr/bin/env bash asciidoctor -b docbook -a leveloffset=+1 -o - README_src.adoc | pandoc --markdown-headings=atx --wrap=preserve -t markdown_strict -f docbook - > # Generate usage samples _usage: cargo run -q -- --help > doc/usage.adoc # Generate documentation doc:_usage cargo doc --all-features --no-deps # Run rustfmt _fmt: cargo fmt --all # Run clippy _clippy: cargo +nightly clippy --all-features --all-targets # Run checks such as clippy, rustfmt, etc... check: _clippy _fmt # Create a new tag using the current version git_tag: @git tag v{{ VERSION }} -f @git tag | sort -rn | head # Push the newly created tag git_tag_push: @git push origin v{{ VERSION }} -f